Unsorted Obituaries

Submitted by Bea Lastowicka

Oct, 1. 1925
Royal Abel,  22,  Dies at his Home on the Oriskany Road.
 At the home  of  his  parents. Mr. and  Mrs.  John  E.  Abel,  R. F. D.  2dn the Oriskany Road, occurred the death    of    Royal    Abel    at   10:30o'clock  this  morning.     About  six weeks   ago   he   contracted   septic poisoning  due  to  an  infected tooth, and   was   confined   to   the   Rome Hospital until last Sunday, when he was removed to his home.
     Mr. Abel was born in Steuben 22 years ago.   At  the age  of  12 years the  family  came  to  this city,   and were located  on  a  farm  just  West of Rome  until  two years  ago  when they  removed  to their  present  residence.
    Royal Abel attended  the  Methodist  Church,  and  during  his residence  in this locality made numerous  friends  who will learn with regret  his  passing.  He always lived with  his  family, assisting   in   the operating of the farm work.
     Beside  his  parents,  the  young man  is  survived  by  five  brothers.    Leo  of  Lowell, N.Y., Carl,  George John  and  Roser,  the  latter a  twin brother,   all  of  Rome,  and   three sisters, Freida  and Erma  of Rome and Mrs Frank Wood  of  Utica.
Bea Lastowicka
ABEL,  Adam
 From notes sent to me by George Abel, Utica, new York.
    Adam Abel was born in Albany County.   This area is now part of Saratoga County. He was born ca 1784 and was the fourth child of Jeremiah and Alcha (Cannon ) Abel.  Adam Abel departed from the Abel farm in the early 1800's, the exact year is unknown.   Adam went to Herkimer County were he settled in the town of Norway.   Adam married Mary (Polly) Tompkins the daughter of Moses Tompkins.   Adam and Polly were married September 4, 1816 and the marriage was performed by Silvanus Ferris, Justice of the Peace for the Town of Norway.
Bea Lastowicka
ABEL, Dana D.
Rome Sentinel  Feb 1. 1899        North Western, Feb. 1 -- Dana D. Able, who died on Sunday evening, was aged 77 years and 5 months.   He was born in Grant, Herkimer County, and was a son of Adam and Polly Able.   He was a man of fine moral principles, a good citizen and one who attended to his own business and sought the good of all with which he had to do.   He never made an open profession of religion but always demonstrated by his life that he sought  the higher life and home above.   He was an old resident here and will be missed by all in the community, as he had only good words for all whom he met.   His wife died seven years ago.    He leaves four sons and one daughter, Miss able and Benjamin of Utica,  John of Rome,  George H. of Johnstown and Dana M. of North Western.   His funeral will be held on Thursday, Feb 2, at 12:30 at the family residence and at 1 p.m. at the M. E. Church of North Western.   The interment will be made at Steuben.
Bea Lastowicka
ABEL, Mrs. Dana D.
From a Utica Paper         died  April 4, 1892               STEUBEN
                Mrs. Dana D. Able died on Monday at the age of 69 years.   Besides her husband, she leaves six children.
Bea Lastowicka
ABEL, William Benjamin
Rome Sentinel        UTICA -  June 8, 1903  --
     William Benjamin Abel died Saturday afternoon at his home, No. 77 Oswego Street, aged 53 years and nine months.   Mr. Abel was born in Steuben, Oneida County and when not quite 15 years old, he listed in Co. H. 40th Regiment, New York Volunteers, and served during the latter part of the civil war.   For about 30 years he had lived in this city and was employed as a painter.   Mr. Abel was a member of the Painter's Union and of Post McQuade, G.A.R.   In May, 1872, he married Miss Carrie E. Davies of this city, who survives with six children,  Mrs. Fred Fraley of this city,  William B. of Ilion,  George H.,  Ella E.,  Grace L.,  Frances E., and Earl D., besides several brothers and sisters and a large number of friends.
Bea Lastowicka
ABEL, Dana
Rome Sentinel   Dec 15, 1925
                               DANA ABEL, OWNER OF CANAL BOATS DIES AT AGE OF 69
     Death came at 2:50 o'clock this morning to Dana Abel, 69, at his home at 314 S. George Street.   He had been ill for four weeks of bronchial pneumonia.   Surviving are his wife, three sons, Jesse Abel,  Robert Abel and William Abel all of Rome; one daughter, Mrs. John Hawkins of Rome; and  two brothers, John Abel of Stanwix and George Abel of Johnstown.
