

 Send in Your Obituary Information

Rome Sentinel, Thursday 28 June 1883
 Verona, June 28 - Miss Jane E. Abell died Tuesday morning at 2 o'clock, aged 41 years and seven days.  Miss Abell was well known in Verona and surrounding places as a successful school teacher, having taught 35 terms of school.  She was a member of the M.E. Church and Sunday school, and will be greatly missed by that church.  The funeral will be held to-day at 2 o'clock p.m. at the residence of her stepfather, John Belshaw.
 Rome Daily Sentinel, Friday 29 June 1883
 Verona, June 29 - The funeral of Miss Jane Abell was held at the residence of her parents yesterday at 2 o'clock p.m.  The deceased was born near Sconondoa, in this town, June 19, 1842. Her father died when she was two years old. Her mother married John Belshaw, with whom she has resided.  She leaves an aged grandmother, in her 98th year.  Miss Abell had always followed the occupation of school teacher and was an active member of the M.E. Church, greatly respected by all.  Rev. Joseph Baird conducted the services.
Darlene Utter

Sarah M. Wooley Alvord
Rome Sentinel-August 9, 1915
Mrs. Sarah M. Alvord died at 9:30 o'clock last night at the home of Miss Arvie McDonald of this village, in her 71st year.  Her home was in the town of Annsville, but she had been at the home of Miss McDonald for a couple of weeks.  She was born June 29, 1845, in Camden, and was a daughter of John and Saphrona Rowell Wooley.  Practically all her life had been spent in Camden and Annsville.  June 2, 1870 she was married to John Alvord, who died nine years ago.  Surviving are two sons, Burdette Alvord of Rome and Fay Alvord of Syracuse, a daughter, Mrs. Aaron Waterman of Annsville and a sister, Mrs. P. R. Teachout of Camden.  The funeral will be held Wednesday at the undertaking parlors of Sanborn and burial will be in Forest Park Cemetery.
Kathy Last

ALLEN, Royce

"Royce Allen died at his residence in Munson, on Sunday morning, February 18, 1880.  He had been ailing for some months, failing gradually until at last quietly and peacefully his life passed away.  He was born in Camden, Oneida Co, NY in 1817; came to Peoria County, New York in 1843; was married to a daughter of Eli Wilson in 1846; and settled in Henry Co in 1852.  Since that time his house has been a sort of central landmark in the town of Munson - a home of unostenation, but generous hospitality.  Many, indeed, are they who have been welcomed by Mr & Mrs. Allen to their social board and family circle; and many were the acquaintanceships an friendships formed by our departed brother, during his twenty-seven years residence in our county. This high esteem and warm personal friendship was well represented by the gathering at the funeral ceremonies, under circumstances of unusual difficulty.  It was truly interesting to witness the grave and tender expression on the face of those who in the long procession took their last look on the sleeping form.
Royce Allen was a quiet, unassuming man, somewhat reticent, but of even and cheerful temperament.  He was a man of active intellect, quite interested in his early life in scientific and physiological subjects, both a reader and thinker.  More than this, his mind was ever open to the discovery of new truth and the highway of progress.  Human rights were sacred in his sight
and no sacrifice or labor were shunned by him in their defense.  He believe in equality and liberty as the common God-given heritage of all, without regard to birth, or sex, or color.  He was also progressive in his religious views and spiritual development.  Diligent and active in business, frank and generous in social life, faithful and true in the duties and responsibilities of a citizen, he was through all and above all an earnest seeker after spiritual knowledge and attainment.  Casting aside many old dogmas, her rejoiced in new views of life, death, and the future.    Broadly and cheerfully tolerant, he traversed all the walks of life, but held firmly to his bright and beautiful faith until his peaceful passage through the gate that leads to the summer land.  Many are the friends who will join in this tribute, and tenderly will they join in our expression of sympathy with the bereaved wife and children.  Doubtless they fell and mourn his loss, but rejoice in touching and tender memories of husband and father.  A plain man, but true and genuine, a man of character, his memory is a legacy to all who knew him.  Especially may his example be strong in moulding the life and character of young men.

Eugene M. Alvord
Rome Sentinel-August 12, 1935
Camden - Aug. 12 - Eugene M. Alvord, 79, died suddenly Sunday, of a heart attack while on the porch of the home of Dr. H. W. Bell to whom he had been taken by his son Herbert, for treatment for an attack of acute indigestion.  Mr. & Mrs. Alvord observed their golden wedding anniversary a week ago.  He was born in the town of Camden, Nov. 3, 1855, son of Henry and Nancy Salisbury Alvord and married Miss Pauline Reinhardt, North Bay, Aug.4, 1885.  He had always resided in this vicinity and for the last 15 years at 84 Third St.  Mr. Alvord was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church.  Besides his wife, he is survived by three children, Herbert at home, Mrs. Henry Loopman, Mohawk, and Mrs. H. B. Cross, Rome, three grandchildren, Pearl and Henry Loopman Jr., Mohawk, and Robert Sullivan Jr., Utica.  Funeral services will be held at his late home, 84 Third St., on Wednesday at 2 pm.  Burial in charge of Sanborns will be made in McConnellsville Cemetery.
Kathy Last

Frozen to Death--THE ROME CITIZEN of 3 January, 1862
Levi Anderson, an old resident of Rome was found in the woods, on Sunday last, near Kent town, where he had been chopping the previous day.  It was supposed that he was at some of the neighbors on Saturday night, and the search did not, therefore, commence until Sunday. Coroner Van Vleck held an inquest. Liquor, we are informed, had something to do with the matter.

ANSTEY, Sarah Street
Utica Daily Press March 24, 1906 page 5

Sarah Street, widow of George J. Anstey, died at her home, No. 222 Neilson  Street at 10:20 last night.  She sustained a stroke of paralysis last June, but recovered so that she was quite comfortable.  At an early hour yesterday morning, she had another stroke and soon became unconscious and sank rapidly.  Her death was easy and painless.  Mrs. Anstey was born in Somersetshire, England, May 26, 1830, and, was a daughter of John and Mary Hutchinson Street.  Her father was a corporal to Wellington's army and fought at Waterloo.  He was in the army for twenty-eight years, and had a medal for bravery which he had received from Queen Victoria.  His daughter Sarah was married at Handley, in Dorsetshire, July 5, 1850, to George J. Anstey, the ceremony being performed by Rev. Arthur Anstey.  The day after the wedding the couple started for America and came to this section.  They lived for a short time at Marcy and later on Steele's Hill, but most of their lives was spent in this city.
  Mr. Anstey was foreman of Warnick & Brown's Tobacco factory for sixteen years, during which time he lived on Hotel Street.  He died April 30, 1888.  Mrs. Anstey was a member of the Church of England and in this city she attended Calvary Church for many years.  Of late she has attended Immanuel Baptist Church, as she was advanced in years and it was nearer her home.  Mrs. Anstey was greatly devoted to her home and family and wa one of the best of mothers.  Her whole life was lived for her children and she was always planning and contriving to see what she could do for her children and grandchildren.  She was of cheerful disposition and a most interesting conversationalist.  She was a good neighbor and friend, and her long life was one of usefulness.  She will be much missed, especially in the home circle.  Her surbiving children are William and Arthur of Utica, Charles A. of Aranac, Mich., Mrs. James Browning of Clinton, Mrs. Mary Peacock and Miss Rose Anstey of Utica.  Of grandchildren she leaves nine.  Karen M. Gill