

Send in Your Obituary Information

CARPENTER, Alida Chesebro
Obituary Notice, Rome Sentinal, Rome, New York - Thursday, June 24, 1920
Mrs. Welcome Carpenter
Alida Chesebro, wife of Welcome Carpenter, passed away at her home on the Floyd road at 11:50 a.m. on Wednesday after an illness of nearly two years, during which she was a patient sufferer. She was born at Oriskany Falls 46 years ago but the greater part of her life was spent in the town of Rome. At Stittville 30 years ago she was married to Welcome Carpenter and about five years later they purchased the home where she died. Surviving besides her husband are eight children: Mrs. Fred Eychner of Vernon Center, Archie Carpenter of the river road, Howard of Sherrill, Bird, Geraldine, Zada, Milton and Kathryn, all at home, also her aged mother, Mrs. Emma Lewis, and a brother, Phineas Chesebro of Los Angeles, Cal., one sister, Mrs. Burt Danford of Remson, and two grandchildren. Mrs. Carpenter was greatly beloved by her children and the many friends which she had in the vicinity of her home, all of whom sincerely regret her death.
Submitted by Betty

Obituary: Oneida Daily Dispatch, Jan. 16, 1965
Archibald A. Carpenter
Archibald (Archie) Carpenter, 72, of 142 Union St., died yesterday in an auto accident on the West Rd., at the Union St. intersection. Born in Floyd, March 9, 1892, he was the son of Welcome and Alida Chesebro Carpenter.  He married the former Florence Yourdon in Rome on June 6, 1918.  Mr. Carpenter was a former tenant farmer in Madison County and had resided in Oneida for 20 years.  He was employed by Smith-Lee Bottle Cap Manufacturing Division for 10 years, retiring five years ago.  Prior to this he worked at Oneida Ltd.  Surviving besides his wife are three sons, [private]; three brothers, Welcome H. and Milton J. of Rome; and Bird R. of Los Angeles, Calif.; four sisters, Mr.s Lena Eychner of Oriskany Falls, Mrs. Geraldine Pomeroy of Bradenton, Fla., Mrs. Zada Rudd of Rome and [private].; 15 grandchildren and several nieces and nephews.  Funeral service will be Monday at 2pm at the Campbell-Dean Funeral Home, 260 Main St., with Capt. Charles Waddington of the Salvation Army, officiating. Burial will be in Valley View Cemetery.
Submitted by Betty

Obituary - May 15, 1972 Rome Sentinel
Caroline Carpenter
Mrs. Welcome H. Carpenter, 72, of 245 Erie Blvd. E., died Sunday in Rome Hospital after being stricken at home.
The former Caroline Falcone, she was born in Palermo, Sicily, on Feb 25, 1900, daughter of John and Jennie Selvaggio Falcone.
She came to Rome in 1905 and was educated in Rome schools. She was married in Rome. Mr. Carpenter died Dec 1, 1970.
Mrs. Carpenter was a communicant of St. John the Baptist Church and was a member of the Congregation of Mary and the Ava Dorfman Senior Citizens Civic Center.
Survivors are a daughter, [private] ; four sisters, Mrs. Sam (Lena) Scuderi and Mrs. Phyllis Carpenter, both of Rome, Mrs. Michael (Katherine) Prestipino of Albany and Mrs. Josephine Burdick of Los Angeles, Calif.; three brothers, Patrick Falcone of Utica and [private] ; six grandchildren and several nieces and nephews. Another sister, Mrs. Anthony (Florence) George of Rome died in 1966.
Funeral services will be at 8:30 am Wednesday at the Nicholas J. Bush Funeral Home and at 9:15 in St. John the Baptist Church. Burial will be in St. John the Baptist Cemetery.
Submitted by Betty

Catherine File Carpenter
Rome Sentinel-May 3, 1910
Mrs. Catherine Carpenter died from heart trouble at her home, 806 Armstrong Ave., this morning at 4:30.  She was born in Germany April 9, 1851 and came to Rome a number of years ago.  She was married in this city to Cyrus Carpenter who died here nine years ago.  For years Mrs. Carpenter had been a devoted member of St. Mary's Church.  She leaves one son, exAlderman Cyrus W. Carpenter of this city, and three brothers, John File and George File of Utica and William File of Rome.  Mrs. Carpenter was well known and much esteemed.  Numerous friends will extend their heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved
Kathy Last

Cyrus W. Carpenter
Rome Sentinel-November 12, 1946
Cyrus W. Carpenter, 71, died suddenly while sitting in his seat at Capitol Theater yesterday afternoon about 5 o'clock.  He was with Mrs. Carpenter and had responded to her remarks and had risen several times to let people into the aisle.  When he did not rise at the end of the picture, Mrs. Carpenter turned to find him dead.  Death is said to have been due to heart disease.  His home was at 102 E. Bloomfield St.  Born in Rome Dec. 23, 1875, he was the son of Cyrus W. and Catherine File Carpenter.  He married Mary Shanley 39 years ago.  For 34 years he was employed by General Cable Corp.  He was a member of St. Mary's Church.  Surviving are his wife, three sons, Melvin and Lyman, Rome, Kenneth, Dallas, Tex., two stepsons, Ralph and James Shanley, Rome, two stepdaughters, Mrs. Edward Finster, Rome and Miss Alice Shanley, Rome, one niece,
Mrs. Walter Bork, Rome and several grandchildren.
Kathy Last

Carpenter, Cyrus W. (Jr.)
Rome Sentinel
November 12, 1946
Cyrus W. Carpenter, 71, died suddenly while sitting in his seat at Capitol Theater yesterday afternoon about 5 o'clock. He was with Mrs. Carpenter and had responded to her remarks and had risen several times to let people into the aisle. When he did not rise at the end of the picture, Mrs. Carpenter turned to find him dead. Death is said to have been due to heart disease. His home was at 102 E. Bloomfield St. Born in Rome Dec. 23, 1875, he was the son of Cyrus W. and Catherine File Carpenter. He married Mary Shanley 39 years ago. For 34 years he was employed by General Cable Corp. He was a member of St. Mary's Church. Surviving are his wife, three sons, Melvin and Lyman, Rome, Kenneth, Dallas, Tex., two stepsons, Ralph and James Shanley, Rome, two stepdaughters, Mrs. Edward Finster, Rome and Miss Alice Shanley, Rome, one niece, Mrs. Walter Bork, Rome and several grandchildren.

Obituary: Death of DAVID CARPENTER January 09, 1886
  David Carpenter died at his home in the town of Floyd at 9 p.m. on Saturday of cancer which affected the right side of his neck.  He had been ill for about two months and was confined to his bed three weeks.  He was born in the town of Delhi, Delaware County, and came to this county when quite young with his father's family and settled on the farm of 300 acres which was purchased by his father and on which the subject of this sketch lived all his life, following his peaceful and honorable avocation.  Mr. Carpenter was an honorable, upright man, always square with the world and owing no man a dollar.  His word was as good as his bond, and any one who performed a service for him was sure to receive his compensation in full when his work was completed.  He was married to Mary Gardner of Floyd, who died in 1880.  They raised a family of 13 children, ten of whom are now living as follows:  Mrs. Harriet Davis of Williamson, Michigan, Mrs. H.A . Coe of Theresa, NY, Mrs. Joanna Anderson of Barnes Corners, NY., Daniel D. Carpender of Ainsworth, NE, Mrs. Alanson Brainard of Rome, Geo. H. Carpender of Ainsworth, Mrs. Elvira Fancher of Ainsworth, Mrs . D.S. Draper of Plattsmouth, NE, Mrs. S.H. Draper of Ashland, NE, an d Mrs. H. J. Ellis of Floyd.  Of these, 8 were present at the death of their father.  The funeral services will occur Wednesday at 11 a.m . at the homestead. Submitted by Betty

 September 5, 1899, Rome Sentinel
David C. Carpenter, an old and well known resident of Rome, died at 10 o'clock this morning at his home four miles east of this city. He had been ill for about one year, and for the past three months had been confined to his bed with stomach difficulty which was the cause of his death. Mr. Carpenter was 69 yrs old and was born and had always lived in Rome. He was a member of the Grange and of the Patrons of Industry and was for six years highway commissioner of the first ward. He was very widely known and generally respected. He leaves besides his wife, two sons and one daughter, Chauncey and Welcome Carpenter of Rome and Mrs. Geo. Murphy of Lee Center. His mother also survives.