     Mr. Abel was born in Hawkinsville, June 17, 1855; son of the late Mr. and Mrs.  Dana D. Abel.   When 13 years old, he began work as a driver on the Black River Canal.   During the following half century he rose from driver to boat owner, plying his trade through most of the canals of the state.   Ten years ago, he left the canal and went to work for the Rome Manufacturing Company.
     Mr. Abel's home was in North Western in the summer, though his winters were spent here.   On November 19, 1878, he married Annis Decker, daughter of the late Eleanor and Charles Decker of Frenchville.   He belonged to the North Western M. E. Church.
     Widely known and universally respected, Mr. Abel leaves many friends to mourn his death.
ABEL --  Entered into rest in this city  on Monday, Dec 15, 1925, Dana M. Abel in his 75th year.
     The funeral will be held from his late home, 314 S. George St. on Wednesday afternoon at 1 o'clock and at the Methodist Church in North Western at 2:30 P.M..   Interment in the Westernville Cemetery.
     Funeral services for Dana M. Abel, 69, were held from  his late home, 314 S. George street, this afternoon at 1 o'clock and at the Methodist Church at North Western at 2:30 o'clock.
     Rev. Charles F. Miller, pastor of Calvary M.E. Church, officiated at the house and Rev. Mr. Mac Laughlin conducted the services at the church.   Bearers were six former neighbors and friends of Mr. Abel all of North Western.
     Among the many beautiful floral offerings from friends and relatives were tributes from the employees of the Rome Manufacturing Company and the Owl's Club.   Interment was made at North Western cemetery.
Bea Lastowicka
ABEL, Mrs. Annis D.
Rome Sentinel         MRS. ANNIS D.  ABLE DIES AT AGE OF 86
North Western, May 5, 1941 -- Mrs. Annis Decker Able, 86 former canal boat operator, died Sunday at the home of Mrs. Bertha VanDeWalker, where she had been staying for a week.
      She was born in Rome Jan. 9, 1855, a daughter of Charles and Elinor VanDeWalker.   She spent most of her life in North Western.   She was married on Nov. 19, 1871, in Frenchville to Dana M. Able.   The two worked for many years on the Erie and Black River canals.   Her husband died in 1924.
     She leaves one daughter, Mrs. Cora Hawkins, New York; three sons, Robert, North Western; William, Westernville, and Jesse, Rome.
     The body will be in the J. J. Strong funeral home until noon Wednesday and funeral services will be held at 2:30 P.M. at the Methodist Church, by the Rev. Albert Davidson.   Burial will be in the family plot in Westernville.
North Western, May 7 --  The body of Mrs. Annis D. Able was removed at noon today from the J. J. Strong funeral home, Rome, to the Methodist Church where the Rev. B. J. Davidson, pastor, conducted funeral services at 2:30 this afternoon.
     Floral tributes includes those from the maintenance department of Rome Manufacturing Co., Neighbors and friends from North Western and Westernville, and relatives.
     Bearers were Henry Haynes, Clarence Davis, Seymour Burch, Lewis VanDeWalker, Walter Cummings and Fred Macomber.   Interment was made at Westernville.
Bea Lastowicka
ABEL, John E.
Rome Sentinel     Died Feb 23, 1941
                                  JOHN E. ABEL, 77 EXPIRES SUDDENLY
Westmoreland, Feb. 24 --  John E. Abel, 77 resident of the Rome section for the past 24 years was found dead at his home on the Rome-Westmoreland Road Sunday morning by his son who went to call him for breakfast.   He had retired at 10 p.m. Saturday in apparent good health.
     The family was in process of moving to a farm on the Rome-Oriskany Road.   Mrs. Abel having already gone to the new farm and Mr. Abel remaining on the former place until his lease expires.   Funeral services will be held at the Rome-Oriskany Road farm on Wednesday at 2 p.m. with the Rev. H. D. Holmes, Rome, officiating.   Interment in charge of Waldo Wiggins Prince will be made in Rome Cemetery.
