in Your Obtuary Information
GALLUP, Thomas
St. Joseph Missouri Daily Gazette, Monday,
July 25, 1881
"Funeral of Thomas Gallup"
At 10 o'clock yesterday
morning the remains of Thomas Gallup were laid tenderly to rest in Fairview
Cemetery, five miles east of this city. Mr. Gallup died at his residence
on Sixteenth and Jones streets Friday afternoon. He was in the seventy-third
year of his life and had lived a life full of usefullness and kindness.
He was born near Norwich, Conn.,
and with his parents removed to Oneida County, New York, when he was seven
years old. He came to Missouri in January 1865, and remained here twelve
years when he removed to Nemaha County, Kansas, remaining four years, until
about six weeks ago when he
returned to St. Joseph. Mr. Richard
Gallup of this city, and Mrs. D. N. Alexander, of Axtell, Kansas are the
only surviving children of the deceased. Mrs. Gallup, widow of the
deceased, is in the seventy-fourth year of her age, and is still in possession
of her health and is very active. He had been in bad health since
last February when he was stricken with paralysis, and he would improve
and appear stout, while at other times he would become very feeble.
He was a fine citizenm a true christian and one who's loss will be deeply
mourned. He was at the time of his death a member of the Baptist
Church, and had been for the last twenty-five years.
A great number followed his remains to the hallowed spot where they must
remain until the last great day. Peaceful be his rest.
Ssubmitted by Thomas Alexander, Portland
St. Joseph Gazette, Friday, January 22, 1897
An Aged and Well Known Resident of St. Joseph
Mrs. Cynthia Gallup, more commonly
known as "Grandma" Gallup, died at the home of her son, Richard, at 2:30
o'clock yesterday morning, January 20. She was one of the oldest
and best known women of the city, who counted her friends by her acquaintances.
Although her last sickness was
of brief duration on account of her age her
death was not unexpected, and she died as she had lived, at peace with
She was born in Cassville, N.
Y., in 1806, where she lived until 1865, when she removed to St. Joseph,
having married T. R. Gallup, her former name being Cynthia Budlong.
Mr. and Mrs. Gallup had born to them six children, five sons and one daughter,
only one, Richard M. , of whom is
living now. Her daughter, Clara Alexander,
the next, having died about eight years ago, having three children who
are in California. Although being over 90 years
old, her mind and heart were always active in any good work. One
of the last in which she was very much interested being a quilt, worthy
of much praise, which she had made in order to help raise money to equip
the new Baptist Church now being built at Thirteenth and Francis, of which
she was a member. In her eighty-eighth year she made this wonderful quilt
and began to place the name of any friend on it who would contribute 10
cents toward a seat in the church, which should be dedicated to her friends.
This was one of the delights of her heart. As she saw her amount
growing more pieces were placed on it and new names added with her own
hands until a short time ago, she handed in $60 and said her work was finished,
soon after passing away to be remembered as one who has passed before.
Submitted by Thomas Alexander, Portland Oregon
Unnamed & undated newspaper: SHOT HIMSELF
Alvin Gardner, a Farmer Living At East Watertown,
a Suicide Alvin Gardner, a well-to-do farmer residing on Staples Hill,
two miles out State Street, committed suicide in his cow barn about 10:30
Monday forenoon by shooting himself.
Mr. Gardner was about 55 years of age and
formerly lived in Barnes Corners. He married the sister of O.G. Staples
and has conducted the Staples farm for many years. No reason is assigned
for the act except it was committed while temporarily insane. Mr. Gardner
has been addicted to the use of liquor and it is said that he has recently
been indulging himself immoderately.
Submitted by Dawna Holst
Milton D.
Unnamed & undated newspaper: Mrs. Milton
D. Gardner
Death at Bon Homme, S.D., of a Native of
The Springfield, S.D. Times has the following:
Mrs. Milton D. Gardner died at her home at
Bon Homme on Thursday morning, March 8, after a week's illness. The deceased's
condition became critical early in the week and absent ones were summoned,
all the immediate members of the family being present, with the exception
of the eldest son, Asa, who resides at New England, N.D., and who did not
arrive until after his mother had passed away. Besides this son, Mrs. Gardner
is survived by her husband, a second son, Clarence, and a daughter, Mrs.
Silverwood, who with her husband arrived from Chicago before the end came.