From an unnamed and undated Nebraska newspaper:
    Daniel D. Carpender was born May 4, 1832, at Floyd, Oneida County, N.Y.
He died March 21, 1910 at St. Bernard Hospital, Council Bluffs, Iowa where he had gone for medical treatment,  aged 77 years, 10 months, 17 days. He was married to S. Geraldine Draper, April 3, 1866. To this union were born two children, David and Mary S.     In the fall of 1880 Mr. Carpender came to Nebraska, and in the spring of 1881 he and his family with his only brother George H. and their sister, Mrs. Fancher, came away the first settlers on Grand Prairie where he has since resided, familiarly known to both old and the young as Uncle Dan.    Uncle Dan was a whole-souled, generous, big hearted man; a friend to the needy and always ready to help those in trouble.    His greatest sorrow came to him in the fall of 1904 when he was called to mourn the loss of his only son. Since then he has never been the same, but his health and strength gradually left him until the end came at sundown Sunday evening. His wife and daughter and foster son, F.A. Potter
were with him at the end.    He leaves a wife, a daughter, and adopted son, three grandchildren, one brother and six sisters besides a host of nieces, nephews and friends to mourn his departure.    The services were held in the Methodist church Tuesday afternoon after which the remains were laid to rest beside that of his son, Dave, in the Grand Prairie Cemetery.  The funeral was one of the largest ever held at this place.  Mr. Carpender was one of the oldest residents of Brown county.
Quite a number of Ainsworth people attended the funeral, among whom were Judge Potter and wife, Dr. White, Mrs. Frank Gilette, Judge Warrik, Mr. Booth and wife, Peter Shade and wife, and others whose names we failed to learn.
   Frank Potter of Omaha, formerly a Johnstown boy, having made his home with the Carpender family during his boyhood days, arrived Monday night with the funeral party to be present at the laying to rest of his foster parent.
Submitted by Dawna Holst

From an unnamed and undated Nebraska newspaper
   Last Saturday morn occured the death of Mrs. D.D. Carpender, at the old Carpender farm home east of Johnstown, death being due to paralysis and came following one week's illness.  In her death this community loses one of its most universally respected and admired pioneer citizens, and one of
the eldest, both from point of age and residence, she having come to this county and settled while this country was yet in a very primative state, on the farm on which she ever after resided until the time of her death.
   Mrs. Carpender was one of those ever-pleasant, patient, charitable, sympathetic and yet unassuming ladies whom to know was to love, admire, and respect her for these and the many other virtues she possessed.  Funeral service for the deceased was held at the Methodist church Monday afternoon, conducted by the pastor, Rev. Engle, and interment in Grand Prairie Cemetery.  The attendance at the funeral was very large and attested to the high esteem in which the departed was held.  The obituary follows.   S. Geraldine Draper Carpender was born in Oneida County, New York, March 29, 1838.  At the age of 18 years she became a member of the Baptist Church and had always remained true to her faith.   In April 1866 she was married to Daniel D. Carpender, and to this two children were born, David Daniel and Mary S.  The son and husband preceeded her to the better world several years ago.   Shortly after they were married they moved to Lewis county, New York, and from there to Plattsmouth, Nebr., and then to Johnstown where she resided at the time of her death.  She was a patient, faithful wife and a loving mother.  Wherever sickness and sorrow was found she was sure to lend a helping hand to comfort and help.   She leaves to mourn her loss, a foster son, Frank Potter of Omaha, one sister of Chicago, one daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Holst, and three grandchildren, Lois and Floyd Holst, and Daniel Carpender, and a host of other relatives and friends.   She passed away about 8 o'clock Saturday morning September 21, 1918, at the age of 80 years, 5 mos. and 21 days, after an illness of about a week.
Submitted by Dawna Holst

Carpenter, Chauncey
Rome Sentinel - August 1, 1927
George Chauncey Carpenter, 63, native Roman, was born in the house where he resided at the time of his death. He was a
son of the late David C. and Lovina Lawrence Carpenter. He resided in the town of Floyd for a short time. During his
younger life he taught school in rural schools in Rome, Floyd and other towns. For several years he conducted the 60-acre
farm where he resided. He never married. He is survived by one sister, Mrs. George W. Murphy, 208 N. George Street,
this city and one brother, Welcome Carpenter, who resides about one-half mile away on the 52-acre section of the old
Carpenter farm.
Betty McCulloch

Edith Mansfield Leffert Carpenter
Rome Sentinel-December 29, 1904
Mrs. Edith E. Carpenter, in her 31st year, wife of Ald. Cyrus D. Carpenter, died at her home, 801 W. Dominick Street, shortly before 12 o'clock noon today.  She had been ill for over a year with a complication of diseases and for most of the past month had been confined to her bed.  Mrs.Carpenter was a daughter of Milo Mansfield and was born in New London, coming to Rome with her parents about twenty-three years ago.  She was twice married, her first husband being Jacob Leffert.  Besides her second husband, Ald. Carpenter, whom she married three years ago, she leaves three children by her first husband, Charles,  Christine and Frank Leffert, and one son, Frank Carpenter, by her second husband.  She also leaves her father, Milo Mansfield and one brother, Frank Mansfield, and two sisters, Mrs. Benjamin Armstrong and Mrs. John Fahey of Rome.  Mrs. Carpenter was a member of the First M. E. Church and had many friends who extend their sympathy to the bereaved family.
Kathy Last

Death of Miss Eva J. Carpenter
1905 Utica Daily Press
Rome Oct. 8-At the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Carpenter, 714 North James Street at 5 o'clock this morning, occurred the death of their daughter, Miss Eva J. Carpenter, who had been ill the past six months, and had been confined to the bed nearly all of that time.  She was taken with inflammatory rheumatism, this being followed by a stroke of paralysis, finally terminating in heart failure.  Miss Carpenter was born in Stockbridge. On the 12th day of last month she was 24 years old.  When she was two years old her parents moved to Westernville and there they lived till they came to Rome six years ago. Miss Carpenter attended the Rome Free Academy, and was a member of the graduating class of 1902.  The year before she was awarded the gold eagle essay prize offered by the Daughters of the American Revolution.  For two years she taught school in what is known as the Tremain district, out on Turin road, and the following year, up to the time she was taken ill, she taught school at Stanwix.  She was a bright young lady and one who had a host of friends who will deeply regret to learn of her death.  She was an earnest member of the First M.E. Church and a member of Mrs. Knight's Sunday school class.  Besides her parents she is survived by two sisters, Mrs. John Stratton and Miss Florence Carpenter both of Rome.  The funeral will be held at the house at   1 p.m. Wednesday.
Carol Michaud

Funeral Notice, Rome Sentinal - February 18, 1911
Mrs. Lavina J Carpenter, widow of David C. Carpenter, died in Rome on Saturday in the 70th year of her age. She was afflicted with paralysis and had been in ill health for one and one-half years. She is survived by two sons and one daughter, George Chauncey Carpenter and Welcome Lawrence
Carpenter and Mrs. George W. Murphy, all of Rome.
(Note: On her tombstone with her husband, David C. Carpenter, states David C. Carpenter, Born June 24, 1831, Died Sep. 5, 1899, Lovina J. His Wife 1841-1911)
Submitted by Betty

From an unnamed and undated Nebraska newspaper: MARTHA AUGUSTA CALKINS
The death of Mrs. Martha Carpender of Johnstown, Nebr. occured early Wednesday mornng Oct. 6th 1918. Martha Augusta Calkins was born in Rome, Oneida Co., New York July 19, 1846. She was married Sept. 1, 1871 to George H. Carpender of Floyd, New York. They came to Cass Co., Nebr. in 1878, from there they moved to Brown Co. where they have remained until death called her. She leaves a husband, three sons: Archibald George of Ingebright, Sask, Canada; John Ralph of Johnstown, Nebr.; and Glenn Lester of Irricana, Alberta, Canada; and one daughter Mrs. Maud Witt of Bulwark, Alberta, Canada, to cherish fond memories of a life that was spent in loving service for them. She has been a faithful member of the Episcopal Church since childhood. She has been a great sufferer for the past six months. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. W.W. Wells on Thursday Nov. 7th, at 1:00 from the home of her son, J. Ralph, where she has been since her return from a Norfolk Hospital on Sept. 21st, 1918.
Submitted by Dawna Holst

Mrs. Mary E. Carpenter - 1923
Cassville, May 20 - Mrs. Mary E. Carpenter died suddenly early Sunday morning at the home in the village following a stroke suffered a half hour previously.  Although she had been in poor health for several years she was able to be about and had been in town Saturday.  Dr. E.M. Griffith was called and he in turn notified Dr. A.P. Clark, coroner, of New Hartford, who pronounced death due to heart disease.  Mary E. Jones was born on Babcock Hill April 18, 1850, and had spent her entire life in this vicinity.  She became the wife of Wellington Carpenter on February 2, 1919.  She was a member of the Baptist Church of this village and was held in highest esteem by a wide circle of friends and acquaintances.  Surviving are one son, Arthur of Cassville; a brother, C.M. Jones of Malvern, O. and two grandchildren.  The funeral will be held from the home at 2 p.m. Tuesday.  Interment will be made in Sauquoit Valley Cemetery.
Submitted by: Susan Brownell Mondi

Carpenter, Washington
Rome Sentinel
May 17, 1915
Washington Carpenter, a well known resident of this city, died suddenly of heart disease at his home 614 W. Dominick St. at 5:15 o'clock Sunday afternoon. Death was caused by heart trouble, from which he had suffered during the past year. Earlier in the afternoon he made a visit to the home of his brother, Lyman Carpenter, 300 W. Dominick St.. While there he was cheerful although he did not feel well. he left his brother's a short time before 5 o'clock. After he arrived at his home he went into the kitchen and as he was taking off his coat he was stricken and fell to the floor. Coroner Powers was called and pronounced the cause of death heart disease.
Mr. Carpenter was born in Rome 65 years ago January 5, a son of the late Mr. & Mrs. Lyman Carpenter. About 40 years ago he was married to Ida Thorp, who died about five years later. After the death of his wife, Mr. Carpenter went to Dakota, where he was employed on a ranch, returning to Rome eight years ago. He had been employed in the Bedstead Works. He is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Frank Hall of Rochester, and one brother, Lyman Carpenter of this city. He had many friends in this city who held him in high esteem.

