in Your Obituary Information
Oswego Palladium, June 28, 1879
Old Zack. Barnes.
Death of the Most Notable Man in the Early
History of Boating on the Erie - The Murderer of Van Schaik and His Eventful
Zachariah Barnes
died in Forestport, Oneida county, a few days ago, aged about 67 years.
Zack. Barnes was one of the earliest and most noted boatmen on the Erie
Canal, when life on the erie was one of adventure and hard knocks.
Our townsman, Chester Penfield, contributes
the following history of Barnes, which involves also some interesting reminiscences
of early boating on the Erie:
The death of Zachariah Barnes, when it came
to the notice of the writer, revived old recollections, the earliest of
which was in the year 1832 in the town of Westmoreland, Oneida county,
in a place called Spencer Settlement, three miles southeast from Rome -
a place where a large number of boatmen lived.
In this place lived Zachariah Barnes and
boarded with his brother, james, a farmer. Zack, as he was called, followed
the canal summers and boarded with his brother winters. He was a powerful
man physically, standing 6 feet 4 inches tall, with broad chest, small
waist, long arms and a wonderful ability to use his feet for self defense,
leaving very little for his hands to do in a fight.
It was noted that he would stand very close
to a man when in an altercation and with the utmost ease kick him in the
face. As fighting was a common practice in the early history of the Erie
Canal, he became noted among boatmen as the champion. Zack had accumulated
a little competence by saving and industry, and bought a small farm. He
was temperate in his habits and had formed the acquaintance of a respectable
young lady and was expecting after the close of the canal in the fall of
1834 to be married; but an evil spirit brooded over his destiny in a fight
with a man named Daniel Van Schaik of New London, Oneida county. He killed
Van Schaik and went to Rome and surrendered himself to the sheriff.
He was tried for murder and defended by Joshua
Spencer and Henry A. Foster; was convicted of manslaughter in he third
degree and was fined $1,000, which his brother paid for him, taking the
farm. This event changed the whole history of this man.
The young lady refused to marry him, and
remained single, but died a few years later with a broken heart. Barnes
took to drink and tried to drown the recollection of the Rome swamp tragedy.
Following the canal for several years, with an increasing appetite for
drink, he became at last incapable of following the occupation of inland
navigator, had to leave the canal, and at last yielded to the king of terrors.
Such is a brief outline of a character who
was widely known among the old boatmen and old citizens of Oneida county.
The numerous incidents of his erratic career are well known to old boatmen
that it would be useless to recount them; but one showing his prominent
trait of kindness to the poor, may be mentioned.
He was a strong wrestler, and on one occasion
he desired to assist a poor widow to buy a cow. So he accepted a challenge
to wrestle the champion in that section for $25, the stakes, if won, to
be given to the poor woman to buy a cow. He won the match, dislocating
his opponent's ankle. The stakeholder bought the poor woman a cow and barrel
of flour with the money.
Zack never married, having sworn a vow after
the Van Schaik murder and the result it had on his engagement with the
young woman, that he would never marry, and which he kept. He was for many
years the notable figure among Erie Canal boatmen, who in spite of his
failings, will be sorry to hear that he is dead.
Rome Sentinel, February 3, 1880
Death of Rev.
Lyman Beach – Indian Missionary – Methodist Clergyman in Rome in 1828,
when the First M.E. Church was built – End of a long useful life.
Rev. Lyman Beach died at the residence of
his son, John Beach, at Knoxboro, Friday of last week, aged 87 years.
The funeral services will be held at Knoxboro Wednesday, at 11 a.m. and
the body will be buried in the Verona Cemetery Wednesday afternoon, by
the side of the remains of his wife, who died seven years ago. Our
Verona correspondent writes: Mr. Beach was born in Wallingford, Conn.,
Dec. 25, 1792. He was married to Patty Doolittle in 1811. In
1816 he and his family moved to Stockbridge, N. Y., where he made a home
in the wilderness and among the Indians. Mr. Beach was self-educated,
and prior to 1828 he acted as a missionary among the Indians, and as local
preacher and exhorter in Oneida and Madison counties. In 1828, he
was appointed to the Rome circuit, and during this year the First M.E.
Church at the foot of Court Street, Rome, was erected and dedicated by
him, assisted by Rev. Alexander Irwin. In 1829, he was sent to Camden,
N.Y. and in 1880 was changed to the Oneida Conference, and sent to Lebanon,
N.Y. In 1832-’33 at Brookfield; 1834-’35, Norwich; 1836-’37, Westmoreland;
1838-’39, Litchfield; 1840-’41, Deansville and Clinton; 1842, Sangerfield;
1843-’44, Augusta; 1846, Smyrna; 1847, Hamilton; 1848-’49, Brookfield;
1850, Onondaga; 1851 Onondaga Mission; 1852, Camillus; 1853-’54, Lowell;
1855, Westmoreland; 1857, Bennett’s Corners and Indian Mission. He
entered the ministry at the age of 20 years, going from place to place
on horseback with saddle-bags behind him. He was a power in the early
days of the church, and many weak societies in this and adjoining counties
built houses of worship, increased in strength and grew in influence through
his zeal in the cause of religion. His manner as a preacher was forcible,
and many Verona people will remember the orthodox and convincing sermons
he has preached when supplying the M.E. pulpit in Verona. He maintained
extreme views in religion and politics, and his old acquaintances will
remember his radical discussions of the political questions of the day.