     Mr Abel was born in North Western, Jan 26, 1864, a son of the late David Dana and Mary Williams Abel.   On March 8, 1893 at Westernville, he married Katherine Teuscher, who survives.   He had lived in Steuben before coming to the Rome section where he had owned and operated several farms and had lived at his present home for two years.   He was of the Methodist faith.
     Besides his widow, he leaves three daughters,  Miss Freda Abel, Rome, Mrs. Frank Wood, Utica, and Mrs. Gilbert Fike, Rome; five sons, Leo D., Verona; Carl J. Rome, Roser, Verona; George H., Verona Station; John E. Jr., Rome.   Another son, Roy, died in 1925.   He leaves also thirteen grandchildren and several nieces and nephews.
Entered into rest on Sunday, Feb 23, 1941 John E. Abel in his 78th year.    Funeral services will be held at the home of Mrs. Katherine Abel on the Rome-Oriskany Road on Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock and interment will made in Rome Cemetery.
Bea Lastowicka
ABEL, Katherine Teuscher
Rome Sentinel  Nov 11, 1959        DEATH CLAIMS MRS. ABEL AT AGE OF 91
     Mrs. Katherine Teuscher Abel, 91, died this morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Gilbert G. (Erma) Fike, Gifford Rd., where she has been staying since Oct. 19.
     Mrs. Abel was born in Berne, Switzerland, on Feb 13, 1868, daughter of the late David and Katherine Leuenberger Teuscher.   She came to this country at the age of 16 and had resided in the vicinity of Rome since.
     In March, 1892, she was married to John E. Abel.    The couple operated farms in Western, Steuben and for a year was on the Ft. Bull Farm.    Mr and Mrs. Abel then moved about 1916 to a farm on the Rome-Oriskany Rd., where she has since lived.   Mr. Abel died Feb. 23, 1941.
     Mrs. Abel was of the Lutheran faith.
     Surviving besides Mrs. Fike are two other daughters,  Mrs. Frank (Katherine) Wood, Utica and Miss Frieda Abel of the Rome-Oriskany Rd., and four sons, Carl J. Abel of Vernon Center, Roser Abel and George H. Abel, both of Verona, and John E. Abel of the Rome-Oriskany Rd.    There are 21 grandchildren, 12 great grandchildren; a sister, Miss Alice Teuscher of Rome, and a brother, Christopher Teuscher of the Rome-Oriskany Road.
     Funeral arrangements are incomplete.
     Entered into rest on Wednesday, Nov. 11, 1959, Katherine Teuscher , widow of John E. Abel Sr., in her 92 year.   Funeral services will be held at the Waldo Wiggins Prince Home for Funerals on Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock and the interment made in the Rome Cemetery.   Friends may call at the Home for funerals on Thursday and Friday afternoon and evening.
   Funeral services for Katherine Teuscher Abel, widow of John E. Abel Sr., the Rome - Oriskany Road, were held at the Waldo Wiggins Prince Home for Funerals this afternoon at 2 o'clock with the Rev. Paul A. Boriack, pastor of St. John's Lutheran Church officiating.   The interment was made at the Rome Cemetery where Pastor Boriack gave the committal service.
     The bearers, grandsons of Mrs. Abel, were George H. Abel Jr., John E. Abel III, LeRoy D. Abel, Richard R. Abel, Alan V. Fike and Frank A.  Wood Jr.
     On Friday evening the supervisors of the Rome Manufacturing Division of Revere called at the home for funerals to express their sympathy.
     Among the many expressions of sympathy and tributes were flowers from the neighbors on the Rome - Oriskany Road, associates of John Abel at Reveres Rome Manufacturing Co. Division and the Employees Benevolent Fund; associated of John Abel, Rome Manufacturing Management Group; neighbors and friends of Roser and George Abel of Verona; Rome Paid Firemen's Benevolent Assn..; West Rome Benevolent Assn.; toll building of the New York Telephone Co. in Utica; Rome Traffic Club; State Highway Dept. employees at Rome, friends and relatives.
     Mrs. Abel passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Gilbert Fike, on Gifford Rd. last Wednesday morning at the age of 91.   She was known to many as "Aunt Kate."
Bea Lastowicka
ABEL, Leo D.
ROME SENTINEL    Died  Sept 14, 1947
                                             LEO D. ABEL, 53, DIES SUDDENLY
Verona --  Leo David Abel, 53, died suddenly yesterday at his home in Munnsville.