Obituary from Rome Sentinal - May 13, 1955
Welcome L. Carpenter, 87, passed away at his home, Kenttown (RD 4, Rome) at 10 a.m. today. He had been ailing for some time and bedridden the past week. He was born in Rome on Feb. 22. 1868, son of the David and Lavina Lawrence Carpenter, and had always lived in the Town of Rome. On April 1, 1888, in Stittville he married Alida Chesebro who died June 23, 1920. For 26 years after his marriage, he was employed by the Rome Brass and Copper Co., after which he worked at the carpentry trade. For the later years of his life, he operated the small farm on which he lived. He is survived by the following sons and daughters: Mrs. Fred Eychner, Oriskany Falls; Archibald Carpenter, Sherril; Welcome Howard Carpenter, Marcy; Mrs. Vern S. Pomeroy, Brandenton, Fla.; Mrs. Ervin Eychner, Augusta Center, and Bird Ralph Carpenter, Milton John Carpenter and Mrs. Raymond Myers, all of Rome. There are several grandchildren and great-grandchildren and one great-great-grandchild. Mr. Carpenter was the last of a family of three children. Mr. Carpenter was of the Methodist faith and a member of Rome Lodge, IOOF. Funeral services will be held at the Waldo Wiggins Prince Home for Funerals on Monday 2 o'clock with the Rev. Alvin C. Goddard, D.D., officiating. Interment will be made in the Wright Settlement Cemetery.
Submitted by Betty

Rome Daily Sentinel, Dec 3, 1970
Welcome H. Carpenter, 71, of 245 Erie Blvd E. died Tuesday after a long illness. He was born in Rome Aug. 31, 1899, son of Welcome L. and Alida E. Chesebro Carpenter. In 1923 in Rome, he married the former Caroline Falcone. Mr. Carpenter was a Methodist. Surviving are his wife, [private]; three sisters, Mrs. Vernon S. (Geraldine) Pomeroy of Bradenton, Fla., Mrs. Irwin (Catherine) Eychner of Oriskany Falls and Mrs. Clarence (Zada) Rudd of Rome; two brothers, Bird R. and Milton J. Carpenter, both of Rome; and four grandchildren. Funeral services were held at the Nicholas J. Bush Funeral Home with interment in Wright Settlement Cemetery.
Submitted by Betty

CARPENTER, Wellington H.
Cassville, (NY) Feb. 2, year unknown
-At his home near this village today occurred the death of Wellington H. Carpenter.  Mr. Carpenter was born in the town of Paris, May 17, 1847, son of Lucas and Alphea Redford Carpenter, early settlers of the town.  They came from Connecticut.  His great-grandfather Carpenter came from
England and was one of the early settlers of this country, while Mr. Carpenter's grandfather, Oliver Carpenter, was a native of Connecticut.  He came to Oneida County and the family has been associated with this county during its entire history.  For several years when a young man, Mr. Carpenter engaged in farming on the homestead.  He was the youngest of the family and was the last to pass on.  He later moved to Cassville and then to a place near the village where he conducted a sawmill and wagon shop until failing health compelled him to retire.  He was a progressive business mand and one who was highly respected for his integrity.  He inherited a great deal of culture and literary ability from his mother.  October 26, 1870, he was united in marriage with Mary E. Jones, who survives, with one son, Arthur L. and two grandchildren Mina and Dorothy.  The funeral will be held at the convenience of the family, but friends may call Tuesday from 9 to 12 a.m.
Submitted by: Susan Brownell Mondi

Carrier, Milton M. (1830-1881)
Rome Sentinel, 9/6/1881, pg.3
Milton Carrier, a native resident of Floyd, aged 50 years, died of heart  disease at his residence one mile north of Floyd Corners last Sunday afternoon.  He was assisting in getting in his cows, when he was taken ill.  He lived only a short time.  He leaves a wife and several grown up children.
Submitted by Bill Hall,

CARTER, Robert Steven
Robert Steven CARTER died 14 January 1912 in Palestine, Anderson Co., TX of a self inflicted gun shot to the head.
He was born in Utica, NY, 9 Aug 1850 and worked for Southern Pacific RR in Houston, TX where he married Ella WHITCOMB 28 Aug 1879.  His wife and four children, Edwin, Harry, Charles Culberson, and Ida survive him.
Barbara CARTER PADGITT  6806 Tournament Dr.Houston, TX 77069-1278

CASTLE, Richard
Obituary from Rome Sentinal; May 29, 1877
Death of an Aged Man
Richard Castle, aged 82, died at his home in Ava, on Friday last.  Mr. Castle was born in England in 1794, and came to America in 1848,  After residing in Utica about four years, he moved to Ava where he lived during the remaining 24 years of his life.  In the year 1864 his wife was removed by death; a second wife survives him.  He was a great sufferer before death, but bore every trial with Christian resignation.  His upright character, warm heart, and earnest life endeared him to all who knew him, and he is sincerely mourned.  His son William resides at Norwich, and Richard at Whitestown.  Two other sons, Thomas and George, and his daughter, Mrs. Waters, were present when he died.  All his children attended his funeral, except one daughter who resides in England.  Six children, 27 grandchildren and 7 great-grandchildren survive him.
William Hall

CHADWICK, Jane Tarpenning (Mrs. John Chadwick)
 Chadwicks, NY 1909
Mrs. John Chadwick, Beloved resident of Chadwicks died this week.
A woman deeply esteemed among a wide circle of friends passed away this week in the person of Mrs. Jane Tarpenning Chadwick, widow of John Chadwick, which occurred Sunday evening in Chadwicks. Mrs. Chadwicks was in her 88th year. She was born September 15, 1821 at Cooperstown where she spent her childhood. In 1839 she married John Chadwick and the greater part of their lives had been passed in the old Chadwick homestead, just south of Chadwicks. Mrs. Chadwick was a woman of the strong and sturdy type of character which marked the early residents. She was a true friend to those she loved and especially to those in need, her acts of charity being many and usually unknown save to those [who were] the beneficiary. Mrs. Chadwick [was] for years a member of the First ----- Church of Sauquoit, and was a conscientious Christian woman. She is survived by four sons:
Charles F.of Bath; John M. of Dayton, Ohio; Alanson B. of Jamestown and William H. of this place;
also four daughters: Mrs. D.W. Brown of Bridgewater; Mrs. Albert Nichols of Little Falls; Mrs. W.D. Gross  of Sauquoit; and Anna E. Chadwick who has resided with her. Also 20 grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren. Her husband died June 15, 1881. She had also lost one son, George A., who died August 1901.
Submitted by   Roberta K. Morrow  Seattle area, WA

Unknown newspaper - found in bible
Alva Chesebro
Alva Chesebro, aged 58, died at the Rome Hospital at noon today.  He was taken there last Friday suffering with a complication of diseases.  He was born in Chittenango and spent many years in this vicinity, living at Kenttown.  He went to Ridge Mills a year ago, where he followed farming.  He leaves his wife and five children, Olive and Franklin at Ridge Mills, Mrs. Vada (should be Zada) Danford of Utica, Mrs. Welcome Carpenter, and a son, Phineas, in California.
Submitted by Betty Carpenter-McCulloch

