

O'BRIEN, Daniel
Daniel O'Brien 1911 His death removed a well-known and esteemed veteran.
Rome, Feb. 24 (1911) -
Early this morning occurred the death of Daniel O'Brien at his home, 222 Spring Street.  He had been confined to his bed for the past year as the result of a complication.  Mr. O'Brien was born in Erniskern (Enniskean), County Cork, Ireland, April 7, 1839, and came to this country and to Rome when 12 years old.  He located on a farm in West Rome and had since lived here.  For a number of years he was employed as a carpenter, also as night watchman and had been employed in different industries.  Before his last illness he was janitor of St. Peter's Church and of the Catholic Association Building.  Mr. O'Brien was well known and highly respected by all.  He especially enjoyed being in the company of young people.  He was a veteran of the civil war, having enlisted as a private in Capt. Michael Kirley's Company K of the Ninety-seventh Regiment of the New York State Infantry August 27, 1863, and served till the close of the war, July 18, 1865, being present at the surrender of Lee. He wa a member of Skillin Post, No. 47. G.A.R., in which he had held several offices.  He was an earnest member of St. Peter's Church, where the funderal will be held Monday morning; also a member of the Holy Names Society and of Division No. 3. Ancient Order of Hibernians.
In the old St. Peter's church 45 years ago he married Margaret Murphy, the ceremony being performed by Rev. Father Beecham, now deceased.  Mrs. O'Brien died about seven years ago.  Of eight children born to them the following three survive: William, Daniel J. and Miss Mary E. O'Brien, all of Rome.
Submitted by Melissa Johnson -

ODELL, Nathaniel
At his residence, in Westmoreland, on the 15th of June, Hon. Nathaniel ODELL, aged 73 years.
Capt. ODELL was one of the oldest residents of the town where he died.  Latterly he has quietly lived at home, and enjoyed the love and esteem of his neighbors and friends.  He served in the war of 1812, and for many years was actively identified with the political excitements and party conflicts of the day.
No newspaper was provided.

November 18, 1898
Joseph Ollerrenshaw died Friday morning at his home at 40 Hickory Street, aged 74 years after having suffered a stroke of paralysis.  He was born in Stockport, Cheshire, England.  He came to this country with his mother in August 1837, settled on the Higby Road in New Hartford, New York.  Here he learned the trade of shoemaker, working tow years for George Patterson.  Shortly afterward he went away to sea, going on a whale fishing voyage from New Bedford.  During this time he was on board the Desdemona, cruising on the offshore ground in the Pacific Ocean.  On his return he worked on a lighter in New York harbor for about a year.  Returning to New Hartford he resumed shoemaking boarding with his uncle on Higby Road.  For two years he worked for Cornelius Hurley of Utica
carrying his work back and forth from New Hartford.  In 1855 he came to Utica with his family and here had worked for S.V. Oley, Cornelius Hurley, Henry Newland and John Rowe being employed by the latter 16 years.  Since then he has worked for himself, having a shop near his house on Hickory Street.  Mr. Ollerrenshaw was a very skillful workman and did custom work mostly.  For a long time he lived on Kossuth Avenue and then built a house on Williams Street where he lived many years.  Then he went to North Bay, where he bought a farm and carried it on six years.  He returned to Utica and resumed working at his trade.
    In 1864, during the war, Mr. Ollerrenshaw enlisted in an independent company raised by Col. Dick Richardson.  They went to City Point, where the command became Company A of the 20th New York Infantry.  The balance of the regiment had been raised near New York City.  He served until the close of the war participating in many battles.  He received a wound on the front of Petersburg, Va from the effects of which he never fully recovered.
    In this city he was a well known ex-member of Post Reynolds, G.A.R. Mr. Ollerrenshaw was reared in the Church of England, but was a member of St. Patrick's Church in this city.  He was a very industrious and intelligent citizen a kind husband and father and a faithful friend.
    In this city June 21, 1853, Mr. Ollerrenshaw married Elizabeth Maddox who died December 2, 1897.  She bore him 14 children of whom ten survive they are: Mary, wife of John J. Halpin, Lizzie, wife of Peter F. Bach, Robert, Kate, wife of Frank Baer, Lucy wife of David Owens, Anna wife of C. Schaub, Joseph Jr. , Emma, wife of Michael Hoffmeister, Florence wife of Martin O' Connell and Miss Bertha all of whom reside in Utica.  He also leaves twenty six grandchildren.

O'REILLY, Thomas
O'REILLY- At his late residence, 201 Seymour Avenue, Tuesday, April 12, 1904, Thomas F. O'Reilly.  Funeral tomorrow (Friday) morning at 9 o'clock from the house, and at 9:30 from St. Francis de Sales Church, where a requiem high mass will be celebrated.  Friends are invited.
Jane Alois (no newspaper provided)