Mrs. Gardner's maiden name was Ophelia Brewer,
and she was born at Rome, N. Y., May 2, 1839. On May 1, 1861, she became
the bride of Milton D. Gardner. In 1873 the family removed from Dubuque,
Iowa, to Yankton, where Mrs. Gardner made many friends in the ten years
she lived in this city, then in its pioneer period. The friendships formed
in those early years never ceased when the family moved to Bon Homme, and
there are numerous old-time citizens in this community who deeply regret
the death of a valued friend. The year 1883 saw the Gardner family move
to Bon Homme and the years that have passed since then have seen the Gardner
home grow to be one of
the finest farms of that section. Its groves
were resorted to by many for picnic parties, and to all Mrs. Gardner extended
a kindly greeting, drawing around her as she had done in Yankton, many
very dear friends who will mourn with the relatives in their loss.
Submitted by Dawna Holst
Mrs. Daniel
Funeral Notice
Daniel Gardner funeral in Rome,
July 29th, buried at Floyd Corners Cemetery.
Submitted by Dawna Holst
Funeral Notice
Gardner, town of Floyd died
March 3 age 79 years.
Submitted by Dawna Holst
Mrs. Sarah
ROME SENTINEL, 10 Dec. 1878: Mrs. Sarah Gardner
died Rome Dec 5 age 61 yrs, 11mo, 12 days.
Mrs. Florence George, 49, of 157 Riverview
Pkwy. N., wife of Anthony George, died Saturday night in the Rome Hospital
after a five month illness.
Mrs. George was born in Rome June 27, 1916,
daughter of John and Giovanna Falcone, and was educated in local schools.
She was an attendant at Marcy State Hospital until her illness.
A member of St. John the Baptist Church,
she was married to Mr. George June 20, 1936, in the church with the late
Rev. Edward O’Connell performing the ceremony.
Besides her husband, she leaves [private].
A private funeral service will be held Tuesday
at the Nicholas J. Bush Funeral Home at 9:15 and at 10 in St. John the
Baptist Church, where a solemn requiem high mass will be celebrated. Interment
will be in St. John the Baptist Cemetery.
Rome Sentinel Feb. 13, 1966
Alonzo S.
Rome Sentinel-September 3, 1926:
Westdale - Sept. 3 - Alonzo S. Gibson, 84,
Civil War veteran and former chair manufacturer, died Thursday afternoon
at the home of his daughter, Mrs. C. C. Keeler in this village after an
illness of a year's duration. Mr. Gibson was born June 3, 1842, the
11th of 12 children of Roswell and Hannah Gibson in the town of FLorence,
where he spent his youth. August 26, 1862 he enlisted in the 146th
Regiment, New York Volunteers of Zouvas and served as a sergeant in Company
E. He fought in 17 battles. He was taken prisoner at the battle
of Hatcher's Run and sent to Milan, Libby and later to Andersonville Prison
where he was confined for six months. While engaged in active fighting
he stopped three bullets; one struck the picture of his wife he carried
in a case in his pocket, another hit a testament and the third just grazed
his shoulder. While on furlough he married Emeline Winchester of
this place December 15, 1864. He received his honorable discharge
July 16, 1865. His wife died last January. After leaving the
service Mr. Gibson resided in Bennington, Vt. eight years, in Mexico, NY
three years and was engaged in chair manufacture here for 20 years.
Later he resided in Syracuse, Detroit, Michigan, and Black River, NY before
coming to live with his daughter in March, 1925. Besides the daughter
he leaves his youngest brother, I. E. Gibson of
Bennington, Vt.
Kathy Last
Elizabeth Keech
North Western; Nov. 14, 1887 -
The death of Elizabeth Gillett occured on
Friday morning at the residence of her son, Henry Gillett, at Dunn Brook,
in her 93d year. She was one of the oldest inhabitants of the town
and a pensioner of the war of 1812. She leaves three sons- David,
Henry and Horace Gilett. The funeral services were held in the M.E.
Church on Sunday at 12 o'clock, Rev. Mr. Crofoot officiating.
The bearers were Marcus Van Buskirk, Wilbur
Cummings, Michael Holden, Abel Hall, John G. Grems, and John Rheinhuber.
Elizabeth was b 1796 to James Keech, Sr.
The family settled in the Town of Western shortly after 1810. Her
bros John, James & one other, also served in the War of 1812,
as did her husband Ebenezer [1792-1855.] When the troops marched
out to the defense of Sackett's Harbor, James, Sr - a Rev War vet
probably about 70, with several other vets, joined their sons in the War
of 1812.