Born a Democrat, he at all times defended his political opinions with the
same earnestness in which he expounded his religion. About 15 years
of his life were spent in Verona after his retirement from active service
in the ministry, until within a few years. Mr. Beach had been very
active for one of his age, but had gradually failed for a year or more.
“Father Beach,” as he was familiarly called, was a pensioner of the war
of 1812, in which he served as a musician. In his later years
he delighted to play upon the fife and drum, and many of the embers of
the old 101st Regiment of the National Guard of 1864-1865 will remember
a tall, erect old gentleman 72 years of age, with long white hair, marching
at the head of Co. II at all parades, with either fife or drum. Mr.
Beach leaves nine children: Rev. Whiting Beach, Lyman and Charles
Beach and Mrs. Voorhees of Mansfield, PA.; Chauncey Beach and Mrs. Spaulding,
of Fort Atkinson, Wis., Mrs. Dann of Verona; John Beach of Knoxboro, NY,,
and Mrs. Rev. Wm. E. York, of Stockbridge, NY. Thus has passed away
one of the eldest residents of the county, one of the pioneers of this
section, and one who exerted a powerful influence for good.
Joanne Scheible Hurst
Rome Sentinel, January 30, 1871
BEACH, Patty
Died at Verona, January 21, 1871, Patty,
the wife of the Rev. Lyman Beach, a member of the New York Central Conference,
aged 78 years. She experienced religion in her youthful days, and
maintained the Christian character to the last. She was the mother
of eleven children, ten of whom are heads of families, and nine are still
living; about eighty grand-children, and thirty-six great-grand-children.
Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord.
L. Beach
Joanne Scheible Hurst
Rome, Nov. 1--Mrs.
Albert Beckwith died Monday at her home, 850 West Dominick Street.
Her maiden name was Mabel Evans. She was born in Green-[deleted] March
3, 1887, coming to Rome 10 years ago. On October 24, 1906, she married
Mr. Beckwith. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Dean S. Bedford, pastor
of the Wesleyan Methodist Church, of which [the] deceased was a member,
and a faithful worker in the church and Sunday school. During her residence
in Rome she made a great many friends who were deeply grieved to learn
of her death. Surviving are her husband and an infant son and her foster
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Williams, of this city The funeral was largely
attended at the church this afternoon.
The funeral of Mrs. Albert Beckwith was held
from her late home, 850 W. Dominick Street, at 1:30 p.m. today and at the
Wesleyan Methodist Church at 2 o'clock. The services were conducted by
Rev. Dean S. Bedford. The bearers were Fre[d] Beckwith, Jesse Beckwith,
James Hawkins, William Roe, George Jon[deleted] and Ralph Williams. Interment
was made in Rome Cemetery.
Note: From a family scrapbook. Clipping probably
from the Rome Sentinel, year probably c. 1900-1904. A picture of Mabel
is included.
From an unnamed and undated New York newspaper:
Delta, Aug. 7 -- Betsy, wife of Nathan
Bellinger, died yesterday afternoon, of cancer or tumor in the abdomen,
aged 51 years. Mrs. Bellinger was taken sick some nine or ten weeks
ago. A doctor was called, and on examination said the patient had
a tumor. Another doctor pronounced the disease a cancer. Her
sickness was attended with continued and almost spasmodic pains.
Mrs. Bellinger was the youngest child of the late George Potter of Floyd,
and sister of G.B. Potter of Western, Mrs. Clark Mace of Boonville, and
Mrs. John Spink of Glenmore. Mrs. B. embraced the Christian religion
in her youth. She united with the M.E. Church and was a consistent
and exemplary member to the last. She was an excellent neighbor and
a kind and indulgent mother. She leaves a husband and two daughters,
Jennie and Mary, to mourn their loss. The funeral will be held at
the house at 10 o'clock A.M. on Saturday, the 10th inst.
