Unsorted Obituaries

Submitted by Ms. Thurlow - Thank you!
Many thanks to Jo Dee Frasco for typing them up!

Sketch of a Former Pastor of the Clinton Methodist Church who recently died in Cazenovia.
Last week we announced in the COURIER the death of Rev. Dwight WILLIAMS, of Cazenovia a former pastor of the Methodist Church in Clinton.  This week we publish his portrait and a sketch of his life and work.
The name of Dwight WILLIAMS is as a household word in a great number of American Families.  He was widely known and sincerely loved and honored.  He touched the deeper chords of many hearts; of those, too, that are most in sympathy with what is good and true.  He was born in Cazenovia, April 26, 1824, and died in the old home where he lived in babyhood, seventy-four years ago.  His father and mother were pioneer Methodists in Central New York.  His mother was Sophia BRIGHAM, of Marlboro, Mass.  His grandfather was a soldier of the Continental army, and a veteran of the war of 1812.
His great grandfather is linked with some local history in the central New York counties, namely Oneida, Madison and Onondaga.  In 1789 he reached Fort Schuyler (now Utica), and became of the early settlers of Whitesboro, Oneida Co.  In 1790 he removed his family to Cazenovia, from which sprang a numerous family who have been closely identified with the history of the town for a century.  His ancestor, Lieut. Joseph WILLIAMS, was a soldier in the French and Indian wars in Canada, and an officer under WASHINGTON and General GATES;  was promoted with others at Fort Ticonderoga, in Jan. 1776, and was present at the battle of Saratoga.
The deceased was the representative of an old American family whose head came from England in 1735.  Mr. WILLIAMS’ father was the first male white child born in Cazenovia.  He entered the Skaneateles Academy in 1835.  Under a private tutor he made good progress in Latin.  In 1842 he was graduated from the Cazenovia Seminary and taught school for one or two years.  He reflected that period of the interior development of our country which produced a sturdy manhood.  He belonged to the real American type of “gentlemen of the old school.”
In 1851 Mr. Williams joined the Oneida Conference and was ordained by Bishop SIMPSON and preached his first sermon in Clinton as a supply.
His first pastorate was Litchfield circuit, in Herkimer County.  The subsequent charges which he served were in order as follows:  Morris, Madison, Oxford, Clinton, Auburn, Trumansburg, Canandaigua, and Syracuse.  He passed his life in this state.
Mr. WILLIAMS was always a popular pastor.  Gracious and courtly in manner he won many hearts.  His views were sought, and as a citizen he made public opinion which told for good.
His care for the woods and the hills amounted to a passionate worship.  IN 1871 he was assistant editor of the Northern Christian Advocate and during his long life he was a contributor to the current literature of the day.  Mr. WILLIAMS was married in 1855.  His wife was Miss Kezia Elizabeth LANE, of New Hartford, and was from traditional Methodist family in England.  She died in 1843.  Three children survive their father;  Dwight WILLIAMS, Jr., Miss WILLIAMS, and Mrs. R. Vernam BARTO.
Mr. WILLIAMS’ death was due to a general breaking down of the vital forces, and although the final illness was brief, his friends have known for several weeks that his health was failing.  The funeral took place on Wednesday afternoon, June 15, with prayers at his late residence and a memorial service at the First Methodist Church, the Rev. Dr. GREEN officiating, assisted by Dr. WILBOR, the Rev. Dr. O. H. WARREN, Dr. O. A. HOUGHTON, Dr. L. H. PIERCE, of Baltimore, Md., and others.

In Mount Morris, N. Y., April 25, 1886, of consumption, Mrs. Emma N. BODINE, daughter of the late Dr. W. H. NOBLE, formerly of Clinton.

In San Francisco, Cal., April 22, 1882, Miss Nancy BARNS HINCKLEY, daughter of the late Elias B. HINCKLEY.
The many friends of Miss Nancy BARNS HINCKLEY have been made sorrowful by the intelligence of her death, which occurred at San Francisco, April 22.  Miss HINCKLEY left Clinton in February last to try a change of climate for the benefit of her failing health.  The fondly cherished hopes for her recovery have been crushed.
The deceased was a lady of marked culture and refinement, and her death casts a shadow upon the hearts of her many acquaintances.  The remains, in company with those of her father, the late Elias B. HINCKLEY, who died in California about two years ago, left  San Fransico last week Thursday, in charge of her brother, and are expected to reach Clinton Cemetery for burial on Thursday or Friday of this week, as it requires about seven days to make the journey.  It is probable that friends here will be apprised of the time of arrival by telegraph before this notice is published, if, indeed, they have not been already.  Miss HINCKLEY leaves a sister, Miss Josephine HINCKLEY, who has made Clinton her place of residence during the past year, and a brother who resides in California.