Utica Daily Press Oct. 27, 1910
Drowned in the Canal
Body of Miss Cornelia Eliza Claghorn of Walnut Street found in Water near the foot of Clinton Street.
The police having received word at a late hour Tuesday night that Miss Claghorn had been missing from her home for several hours, and that two young men had heard what they thought to be a cry for help near the Jason street bridge, over the canal proceeded to drag the canal in that vicinity as was stated in yesterday's Press.  About 3:30 yesterday the body was found in the canal near the foot of Clinton street by officers Foley, Wright and Marvel and removed from the water.  Coroner Dodd was notified and at the request of her relatives the remains were taken to the rooms of R.B. Cash.
The full name of the deceased was Cornelia Eliza Claghorn, and she was a daughter of the late Charles and Mary Beardsley Claghorn.  She was born in Utica September 12,1851, and always lived here. She had been a nurse for several years. Since the death of her mother, in July, 1909, she had resided with her sister Mrs. Andrew L. Hall, 23 Walnut street.
It is said that Miss Claghorn had been despondent since the death of mother and July last jumped into the canal from the Jason street foot bridge. She was taken to a hospital and recovered from the effects soon afterward. About two weeks ago she was found unconscious in a room at her home with the illuminating gas turned on.
Her death notice
Claghorn-In this city, Wednesday, October 26,1910, Cornelia Eliza Claghorn, in her 60th year. Notice of funeral hereafter.
(that notice only said it would be private)

CHILDS, Lucius C.
The following information was gathered from the Saturday Globe Newspaper, dated August 3, 1895.
The death of Lucius C. Childs Wednesday afternoon at his home on John Street came as a severe shock to his many friends and acquaintances.  Lucius Curtiss Childs was born in 1831 in Exeter, Otsego county.  He received a common school education and at the age of 17 came to Utica.  His brother-in-law, H. H. Curtiss, had a printing office here and young Childs entered as apprentice.  Four years later he became pressman on the Gazette and in 1854 went to Chicago where he did the same sort of work.  Mr. Childs soon returned East and lived in Utica till 1856 when the Boonville Herald was started and he undertook the work of printing that.  He soon purchased the paper and with the Hon. Thomas L. James conducted it till 1861.  Coming again to Utica, Mr. Childs, in company with Rees G. Williams, opened a job printing office.  Later he became associated with Mr. Curtiss and under the firm name of Curtiss & Childs, a thriving business was done.  In 1886 Mr. Curtiss retired from business and Mr. Childs took into partnership his son William T., the firm name being Childs & Son, which it has continued to be ever since.  Mr. Childs was a member of Grace Church and was vestryman and warden of the same.  He was a member of Utica Lodge, F. & A. M., and of the Oneida Historical Society.
The deceased leaves a wife, Anna Jane Tapping, a son, William T. Childs, and two daughters, Mrs. H. I. Johnson and Miss Caroline Childs, all of this city.  Mr. Childs was a quiet yet genial man, fond of his friends and family and by them greatly beloved.  In every position in life he showed himself a good and noble man and gave an example all might profitably follow.  * There is more information included in full obituary, pertaining to his health.

JOHN H. CLANCY - August 3, 1914
Death recently claimed John Clancy a popular and prominent West Utican. For 29 years he lived at 504 Sunset Avenue and during that time he gained he esteem of all who know him.
Mr. Clancy ws born in Ireland 75 years ago. When he was 23 years of age he emigrated to this country and settled in Redfield where he married Miss Mary Donovan, who died in this city two years ago. Mr. Clancy was a member of St. Patrick's Church. He is survived by five daughters, Mrs. Fred Allen, Mrs. William Nelson, and Mrs. James Roberts of this city. Mrs. Lynn Foote of Syracuse and Mrs. Michael Burbank of Albany. Two sons, John and William Clancy both of this city and by several grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
The funeral mass will be held at 9:30 o'clock Monday morning at St. Patrick's Church. The interment will be made in St. Agnes Cemetery.
Karen Dwyer

CLEVELAND, Sarissa Talcott
The following information was gathered from the Saturday Globe Newspaper, dated August 3, 1895.
Sarissa Talcott CLEVELAND died yesterday at her home in New Hartford.  She was born in 1820 in Chenango County.  In 1870 she came to New Hartford where she has since lived.  She leaves four children, Z. V. Cleveland, of Hull, Nebraska;  I.A. Cleveland, of Richland Center, Wis.; Mrs. H. S. Converse, of Nevada, IA., and Mrs. Addison Weed, of New Hartford;  two brothers, Henry Talcott, of Wellsville, New York and G. H. Talcott, of Smyrna, and a sister Mrs. Eli Feltz, of Raleigh, N. C.

Daniel Clifford
Rome Sentinel-April 2, 1908
Vienna - April 2, - Daniel Clifford died from consumption at his late home early Monday morning after some months of illness.  Mr. Clifford was 70 years old and highly respected.  He was a member and a liberal supporter of the Methodist Episcopal Church, also a member of Vienna Lodge, F & AM and Vienna Chapter, OES.  The funeral services were held at the M. E. Church yesterday afternon.  It was one of the largest funerals ever seen in Vienna.  He was buried with Masonic ceremonies.  A large number of brethon were present from Rome, Camden and New London.  Rev. H. J. Carey conducted the services.  O. P. Backus and B. S. Fox of Rome conducted the Masonic ceremonies.  Interment was made in the Raut Cemetery.  Mr. Clifford is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Julia Blasier, Mrs. Pearl Tillapaugh, Mrs. Clara Janes, four brothers, Elbridge and Perry of Iowa City, Guilford of Florida and Chancellor of Sylvan Beach, and two sisters, Waite Sitterly of this place and Huldah Cleveland of Palmyra.
Kathy Last

COE, Mrs. George A.
Unnamed & undated newspaper: Mrs. George A. Coe Watertown June 22 With the arrival of the daughter, Mrs. C.E. deBruyn of London, England, the body of Mrs. George A. Coe will be taken from the vault to Theresa, where interment will be made. There will be a short service at the grave. Mrs. deBruyn has sailed from England and is expected here the last of this week.
Submitted by Dawna Holst

Washington E. Cook
Pioneers of Marshall County, Illinois
Taken From the Henry Republican January 16, 1879
The Republican, in its last issue, gave the announcement of the death of Hon. Washington E. Cook, which took place suddenly at the Matteson House, Chicago, on Tuesday of last week, and this unwelcome news was as sudden to the people of this county as it was unexpected and sudden to the family of which he was the honored head.
Mr. Cook was a New Yorker by birth, his native town being Cook's Corners, Oneida county. He was a holiday gift to the family, the little stranger appearing December 19, 1808. As he grew in statue he become a boy, and in time was apprenticed to a hatter at Clinton, N.Y. He completed his time at the hat business, but his inclinations and opportunities led him to abandon this calling, and about the year 1830 he went to New York City, where he was a clerk for some time, remaining in the city about a year. He then left New York, and at Honesdale, Pa., made the acquaintance of Miss Eunice A. Kellogg of Bethany, Pa., a lady of culture and refinement, whom he married. She was the daughter of Eliphalet Kellogg, a man of prominence in his time, and one highly esteemed in the community.
He afterwards "run a hotel" at Bethany, with success; engaged in the mercantile business at Birmingham, Ohio, for 10 years, when in 1846 or 7 he removed with his family to Marshall county, Illinois and opened the place three miles west of this city, now owned and occupied by Mr. Daniel Harney. Here he resided for some three years, and while farming on a considerable scale, with James Andrews and Samuel J. McFadden, then young men, as assistants, he found he had the faculty, by being in town more than on the farm, that there was an easier way of securing a livelihood than by plowing the soil. It led him to dislike agriculture. So he sold the place to B. & S. Eldridge, and moved to Henry.
This change was the making of W. E. Cook Being a man of excellent business qualifications, foresight, judgment and tact, he became a prominent man, and a popular one, as his genial manners and high social proclivities made him friends everywhere. He was a staunch democrat and a rising man. The county was democratic at that time, and his ambition secured the nomination and election to the office of county clerk. This office was a lucrative one to him, and he held it three successive terms, and from it he became one of the leading politician of his party in the state, and the most prominent one in his district. He favored all important enterprises, and gave his influence for general improvement of the state, in constructing railroads, etc., and held some stock therein. He was farseeing and successful in whatever he undertook, and his "financial rod" blossomed as the rose. His estate at the time of his death was estimated at about $75,000.
For several terms he allowed his name to be used as a candidate for congress and also for state senator, but the changed political complexion of the district and county, gave the honors to his opponent.
His illness and death is told by the Lacon Democrat as follows: "When he died Mr. Cook was 70 years and 10 days old; the last day he spent with his family being his 70th birthday. His disease was something in the nature of quick consumption. He had always been troubled some with his lungs, and had at times suffered severe prostration. A year ago he was quite ill, but in the past few months seemed to be fully recovered; his friends remarking on his unusual spirit and buoyancy. In transacting his business in Chicago, during the late severe weather, he contracted a cold and age and past infirmities rendered its impossible for the system to resist the attack. He died calmly and peacefully and was consigned to his tomb looking as natural as when last month he moved amongst us."
Mr. Cook was a leading Mason and Odd Fellow, and highly revered by members of the two orders. He was well schooled in Masonic lore, and was a member of Peoria commandery at the time of his death.
The funeral was held at the Congregational church in Lacon on Friday last, where assembled a large congregation of weeping friends to pay their last sad rite over the demise of their revered friend. The solemn service was conducted by Rev. W. Tracy, assisted by Revs. Norris and Price. My Tracy's sermon was brief, practical and appropriate, while the singing, conducted by Mr. Stire, was of a high order. At the close of the sermon, the Peoria commandery took charge of the body of its deceased brother. The burial service was then read at the church, and concluded at the grave. Some 100 Masons were in line as the procession proceeded to the cemetery.
The bereft embrace Mrs. Cook, the son George, Mrs. S. M. Garratt of Pontiac and Mrs. D. G. Warner of Dakota territory. All present at the obsequies except the latter. Mrs. Clara Morgan, postmistress of Snachwine, is a sister of the deceased.
Mr. Cook has closed a long, somewhat eventful and useful life. In many respects he was a remarkable man. He had a strong constitution, was a good liver, and enjoyed life with the rest of his fellows. He made money rapidly and spent it generously. His business capacity was above the average and his operations were large. His church connection was Congregational, and the church in which the obsequies were held was of his founding. He was of a very social disposition, very indulgent as husband and father, and a very agreeable man in his family. He surrenders to the summons of death, and a conspicuous life is thus ended. Peace to his ashes.