Sent in by Dan
In Verona, February 27th, of congestion of
the lungs, Mary, widow of Abel GILLETT, of that town, aged 91 years, 10
months and 15 days.
Deceased and her husband moved into Verona
in the year 1806, and resided there until their respective deaths.
Funeral took place on Friday, March 1st, and the sermon was preached by
The following information was gathered from
the Saturday Globe Newspaper, dated August 3, 1895.
Edward GOODWIN, a well-known farmer of Deerfield,
died Tuesday at his home in that place. Mr. Goodwin was born in England
76 years ago. When 26 he came to this country ad settled in New Hartford.
After living there a few years he moved to Deerfield where he resided ever
since. He was for many years identified with the milk business in
this city. He was a man who had the esteem of all for his honesty
and conscientiousness. Mr. Goodwin is survived by his widow and the
following children: Charles E. and William Goodwin, of Utica;
H. S. Goodwin, of Deerfield; Mrs. Robert Gammel, Mrs. J. Faber and
Mrs. S. L. Garlock, of Clevelnad. O. The funeral took place at the
house Thursday afternoon.
Atwater --- Picture of Harry & Catharine
Allen Curtiss Goodyear
"Life Spanned Almost 92 Years -- Death of
Harry Goodyear"
Camden - May, 1907: On Thursday night
there came a message from Cadillac, Mich., announcing the death of Harry
Goodyear, nearly a life-long and one of the oldest citizens of Camden.
Mr. Goodyear died that day after a brief illness of pneumonia, having been
confined to his bed for only two days.
The Goodyear family
were among the pioneer settlers of Camden and have figured prominently
in all that has pertained to the welfare and upbuilding of the village.
Deceased was a son of Edward and Leva (Alcott) Goodyear and was born in
Wolcott, Conn. Had he lived until May he would have been 92 years
of age. When a mere babe his parents moved to Brighton, Canada, going
in the winter time on sleighs. After a few years, or in 1820, they
came to Camden, which with the exception of about nine years had ever since
been his home. For many years he was a farmer, and early in his married
life he owned and occupied a farm in New Haven, Oswego County, for five
years. Returning to town he bought a place on the Talberg road, where
he remained till he came into the village to reside some thirty-five years
ago. His wife, who was Catharine, daughter of Charles and Sabrina
(Rice) Curtiss of West Camden, died several years ago, and since he had
made his home with his son Pernett in Cadillac, Mich., where he passed
Mr. Goodyear was
a carpenter and worked at building after coming to the village. Among
his work was the building of the Dorrance & Wright block and the Presbyterian
church. He was one of four to erect the 105-foot steeple which ornaments
that pretty edifice. The other gentlemen included his brother, Lucius
Barnes Goodyear, James Gerow, and the late Mr. Cook. Deceased was
a member of the Presbyterian church and its first sexton for many years.
He was a man kind, generous and
thoughtful of others, and his death comes
as a great shock to his old friends. Of his two children, his son,
Pernett only survives, a veteran of the Civil War, Company II, 9th Regt.
Heavy Artillery. A daughter (Leve), the late Mrs. E. P. Woods, died
many years ago, leaving a daughter, (Bertha) who is now Mrs. Albert Mickle
of Utica.
Deceased was one
of the seven sons and one daughter of his father's family, of which but
two survive, they being Lucius B. Goodyear of Camden and Mrs. P.C. Costello
of New York City.
The funeral was
held in Cadillac and the remains arrived in Camden Saturday afternoon.
The burial was made at 9 a.m. Sunday in Forest Park cemetery, being preceded
with a prayer service by the Rev. Mr. Moody of the Presbyterian church.
The bearers were Joseph Stark, Daniel Dunt, B. A. Curtiss and W.J. Stoddard.
Submitted by Kelly O'Leary
Catharine Allen Curtiss
"Days of Sorrow to Some"
Mrs. Harry A. Goodyear
Camden - Sept. 1902: On Sunday, Sept.
14, 1902, at 3:15 p.m. ending a long illness from fatty degeneration of
the heart, out of the little white cottage No. 18 Washington street, this
village -- her home for a generation -- Mrs. Harry A. Goodyear passed to
her everlasting rest, aged 77 years, 3 months, 23 days.