In the town of Marshall, on the 15th inst., Thos. A. ELY in his 73rd year. (June 1871).
At the age of two years, Mr. ELY came with his parents, from Granville, Mass., to the homestead where he continued to reside until summoned to the spirit land.
A man of rare natural abilities, possessing a generous and sympathizing heart, he was the representation of the true Christian gentleman, and his memory will live in the hearts of those who knew him, as a perpetual fragrance.

In Marshall, June 19, 1877, after a long and painful illness, Mrs. Angeline M. ELY, aged 58 years, “The righteous rest in hope.”

Death of Frank A. ELY 1890
Probably no name either in the town of Kirkland or Marshall is so familiar as that of Frank ELY, whose sudden death occurred on Friday last; nor is there a citizen of either town whose death could have more surprised the general public or carried sorrow to so many hearts.  In the prime of an active life he was summoned to the spirit world with scarce five minutes’ notice that his earthly life was about to close.
On Friday, Oct. 3, a week before his death, he was seized with a severe pain, seemingly on the upper portion of his lungs, which, with other symptoms, caused his friends to fear pneumonia.  Dr. SCOLLARD was called and by vigorous treatment Mr. ELY was soon relieved, but kept his room for several days.  On the Monday following he was much better and appeared to be in usual health.  Guarding against exposure, he only ventured out about the door until Friday morning last, when he thought himself well enough to ride to Deansville for his mail.  He left home about nine o’clock, returning shortly after eleven.  On his way homeward he stopped and chatted pleasantly with several of his neighbors, indicating that he felt as well as usual.  On reaching home he put out his horse and buggy and went into the house.  As he entered the door his daughter asked him how he felt, and he replied, “I’m ‘most dead,’ which was not an unusual expression for him when feeling ill.  His daughter saw, however, that he was looking pale and evidently suffering much, and with her accustomed fondness for him, offered to assist him to remove his coat, which he, however, was able to do himself and hung it up.  He complained of feeling the old pain returning, the same he had suffered the week before.  His daughter at once applied such remedies as were at hand and sent for his physician.  Mr. ELY, attempted to lie down on a lounge when he fell forward to the floor on his face.  Assistance being near, he was raised up, and breathing once or twice, was gone;  a stroke of apoplexy having done its fatal work.
Mr. ELY was the son of Aden ELY; he was born in the town of Marshall, Oct. 9, 1828, under the same roof where he spent his life and died; he had, therefore, just entered upon the first day of his sixty-third year when his summons came.  His death is the twelfth which has occurred among Mr. ELY’s family friends in the same house; seven of them since 1871.  Frank ELY was the soul of good nature.  Possessed of a cheerful, genial temperament, his presence was a guarantee of a happy time.  His hospitality was sincere and unbounded and his home was a welcome place to all who chose to visit him.  For many years and to his last day he was an ardent believer in the doctrine of Spiritualism; and at his home and elsewhere he had received what to him were satisfactory evidences of his faith, and in which no argument could shake his confidence.  His generous heart was ever ready to respond to the appeals of suffering humanity, and his many acts of charity were known only to the recipients of his benevolence.  Frank ELY will be sadly missed.  It will be many a year before his name will fail to awaken pleasant associations in this community.  He leaves one daughter, Miss Bell ELY representative of the family, who has the heartiest sympathy of a very large circle of friends.  Mr. ELY leaves a large landed estate, and was one of the representative farmers of the town of Marshall.
A very large gathering was present at the funeral, which was held yesterday afternoon.  It had been the often expressed desire of the deceased that when he died his friends would send for Col. Robert INGERSOLL to conduct the funeral, assisted by Mrs. Nellie T. BRIGHAM, of Colerain, Mass.  IN compliance with his wishes Mrs. BRIGHAM was present and an effort was made to secure the attendance of Col. INGERSOLL who sent a telegram saying it was impossible for him to be present.  Mrs. BRIGHAM therefore conducted the exercises.  After very appropriate selections of vocal music exquisitely rendered by Mr. And Mrs. Spencer TOOLEY and other rare vocalists from the neighborhood of Waterville, Mrs. BRIGHAM proceeded to address the company……..