Cornewaux, Mary - Cornewaux, at Marcy, Nov. 24, 1891. Mary relict of J.P. Cornewaux, aged 83 years and 14 days. The Funeral will take place from the residence of German Crave at Marcy, Thursday morning at 10 am.
Camroden Dec. 4 On Monday, Nov 28 occurred the death of one of Camroden's oldest residents. Mrs. John P. Cornavaux, aged 84 years.
Marsha Petrie

CRILL, Mrs. Elizabeth T.
Mrs. Elizabeth T. Crill
Boonville - Mrs. Elizabeth Traxel Crill, 67, of 25 South St., Marcellus, a native of Boonville who has relatives in Rome, died today, June 29, 1988, at the Auburn Memorial Hospital.
She was born Sept. 7, 1920, in Boonville, daughter of Frederick and Myrtle Larrivey Traxel. She was a resident of Borodino for 35 years.
Mrs. Crill was a member of the Trinity Episcopal Church.  She attended Borodino United Methodist Church.
Surviving besides her husband, [private], Marcellus, are two sons, [private], Eddyville, Ky.; [private], Skaneateles; two brothers, [private], Rome and [private], Syracuse; a sister, [private], Rome, and three grandchildren.
Services will be private. Burial is in the Borodino Cemetery. There are no calling hours. Arrangements were by the Norris Funeral Home, Marcellus. Contributions may be made to the Borodino United Methodist Church, RD 3, Skaneateles, N.Y. 13152.

CROFOOT, Mrs. Clara
From the Daily Sentinel, Rome NY Feb.5, 1935
Mrs. Clara Morse Crofoot, 95, one of Rome's oldest residents, died at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon at her home, 513 W Thomas St.  Mrs. Crofoot had been ill only two weeks, although she had been in failing health since Christmas. Death was due to infirmities of old age. She was born in Higginsville October 15, 1839, and had resided in Rome 16 years, coming here from Constableville, where with her husband the late P.J.. Crofoot, she conducted a general store for over 50 years.  Mrs. Crofoot was twice married, her first husband being Charles Bennett.  After his death she married Mr. Crofoot, a Hamilton College graduate and a school teacher. Up to the time of her death she wore no glasses and was extremely proud of the fact that she could see objects at a distance.  Among her early recollections was the assasination of Abraham Lincoln. She was of the Episcopal faith and attended Zion Episcopal Church here.  She leaves no close relatives.  Among her distant relatives are a nephew, Homer J. Morse, this city; two nieces, Mrs. George Mills, State Bridge, and Mrs. William Bridge, Jordan, and three grand-nieces and grand nephews, George G. and Hugh Morse, Mrs. Clara Vanhovenburgh and Mrs. Walter Beck, all of Rome.
Submitted by Phyllis Draper -

John Crossman & Pauline Feldman Crossman
Rome Sentinel-Jul 31, 1909
Taberg - July 31 - John Crossman and wife were instantly killed early last evening by a train just south of the Blossvale station. They lived on a farm between Blossvale and Taberg and had been huckleberrying during the afternoon.  They were on their way home about 7 o'clock and used the tracks to lessen the distance.  The man and his wife were walking on the bridge which spans Fish Creek, when the passenger train from the south suddenly rounded the curve near there.  The engineer sounded his whistle and also applied the brakes.  Mr. & Mrs. Crossman hurried but could not get across.  They were struck when within a short distance of the end of the bridge and tossed into the ditch at one side.  The train was stopped and the crew hurried back to the bridge.  It was found that the bodies of both man and woman had been horibly mangled and that life in each case was extinct.  The train was backed down and the bodies taken aboard and then conveyed to the station.  Coroner Hubbard was notified and came from Rome in his automboile.  The couple were well known in this locality.  Mr. Crossman had lived here nearly all his life.  He was 49 years of age and is survived by a brother, Frank and a sister, Mrs. John Dean, both of Taberg.  He was twice married and it is believed that children by the first union are living.  Mrs. Crossman was also twice married.  Her maiden name was Pauline Feldman and she was born in Germany 30 years ago.  Her first husband's name was Brower and they lived in Deerfield for a number of years.  About two years ago she married Mr. Crossman and had with him since that time lived on the farm where last evening her daughter, Emma Brower, 12 years of age, was waiting for them to come to supper.  Her mother, Mrs. Feldman, lives in Deerfield and two brothers, Paul and Frank Feldman, also live there.
Kathy Last

Norris L. Crossman
Rome Sentinel-February 8, 1913
Westmoreland, Feb 8 - Death came very suddenly to Norris L. Crossman yesterday afternoon about 4 o'clock.  Mr. Crossman, who was a prosperous farmer residing between Lowell and Westmoreland, but rather nearer to the former village, with his son, Fred, went to the home of Charles Murphy Sr. in Westmoreland yesterday, the son for the purpose of drawing logs from the woods.  During the afternoon the father remained at Mr. Murphy's residence.  He was sitting by the stove, visiting, when he gave a gasp or two, settled back in his chair and in a minute was dead.  Dr. H. K. Worden was summoned, as
was also the coroner.  Death was pronounced due to organic disease of the heart.  Mr. Crossman was born in Annsville July 27, 1849, and had lived in this town about eight years.  He was a man of seemingly strong constitution and of most exemplary habits, was one of the best known farmers in this vicinity, and enjoyed the respect and esteem of every one who knew him.  His death was a severe shock to his host of friends and acquaintances and will be a loss to this town.  He is survived by one son, Fred Crossman and one daughter, Miss Myra Crossman, both of whom live at home, and two brothers, who reside in Rome, C. E. Crossman, 108 East Embargo street, and John H Crossman, 207 N. Jay.
Kathy Last

Mary Elizabeth Cook Crossman
Rome Sentinel-August 23, 1909
Mrs. C. Eugene Crossman died at 3:40 o'clock on Sunday afternoon at her home, 108 E. Embargo Street, from a stroke of paralysis which she suffered four hours previously.  She was feeling as well as usual in the forenoon and was stricken very suddenly while preparing dinner.  Mrs. Crossman before her marriage was Miss Elizabeth M. Cooke, daughter of the late Mr. & Mrs. Moses M. Cooke of Taberg.  She was born in that village on May 23, 1856, and on Oct. 28, 1877, in Camden, she was united in marriage with Mr. Crossman.  The couple came to Rome 23 years ago and since resided here.  They
celebrated their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary on Oct. 28, 1902.  Mrs. Crossman was a member of the First Baptists Church and of the Ladies of the Maccabees.  She was a kind and charitable woman, a devoted wife and mother, and during her residence here made many friends who deeply regretted to learn of her death.  Surviving are the husband and two sons, Wallace and Arthur, who live at home, and one sister and four brothers, Mrs. Conrad Neusheler of this city, Levi and David Cooke of Taberg, George of North Brookfield and John Cooke of Altmar.
Kathy Last