Submitted by Dawna Holst
BELL, Hugh Harrison
Amador Dispatch 6-25-1881, Plymouth,
Amador Co., CA
Hugh Bell, Sr. was born in Oneida County,
New York Aug 15 1800. He was the youngest child of a family of five, three
boys and two girls. In 1818 he left New York going to Pennsylvania, Ohio,
Indiana, and Illinois, in each of which he resided for a short period,
remaining in the latter something over two years. The year 1824 found
him, in Washington county, MO. Here he married and remained until early
in the spring of 1849 when he emigrated to California with his family,
crossing the plains with an ox team. On the 5th of September, 1849, he
pitched his tent upon Long's Bar on the Feather River in Butte, Co. He
remained in Butte county until early in the spring of 1854 when he moved
with his family to Drytown in this county, where he had the misfortune
to get his broken by a ficious mule which he was trying to bridle. Owing
to the incompetence of the two surgeons who attended him he remained a
perminent cripple, they pronouncing his leg only sprained when in reality
the thigh bone was broken just below the head of the femores or femor (thigh
bone).He held the office of associate judge of this county for three consecutive
terms. In 1876 he was nominated by the Democrats for the office of
Supervisor of this district, and notwithstanding the district was considerable
Republican he was beaten by his opponent only be three votes.
Submitted by George
W. Ackerman 2g grandson of Hugh H. Bell
Rome Daily Sentinel, Monday 23 May 1898
Oneida, May 23 - Mrs. Betsy Belshaw
of this town, widow of John Belshaw, died on Saturday. Mrs. Belshaw was
a native of Schoharie county, aged 78 years, and had been a resident of
Verona since 1831. She had been ill since last fall, suffering from a complication
of diseases, but had been under the care of a physician for only about
two weeks. She was the daughter of Mrs. Poll Near, who died about
ten years ago, aged 102 years. The nearest relative is a brother,
Calvin Near, living in Michigan. Mrs. Belshaw was a member of the
Methodist Church at Verona.
Darlene Utter
Post - June 21, 1913
Catherine Welch
Bennett, widow of Thomas J. Bennett, an aged and hightly esteemed resident
of the city passed away very suddenly Tuesday, June 17, 1913 at her home,
37 Buffalo Street. Her son, David passed away about four months ago and
this was a great shock to the aged mother. She never recovered from the
loss of her son and death finally came as a relief to her sorrow.
Mrs. Bennett was born in County Kerry, Ireland
81 years ago. At the age of 17 she came to this country and in 1851 she
married Mr. Bennett near Albany. Ten years later the couple moved to Westmoreland,
where they resided until 30 years ago, when they came to Utica. Mrs. Bennett
was a member of St. Agnes Church. She was a true wife and mother who found
all her pleasure in her home. Her death is mourned by a wide circle of
friends. Surviving are six sons, John, William, Andrew, James, Edward and
Frank Bennett all of Utica; four daughters, Mrs. Ellen Dwyer, Mrs. Catherine
Taylor and Miss Mary Bennett, all of this city, and Mrs. Margaret Hazelton,
of Saranac Lake; 10 grandchildren and 8 great grandchildren. The funeral
was held from her late home yesterday morning and the later from St. Agnes
Church, where Rev. Father Hayes celebrated a high mass of requiem. Burial
was made in Clinton.
Rome Daily Sentinel 24 Jan 1972
Mrs. Bernholz dies; funeral is tomorrow
Mrs. Francis A. Bernholz, 65, of 131 W. Wright
St., died Saturday in Rome Hospital where she had been a patient for two
The former Agnes
L. Netzband, she was born in Rome Nov. 19, 1906, daughter of William H.
and Elizabeth O'Mara Natzband. She and Mr. Bernholz were married in Rome
Aug. 28, 1928. He died in August, 1959.
Mrs. Bernholz was
a member of St. Peter's Chuch.
Surviving are three
sons, William F. Bernholz, Joseph E. Bernholz and Ronald J. Bernholz, all
of Rome; three sisters, Mrs. Robert D. Chapman, Hyde Park, Vt; Mrs. Francis
J. Waller, Rome, and Mrs. Robert K. Banes, Oneida, and three grandchildren.
Funeral services
will be Tuesday at 10:15 at the Griffin & Aldridge Funeral Home and
at 10:45 at St. Peter's Church where a Mass of the Resurrection will be
offered. Interment will be in St. Peter's Cemetery.
Calling hours at
the funeral home will be 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 today.
Sent by - Cheryl Waterman
From Rome Ny
paper, 1907
Rome, Oct. 4- John Betsinger, one
of the best-known and most highly-esteemed residents of Delta, died at
his home there
Sunday night. He was born March 19,
1834, in the town of Steuben, being one of five children of Jacob Betsinger
and Sarah Mower Betsinger, of whom Abraham Betsinger, of Waverly, Ia is
the only survivor. The prents were Mohawk Dutch and came to this
section from Herkimer County. With the exception of 12 years the
deceased had passed all of his life in Delta. He built and owned
the cheese factory at Whitesboro, known as the William Evans factory.
On November 18, 1858, Mr. Betsinger married Jane Vandewalker. He
was a member of the Methodist Church. Surviving are one daughter,
Mrs. Charles Millington, who kept house for her father, and the brother
& Linda McCann
from newspaper clipping from Heintz Funeral
Utica, N.Y.