(A long descriptive obit, details are as follows:)
Sept. 4th, 1902, Mrs. Ely KIMBALL, who death occurred suddenly last Friday morning was the only child of the late Frank A. ELY, one of the best known and most prosperous farmers of [this] section, and when he died she came into possession of all his property including a 300 acre farm, which she managed successfully for a number of years.  She was raised on the farm where she died…..She was educated at the district school and at Cottage Seminary in this village.  When the news came last Friday that “Belle ELY” was dead it seemed hardly possible.  Few knew that she was ill.  In fact she had only been under the doctor’s care for a week, and this for an attack of inflammatory rheumatism, which affected her limbs.  Dr. TAYLOR was called and prescribed for her and she was getting old nicely, when on Thursday night she was taken with a severe pain in her stomach, due to acute indigestion, from which she sometimes suffered.  This was relieved by a hypodermic of morphine, as often before, and the doctor left her resting comfortably and declaring with a laugh that it was the longest she had ever been kept in bed by illness and that she didn’t mean to stay there long.  Early the next morning, however, heart failure supervened and she died at an early hour Friday morning before medical aid could be summoned.  She was 42 years old.  Two years ago last February she was married to William KIMBALL, of Deansboro, who survives.  Her mother died during her infancy, and her father thirteen years ago, and no member of a once large household now survives, all her near relatives having passed away.  Her father’s only brother, Warren ELY, resides in Deansboro.  The interment was in the Deansboro Cemetery.

In Deansville, May 3, 1881, Alverson ELY, aged 79.  Funeral Services will be attended at his late residence on Thursday, May 5th, at 2 o’clock p.m.

Mrs. Sarah BROOKS
After less than three days’ illness from brain fever, Sarah, widow of the late Frederick BROOKS, died peacefully at her home on Fountain Street on Sunday afternoon, Sept. 23, 1894, in her 73rd year.
Mrs. BROOKS was the daughter of Wm. P. WELLS, deceased.  She was born in the town of Wells, Hamilton County, N. Y.  Two sisters, Mrs. Samantha STEWART, of Dunkirk, and Mrs. Susan OVERHIZER, and one brother, W. W. WELLS, of this place, survive.  Of Mrs. BROOKS’ family, two daughters, Misses Lena and Clara, remain.
The deceased was a member of the M. E. church of this place and had been a resident of the village about fifty years.  Of a kind and gentle disposition, she leaves in the hearts of her many acquaintances pleasant memories of her life and sad regrets at her departure.  Her funeral is being attended this afternoon at her late residence, Rev. George ADAMS, of Afton, conducting the services.  The remains will be deposited beside those of her husband in Clinton Cemetery.

Another link of the past is broken, in the death of Frederick BROOKS, which occurred at his late residence on Fountain Street, on Sunday evening, December 25, 1881.  The deceased had been in failing health for over a year, caused by what is termed as Bright’s disease of the kidney’s.  For several days, previous to his death he was a great sufferer, but bore his sufferings with patience and hopefulness until the last.  Mr. BROOKS was born in Middletown, Conn., Jan. 18, 1811, and had therefore nearly completed his seventy-first year.  In early childhood he was left fatherless, and his boyhood years were afterwards spent in the family of a Baptist minister, with whom he lived until arriving at manhood, he came to Clinton in 1831.  In a conversation with him a few months before his death while recounting his boyhood life, he touchingly referred to his foster-father as a righteous man, and stated that the children all found prosperous situations adding with a peculiar tenderness, “I have been young, but now I am old and I have never seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread.”  In 1835, he married Miss Mary Ann NELSON, of this place, who died a few years after, leaving her husband two daughters who survive him.  In 1844 he married Miss Sarah WELLS, his present widow.  Three more daughters came to lighten his heart and home, one of whom proceeded him to the silent land.  The others still reside at home.
The name of Frederick BROOKS has long been associated with Clinton memories.  For over fifty years he has been a resident of this village.  A skilled architect and practical carpenter, his hand has left its impress probably upon more than half of the buildings in town.   Honest in all his dealings with his fellowmen, he had often suffered heavy losses in former years, in contracts, but would never slight a job (which some would have done), to save himself from loss.  His first work in town was on the building on his premises which he had occupied for a shop.  There will be many who will miss his friendly smile and familiar face.  A good citizen, a skilled and reliable mechanic, a kind neighbor, a fond and affectionate father and husband, has gone to his rest.  Funeral ceremonies are being held at his late residence this Wednesday afternoon, as our paper goes to press, Rev. Geo. ADAMS, of the Universalist Church officiating.  The funeral was in charge of Clinton Lodge, No. 169, F. & A. M.

In Clinton, of chronic croup, on Monday, the 4th inst., Mary E. , only daughter of Martin L. and Martha RICHARDS, aged 4 years 5 months and 25 days.  (Date unreadable)

1890 – William SMITH
Thirty years ago, and for nearly as long a period previously, the name of William SMITH was as familiar in this village and town as that of any present citizen.  Born in the town of Marshall, just over the Kirkland line, April 18, 1809, of highly respectable and honored parents, he was one of four stalwart sons, all of whom came up to manhood with an honorable record.  In 1853 the deceased sold his farm and went to Iowa where he purchased 800 acres of land, in what is now called the town of Waverly, then an almost boundless prairie, now a flourishing village, with a population of nearly 5,000.  After making the purchase he decided to make that section his future home, and in 1857 removed to it with his family.  His preserving enterprise soon established him in a comfortable home and his business principally has been in pasturing cattle for herdsmen, to the average number of about 600, which of course netted him a profitable income with comparatively little labor or expense.  He also owned and operated a flouring mill in a neighboring village called Frederica.  His illness was brief, and his death (which occurred as stated last week, Jan. 20th) unexpected, the result of influenza and pneumonia combined.  He leaves a wife and one son, Rev. Ward SMITH.  Two brothers also survive him, Erastus and Rhoderle, who are residents of Iowa, and an only sister, Mrs. R. FERRIS, of Franklin.