A word in commemoration
of this good woman seems fit here: Catharine
Allen Curtiss, child of Charles and Sabrina Rice Curtiss, was born in Florence,
N. Y., May 23, 1825. On Feb. 4, 1847, she was united in marriage
with Harry Atwater Goodyear, by Rev. R. R. Kirk of Camden. Their
life of 55½ years together has been passed in this town with the
exception of ten years, 1855 to 1865, in Oswego Co. This period covered
the war for the Union. Ten homely verses -- a dialogue between a
youth and his mother, preserved on an old newspaper slip cherished by our
deceased friend to the last, hint at the part she bore in the strange struggle
of those trying times. Two of the ten verses run thus: -- The son's
"Have you heard the news that I hear today?
The news that trembles on every lip?
The sky is darker again, they say,
And breakers threaten the good old ship.
Our country calls on her sons again,
To strike in her name, at a dastard foe;
She asks for 600,000 men,
And I would be one, mother, let me go.
"He's my only boy, and this is my plan:
Perhaps it is foolish and weak;
But, mothers, I'm sure will have pity on
And some word will tenderly speak.
The light of my home -- my tears fall like
Is it a wonder I shrink from the blow?
That my heart is crushed by the weight of
But I've kissed him and let him go."
This woman's "only boy," Pernett Lucius "Frank"
Goodyear, went as one of the 600,000 men at age 16, was wounded and regularly
mustered out of service a young man, and is still living -- an invalid
Why do I introduce
to you this story with its homely verses? Simply to memorialize Mrs. Goodyear,
to her honor and your profit. It was like her, a principled doer
of the proper, sensible, right thing -- in the considerate kindly way at
the cost of whatever needful self denial. This marked her a "Good
Mrs. Goodyear was
in a proper sense natively good -- of an amiable disposition and well-balanced.
"I knew here as a girl --a solid and sensible girl" says a neighbor. "By
custom become habit, she was reliable, good in relations and testings of
everyday life."
The very names she
was called by --"sister Catharine" i.e., clean, pure, and "Aunt Kate,"
confidentially kind and helpful, suggest appreciation, with a sense of
loss in her going away. The last of her father's house, she leaves many
a "sister" and many a "niece" wherever known.
As covering all
and modeling the natural and the habitual our friend was graciously good.
Early uniting with the visible Church, she walked with it -- in West Camden,
Mexico, and Camden, to the end. Cherished be her memory, imitated her example.
Two children were
born to Mr. and Mrs. Goodyear, Pernett Lucius, now at Cadillac, Mich.,
and Leve Amantha, who, as wife of Elly P. Woods, died twenty-one years
to a month, before her mother, on a September Sunday, and in the same house
and same room as she, leaving a child of five years who was baptized as
Bertha Floretta, at the mother's bedside, on the day of her death.
This child lived with her grandmother during the declining years, to their
mutual advantage and comfort, until her recent marriage to Albert J. Mickle
of Utica and their removal to that city.
The funeral, held
in the Presbyterian church at 2:30 yesterday afternoon, was largely attended.
Rev. Richard Abbott delivered the discourse, and Rev. E. N. Manley, for
many years pastor of the deceased made the memorial remarks.
--(author: E. N. Manley)
Submitted by Kelly O'Leary
Anne Theresa Goppert, CSJ of Latham, NY
Sister Anne Theresa Goppert, CSJ, formerly
known as Sister M. Fulgentia, died at St. Joseph Provincial House, Latham,
NY, on Tuesday, February 15, 2005. Sister was born in Utica, NY, the daughter
of the late William and Anna Murphy Goppert. She was in the 72 year of
her life as a Sister of St. Joseph of Carondelet. Sister Anne Theresa graduated
from St. Francis De Sales High School, Utica, and was a certified kindergarten
teacher. She taught in schools of the Albany and Syracuse Dioceses including
St. Anthony's School, Syracuse, for 25 years and St. Pius X, Loudonville,
for 20 years. While Sister was in retirement, her service to her community
was valuable and unprecedented. Sister is survived by a sister, Mrs. Betty
Mishalanie of Utica; a brother, Leonard J. Goppert of Whitesboro; nieces
and nephews; and the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet. The funeral will
take place on Friday, February 18, at 10:30 a.m. in Our Lady Queen of Virgins
Chapel at St. Joseph's Provincial House, Latham. Relatives and friends
may call at the Chapel of the Provincial House on Thursday from 4 to 7
p.m. Evening prayer will be at 7 p.m. Interment will take place in Our
Lady Queen of Virgins Cemetery, Latham. Contributions may be made to the
Sisters of St. Joseph Development Office, 385 Watervliet-Shaker Road, Latham,
NY 12110. Funeral arrangements have been entrusted to the John J. Sanvidge
Funeral Home, Inc., 565 Fourth Avenue, Troy, New York 12182.