     Born  Sept 2, 1894, he was the son of John E. and Katherine Teuscher Abel.   He formerly lived at Stanwix and operated a farm in Verona for several years.   He had recently moved to Munnsville.
     Mr. Abel was a veteran of World War 1 and a member of the American Legion of Vernon.   He was of the Methodist faith.
     Surviving besides his wife, the former Marie Holmes, are a son Donald R. Abel and daughter Blanche Abel at home; his mother who resides in Rome; four brothers, George H. and Roser Abel, Verona; Karl J. Abel, Knoxboro, and John E. Abel, Rome; three sisters, Mrs. Frank Wood, Utica; Mrs Gilbert Fike and Freida E. Abel, Rome.
     Funeral services will be held at the C. E. Love undertaking parlors, Munnsville, on Wednesday at 1 P.M.; Interment at Rome Cemetery.
Bea Lastowicka
ABEL, Marie A.
Rome Sentinel    died   May 31, 1976            Mrs Leo D. Abel, 801 N. James St. died Monday morning in Rose Hospital after a long illness.
     The former Marie A. Houghton, she was born in Chaumont, daughter of Charles and Ethel May Lyon Houghton.   She was first married to Fred Holmes, who is deceased.   She married Mr. Abel on March 15, 1924.  He died in 1947.
     Mrs. Abel had resided in Rome since 1948 and was last employed at St. Peter's Church.   She was a member of the Auxiliary to the Henry P. Smith Post,  American Legion and St. John's Lutheran Church.
     Surviving are a daughter,  Mrs. Blanche Leach, Carson City, Nev., and a son, Donald R. Abel, Valley Cottage; several grandchildren and great grandchildren.
     Funeral services will be held at the Griffin & Aldridge Funeral Home at 10:30 Wednesday, with burial in Rome Cemetery.   Calling hours are 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 today.

On Monday, May 31, 1976, in this city, Marie Houghton, window of Leo D. Abel.   Funeral services will be held at the funeral home of Griffin and Aldridge on Wednesday at 10:30 A.M.   Interment in Rome Cemetery.   Friends may call at the funeral home today from 2 - 4 and 7 - 9 p.m.
Bea Lastowicka
ABEL, Carl J.
Rome Sentinel          died  Jan 28, 1970
MUNNSVILLE -- Carl J. Abel, 73, Mosquito Point Road, RD. 2, Munnsville, died Wednesday in Community Memorial Hospital, Hamilton, where he had been a patient for one day.
     Born in Steuben, June 19, 1896, son of John and Katherine Teuscher Abel, he had  been a resident of Munnsville for the past four years, moving there from Vernon Center.   He  was a retired dairy farmer.
     A veteran of World War I, Mr. Abel served in Germany.   His wife, the former Marion Frank, died May 9, 1965.
     Surviving ate two sons, Frederick D., Knoxboro, and LeRoy D., Sr., Oneida; two daughters, Mrs. Allen (Barbara) Johnson, Vernon and Mrs. Gary (Joann) Chamberlin, Munnsville; three brothers, Roser and George Abel, Verona, and John Abel, Oriskany; three sisters, Mrs. Katherine Wood, Clinton, and Mrs. Gilbert (Erma) Fike and Miss Frieda Abel, both of Rome and six grandchildren.
Bea Lastowicka
ABEL, Marion F.
 Rome Sentinel    Died   May 9, 1965
MUNNSVILLE --  Mrs. Marion F. Abel, 58, wife of Carl J. Abel, of Mosquito Point Road, died yesterday in Oneida City Hospital.  May 9, 1965.
     Mrs. Abel was born in Jersey City,  New Jersey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Frank.   She lived in Vernon Center until coming here two years ago.   She married Mr. Abel in Rome in 1936.
    Besides her husband, she leaves two daughters,  Miss Barbara Abel, and Miss JoAnn Abel, both of Munnsville; two sons, Frederick, Knoxboro and LeRoy of Vernon.
     The funeral will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday; from the Campbell-Dean Funeral Home in Oneida, with the Rev. August Scholz, Pastor of the Redeemer Lutheran Church in Oneida, officiating.
     Burial will be in Crown hill Cemetery,  New Hartford.
     Calling hours are from 7 to 9 tonight and 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 tomorrow.
Bea Lastowicka
ABEL, Freida E.