John H. Crossman
Rome Sentinel-June 23, 1913
John H. Crossman, 207 N. Jay Street, died at his home this morning at 8:45 after an illness from a complication of diseases since a year ago June 19, and having been confined to bed for the past six weeks.  Mr. Crossman was born in the town of Rome, February 16, 1842 and when a small boy went with his parents, Mr. & Mrs. John H. Crossman, to the town of Annsville, coming back to Rome in 1861.  August 17, 1865 he was married to Mary D. Whittemore of Rome, by whom he is survived.  Four children were born to them Elizabeth C., who died September 12, 1899, Joseph F. and Charlotte, both of Rome, and Willard H. of Syracuse.  He is also survived by two sisters, Mrs. N. L. Stratton of Rome and Mrs. Josephine Hess of Utica, and one brother, C. E. Crossman, 108 E. Embargo Street, Rome.  In his early days Mr. Crossman was engaged in farming but for the past 29 years he had been engaged in no particular work.  He was a kind and indulgent father and husband and loved his home.  He is the third member of his family to pass away in the past six months.  A sister, Harriet Flag of Utica died in December and a brother, Norris R. Crossman of Westmoreland died February 7, last.
Kathy Last

Elizabeth Loft Crossman
Rome Sentinel-January 19, 1906
At the home of her daughter, Mrs. Conrad Neusheler, 314 W. Thomas Street, at 9:20 pm on Thursday, Mrs. Elizabeth Cook, in her 74th year, died from a general breaking down of the system.  Mrs. Cook had been in failing health for a number of years and had been ill since last June.  She was born in England and came to this country with her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Loft, when but six months old.  The family settled first in Rome and for a number of years Mr. Loft operated the old red grist mill at East Rome.  In Vienna, where the family moved in 1848, Mrs. Cook was married.  Shortly after Mr. & Mrs. Cook removed to Taberg, where Mr. Cook died in 1880.  Mrs. Cook lived with her son, David Cook of Taberg until about six months ago when she came to Rome to make her home with Mrs. Neusheler.  Mrs. Cook attended the Baptist Church at Taberg.  She was long a patient sufferer and her death will bring sorrow to a large number of friends and acquaintances.  Surviving there are one daughter besides Mrs. Neuscheler, Mrs. C. E. Crossman of Rome, four sons, Levi Cook of Rome, George of North Brookfield, John of Altmar and David of Taberg, one brother and one sister, Mrs. Mary A. Marshall of Vienna, and Robert Loft of Michigan; also three step-children, Andrew J. Cook of Rome, Wesley Cook of Iowa and Mrs. Sylvia Rouse of Rome; also eleven grandchildren and one great-grandchild.
Kathy Last

Andrew J. Cook
Rome Sentinel-Nov. 2, 1908
  Andrew J. Cook, for many years a resident of this city, died at his home, 247 E. Whitesboro Street, at 6:15 am today.  One week ago Sunday Mr. Cook suffered a slight shock and this morning had a severe hemorrhage of the lungs which was the immediate cause of his death.  He was born in the town of Annsville on Dec. 16, 1832.  He lived there till about twenty years old, when he came to Rome and entered the employ of Harvey Edmunds, who conducted the Seymour House, now the Mansion House, on E. Whitesboro Street.  He worked for Mr. Edmunds about thirteen years and later for eight years for Archibald Far, who conducted the same hotel.  At McConnellsville, Mr. Cook enlisted in the 117th Regiment, New York State Volunteers, and served till the close of the war.  He never married.  Surviving are one sister, Mrs. Sylvia Rouse, of Rome, one
brother, Wesley Cook of Iowa, four half brothers, Levi Cook of Taberg, George Cook of North Brookfield, John Cook of Camden, and David Cook of Lee, two half-sisters, Mrs. Eugene Crossman and Mrs. C. Neuscheler, both of Rome, also an adopted niece, Miss Lillian Cook of Rome.  Mr. Cook was a member of Skillin Post No. 47, G. A. R.
Kathy Last

Allen P. Cook
Rome Sentinel-Jan. 29, 1912
Allen P. Cook died Saturday night at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Frederick Streun, 308 Stevens Street.  He had been in poor health from kidney trouble the past six years, but had been confined to bed only a week.  Mr. Cook was a son of Mr. & Mrs. George Cook, and was born in Lee on April 21, 1834 and practically all his life had been spent in that town and Taberg.  He lived in the latter place 20 years prior to three years ago when he came to Rome and had been at the home of his daughter the past six weeks.  He had always followed the occupation of a farmer and a mason.  Mr. Cook was three times married.  His first wife was Caroline Perry of Lee, by whom there are two children surviving, William B. Cook and Mrs. Henrietta Palmer of this city.  The second wife was Loraine Young of West Rome, by whom the following children survive:  Miss Eliza
Cook of Lee, Mrs. Adelbert Lower of Lee and Mrs. Frederick Streun of this city.  The third wife was Sarah Lasher, whom he married 19 years ago.  Mr. Cook came from a long lived family, and of six brothers, one older than himself, he was the first to pass away.  The brothers surviving are James Cook of Kankakee, Ill, Milo who lives near Kansas City; Elisha of Lee, Charles of Taberg, Chauncey of Lee, and also one sister, Mrs. Henry Perry of Canajohrie.  Mr. Cook was an attendant of the M.E. Church.  He had an extended acquaintance in this section and a host of friends and acquaintances will deeply regret to learn of his death.
Kathy Last

Lillian Coy Cook
Rome Sentinel-April 5, 1914
Mrs. William B. Cook died at 5:05 this afternoon at her home, 119 South Jay Streeet.  She had been an invalid for 18 months.  She was operated on the latter part of last June with the hope to receive relief and the following month underwent another operation.  Her maiden name was Lillian Alice Coy.  She was born in Balston Spa, NY April 17, 1866 and when seven years old her parents went to Watertown and from there they went to Alexandria Bay, and she came to Rome 33 years ago.  In Lansdown, Can. she married Mr. Cook, who with two daughters, survive,  Mrs. Wava Rudd of Cincinnati, Ohio, and
Mrs. Ethel Morse of this city, and one granddaughter, Lillian Wava Morse.  Mrs. Cook was a member of the Liberty Street M. E. Church and also of the Ladies Aid Society of that Church, and a loving, kind and charitable woman.
Kathy Last

Chauncey W. Cook
Rome Sentinel-February 28, 1913
Chauncey W. Cook, a native and lifelong resident of the town of Lee, died at the Rome Infirmary early Wednesday morning as the result of a double hernia, he having been operated on a week before as the only hope of prolonging his life.  Mr. Cook was born in lee 60 years ago, on June 12 last, a son of the late George and Alzina Cook, and all his life had been passed there with the exception of 18 months, when he conducted a hotel in Bloomington,Ill., and a year when he ran a hotel at Sylvan Beach.  He had always followed the occupation of farmer in which he was successful.  At one time he was a member of the Lee Grange and he attended the M. E. Church.  He was an honest and upright man and commanded the esteem of all who knew him.  The funeral will be held at the Lee Valley church at 2 pm tomorrow (Sunday).  The following children survive:  George of Rome, Mrs. Henry Hall of Annsville, and Mrs. Austin Johnson of Trenton, also four brothers, Charles of Taberg, James of Kankakee, Ill, Milo of Kansas and Elisha Cook of Lee, and a sister, Mrs. Henry Perry of Canajoharie.  There are also two grandchildren, Earl and George Hall of Annsville.
Kathy Last

Lindley Cook
Rome Sentinel-March 7, 1891
Information has just been received from Sodus Centre, Wayne county, that Lindley Cook, a graduate of the deaf-mute institution here was run over and killed by the cars in his section on Friday at 6 pm.  A year ago he married Julia Snyder of Sodus, a graduate of the same school.  He was about 25 years old and an industrious young man.  After his marriage he went with his wife to live at Sodus where he worked at the shoemaker's trade.  The deceased was a son of the late Moses Cook of Annsville.  Besides his wife he leaves his mother, who lives in Annsville, three brothers, Andrew and Levi of Rome, and John
and David of Annsville, and two sisters, Mrs. Eugene Cross and Mrs. Sylvia Rouse of Rome.  The remains will be taken to Annsville for interment.
The Rome Register, March 13, 1891 (Newsletter from NY School for Deaf):
Lindley Cook, a former pupil of this institution, was run over and killed by the cars, last Friday afternoon, in Sodus Centre, Wayne County, where he resided.  He was walking on the track, either going to or coming from work, and appears to have confided in the fact that the last regular train had passed, and no allowance made for the extra that killed him.  He was a native of Annsville, a few miles out of town, and worked in this city as a lather for two or three years.  He was about 25 years old and industrious and saving.  A little over a year ago, he married Miss Julia Snyder, also a former pupil here, and went to live
with her in Sodus.  Here he set up a shop and worked at the shoemaking trade, which he learned while in the Institution.  The remains, accompanied by the widow, were brought to Rome and temporarily deposited in a vault to await transportation to Annsville in the Spring.  The funeral occurred at the house of a brother-in-law on Embargo St., the pall bearers were resident mutes and three of his old mates from the institution.  The sympathy of all who knew Linley goes out to his widow and the friends most sincerely and we feel it our duty in this connection, to sound again the note of warning to the deaf so often
heard, "Keep off the Railroad Track," under all circumstances.  A sketch of remarks by Rev. J. G. Terrill at the funeral will be found elsewhere.
Kathy Last