Carl E. F. Beyer,
73, of 2112 Whitesboro St. died March 30, 1959, in St. Elizabeth hospital
after a brief illness.He was born June 30, 1885, in Utica, son of Frank
and Augusta Kammradt Beyer and was educated in local schools. He married
Ella Tayler in Utica in 1918, she died in 1950.Mr. Beyer was a Protestant.He
leaves two daughters, Mrs. Donald Collver, Whitesboro and Mrs. Henry Mitchell,
Schuyler Corners; three sons, Robert and Richard, both of Whitesboro and
Herman, Yorkville; 18 grandchildren. The funeral will be at 10:30 Thursday
from the Heintz Funeral Home, 1517 Whitesboro St., with the Rev. Arthur
R. Kleps, pastor of Trinity Luthern Church officiating.Burial will be in
Forest Hill Ccemetery.
From newspaper clippings from Heintz Funeral
Home Utica,N.Y.
Frank Beyer, 23; 12 Dudley, who served with Army's amphibious forces
for three year's prior to his discharge last January,died Oct. 24, 1946,
at the Veteran's Facility at Batavia. He had been ill since last April.
The former soldier, who was overseas in the Pacific Theater for two years,
was born in Sauquoit on Jan. 24,1923, son of Carl E. and Ella Tyler Beyer.
Besides his parents he is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Donald Collver,
Yorkville, Mrs. Lewis Phipps, Utica; three brothers, Robert and Richard
Beyer of Yorkville, and Pvt. Herman Beyer, serving in the Army in Panama,
two neices and a nephew.
Jane Charles Beyer
Source: Utica O.D.-March18, 2001
Mrs. Jane Charles Beyer, age 70, passed
away peacefully in the arms of her loving husband, March 2, in her Escondido,
California, home. Originally from Utica, she was born November 26, 1930,
to the late Caradoc and Emma Richer Charles. She received her education
in the Utica schools. On September 24, 1949, she married Herman H. Beyer
at Trinity Luthern Church, a union that would last 51 years.Mrs. Beyer
is survived by her husband, Herman, and three daughters in California,
Mrs. Scott (Gail) Renninger, Heraldsburg, Mrs. Ron (Nancy) Pribble, Escondido,
and Mrs. Scott (Lorraine) Chandler, Windsor; nine grandchildren, Mrs. Mandy
Renninger Hodgdon, Santa Rosa, Brandon and Julia Renninger,Heraldsburg,
Ron, Alex, Nicholas and Jake Pribble, Escondido,and Blake and Miles Chandler,
Windsor; a sister and brother-in-law, Mr.and Mrs. Edward (Joyce) Evans,
Lake George,N.Y.; a sister-in-law and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Donald
(Ethel) Collver, Zephyrills, Florida; and a brother-in-law and his wife,
Mr.and Mrs. Richard (Doris) Beyer, Whitesboro. She also leaves several
nieces, nephews and cousins. Two brothers, Gilbert and Robert Charles,
predeceased Mrs. Beyer. Jane was a devoted wife ,mother and grandmother
who enjoyed gardening,crafts, painting and time spent with her beloved
family. A private family service was held in Escondido march 3rd.
O.D. Dec. 13,1938--p.29
Mrs. Frank J. Beyer,
a resident of Clinton for the past year,died in a local hospital yesterday.
Her maiden name was Augusta Kammerad and she was born in Germany June 13,1857,daughter
of Ernest and Josephine Stentley Kammerad. She came to this country and
Utica in 1870 and resided here until she went to Clinton to live. She was
married in 1884. She attended St. Paul's Luthern Church. In addition to
her husband,she is survived by a son Carl, Yorkville; a brother Charles
Kammerad, Rome; a sister Mrs. Louisa Hapel, Ilion, and seven grandchildren.
Utica Morning Herald, 31 Dec. 1889
"Mrs. Harriet Pratt Biddlecome died at the
residence of her granddaughter, Mrs. John S. Smith, No. 137 John St., yesterday,
aged 91 years. The deceased was born in Cheshire, Mass. on July 22,
1798, and was a descendant of one of
the men who came to America in the Mayflower.
When she was six years old, her parents removed to Deerfield where they
settled and began farming. The site of Utica was then a swamp and
was considered worthless land. This Deerfield farm became known as
the Hall or Leland Farm. Mrs. Biddlecome's father died in 1840 and
her mother two years later. When she was 20 years old, she was married
to Orrin Biddlecome, a farmer of Deerfield. Her husband died when
she was 33 years of age. Eight children were born to the union, of
whom Mrs. Ignatius Meyers of Utica, Mrs. Daniel Stone of Deerfield, and
Nelson Biddlecome of Menekaunee, Wisc., survive; 18 grandchildren and 12
great-grandchildren are now living. For 70 years, she lived in the
old farm house to which her husband took her as a bride until 1888 when
she removed to the residence of John S. Smith of this city where she has
since made her home. She is the last of the original roll of the
Deerfield Baptist Church of which she was a member for 50 years.