Rome Sentinel           Dec 31, 1991            FREIDA E. ABEL
     Freida E. Abel, 93, of Bethany House Nursing Home, formerly of 320 E. Bloomfield St., died today in Rome Hospital.
     Miss Abel was born Dec. 13 1898 in Rome, a daughter of John and Katherine Teuscher Abel, and attended Boonville Schools.   She was a record clerk at Revere's Rome Manufacturing Division, retiring in 1960.   She was a member of the First United Methodist Church, Rome.
Survivors include<private>
     Funeral services will be held at the Prince-Boyd & Hyatt Home for Funerals, Inc. Friday at 10 A.M.    Friends may call Thursday 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m.   Burial will be at Rome Cemetery.
Bea Lastowicka
ABEL, George H. Sr.
Rome Sentinel         Died  May 3, 1981
VERONA -- George H. Abel Sr., 74, of Tilden Hill Road, who was employed by the State Thruway for several years, died Sunday, May 3, 1981, in Forsyth Memorial Hospital, Winston - Salem,  N. C.   He was  stricken while on his way to visit his daughter.
     Born on July 9, 1906, in the town of Western, he was the son of John E. and Katherine Teuscher Abel.   On Jan 26, 1929, he married Blanche M. Jones in Verona.   He resided in Verona for the past 52 years, moving from Rome.
     Mr. Abel  retired as a State Thruway employee in 1974.   He had previously been associated with his brother - in - law, Clinton M. Jones, as a mason contractor.   He was a member of the First Presbyterian Church, Verona.
     He was a member of the New London Masonic Lodge, and the Vernon and Verona Senior Citizens.
     Surviving <private>
     Services will be held at 1 p.m. Thursday at the Martin J. Nunn Funeral Home, with burial in Verona Cemetery.
     Calling hours are 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesday and 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Wednesday.
Bea Lastowicka
ABEL, Blanche M.
Rome Sentinel      Died   March 29, 2001     BLANCHE M. ABEL
     Verona -- Blanche M. Abel, 90, formerly of Verona and Oneida, died early Thursday afternoon, March 29, 2001 at the Stonehedge Health and Rehabilitation Center, Rome, where she had resided since March of 1995.
     Blanche was born March 31, 1910 in Verona, the daughter of Hugh and Myra Meyers Jones.   She was educated in the Verona High School.  On Jan 26, 1929 in Verona, Blanche married George Abel, a union which lasted until his death in 1981.
     Blanche was a homemaker, who truly enjoyed her family.   She was a member of the First Presbyterian Church of Verona, the Verona Senior Citizens and a member of Vesta Chapter Order of the Eastern Star of New London.
     Surviving <private>
      Thursday, March 29, 2001, Mrs. Blanche M. Abel, 90, of Verona and Oneida.   Funeral services will be held on Monday at 11 A. M. from the Malecki Funeral Home, Inc., 23 Front St., corner of N. Sconondoa St., Vernon with the Rev. D. Richard Will, Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Verona, officiating.   Burial will be this spring in the Verona Cemetery.   Friends may call at the funeral home on Sunday from 4 to 7 P. M.
Bea Lastowicka
ABEL, John E. Jr.
Rome Sentinel      Died  June 5, 1993
John E. Abel Jr., age 84, of 7421 Rome-Oriskany Road, Rome, died Saturday, June 5, 1993, in Rome Hospital after a brief illness.
     He was born July 8, 1908 in Steuben, the son of John and Katherine Teuscher Abel.   Mr. Abel attended school in Steuben.   On December 2, 1932, he married Catherine Rebar in Rome.
     Mr. Abel was employed at Revere Copper and Brass for over thirty years, retiring in 1965, and was previously employed on the family farm.   He was a member of the First Presbyterian Church and the Revere Retirees Association.
     Surviving <private>   He was predeceased by five brothers and one sister, Leo Abel, George Abel, Carl Abel, Roser Abel, Royal Abel, and Frieda Abel.
     Funeral services will be held at the Nunn and Harper Funeral Home, Inc., Wednesday 9 A.M.   Interment in Crown Hill Memorial Park Cemetery.   Friends may call at the funeral home 2 - 4 and 7 - 9  Tuesday.
Bea Lastowicka
ABEL, Catherine J.