In Marshall, June 19, 1877, after a long and painful illness, Mrs. Angeline M. ELY, age 58 years, “The righteous rest in hope.”

March 16, 1896 - The funeral of August FAKE was held from his late residence on Chestnut street, Saturday afternoon at 2 o’clock, Rev. W. C. ROBINSON, of the Presbyterian Church, officiating, assisted by Rev. Oliver OWEN, of St. James Church.  The bearers were Frank HOLGATE, William KNEASKERN, Charles WHITE and William MILNE, clerks who have been in the employ of Mr. FAKE.  Interment was made in the Clinton Cemetery.

Death of Augustus FAKE
Born at Point Hollow, Herkimer Co., N. Y., September 8, 1826.  Died at Clinton, N. Y., March 13, 1895.
About five weeks ago, Mr. FAKE left his store on account of illness, expecting to be able to return the next day.  His breath gradually failed, however, until his death, which occurred about seven o’clock this morning.  His malady was a complication of the hear, liver and kidney affections, and until within a few days he was cheerful and hopeful.  For a few days past he had been in a comatose condition, scarcely noticing any on e and thus quietly breathed his last.  From the beginning almost, it was evident to those nearest to him that his work was finished and his days numbered.
Mr. FAKE came to Clinton with both parents in 1839.  His father, Peter FAKE, purchasing the store and merchandise of Amaziah STEBBINS, conducted a prospering business until 1861, when his son Augustus, became his successor, and since that date, as before, FAKE’s store has been a favorite place for trade.
Mr. FAKE was married to Miss Jennie CURTISS, daughter of Sylvester CURTISS, a former prominent citizen, in 1883, and since that date has occupied for his residence the family homestead at the head of Marvin Street.  Besides his wife Mr. FAKE leaves one brother, Charles P. FAKE, of Anoka, Wis., and four sisters, Mrs. Martha BRISTOL, Mrs. Margaret ORR, Mrs. Sarah KNOX and Mary, wife of Rt. Rev. Wm. E. McLAREN, Episcopal bishop, of Chicago.  For integrity and kindness of heart, Mr. FAKE’s record is phenomenal.  Words of sorrow for his death are heard from the lips of all classes, and highest estimates of his worth as a citizen, as a merchant and friend, are common expressions of the public generally.
We regret that the near hour of going to press prevents a more extended notice of his excellent traits of character.  Funeral services will be observed at the family home on Chestnut Street, Saturday, at 2 p. m.

Death of a Former Resident – Miss Mary BROWN, a Clinton resident from about 1834 to 1865, died at her home in Buffalo, N. Y., November 14th, 1891.  The deceased was born in Dover, Eng., May 30, 1801.  Her parents and four sisters came to make their home in Clinton in 1834 or thereabouts, and purchased a lot upon which they built for their home the residence now occupied by Ellery STEBBINS, and in the same two sisters, Mary and Susan, opened and conducted for many years a millnery store, which was extensively patronized by the ladies of Clinton and vicinity.  If the writer is not mistaken, the family included four sisters at the time they first came to Clinton.  Only two survive – the widow of the late Rev. Wm. BAKER, and Susan, who still reside in Buffalo, and who came on Thursday last to attend the funeral rites of their deceased sister, accompanied by their nephew, a son of Mrs. BAKER.
The BROWN family in Clinton, were numbered among the most esteemed citizens and old residents still living pleasantly remember their friendly and neighborly traits.
The remains were interred in the family lot in Clinton Cemetery, Rev. Oliver OWEN conducting the service.