She always had the best of health until three or four years ago, when she
fell and broke her knee-pan. She was able to do her housework until
her 85th year. She had a wonderful, good
memory and enjoyed talking of scenes and
incidents in her early life. Her husband was a soldier in the War
of 1812."
Note: Harriet Pratt Biddlecome's parents
were Jonathan and Rachel (Dean) Pratt. She is a descendant of Matthew Pratt
who came to this country about 1623 and settled in Weymouth, Mass.
Her husband, Orrin Biddlecome, is descended from Thomas Biddlecome of Warwick,
R.I.. I have not found a Mayflower connection. Thomas, his son, Daniel,
and grandson, Orrin are all buried in the Old Whitney Cemetery, Utica,
while Harriet Pratt Biddlecome was buried in the cemetery of the Deerfield
Baptist Church.
Ruth Glenister -
James Bingham,
d. May 22, 1910 in Rome Sentinel Point Rock, May 23-- James Bingham an
esteemed resident of this town, died at 5 am Sunday at his home
in Frenchtown, aged 76 years. His health
had been poor the last two years and he had been confined to bed the last
two months. He was born in France Dec. 25, 1833, and he came to this county
with his brother George in 1853. On Dec. 12, 1859, he married Jane Reynolds
, and three months after his marriage he moved on to the farm where he
died. Four children were born to them, two of whom, with the wife, survive,
Mrs. John Castle, who lives at home, and Mrs. Charles Castle of Stokes.
Two Nephews, George and Joseph Bingham live in Rome.
Marsha Petrie
Deansboro (Rome paper 5/1/1833) > Funeral
Services are held for C.M. Bingham,
Deansboro, May 1. Private funeral services were held this afternoon for
Bingham, 79, who died Saturday after a short
illness. Mr. Bingham was born May 1, 1854, at Oriskany Falls, a son of
the late Henry and Hannah Winthrop Bingham. On January 27, 1886 he was
married to Ella R. Tharp of Forestport. He was a merchant and was a member
of the M.E. Church. Surviving besides his widow is a son Lynn, and
six grandchildren.
Marsha Petrie
Taken from the Rochester American
"Died- In Wheatfield, Monroe County, on the
26th of March 1848, Joseph Blackmer, Esq. in the eighty-first year of his
age. He was born in Kent, Litchfield County, Connecticut, October
2, 1767; his parents removed with him when about three years of age to
New Marlbourough, Berkshire Co., Mass., where he resided until he arrived
at manhood; he was married in early life, and in February, 1787 removed
to the Town of Westmoreland, Oneida County, which was then an almost unbroken
wilderness. He here and his associates endured hardships and privations
in subduing the obstacles of a new country, which seldom been experienced
in later years. In 1808 he removed to Wheatland, where he resided
the last forty years. His mind was well informed by reading, and
he was a close observer. He has done much to sustain civil and religious
institutions and education-has filled the office of justice of the peace
and assistant judge, and various offices of trust, and may emphatically
be denominated a public spirited man. He died respected and esteemed."
BLAIR, Elizabeth
Funeral Notice:
BLAIR - In Vernon, Feb. 26, 1877, Elizabeth
A. BLAIR, wife of Alton T. BLAIR, aged 29 years.
BLAZIER, Mrs. Delia
Mrs Delia Blazier Dies After an Hour's Illness
North Western, March 21 [1904] - Mrs Delia
Blazier, 72 years old, died suddenly this morning at the home of her sister,
Mrs Lester Clemmens on Webster Hill. She was taken ill at 4 o'clock
and died one hour later. Death was caused by heart trouble.
Mrs Blazier was
the widow of Andrew Blazier who died twenty years ago. She was the
daughter of Freeman Burch, was born in the town of Western and has always
lived here.
Surviving are four
sisters, Mrs Merritt [Eunice] Hall of Westernville, Mrs Lambert Risley
[Elizabeth] and Mrs George Croup and Mrs Lester [Emily M] Clemmons
of North Western, James Burch and Darius Burch of Hillside."
[Note: Freeman Burch m Almira Gillett, daughter
of Ebenezer & Elizabeth Keech Gillett. Darius m as 2nd wife Marcia
Blazier, sister of Andrew.]
Dan Touse
Miss Clara Boes,
43 Paris rd was found dead Mar. 9, 1939 in her home. A daughter of the
late Mr and Mrs John Martin Boes, she was educated in the Utica
schools and for many years had been a dressmaker. Survivors include a sister,
Mrs. Charles Pfeifer, Utica, and three brothers, William M, Los Angeles,
Fred, Chicago and Frank, New York. Funeral services from the Gordon funeral
Home to Forest Hills. Services were held in the beautiful Conservatory,
recently demolished.
Dave & Deb
BOES-in this city, Tuesday, May 31, 1881,
of scarlet fever and diptheria, Bennie
Charles Boes, youngest son of J.M and Bertha Boes, aged 5 years and
25 days.
Dave & Deb
Frank C Boes,
95 , of Mt Vernon, MD, a retired civil engineer for the City of New York,
died Thursday in the Salisbury Health Care Center after a long illness.