Utica OD-2/16/2005
Carol Michaud
World War II Veteran
Sylvan Beach-Clarence (Larry) Goppert, Vienna
Rd., died May 26, 1958 in the Rose Memorial Hospital in Rome after a year’s
He was born in Utica, March 5, 1919, son
of William C. & Anna Murphy Goppert, and married Edna Clawson May 13,
1943 in St. Joseph’s Church, Utica.
Mr. Goppert had lived in Sylvan Beach for
the past 15 years. Prior to this he was a lifelong resident of Utica. He
had been a store clerk at the Rome State School for the past 11 years.
Previously, he had been a store clerk at Griffiss Air Force Base. He was
a veteran of World War II.
Mr. Goppert leaves his wife, he leaves two
daughters, the Misses Betty Lou and Margaret Anne Goppert, both of Sylvan
Beach; a son Lawrence R.; Sylvan Beach; three sisters, Sister Fulgentia,
of the Order of St. Joseph, stationed in St. Anthony’s Convent, Syracuse;
Evelyn, Sylvan Beach and Mrs. Charles Mishalanie, Utica; two brothers,
William A., Utica, Leonard J., Oriskany; two aunts, Mrs. Raymond Goppert,
Utica with whom he lived as a child; and Mrs. Mabel Bennett, Ilion; several
nieces and nephews.
The funeral will be held at 9 Thursday from
the Heintz Funeral Home 1517 Whitesboro St., Utica and 9:30 from St. St.
Joseph’s Church, Utica, where a requiem high Mass will be offered. Interment
will be in Canastota.
Calling hours at the funeral home are from
2 to 4 and 7 to 9 tomorrow and Wednesday.
Carol Michaud
Edna E. Goppert,
87, of Vienna Road, Sylvan Beach, died July 17, 2004 in Oneida Health Care
Facility after a brief illness. She was born December 10, 1916, in Utica,
the daughter of Leon and Grace Bielby Clawson. She was educated in Oriskany
schools. Edna married Clarence Goppert in Oriskany in 1940. He died in
1958. Edna worked several years for the United States Postal Service in
Sylvan Beach, retiring in 1971. She was also treasurer for the Sylvan Beach
American Legion Women's Auxiliary for 35 years. Edna loved the outdoors,
her flowers and gardening. Most of all, she cherished her children and
grandchildren. She is survived by two daughters and a son-in-law, Betty
Letky, Sylvan Beach, and Peggy and AJ Fellone, Canastota; a son and daughter-in-law,
Larry and Laurie, McConnellsville; one brother and sister-in-law, Edward
and Eleanor Clawson, Tully; four grandchildren, Donald Goppert, Larry (Karen)
Goppert, Jodie (Andy) Gardner, and Jason (Elizabeth) Merrill; two great-grandchildren,
Kylee Gardner and Robert Merrill; and several nieces and nephews. She was
predeceased by two brothers, Ernest and William Clawson; and a sister,
Anna Raspante. Funeral services will be held on Wednesday at 1:30 p.m.
at the Nunn and Harper Funeral Home, Inc., 9464 State Rt. 13, Camden. Interment
will take place in Mt. Pleasant Cemetery, Canastota. Friends may call at
the funeral home on Tuesday from 5 to 8 p.m.
Utica OD-7/19/2004
Carol Michaud
J. Goppert, 84, passed away December 10, 2005 at Faxton-St.Luke's Healthcare.
He was born February 23, 1921 in Utica, the son of William C. and Anna
M. Murphy Goppert. Leonard graduated from Utica Free Academy. He was a
World War II Army veteran. In 1945, he married Doris Pfeiffer in St. Joseph's
Church. Mr. Goppert was retired from Kelsey-Hayes. He was a member of R.
Kirk Parkhurst American Legion Post #1448, Oriskany, the D.A.V. and Oriskany
Hills Golf Course. Survivors include his wife, Doris; two sons and a daughter-in-law,
Gary and Christine Schmelzle, Crothersville, IN, and Allen Goppert, Clayton,
NC; a sister, Betty Mishalanie, Utica; seven grandchildren, 17 great-grandchildren,
and several nieces and nephews. He was predeceased by sisters, Sister Anne
Theresa and Evelyn; and brothers, William and Clarence. Private services
will take place at the convenience of the family. Interment will be in
Crown Hill Memorial Park. Arrangements are in care of the Dimbleby, Friedel,
Williams & Edmunds Funeral Homes, Forty Main Street, Whitesboro.