Sarah Lasher Cook
Rome Sentinel-August 31, 1908
Taberg - Mrs. Sarah Lasher Cook, wife of Allen P. Cook, entered into rest at her home in this village on Friday at 10:35 pm.  Mrs. Cook was a daughter of the late John Lasher and Sarah Todd Lasher, who came here in ox carts from Argyle, Washington County 68 years ago.  She was born on the old Lasher farm in the town of Annsville and had lived here her
entire life of 68 years.  She was very fond of children and young people, thoroughly enjoyed their society and was very popular with them.  Mrs. Cook was energetic and active up to the past year and by her kindness to all endeared herself to many friends who will sincerely mourn her demise.  She is survived by her husband, Allen P. Cook, whose health for some time past has been very poor, a step-son, W. B. Cook of Rome, three sisters, Miss Jennie Lasher and Mrs. Carrie Hart of Syracuse, and Mrs. Hattie Oster of Bismarck, Mich.  A prayer service was held at her late home yesterday afternoon followed by the funeral services at the Methodist Episcopal Church at which Rev. Mr. Smith of Taberg officiated.  The attendance was very large and many handsome floral pieces attested the esteem and respect in which Mrs. Cook was held by all who knew her.
The interment was made in the family lot in the village cemetery.  A. E. Hart of Syracuse and E. H. Wilbur of Utica, brothers-in-law, W. B. Cook of Rome, a step-son, and a nephew, W. G. Kingsley of Utica, acted as bearers.
Kathy Last

Millard Cruikshank
Newport-Funeral services for Millard Cruikshank this village, who died recently, were conducted at 2:30 pm saturday, from the Autenrith Funeral Home, with Rev. R. Wynn Bellis, Utica officiating. Burial was in North gage Cemetery.  and

Mrs Millard Cruikshank
 Newport- Mrs. Annie Cruikshank 83
formerly of Gravesville died Jan 7, 1949
in Van Allen Nursing home, Little Falls, after a long illness.
She was born in San Francisco July 21,1865, a daughter of Edgar and Jane Walker Baker. She was married Aug. 30, 1903 to Millard Cruikshank in the North Gage Church.
She was a member of North Gage Church and the stitchery club.
Surviving are her husband, three sons, Lincoln of East Long Meadow, Mass
James, of Asheville, N.C. and George
Lattimer of Stroudsburg, Pa. one daughter, Mrs Dorthy Moore of Kenmore and one brother Edgar Baker of Pittsfield, Mass.  and

Fred Cruikshank
Poland- Fred J. Cruikshank 69 died yesterday, in the Lilac Rest Nursing Home, Newport, following a long illness. He was born May 18, 1864 in the town of Deerfield, a son of James and Mary Cruikshank. He married Cora Kane, she died in 1933. He was a retired milk dealer. Mr Cruikshank was a deacon of Poland Baptist Church. Surviving are 2 sons, Leroy of Poland, and John of Binghampton, a sister Mrs Avis Ford, Newport, two grandchildren, and two gr grandchildren. several neices and nephews.  and

Mrs Cruikshank, Poland, Is dead.
Poland- Cora Kane, wife of Fred J. Cruikshank died at her home here late Friday afternoon.
A daughter of William P. and Eliza Pierce Kane, she was born December 12, 1864 at Floyd. She married Mr Cruikshank, North Gage, March 1886, and spent most of her life near Newport until 1904 when they purchased a home in Poland, and had since resided there. She is survived be her husband and 2 sons, Leroy and John, and 2 grandsons, Stuart and John Jr. all of Poland. She was a member of the Baptist Church, Philathea Class, and Missionary Society. Funeral services will be held at her late home, Monday afternoon at 2pm.  and

Leroy Cruikshank
Poland- Leroy P. Cruikshank, 69, died yesterday in Herkimer Memorial Hospital after a short illness. ( Dec 1959) is written in the margin. He was born May 4, 1890 in the town of Newport, son of Fred and Cora Kane Cruikshank. He was a resident of poland for 50 years, following the painter and paperhanger trade. His wife Sarah Andrews, died many years ago. Surviving are one son, Stewart, town of Newport, one brother John of Binghampton. The funeral will be held at 2pm tomorrow from the Autenrith Funeral Home with Rev. John F. Madden, pastor of the Poland Baptist Church, officiating. Buriel will be in Pine Grove Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home between 2 and 4 pm, and 7 and 9 pm today.  and

Mary E. Cruickshank
At half past one this morning occured the death of Mary E. Cruickshank, wife of Eugene Cruickshank, at the home of her son Leonard, on Osborne Hill after a lingering illness. Deceased was born in Poland in the year 1843, and was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Beebe. She was educated in the Oswego Normal school and Whitestown Seminary and spent her early life teaching until her marriage in June, 1874.  Surviving are two sons, Leonard and Harry, four grandchildren, and a sister who resides at Trenton, N.J. The funeral will be held from her late home on Wednesday at 1 o"clock, the Rev. E. Scott Farley officiating. Interment will be made at Oak Hill.
Diana Cluster -

Died at Schuylerville
Stewart J. Cruikshank was native of North gage- funeral there today.
North Gage- April 6- The funeral of Stewart J. Cruikshank will be held tomorrow ( wednesday) at the home of his son A.C. Cruikshank in this village, at 1pm Rev. A.A. Post, pastor of the Presbyterian Church will officiate. Mr Cruikshank died Sunday at home of his son, W.G. Cruikshank at Schuylerville, following an illness of a few weeks. He was born in North Gage 72 years ago and made his home here practically all of his entire life. For many years he followed farming and was very successful in that vocation. Last June his wife died and since then he had made his home with one or the other of his sons. Recently he had went to Schuylerville, where he was taken with his fatal illness. Mr. Cruikshank was a member of the Presbyterian Church of this place and was a man who enjoyed the respect of all who knew him. He is survived by 2 sons, Albert C. Cruikshank of this village, and W. G. Cruikshank, principal of the school at Schuylerville: 2 sisters, Mrs Maria Allen and Mrs. Melissa Allen??ond , one brother James N. Cruikshank of Poland.  and

James M. Cruikshank
Esteemed resident of Poland Dies after Long illness:
Poland- Sept. 9- James M. Cruikshank a highly respected resident of Poland passed away this morning at his home here at an early hour this morning. He had been in feeble health for a long time, but for the past few weeks had failed rapidly. Mr. Cruikshank's ancestors were among the pioneer settlers of North gage, his grandparents came there in 1807 and settled on a farm which still remains in the Cruikshank Family. The deceased was the son of James and Malintha Read Cruikshank and was born November 29, 1840. His boyhood days were spent on the old Homestead at North gage.  March 31, 1863 he married Miss Mary E. Evans of Newport. They purchased a farm adjoining the Cruikshank homestead where they lived nearly half a century. Mr Cruikshank was a large and sucessful dairy farmer and has seen many changes in his four-score years. Mr. Cruikshank was a member of the Presbyterian Church at North gage, and while his health permitted, was a faithful attendant and took active part in the varied activities of the Church. Besides his wife, he leaves their children" Fred J. Of Poland, Millard of North Gage, and Mrs B. L. Ford of Newport. several grandchildren and great granchildren. He is also survived by one sister Mrs Maria Allen of Poland. Funeral services will be held from his late home on Cold Brook street, saturday afternoon at 3 O'clock and he will be laid to rest in North Gage Cemetery.  and

Mrs Leonard Cruikshank
Herkimer- Mrs.Gertrude Cruikshank 66, of Osborne Hill, died Nov, 25, 1946, in the home of Mrs Nora Bloodough, 305 N. Washington, following an illness of several weeks. She was born in Fairfield, daughter of Benjamin and Lucy Hilts Petrie. She attended Fairfield schools and in 1898 she was married to Leonard E. Cruikshank. She resided on Osborne Hill 40 years.  Her husband died about 10 years ago. She attended Trinity Lutheran Church. She leaves a son, George, of Herkimer, two brothers, Bert of Binghampton, and Adrian of Mohawk. and two sisters, Mrs Marion Morey, of Rockdale, and Mrs Margaret Taber of Ilion. Funeral services will be conducted at 2pm today from Fenner Funeral Home here with buriel in Oak Hill Ceberger Cemetery.  and