He was born in Ithaca , NY. His wife, Mrs.
Marian M Boes, died in 1969. Mr. Boes was an alumnus of Clarkson
College, Pottsdam, NY, an avid wildlife enthusiast and fellow and life-member
of the American Society of Civil Engineers. A daughter was the late Mrs.
Marian Romary of Ithaca. Surviving are one grandson, three great-grandchildren
and one nephew. Funeral services were held at 1 pm in the Hinman Funeral
Home, Princess Anne, with the Rev. Robert Kurt officiating. Internment
was in Grace Episcopal Cemetary. (Frank Boes was brother of
Helen Boes Pfeifer- DWR)
Dave & Deb
BOOTH, James
From an unnamed and undated New York newspaper:
Utica, Oct. 24 -- At the home
of his son, No. 8 Eagle Street, yesterday morning, died James T. Booth,
an old and highly respected resident of Utica. James Thompson Booth
was born in Grant, Herkimer county, February 22, 1825 and as a young man
worked in a tannery at Remsen. Later for years he drove stage between
Remsen and Utica. In 1857 he located in Utica and has resided here
ever since. For forty years he carried on a very successful carting
business, retiring two years ago on account of ill health. At Floyd,
in 1852, he married Miss Sophia C. Draper, who died three years ago.
He leaves one son, George W. Booth of the firm of Pike, Madoc & Booth,
and two sisters, Miss Huldah Booth of Remsen, and Miss Sarah R. Booth of
Marion, Va.
BOWNE, Nancy
Obituary: Nancy Bowne, widow of Richard
Bowne, died at New Hartford, near Utica, on Sunday last. The remains
will be brought here for burial this Wednesday. She and her husband
formerly resided in Morris, he being a son of Joseph Bowne, the great Friends
preacher of a past generation. Richard Bowne and his wife had five
sons, of which number the late Isaac Bowne. Mrs. Bowne lived to see her
husband and all of her sons die, and now at a great age follows them over
the river. "Morris Chronicle" late 1895?
Nancy's maiden name was Caffrey (Caffery?)and I believe she lived to be
at least 90 yrs.
BOYD, Catherine
Utica Daily Press, Friday Morning, October
5, 1900, page 8, col. 4
Mrs. Catherine BOYD, widow of the late
Chauncey BOYD, died at her home Wednesday morning, over 91 years of age.
Her maiden name was Catherine Vandewalker, and she was married to Chauncey
BOYD in March 1831, and since that time had lived in the same house to
which she went as a bride. Five children survive her, Rev. Squire
BOYD, of Middlesex, Mrs. R.D. PHILLIPS of Morton, Minnesota, Mrs. A.R.
STONE of Branchport, New York, Mrs. Charlotte CUMMINGS of Western, and
a daughter, Almira, in Nebraska, and one sister, Mrs. Charles DECKER of
North Western.
Utica Daily Press, Tuesday Morning, October
9, 1900, page 8, col. 4 Westernville
Mrs. Alvin STONE of Branchport, New
York, is in town called by the death of her mother, Mrs. Catherine BOYD.
Squire BOYD of Middlesex, came also to attend her funeral on Friday.
The services were conducted by Rev. E.U. BROWN of Steuben. Internment
was made in the cemetery here.
BOYD, James
Utica Daily Observer, Staurday Evening, September
3, 1870; page 3, col. 5 Died
At the residence of his son-in-law,
George MASON, Esq. in Western, Oneida County on Friday, September 2, Mr.
James BOYD, aged about 90 years.
Mr. BOYD was a soldier in the War of
1812, and was actively engaged at Sackett's Harbor, and other places during
that war. He moved to the town of Western some seventy years ago,
and resided upon the same farm ever since. Mr. BOYD was the grandfather
of Mrs. J.E. JAMES of Utica.
Funeral will be attended at the residence
of his son-in-law, Mr. George MASON, Sunday September 4. Friends
of the family are invited to attend.
2530 14th Ave.
Greeley, CO 80631-8317
DIED: The oldest graduate of Hamilton College, Rev.
Samuel W. BRACE, died Friday at his home in Utica. He was born at Rutland,
VT., May 1, 1790 and came to N.Y. State when he was 6 years of age with
his parents who first settled in Onondaga Co. Hamilton College was established
in 1812 and Mr. Brace entered it as a Sophomore. The late Judge GREEN was
his brother-in-law.