Rome Sentinel      Died   Sept 13, 1996
  Catherine J. Abel, of 7421 Oriskany Road, Rome, died Friday, September 13, 1996 in Rome Memorial Hospital after being stricken at her residence.
     She was born May 18, 1909 in Altoona, Pennsylvania.
     On December 2, 1932, she married John E. Abel, Jr. in Rome.   He died June 5, 1993
     Mrs. Abel was a member of the First Presbyterian Church.
     Surviving <private>
     Graveside services will be held at the convenience of the family at Crown Hill Memorial Park, Town of Kirkland.
     Friends may call at the Nunn and Harper Funeral Home, Inc. Sunday 7 - 9 P.M.
Bea Lastowicka
ABEL, Douglas M.
Rome Sentinel     Died  Aug 16, 1996
Douglas M. Abel, age 56, of 7449 Rome Oriskany Road, Rome, died Sunday, August 16, 1998 at Crouse Irving Hospital following a long illness.
     He was born on March 1, 1942 in Rome, the son of John and Catherine Rebar Abel.
     Mr. Abel was educated in Oriskany Schools.
     On September 16, 1972 he married Patricia Talerico in Rome.
     Mr. Abel was employed by the Rome City Fire Department for twenty-five years, retiring in 1986.
     He served in the United States Navy from 1961 to 1965.
     Mr. Abel was active in the Oriskany Little League.
     Surviving besides <private>

     Funeral services will be held at the Nunn and Harper Funeral Home, Inc., on Wednesday at 11 A.M.    Interment in St. Mary's Cemetery.
     Friends may call at the funeral home Tuesday from 2 - 4 and 7 - 9 P.M.
     Mrs. Abel and her son would like to express their sincere gratitude to the Talerico family for their undying love and devotion, and they would especially like to thank Bob and Karen Service of Mexico, N.Y. for their knowledge , guidance and support during this long illness.
Bea Lastowicka
ABEL, George F. Sr.
Utica Paper           Died  March 10, 1989
     UTICA -Mr. George F. Abel, Sr., 76, of 8 1/2 Noyes St., died Friday, March 10, 1989, at St. Luke's Memorial Hospital Center.
     Mr. Abel was born September 12, 1912, in Utica, son of the late George H. and Lillie Hobbis Abel, and attended Utica schools.   He was married to Elizabeth Lorenz on November 23, 1939, in Utica.   Mr. Abel was employed as a maintenance man at Catholic Charities for 15 years, retiring in 1986.   He was a veteran of WW II, serving in the U.S. Navy aboard the U.S.S. Arkansas from 1943 - 1946.
     He is survived by <private>  He was predeceased by one  sister, Lillie Zeh.
     Services will be Monday at 10 A.M. at the Friedel, William, Coriale & Edmunds Funeral Homes, Court at York Sts., Utica.   Interment will be in Forest Hill Cemetery.   Friends may call Sunday, 2 - 4 and 7 - 9, at the funeral home.
ABEL, Elizabeth
Utica Paper       Died   Dec 11, 1995
  UTICA - Mrs. Elizabeth (Lorenz) Abel, age 78, a resident of the Eden Park Nursing Home, passed away on Monday, December 11, 1995, at St. Elizabeth's Hospital.
     She was born on January 11, 1917, in Yonkers, NY., a daughter of  the late George and Lisette (Stuhler) Lorenz.   As a young child, along with her family, she moved to Utica where she was raised and educated.   In November of 1939, on Thanksgiving Day, she married George Abel.   Their union endured 50 years and was blessed with three children.   Her husband passed away on March 10, 1989.   Elizabeth fondly recalled the many years she had been part of the staff at Trinkaus Manor.   Her concern of others was well suited to her position as a nurse's aide for several area nursing facilities.   During the years in which she was socially active, Elizabeth enjoyed singing at the Utica Maennerchor and being a member of the E.S.S.C. and the First Presbyterian Church.
     Foremost in Elizabeth's life was the well-being of her children.   The many sacrifices, deeds and overall concern she shared for her family did not for unnoticed and was greatly appreciated and admired.   She earned the respect and trust of many people and her gentle, kindhearted nature will be long remembered.
     Surviving are her daughter, <private>   She was preceded in death by a sister, Edith Steenbock, and a brother, Frank Lorenz.