Drowned While in Bathing
Raymond C. GRANNIS, aged 15, son of the late Sanford C. GRANNIS, of this town and who reside with his mother, Mrs. Melvin F. COMSTOCK, on Brimfield Street, two miles northeast of this place, was accidentally drowned in a pond on the farm of T. E. HART, not far from his home, on Monday afternoon.  He was an inexperienced swimmer, in fact, it is said he could not swim at all, and it is thought that he was overcome by cramps in the cold spring water of the pond or that he ventured beyond his depth and was unable to gain the shore or shallow water.  He was not missed from home until his hat and clothes were seen by a neighbor’s boy, who reported the circumstance.  The clothes were identified by members of the family and the work of dragging the pond to recover the body was commenced at once by neighbors and friends of the family who did all in their power to find the body.  After working till midnight without success the search was given over till the following morning.  During the night the water in the pond, which was from ten to fifteen feet deep in places, was drawn down about three feet, and about 7:30 a. m. the body was located not far from a raft, from which, it is supposed, he entered the water.  Coroner DODD and Dr. HAMLIN went to the place yesterday to make an investigation, but the former, after knowing the circumstances, deemed a formal inquest unnecessary, as death was plainly due to accidental drowning.
Raymond was the youngest of six sons of the late Mr. GRANNIS.  Those who survive are Albert D. and Floyd L. of Chadwicks, Charles and Gordon, of Clinton, and Clinton, of Rochester.  The boy was of a quiet disposition and of exemplary character, having recently become a member of the Methodist Church in this village.  He was a good student in the Clinton High School and last Commencement was awarded one of the prizes offered by E. P. POWELL to students making the most satisfactory progress in their studies.
Funeral services will be held at the house on Thursday afternoon at 2 o’clock, and at 3 o’clock in the M. E. Church.

Death of Charles E. PALMER – 1906
Another of our oldest and best- known townsmen has passed away.  On Monday evening, Jan. 1st, about 5 o’clock at his home on the Harding road, occurred the death of Charles E. PALMER, in his 78th year.  He had a second shock of paralysis on Sunday and had been in failing health for several years, so that his death was not a surprise to those who knew of his feeble condition.  Mr. PALMER was a son of Edward D. PALMER and was born in Stonington, Conn., May 2, 1828.  He came to Oneida County with his parents when an infant.  The family first resided in Trenton, then removed to the town of Paris, and later to the town of New Hartford near Middle Settlement in 1840.  In the spring of 1865 Charles PALMER came to the town of Kirkland and settled on the farm just west of the Franklin furnace, where he has resided for the past forty years.  On Dec. 24, 1862, he was united in marriage to Mary D. BARKER, daughter of the late Marshall W. BARKER, who survives him with four children, namely Mrs. Charles R. CARRUTH, Wayne and Edward PALMER, of this town, and Marshall B. PALMER, of Rome who is connected with the State Engineer’s office.  Mr. PALMER also leaves two sisters, Miss Helen PALMER, of this town, and Miss Addie DURLAND, of DeKalb, Ill.  Mr. PALMER was well known as a horse fancier and breeder, and was recognized as a progressive and successful farmer.  Until his health failed he was a familiar figure about town and enjoyed a wide acquaintance.  Funeral services will be held at the house on Thursday afternoon at 2 o’clock, conducted by Rev. I. D. PRASLEE (?), pastor of the Methodist Church.

Rev. J. H. MYERS, Ph.D., formerly pastor of the Methodist Church in this place, died after a protracted illness following apoplexy at his home in Malone on Thursday, aged 49 years.  Dr. MYERS was the author of a book entitled “The Philosophy of Faith”, and was regarded as one of the most talented men in the Northern New York Conference, He held a pastorate in Malone at the time of his death.  Dr. MYERS had a warm place in the hearts of Clinton people and the news of his death was received here with sincere sorrow.  He leaves his wife and two sons.

Dec. 6, 1902 – The funeral of Mrs. Carried ARNOLD, of Mt. Morris, N. Y., was held at that place Friday, Dec. 5.  Mrs. ARNOLD’s maiden name was Carrie NOBLE, and she was formerly a resident of Clinton, her father being a practicing dentist here many years ago.  She was the last survivor of a family of three children.  Her husband survives.

Mrs. Emma N. BODINE, relicit of the late John H. BONINE, died in Mt. Morris, N. Y., April 25th, 1886, aged 47 years.  The disease of which she died was consumption and for months she had been almost entirely confined to the house, a patient sufferer.  She was a constant and highly respected member of the Methodist Episcopal Church and on Easter morning died in the full assurance of faith in a risen Savior.  The funeral services were conducted by her pastor on Tuesday afternoon at the residence of H. G. CHAMBERLAIN on Murray Street and the remains were intered in the new cemetery.

April 11, 1893
Chauncey RISLEY, and old and highly respected resident of Clinton, died at 4:35 P. M., yesterday, at his residence, aged 79 years.  Mr. RISLEY was born in Glastonbury, Conn., and when he was about 20 years old came to Central New York, settling in Hubbardsville.  Here he lived for many years, carrying on a farm and raising hops.  About the year 1870 he removed to Clinton and since that time has lived a quiet, retired life, at the foot of College Hill.  He had been in poor health for some time.  Mr. RISLEY early in life, married Miss Sophia BREWER, of Hartford, Conn., who survives.  He leaves nine children, viz:  Mrs. Ellen E. OLCOTT, of Nacbue, Conn.; Mrs. Fanny WILBER, of Otselie, Chenango County, N. Y.; Edwin H. RISLEY, the well-known patent lawyer of Utica; Sylvester, of Hubbardsville; Adelbert D., of Clinton; Orville and A. R. RISLEY, of New York Mills; Mrs. Julia WILLIAMS and Mrs. Nettie WATERS, of Clinton.  Funeral occurs Friday at 2 P. M.