Utica OD-12/11/2005
Carol Michaud
A. Goppert
Whitesboro-William A. Goppert, 69, of 8 Dexter
St. died March 20, 1987 at his home.
He was born April 3, 1917 in Utica, NY, son
of William A. (that is wrong, it is C) and Anna Murphy Goppert. He married
Marie B. Myers, April 22, 1961 in Utica. (Previously married to Dorothy
Mr. Goppert was employed for 29 years with
Kelsey Hayes, retiring in 1979.
He was a member of the Church of Our Lady
of the Rosary, and was a Veteran of WWII, serving with the U.S. Air Force.
He is survived by his wife, one son and daughter-in-law,
Robert W. and Bonnie Goppert, Ft. Walton Beach, FL; one step-daughter,
Mrs. Michael (Beverly) Milham, Gilbert, AZ, two sisters, Sister Ann Theresa,
CSJ of St. Pius X Convent, Loudonville, NY, Betty Mishalanie, Utica, a
brother and sister-in-law, Leonard and Doris Goppert, Whitesboro; a sister-in-law,
Edna Goppert of Sylvan Beach; a brother-in-law, Adam Niejadlik of Sylvan
Beach; seven step-grandchildren, Mandy, Mary, Marnie and Michael
Mandel of FL, Mrs. Kevin (Kathleen) Knapp, and David Anthony Milham, both
of AZ, and Dr. Michael L. Milham, Jr., Dallas, TX; one great-grandson,
Brian Michael Knapp, AZ; special friends, Laurie and Bruce VanEtten and
children; several nieces and nephews. He was predeceased by one brother,
Clarence and one sister, Evelyn Niejadlik.
Friends re invited to attend a Mass of Christian
Burial Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. at the Church of Our Lady of the Rosary.
Interment will be in Mt. Olivet Cemetery. (It wasn’t, he is in St. Joseph’s
cemetery on his mother’s grave).
In lieu of flowers, kindly consider Hospice
Care, Inc. in his memory.
Arrangements are with the Wells & Lloyd
Funeral Home, Whitesboro.
Carol Michaud
L. Goppert
Raymond L. Goppert, 1642 Grandview, died
Mar. 23, 1953, in a freight train collision at Nehasane, about 25 miles
south of Tupper Lake.
Born in Utica, Feb. 10, 1894, he was a son
of the late Michael and Veronica Baechle Goppert. In 1924 he married Marie
L. Caouette. Goppert was appointed fireman on the New York Central Railroad
on June 12, 1920. He was advanced to engineer in March 1946. He was local
chairman of Division 14, Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers in the Adirondack
Division. He was a member of the American Legion Post 625; the Utica
Council 189, Knights of Columbus; the Brotherhood of Railway Locomotive
Engineers, St. Joseph’s Church and its Holy Name Society.
Mr. Goppert entered the service in 1916 when
Troop G was activated here. In 1917 he served in France with Company C
of the 106th Gun Battalion. Wounded twice in the battle of Chateau Thierry,
he was awarded the purple heart in 1946. He was discharged in 1917.
He leaves his wife, two sons (this is wrong,
they had no children, it refers to two nephews),Leonard Goppert, Oriskany
and Clarence Goppert, Sylvan Beach; one aunt, Mrs. Regina Schmidt, Newark,
NJ; one nephew, William Goppert, Utica, three nieces, Sister M. Fulgentia,
Order of St. Joseph, Syracuse, Mrs. Gus Dauer and Mrs. Charles Mishalanie,
both of Utica; and several grandchildren (wrong-the children of nieces
& nephews).
The funeral will be at 8:45 Thursday from
the home and at 9:30 from St. Joseph’s Church. Burial will be in St. Joseph’s
Carol Michaud
C. Goppert
Albert C. Goppert, 601 Wiley, who was employed
for 20 years in the State Department of Public works, Bureau of Canals,
died May 10, 1948 in his home. He had been ill 18 months.
Mr. Goppert was born in Utica June 7, 1886,
a son of Mrs. Veronica Baechle and the late Michael Goppert . He was educated
in St. Joseph’s School and the Utica School of Commerce.