August 19, 1878
Vernon, October 15, 1849
"Died- At Vernon, Oneida County, on the 11th
day of October, 1849,
Capt. Stephen Brigham, in the 96th year of
his age. The subject of this notice was born in Shrewsbury, Worcester,
Co., Mass., May 13th, 1754. At the commencement of the war of the
Revolution he left his home on the morning after the battle of Lexington
and joined the American army, near Boston, as a volunteer. He soon
after enlisted as a private soldier for the term of 8 months, and was in
the memorial battle of Bunker Hill, on the 17th of June. Some time
after he returned from the army he removed to Chelshire Co., New Hampshire,
where he remained until 1790, when he removed to what is now Oneida County,
NY and settled in Westmoreland. In 1812 he removed to Vernon, which
has been the place of his residence until the time of his death
In early life, while living in New Hampshire,
he, with his wife made a public profession of religion in connection with
the Congregational Church in Fitzwilliam. After his removal to Westmoreland,
he, with his wife, were part of the small number of thirteen who were organized
into a church of that same place. On his removal to Vernon, where
he continued a member until the time of his death.
He has uniformly sustained a good character
for uprightness and integrity, and has in the last years of his life seemed
ripening for a better world and to be waiting with calmness and resignation
for his great and last change."
The following information was gathered from
the Saturday Globe Newspaper, dated August 3, 1895.
Friend BRISTOL, the famous Remsen caterer,
died Wednesday in that place from a stoke of apoplexy. His death
was sudden and unexpected as he had been in the best of health hitherto.
Friend Bristol was born in Warrington, Conn., in 1833. He spent his
boyhood there and as a young man became caterer for a Long Island Club.
About 35 years ago Mr. Bristol came to Utica and opened a small oyster
shop on Genesee Street. Soon after he became interested in buying
cattle and for many years continued very successfully at that business.
Twelve years ago Mr. Bristol bought the hotel at Remsen of George
Dawson, and has conducted it most sucessfully ever since. The hostelry
became known for its game dinners and guests from far and wide resorted
there. But it was Mr. Bristol's personality which made the place
especially attractive. Genial and large-souled, he was a man who
drew to himself the liking of all and, friends once gained, he retained
them. The deceased was twice married. His first wife was Miss
Jerolman and, some years after her death, he wedded Estella Dawson, who
survives. A daughter by his first wife resides in Connecticut.
Lottie May
Handy Brown
Rome Sentinel-December 17, 1926
Camden - Dec. 17 - Late Thursday afternoon
at her home on Union Street, occurred the death of Lottie May Handy, wife
of L. O. Brown after a severe illness of several months. Mrs. Brown
was born in Annsville July 19, 1879, daughter of the late George and Adella
Handy but spent the greater part of her life in Camden. She was a
practical nurse and was held in high esteem. She was twice married,
her first husband being Franklin Lewis Miller. On January 27, 1917, she
was married to L. O. Brown, who survives. She was a member of the
M. E. Church, the Central Asbury Circle and the W.C.T.U. Besides
husband she is survived by one son, Walter
G. Miller of Camden, a step-son, Howard Brown of Syracuse, a step daughter,
Mrs. Charles Laplain of Oswego, one sister, Mrs. Charles Fulcher of Camden,
two brothers, Jay Handy of Camden and Charles Handy of Michigan and three
Kathy Last
28 Mar 1903-Rome Daily Sentinel
FARMER JOHN BROWN DEAD Passed away this morning
after long illness. Well known breeder of fast Horses Trained for the Track
at His Farm Three and On-Half Miles North of Rome- Born in England
John Brown, one
of the best known farmers of Rome, died this morning at his home on Turin
road, 3 1/2 miles outside the city. He had been in failing health for the
past two or three years and for a year past had been out but little.
Mr. Brown was born
near Scarborough, England 70 years ago and lived near the scene of his
nativity until twenty-five years of age, when he immigrated to this country
and located in Westmoreland with his wife and family of three children.
His wife died some years later, and while
living in Rome Mr. Brown was united in marriage
with Miss Rebecca Bielby, who survives.
From Westmoreland
Mr. Brown removed to Sp[encer Settlement and took charge of the Bruh farm.
Subsequently he operated the Huntington farm, the site of the present county
home, and remained there eight years. He then purchased and removed to
the farm on the Turin road where he died.
Mr. Brown was always
a farmer by occupation, but in addition to that he was, for many years,
a successful breeder of fine horses. To track horses he devoted particular
attention. Though he had raised no horses in later years, the well worn
half mile speedway where he was want to develop racing qualifies in his
colts and familiarize them with work on the track, still remains to the
view of those who drive by his late home. He sold many of his horses at
fancy prices even in those
In politics Mr.
Brown was a Republican. As a churchman he was a faithful and conscientious
member of the First M.E. Chuch of Rome. He was of a jovial disposition,
always kind hearted and he had hosts of friends.
There are left the
following sons and daughters: Rev. Smith W. Brown, pastor of the South
Street M.E. Church of Utica; George H. Bell, Mrs. George H. Plato, Mrs.
William Smith, Miss Sarah Brown, Mrs. George J. Cook, and Mrs. T.W. Smith
of Rome and Mrs. W. A. Bielby of
Sent by - Cheryl Waterman
The Clinton Advertiser, Saturday April 4,
Bernard Burns
Saturday afternoon, at his home on Chestnut
Street, occurred the death f Bernard Burns, an old and respected resident
of this village. He had been in failing health for over a year and his
death was not unexpected. The deceased was born in Ireland about 80 years
ago, and had been a resident of this village for over a quarter of a century.