Mrs. Sophia B. RISLEY, died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Edward H. WATERS, in this place, last Friday, Nov. 6, 1896, in her eighty-first year.
The deceased was born Sophia BREWER, in East Hartford, Conn., July 11, 1816, and was married at the age of 17 to Chauncey RISLEY.  In 1834 Mr. RISLEY moved from Connecticut into New York State, settling and making it his home in East Hamilton, N. Y.  Mrs. RISLEY joined him during the same year, and their happy home continued in Hamilton until 1870, when they removed to Clinton, where they resided until their respective deaths Mr. RISLEY died in 1893.
The deceased was a daughter of Captain David and Fannie HILLS BREWER of East Hartford, and came of a long line of honorable New England ancestors, and throughout her long and eventful life exhibited in the highest degree the sterling qualities of the best New England womanhood.  She was possessed of rare qualities of mind and heart, always prudent in counsel, gentle, faithful and devoted to every interest, which came into her long and eventful life.  She exhibited in all the relations of life the highest type of wife, mother, neighbor and friend.  She will be mourned by a large circle of relatives, friends and acquaintances.  The deceased left the following children surviving;  Mrs. Ellen R. OLCOTT, of Glastenbury, Conn., Mrs. Fannie R. WILBUR, of Otselic, N. Y., Edwin H. RISLEY, of Utica, N. Y., Sylvester RISLEY, of Hubbardsville, N. Y., Adelbert D. RISLEY, of Clinton, N. Y., Orville and A. Fremont RISLEY, of New York Mills, N. Y., and Mrs. Leonetta R. WATERS of Clinton.  The deceased also leaves two brothers, Hon. Edwin BREWER and Capt. Ashbel BREWER, of East Hartford, Conn.
The funeral services were held at the residence of Mr. And Mrs. Edward H. WATERS, on Monday afternoon, at 2 o’clock, and were largely attended by relatives, neighbors and friends.  Rev. W. C. ROBINSON, of Potsdam, late pastor of the Presbyterian Church, officiated.

1860 – In Mount Morris, on the 1st inst, Elizabeth NETTERVILLE, eldest daughter of Dr. W. H. and Margaret A. NOBLE, aged 24 years.
The deceased was formerly a resident of this village and by her kind and engaging manners won the esteem of a large circle of friends.  This mysterious Providence that thus early removed her from the scenes of this beautiful world to the enjoyment of the still more bright and beautiful world above, affords us an opportunity to obey the scripture injunction, “Weep with those that weep.”  May we not say in view of this instance of mortality which has thus taken from us one we sincerely loved, “Friends fondly cherished, have passed on before, Waiting, they watch us approaching the shore.”

In Mount Morris, January 23d, 1880, after a lingering illness of Comsumption, Mrs. Margaret A., wife of Dr. W. H. NOBLE, aged 62 years.  Mrs. NOBLE was born in Albany in 1817.  In 1842, with her husband she removed to Clinton, from thence to this village in 1856.  She was a woman of domestic nature, great kindness of heart, buoyancy of spirits, and affectionate and beloved wife and mother.  Her home was her delight, and to make all about her happy was always a pleasure though inheriting a slender constitution, and for many years an in-valid, yet her life was radiant and full of hope.  She was an exemplary and faithful member of the Methodist Church.  Her death was triumphant, her trust in the Saviour strong and abiding to the last.  She leaves a husband and two daughters to mourn her loss.  Her funeral took place on Monday last from the family residence on Murray Street, Rev’s. HILL and RUNNER officiating. – Mount Morris Union.

1882 – The Mount Morris Union of the 27th ult., contains the following notice of the death of a former estimable citizen of Clinton.  Those of our readers, who were residents of Clinton thirty years ago, will remember Dr. Walter H. NOBLE, who practiced dentistry at that time in this village and will sincerely regret to learn of his death.  Dr. NOBLE died of Bright’s disease, at his home in Mount Morris, April 20, aged 71 years.
“He was born in Enfield, Conn., April 21, 1811.  His early youth was spent at Springfield.  About the time of arriving at his majority he removed to Albany, and for many years was in the employ of B. W. WOOSTER, an extensive furniture dealer and now one of the most successful bankers and pioneers of that city.  About the year 1840, his constitution not being strong, he removed to Clinton, taking up the profession of dentistry, where he resided until the year 1856, when he removed to Mount Morris.  Dr. NOBLE was in many respects a model man.  Conscientious in all things, a most valued citizen, and a sterling, upright man, unusually retiring and unobstrusive, but earnest and unflinching in his public and private duties.  No man in town more generally shared the esteem and confidence of the community.  On the organization in 1859 of the Mount Morris cemetery association, he was chosen one of the trustees and secretary, and held the position with scrupulous fidelity until his death.  For a lifetime he has been a faithful and consistent member of the Methodist Church, and has passed away leaving a stainless record.  Two daughters survive him.  His funeral was on Saturday last, three P. M., Rev. Dr. WILBOR officiating.