He leaves a daughter, Miss Dorothy Goppert;
two brothers, William C. Goppert and Raymond L. Goppert, and several nieces
and nephews all of Utica.
The funeral will be at 9 a.m. Thursday from
the home and at 9:30 at St. Joseph’s Church. Burial will be in St. Joseph’s
Carol Michaud
C. Goppert
William C. Goppert, 601 Wiley St, died Feb.
20, 1952 in St. Elizabeth Hospital after a brief illness.
Born in Utica, Feb. 16, 1891, he was the
son of Michael and Veronica Baechle Goppert. In 1913 he married Anna M.
Murphy. She died in 1925. He was a communicant of St. Joseph’s Church.
He is survived by three daughters, Sister
Fulgentia, Order of St. Joseph, St. Anthony Convent ,Syracuse, Mrs. Evelyn
Dauer, Utica and Mrs. Bette Mishalanie, Oneida; three sons, William A.
Goppert, Utica, Clarence J. Goppert, Sylvan Beach, and Leonard J. Goppert,
Oriskany; one brother, Raymond L. Goppert, Utica and eight grandchildren
and several nieces and nephews.
The funeral will be at 9 Saturday from the
home his daughter, Mrs. Dauer, 601 Wiley St and at 9:30 from St. Joseph’s
Church. Burial will be in St. Joseph’s Cemetery.
Carol Michaud
Seely Grant
Obituary from Syracuse Post Standard Newspaper
on Dec. 18, 1906 page 12 (have photocopy)
Finished Knitting a Pair of Stockings Only
Last Saturday
Rome, Dec. 17.- Mrs. Sarah Seely Grant, widow
of John B. Grant, died this morning at the hom e of her son, Rev. A. J.
Grant. She had no illness, death being the result of old age and a g eneral
wearing out of the system. She was apparently as well as usual last evening
when she r etired. At 5:30 o'clock this morning she was thought to be sleeping
soundly and half an hou r later it was discovered that she was dead, the
body being yet warm.
Mrs. Grant's maiden
name was Sarah Seely. She was born in Stamford, Conn., July 7, 1808
. Her father, Jehue Seely, moved to Lafayette, this state, when she was
quite young. He fough t for America throughout the War of 1812 and was
present at the engagement at Sackets Harbor.
Mrs. Grant went
to church in Onondaga county and at an early age joined the Methodists
. The family lived on the site of the City of Syracuse. There were
then no regular hours o f worship in the township, services being conducted
in an old log schoolhouse.
Her father was a
British sympathizer during the Revolution and would not fight on the Am
erican side. Her husband assisted to put upon the tracks the first car
ever constructed fo r a railroad in this state. The car was brought down
from Albany to Syracuse by bob sleds. I t was taken to Geres lock, near
Belle Isle, the then eastern terminus of what is now known a s the Auburn
branch of the Central. The railroad was then called the Syracuse &
Rochester roa d.
Mrs. Grant possessed
an accurate and retentive memory up to the last. Her sight was goo d and
only Saturday she completed knitting a pair of stockings for her grandson.
She was abou t the house as usual yesterday and her health up to the last
had been considered excellent.
Mr. Grant died in
North Western, this county, in 1895 at the age of 93 years. They wer e
married in 1826 in Onondaga county. She was the last of a family of six
children. For the p ast thirty years she had made her home with her son,
who moved to Rome from North Western three months ago.
Mrs. Grant is survived
by the following children: Anna Eliza Bass of Schenectady; Amaz i S. Grant
of Sand Lake, Mich.; Rev. A. J. Grant of Rome; Newman H. Grant of Hastings,
Osweg o county; Rev. Luman A. Grant of Syracuse.
A service will be
held at the home of Mr. Grant tomorrow evening and the body will be ta
ken to Hastings the next day for funeral and interment. "
Joyce Grant Fesler
Mrs. Julia
Sebeka Review Vol 15 - Friday Dec 5, 1913
{Sebeka Minnesota} Typed exactly as
it reads in the paper including typo's.
Good Woman Gone
Receiving the news late we could,
last week but briefly mention the death of Mrs. Julia Grant who died at
her home in Paddock on Nov. 18th. Mrs. Grant, familiarly known to
a horde of acquaintances as Grandma, was one of the early pioneers of this
locality. She was a woman of sterling character held in the highest
respect by all who knew her and will be
sorley missed. Below we give
the particulars of her most useful life as written by one who has known
her for many years:
Julia Ann Earl was born in Oneida
county, N.Y., October 5th., 1821 and died November 18, 1913. She married
in 1842 to Charles Francis Grant. Soon after their marriage they
came to Wisconsin, from there to Iowa, where they lived until 33 years
ago, when they immigrated to Paddock, Minn., where she has since resided.