Poland- Sept. 14- Edgar C. Cruikshank  who has been in poor health for a long time, passed away Thursday.
 The deceased was the son of James M. and Mary Evans Cruikshank and was born in North Gage, October 9, 1865.
His boyhood days were spent on his fathers farm. Later he became a clerk in Poland Union Store, then manager. When the store burned in 1903, Mr Cruikshank resigned as manager, and later conducted a mercantile business of his own, until failing health caused him to retire.
 September 18, 1890, Mr Cruikshank married Miss May Seavey of Poland, who survives. He also leaves a daughter, Mrs Herbert Greene of Utica. He is also survived by his Father, Mother, his brother Fred of Poland, brother Millard of North Gage, and sister Mrs B.L.Ford of Newport.
 The funeral will be held at the Baptist Church Sunday at 2pm. The service will be in charge of the Masonic Lodge, F. & A.M. of Newport, of which he was a member. Rev. W. I. Coburn pastor of the Church, will officiate. Interment will be made in Pine Grove Cemetery.  and

George D Cruikshank
George D Cruikshank, 89, of Valley Health Services, died Monday, June 1, 1987, at Faxton Hospital, Utica, after a long illness. He was born May 22, 1898, in the Herkimer area, the son of Leonard and Gertrude Petrie Cruikshank. He attended local schools and lived in the Herkimer area most of his life. He was employed as a mechanic at the Edmund Rich garage
in  Herkimer for many years. He was of Lutheran faith. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs Marths Moore, of Herkimer and Mrs Janet Cole of Ellington, Conn. four grandchildren, eight great grandchildren and several cousins. Funeral services will be held Thursday, at 11 AM in Fenner Funeral Home, 115 Court Street, Herkimer. Interment will follow at Oak Hill Cemetery. Calling hours are Wed. evening 7-8:30 PM Family wishes memorial donations to MOVAC or charity of your choice.
 From the June 2, 1987  Herkimer Telegram  and

Mary Whittemore Crossman
Rome Sentinel-October 7, 1913
Mrs. Mary D. Crossman, wife of the late John H. Crossman, died at the family home, No. 207 N. Jay Street, at 7:15 Monday evening.  She had been confined to her bed for the last two weeks.  Since the death of her husband, which occurred on June 23, she had been in very poor health, never having recovered from the shock caused by his demise.  Mrs. Crossman was born in Peterboro, NH January 13, 1837, the second child of the late John and Lucretia Glover Whittemore, and came to this city with her parents when a small child, before the advent of railroads in this section, the journey being made to Rome by  a
steam packet on the Erie Canal.   The family settled on the Whittemore homestead at Coonrod.  On August 15, 1865, the subject of this sketch was married to Mr. Crossman at Oneida Castle, and they continued to reside in this vicinity until 1884, when they moved to this city and one year later to the family home on N. Jay street where her remaining years were spent.  Mrs. Crossman attended the old Rome Academy.  She was a woman of jolly temperament and in her younger years her home was the scene of many enjoyable social events.  At the time of the death of her mother, which occurred in November, 1897,
she suffered a severe attack of nervous prostration but after a long rest seemed to improve.  This was not permanent, however, and her health had not been of the best since.  She is survived by three children, Joseph F. and Charlotte L. Crossman of this city and Willard H. Crossman of Syracuse, and one sister, Mrs. J. F. Eddy of Bay City, Michigan.
Kathy Last

Wallace Wesley Crossman
Rome Sentinel-June 4, 1922
Rome, June 4 - Wallace Wesley Crossman, 117 East Fox Street, one of the most popular and best known conductors on the Rome City Street Railroad, died at the Rome Hospital at 11:50 am today, blood poisoning being the cause of death.  He was one of the conductors on the shuttle car running to the Central depot. Four weeks ago he struck his left hand against the door of the car, breaking the skin and the copper pennies he handled poisoned his hand, resulting in his death, the poison going up the arm and reached the heart.  He had been in the hospital only about a week.  Mr. Crossman was born in Taberg
41 years ago, April 16, and had lived here since he was two years old.  He attended the public schools and Rome Free Academy, and had been in the employ of the railroad company 10 years and was one of their most faithful employees.  He had a host of friends who deeply regretted to learn of his death.  In 1907 he married Miss Lutilda Strohl, daughter of Jacob Strohl, who survives, also his father, C. E. Crossman, one son, Wesley Eugene, and one brother, Arthur Crossman, of this city.  He was a member of the Baptist Church also the Loyal Order of Moose, and the Maccabees and of the New York State
Railways Employees Union, Division No. 582, Utica.  The funeral will be held at the house 2 pm Wednesday.
Kathy Last

CUMMINS, Benjamin
From an unnamed and undated New York newspaper:
   Floyd, Feb 27. -- Benjamin D. Cummins, a life-long resident of Floyd, died today, aged 77 years 2 months and 6 days.  The funeral will be held from his late residence on Thursday, March 2 at 12 o'clock.
Submitted by Dawna Holst

CUMMINS, Mrs. Benjamin
From an unnamed and undated New York newspaper:

   Floyd, Feb. 10 -- On Tuesday night occured the death of one of our highly respected residents, Mrs. Benjamin Cummins, aged 62? years.  she had been ailing for a long time.  She leaves three sisters, Mrs. George Feasler of Stittville, Mrs. Anna Carrier of Rome and Mrs. Lovel Cummins of Floyd, one brother, Joseph Lucius of Floyd, and an invalid husband.  The bereaved family have the sympathy of the community.  The funeral will be held from her late residence on Saturday at 12 M.
Submitted by Dawna Holst

Nancy Cunningham
Mrs. Nancy Cunningham Died at Her Daughter's Home in Montmorency
This forenoon at 6:30 o'clock at the home of her daughter, Mrs. L. Wakeman of west Montmorency occurred the death of Mrs. Nancy Cunningham at the advanced age of 98 years and 4 months.
Nancy Boos' parents were from Holland.  She was born in the town of Stanford, Dutchess County, N.Y., September 15, 1799.  At the age of six years, she with her parents and only sister emigrated to the then wilderness of central New York at Paris Hill, Oneida county, near Utica.  At the age of 16 she was converted and united with the M.E. church with which she has kept her membership, "a mother in Israel" for over eighty years.  After her conversion to the teachings of Jesus Christ, at the age of twenty years she married Hiram Cunningham, with whom she lived near Oswego, N.Y. for twenty five years, then emigrating with her husband and family to Fort Atkinson, Wis., and later to Harlem, Ill.  Thence they moved to Manchester, Iowa, where her husband died, after which she lived with her son, Putnam Cunningham at Dell Rapids, South Dakota, until July 1892.  Since then her home has been with her only daughter, Mrs. Wakeman of Montmorency, Whiteside county, Ill.
She is the mother of eight children, five of whom survive her.  She had seen much of frontier life.  Truly the days of her years were very great, numbering 35,932.  She was a consistent Christian woman, a kind, affectionate mother.  She is gathered unto her rest.  The funeral will be held at the family residence on Monday morning at 10 o'clock, Rev. J.A. Matiack of the Fourth Street M.E. church officiating.  The interment will be made at Riverside cemetery, Sterling.  The pall bearers will be Messrs.  E.M. Wakeman, Guy Christie, H.W. Spear, F.L. Russell, Robert Pollock, Theodore Frank.
Sterling (ILL) Evening Gazette, 15 January 1898
Kenneth W. Parent

CUTLER, Louisa A.
The following information was gathered from the Saturday Globe Newspaper, dated August 3, 1895.
CUTLER - In this city, Friday, August 2, 1895, Louisa S., daughter of Henry F. and Louisa A. Cutler, aged 30 years 7 months and 14 days.  The funeral services will be held at the Clarendon this (Saturday) evening at 8, after which the remains will be taken to Northhampton, Mass.
Obituary - The community was greatly shocked this morning by the announcement that Miss Louisa Cutler, librarian of the Utica Public Library had died after an illness of but a few days' duration.  Although she had been a resident of Utica less than two years, the public character of the position she occupied brought her in contact with very many people, and none knew her but to respect and esteem her.  Miss Cutler was one of the most advanced and able librarians in the State, and it is said was the only woman to have charge of so large a library as ours.  She was educated at Mt. Holyoke Seminary, and at an early age developed a great love for books.  She entered Columbia College Library School and after three years graduated with high honors.  For the next few months she occupied herself in reorganizing the Newark (N.J.) Public Library.  Then she became librarian of the Aguilar Library of New York city, which position she occupied for the next three years.  Going to Hamilton she was engaged some months in catalogueing the Colgate University Library.
So marked had been the success of Miss Cutler in her several positions that she was engaged by the United States Bureau of Education to take charge of the exhibition of the American Library Association at the World's Fair.  When the fair closed she was engaged by the trustees of the newly reorganized library in this city to be its librarian.  She entered upon her duties here November 7, 1893, and here she had since resided.  The work she has done here is too well known to need comment.  In few positions can so useful an influence be exerted as in that of public librarian, and so wide was Miss Cutler's knowledge of books and subjects that she will be sadly missed by the patrons of the library.  Miss Cutler was in her 31st year.