Martin L. RICHARDS died at his home in Clinton, N. Y., Feb. 11, 1896.  He was nearly sixty-three years of age, having been born at Paris, N. Y., March 4, 1833.  He was married in 1860 to Martha CARR, of New York Mills, who survives him.  He is also survived by one son, William H., of Costello, Pa., one brother, George D., of Richland Center, Wis., and two sisters, Mrs. Ozias CONE, of Clinton, and Mrs. J. B. SPICER, of New Hartford, N. Y.  Brother RICHARDS had lived at Clinton for the past thirty-three years, and had been a member of the Methodist Church for eighteen years, and was a trustee of the same at the time of his death.  He was a good citizen, upright conscientious, careful in judgment, quiet and unassuming and highly respected.  He often held positions of trust and responsibility in town and village.  Two children have preceded him in death, a son at the age of twelve and a daughter at the age of four years.

A Quiet Departure – Dec. 6th, 1892
Leander RICHARDS, who has been a resident of this village about eighteen years, departed this life suddenly yesterday about noon.  The deceased for over a year past had been subject to spells of unconsciousness, which continued for a few hours or less, when he would rally and appear again in usual health.  At the time of his death he was alone in his room, at the residence of his son, Martin L. RICHARDS, who with his wife had gone to spend the day at Paris.  At noon the servant girl called the old gentleman to dinner.  Getting no response she went up to his room and found him lying unconscious on the floor, where he had fallen from his chair.  Before aid could be summoned, Mr. RICHARDS had ceased to live.
The deceased was born in the town of Paris, August 5, 1807, and was therefore four months past his 85th birthday anniversary.  Of his family two sons survive him, George D., of Richland Center, Wis., and Martin L., of this village, and two daughters, Mrs. C. Janette CONE, wife of Ozias CONE, of this town, and Mrs. Martha J. SPICER, of New Hartford.
Mr. RICHARDS spent his life on his farm in Paris until, about 20 years ago, his wife dying, his household was broken up and he came to Clinton and for a few years lived with his daughter, Mrs. CONE, later he came to live with his son, Martin, and soon after his older sister, Mrs. Malinda BRUNSON, also made her home with the.  Mrs. BRUNSON died in March last, aged 87 years.  Mr. RICHARDS was almost a lifelong member of the Methodist Church; first at Sauquoit and later at Clinton, where he was nearly if not quite the last of the olden time Methodists, whose exemplary life was a constant benediction to the membership and a record of continuous testimony to the reality of Christian experience which to him provided a comfort in every trial, and a solace in every sorrow.  The venerable pleasant face of Father RICHARDS, as he was familiarly called, will be long missed in all of the meetings of the church where when in health he was a regular attendant and a devout and a consistent worshipper.
The funeral will be held at the residence of M. L. RICHARDS, on Utica Street, Friday at 11 a. m.

1893 – Death of ---h W. BISSELL (blurry)
Information was received in this village last week of the death of ---h Walsworth BISSELL, son of the late Dr. George BISSELL, formerly of Clinton, which occurred after a brief illness in New York, on Thursday, Dec. 14.  Mr. BISSELL’s wife was a sister of Mrs. Rev. Albert ERDMANN (sp?), and both are very pleasantly remembered by many Clinton friends, who will be saddened to learn of Mr. BISSELL’s death.  The latter was in town last May, at the time of the burial of his mother, and took great pleasure in renewing his old time acquaintances.  He was then understood to be prosperously engaged in some branch of the railroad business, and appeared to be in robust health and spirits.  He leaves no family except his wife, all their children having died.  One brother, Rev. L. Parsons BISSELL, of Litchfield, Conn., also survives, and a half-brother, George BISSELL, who is employed in the Custom House in New York.  Mr. BISSELL was graduated from Hamilton College in 1869.  The interment was made in Passaic, N. J.