She survived her husband 23 years. Four
children were born to bless their union,
namely: Mrs. Mary Bryan of McLeod, N. D., John and David, who live in Paddock,
and William who died two years ago at his in Iowa.
Having always been a devoted
Christian, a kind and loving mother and a good neighbor, she will be greatly
missed by all who knew her. She joined the Methodist Episcopal church
at an early age and was great helper in the church as long as her health
permitted. She was one of five generations, having three living children
six grand children, twenty greatgrand children and five great great grand
children. Funeral services were held at the home of her son
John on Friday at 1:30 o'clock Rev. Stokes
officiating. She was laid to
rest in the Paddock cemetery beside her husband.
-- Menahga Journal.
C. Grant
GREEN, Hiram
Whitesboro-Hiram S. Kellogg, 90, long a resident
of Whitesboro and Westmoreland,died at his home in Greene Wednesday.
Hiram S. Kellogg was born in Westmorland May 22, 1843. He was educated
in the common schools and at Williams Collegiate Institute, Westmoreland.
After leaving school he returned to the farm and then for about a year
was employed as express messenger on the
Chicago and Rock Island Railroad. He
later returned to Westmoreland and continue in farming until 1896. he was
engaged in dairy and hop farming in which he was quite successful. In 1896
he removed to Whites boro and 10 years ago to Greene, where he lived a
retired life. In politics Mr. Kellogg was a Democrat and he served
as a supervisor of the town of Westmoreland for two terms,being the fist
democrat ever to be elected to that post in the township. When Edward Hannan
was superintendent of public works, Mr. Kellogg was inspector of state
canals on the Middle Division and for four years was employed in Syracuse.
Later Mr. Kellogg was appointed assistant clerk for the Board of Supervisors.
For many years Mr. Kellogg was chairman of the
Second Assembly District committee and for
15 years he was a member of the Democratic County Committee,serving as
its chairman for one year. He had attended as a delegate many county
assembly and state conventions.He was a member of the Little Giants in
1860 and had voted
for every Democratic candidate for president
since that time.In 1866 Mr. kellogg became a member of the Masonic Order
in Hampton Lodge 347, and was past master. HE was formerly a member of
the Oneida County Agricultural Society. Mr.Kellogg had done considerable
work and for quite a number of years was
employed to tabulate election returns for the Board of Supervisors.
He was engaged for a short time in searching records in the county clerks
office for the Board of Supervisors. In 1872 he married Miss Fannie
A. Slocum, Clinton, who died October 3, 1908. He leaves a son Charles S.
of Greene,and two daughters,Clara L. wife of Dr.S.L. Gifford, Whitesboro,
and Leonora,wife of R. B. Hamilton,Philadelphia, and several grandchildren.
The funeral will be held at the Harry R.Rogers Funeral,Greene,Friday at
interment will be at Grand View Cemetery,Whitesboro
at 1 p.m. that day.
Submitted by Bill Kellogg -
GREEN, Sarah
Mrs. Sarah GREEN died at her daughter's,
at New York Mills, February 17th, 1860, aged 82 years.
She was born in Massachusetts and removed
to this state at the early age of 13 years. She gave her heart to
God when about 20 years of age, and became a consistent and devoted member
of the Church of Christ. She had been a member of the M. E. Church
nearly fifty years. Our sister was one of those of whom it will be
said she came out of great tribulation, and washed her robes and made them
white in the blood of the Lamb. She has left seven children to mourn
her loss.
Death of Mrs. Jane M. GYPSON, a Well Known
Vernon, April 25.--At 1 o'clock this morning,
at her home with her grandson, William BROMLEY, occurred the death of Mrs.
Jane M. GYPSON, an old and respected resident of this place. The
deceased was a daughter of Seth and Amelia BLAIR, and was born June 8,
1835, near the place where she died. She had been confined to her
bed for the past seven weeks. She is survived by one daughter, Mrs.
Thomas BROMLEY, two grandchildren, William BROMLEY and Miss Belle G. BROMLEY;
three great grandchildren and two brothers, A. T. BLAIR of Vernon and Jasper
E. BLAIR of Rome. The funeral will be held from her late home Wednesday
at 2 p.m. with interment at Lowell.