He is survived by four children, John and James Burns of Clinton; Patrick
Burns of Oxford and Mrs. Joseph (Catherine) Martin of Clinton. The funeral
was held from St. Mary's Church as 10 o'clock Monday morning.
Utica Paper August 13, 1951
Mrs. Ada Butler, 826 Hamilton Street died
August 11, 1951, in St. Elizabeth's Hospital after a long illness. She
was born in Utica, daughter of the late Henry and Lucy Ollerenshaw Haganour.
In 1908, she was married to Stephen P. Butler Sr., St. Patrick's Church.
He died39 years ago. She was educated in local schools and was graduated
from the Academy of the Holy Name, Rome. She lived in Oneida for
many years and was active in business circles. She was well-known
in the real estate and hotel business in Sylvan Beach. Mrs. Butler was
a communicant of St. Patrick's Church and its Women's Altar Society, Reynold's
Relief Corps, Women of the Moose, Order of Pocahontas, Federation of Women's
Clubs, Patriotic Council and the Elks Auxiliary of Oneida.
She leaves a son, Stephen P. Butler Jr.,
Yorkville, a granddaughter and two nieces. The funeral will be at 9 Thursday
from the Langdon Residential Funeral Home, York and Maple, and at 9:30
from St. Patrick's Church.
Submitted by
Stephen P.
Feb 8, 1914 Obituary
Popular Young Utican
Stephen P. Butler, Well Known Vocalist, Answers
Death's Summons
Many friends were deeply grieved to learn
of the death of Stephen P. Butler, at one time prominent in local musical
circles, which occurred Monday, February 2 at the home of his father in
law, David Owens Sunset Avenue, following a prolonged illness.
Mr. Butler was born in New York, August 6,
1879. After receiving his education at Assumption Academy, he enrolled
in courses at the Utica Conservatory of Music. He possessed an excellent
tenor voice and was employed by Willmer & Vincent for some time in
the Orpheum Theater. Eight years ago he was given charge of the Orpheum
Theater at Portsmouth, Virginia and successfully managed the same for five
years. He had since been proprietor of the Lake Shore Hotel at Sylvan
Beach, residing in Utica during the winter. His gentle disposition
and sociable ways endeared him to everyone with whom he came to contact
and his death is widely mourned. Mr. Butler was a member of St. Patrick's
Church and of its choir. He was also a popular member of the Haydn
Male Chorus and Utica Lodge No. 33, B.P.O.E.
Six years ago he married Miss Ada Haganour
of Utica, who survives with a son Stephen, Jr. Mr. Butler also leaves
a niece Eloise Haganour of this city and a nephew Calhoun Butler of Boonville.
The funeral was held from his home at 9 o'clock
on Thursday and at St. Patrick's at 9:30, where Rev. Father James Farrell
celebrated a High Mass of requiem. A delegation from Utica Lodge
No. 33 B.P.O.E. escorted the remains from the house to the church.
The mass was sung by the full choir of the church of which the deceased
was a member at the conclusion of the mass a quartet consisting of Elliot
Stewart, Arthur Coupe, William Casey Jr. and Prof. Harry McCormick rendered
"Jerusalem." The floral offerings were profuse among them being a
large standing cross from the Elks, a standing heart from relatives and
a large standing wreath from the West End Brewing Company. The bearers
were William J. Wier, Theodore Somers, George Helmer, P.J. McGuire, Joseph
Sullivan and James B. Geer. The remains were placed in the receiving
vault at St. Agnes Cemetery.
Submitted by
Zora W Butler funeral held
Miss Zora W Butler, 97, of Lowville,
died Tuesday, July 28 [1987] at the Lewis County Extended Care Facility,
where she had been a resident since October 11, 1974. A prayer service
was held Friday, July 31 at the Donald F Virkler Funeral Home, followed
by a funeral in St Peter's Church with Rev Bernard Christman officiating.
Burial was in St Patrick's Cemetery, Oneida, NY.
There were no calling hours. Surviving are a brother, Joseph M Butler,
Lowville; two nieces, Mrs Frederick [Barbara] Martin, RD Lowville, and
Mrs Edward [Shirley] Gassner, New Hartford; nine grandnieces and
grandnephews; and seven great-grandnieces and great-grandnephews.
Born Jan 21, 1890 in Rome, a daughter of Solomon and Esther Mahedy Butler,
she was graduated from Holy Name Academy in Rome. Miss Butler was never
married.She worked for the George E Pohl Manufacturing Co, Vernon,
and later at the Oneida Community Ltd, the National Casket Co, Oneida,
and the Niagara Mohawk Power Corp, Oneida. For 25 years, she was employed
by the Pentagon in Washington, DC, until retiring.
was in J P McKay family plot]