August 21, 1874
Death of Dr. BISSELL – The announcement of the death of Dr. George BISSELL, which occurred at Lockport, on Friday of last week, after a short illness, caused a deep feeling of sadness in this community where he had so long resided and was so well known.
Dr. BISSELL was a native of this county and came to Clinton from Verona, in 1831, and entered upon the practice of medicine in this place.  From that time forward, with the exception of a year or two spent in the West, and a temporary residence at Oil City, the Doctor continued to live in Clinton until a year ago last spring, when he removed to New Jersey, and from thence shortly afterwards to Lockport in this state.  The deceased was at one time at the head of the Clinton Banking House, and was prominently associated with the business interests of this village.
He had extensive acquaintance in this part of the county, and in the practice of his profession had a large degree of public confidence.  A positive character with decided views, he was sometimes brusque in his expressions, but his nature was sympathic (sic) and generous.  A devoted husband and loving father, he is sincerely mourned by others than his kindred.
Dr. BISSELL was very pleasantly situate at Lockport, where he had already made many friends and secured a lucrative practice.  The following notice of his decease we copy from the Lockport Daily Journal, of which friend COBB, of the class of ’64, is responsible editor:
“The death of Dr. George BILSSELL, which sad event occurred at his residence, corner of East Avenue and Pound Street, about 3 o’clock yesterday afternoon, will carry grief to all with whom he was acquainted in this city, and afflict a wider circle of friends, generally speaking, than would be the case with most of us.  The deceased when stricken down was engaged in the practice of his profession in our midst.  He came here, however, at a comparatively recent date, and for that reason was not so widely known hereabouts as others.  But to those who enjoyed his acquaintance, the blow comes with saddening and telling effect.  A few days ago he was upon our streets apparently in the enjoyment of his usual health.  About a week since he was attacked by the malignant ervsipilias.  Fears of a fatal result were not entertained until yesterday morning.  Yesterday afternoon he passed away.  Dr. BISSELL came to this place something like a year since from Clinton, Oneida Co., N. Y.  At that place, as the writer of this paragraph happens to know, he enjoyed in a goodly degree the confidence of his fellow citizens.  He had been in Lockport long enough to attach to himself friends who will not soon forget his kindly words and cheerful presence.  The deceased was a brother of A. A. BISSELL, Esq., of this city.”
The remains were brought to Clinton, and on Monday morning, after appropriate services, Dr. HUDSON officiating, were deposited in the BISSELL Family lot in our beautiful cemetery.  A son and daughter had already preceded him to the silent land, while three sons and his bereaved widow, who were all present, remain to mourn his loss.  Dr. BISSELL’s age was 64 years.

May 10, 1898 – Death of Mrs. Harriet BISSELL
A telegram was received by Dr. J. I. SCOLLARD on Monday from R. W. BISSELL, of New York, announcing the death at his home, 95 Park Avenue, on that day of his mother.  No further particulars have been received.  The remains will be brought to Clinton for interment in the Clinton Cemetery, arriving on the 8:50 train tomorrow (Thursday) morning, accompanied by Mr. And Mrs. R. W. BISSELL.  It is possible that a brief burial service may be held in the chapel at the Cemetery.  Any friends who may desire to do so are invited to join the procession as it passes from the station to the cemetery.
Mrs. BISSELL was the wife of Dr. George BISSELL, who died some years ago.  The family left Clinton in 1873.  They formerly resided in the place now occupied by Dr. SCOLLARD, and were at one time in affluent circumstances and numbered among the most prominent citizens of the place.  There were two sons, L. Parsons and Rush W.  The latter is now a prosperous businessman in the metropolis, and the former Episcopalian clergyman in Litchfield, Conn.  Mrs. BISSELL was possessed of a noble and benevolent character, and was a lady of much culture and refinement.  During her residence in Clinton she was one of the first ladies of the place.  Her constant kindness to the poor and unfortunate, and unfailing courtesy to all who came in contact with her, made her beloved by all who knew her.  The removal of the family from Clinton was a great loss to the place and was deeply regretted.  Mrs. BISSELL was over 70 years of age.  The long interval since her removal from Clinton leaves but few of the former acquaintances who have not preceded her to the silent land.  Those who remain will be pained to hear of her death.
Referring to her death a friend writes;  “Mrs. BISSELL was born, and passed her early life, upon a farm near Middle Settlement which commanded a lovely view of the valley, and all her life she cherished a strong affection for the hills and da-es so long familiar.  She had no less a love for books, and her activity of mind made her an extensive, and a retentive reader.  Ambitious in every direction, it was particularly marked in her craving for knowledge, and the impaired vision of her later years must have been a severe trial.  It seems a fitting and happy event that, after the varied vicissitudes of a life of more than three score years and ten, she comes at last to rest in her beloved valley among the companions of her active, hospitable and useful life.”

June 22nd, 1922
Miss Margaret BARNS, a native of this town and a lifelong resident of this section, died at her home in Westmoreland on Thursday, in her 89th year.  Miss BARNS was a daughter of Captain Amos BARNS, a pioneer settler of this town.  She was educated at Miss BARKER’s Home Cottage Seminary in Clinton, where she was a roommate of Clara BARTON, the noted found of the Red Cross movement.  Miss BARNS…..(page cut off)