     The Abel family wishes to thank Dr. William Fiden, the staff of Eden Park Nursing Home and the care givers of St. Elizabeth Hospital Emergency Room who cared for  Elizabeth during her illness.
     Visitation will be held on Wednesday (today) from 2 - 4 and 7 - 9 at The Eannace Funeral Home, Inc., 932 South St. corner of Hammond Ave.
     Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend funeral services which will be held on Thursday morning at 10:30 at the First Presbyterian Church with the Rev. Dennis Haines, Pastor, officiating.   Interment will take place in Forest Hill Cemetery at the convenience of the family.
Bea Lastowicka
ABEL, William C.
Utica Paper     Died  March 20, 1997
      UTICA - William C. Abel, 75, died suddenly on Thursday, March 20, 1997, after being stricken at home.
     He was born in Utica, a son of George and Lillie Hobbis Abel and  attended local schools.   Bill had been a member of the Civil Conservation Corps and was a veteran of WWII having served in the U.S. Army in the Pacific Theatre.   His battalion was involved with the initial invasion of Okinawa.   Bill was employed by the West End Brewing Co. for over 40 years.   He and his wife, the former Doris Breton, operated Abel's Bait Shop in West Utica for the same length of time.   Mrs. Abel died on August 11, 1996.   The couple shared 50 years of marriage together.   Bill had a great fondness for horses and horse racing and loved working in his garden.
     He leaves <private>  His funeral will be held on Monday at 10:00 A.M. at the Myslinski Funeral Home, Inc., 470 French Road with the Rev. Dr. Kirk Hudson, officiating.   Interment will be in Forest Hill Cemetery.   Friends may call at the funeral home on Sunday from 3 to 6 P.M.
     In his memory, contributions may be made to the American Lung Assn.   Envelopes will be available at the funeral home.
     The family wishes to thank the Utica Fire Department and Dr. J. Kohan for all the kindness shown to them.
     Arrangements by the Myslinski Funeral Home, Inc., 604 Columbia St. and 470 French Road.
Bea Lastowicka
ABEL, Doris E.
Utica Paper       Died  Aug 11, 1996
UTICA - Mrs. Doris E.  Abel, of 1311 Ash St.. died Sunday, August 11, 1996, at Faxton Hospital.
     She was born in Utica, a daughter of William and Marie Belanger Breton and attended local schools.     She was affiliated with he husband in operating Abel's Bait Shop on Ash St. for many years.   Doris  was a devout Catholic and dedicated her life to the concerns of her children and grandchildren.   She was a member of the Women of the Loyal Order of Moose and made many friendships through her involvement with the TOPS Program.
     Besides <private>
     Her funeral will be held on  Wednesday at 8:30 A.M. from the Myslinski Funeral Home, Inc., 604 Columbia St., and at 9:00 A.M. at St. Joseph and St. Patrick Church.   Interment will be in Forest Hill Cemetery.   Friends may call at the funeral home on Tuesday from2 - 4 and 7 - 9.
     The family wishes to acknowledge Dr. Gordon Fung, the staff at the Faxton's Emergency Room and the Critical Care Unit for the kindnesses shown to Doris.
     In memory of her mother Marie, contributions may be made to "Making Strides Against Breast Cancer" in care of the American Cancer Society, Utica.   Envelopes will be available at the funeral home.
Bea Lastowicka
ABEL, Raymond M.
Rome Sentinel        died  March 9, 1978     RAYMOND M. ABEL
     BALDWINSVILLE - Raymond M. Abel, 61, of 3 Marble St., Baldwinsville, died Thursday at the Veteran Administration Hospital, Syracuse, after a long illness.  He had been employed at one time by the Globe Taxi Co., Rome.
     Born March 22, 1916, the son of Robert and Florence Sweet Abel, he attended Town of Western and Rome schools.   He had been employed as a driver by Associated Transport, the Tilo Corp., and Crucible Steel Corp., all in Syracuse.
     A veteran of World War II, Mr. Abel served with the Army in Europe, and was a member of the Albert Glen Richardson Veteran of Foreign Wars Post, Baldwinsville.
     He is survived by a brother, Leonard R. Abel, Thendara.
     Services will be Monday at 10:30 A.M. at the Strong Funeral Home.   Burial will be in North Steuben Cemetery.
     Calling hours are from 7 to 9 tonight and from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 P.M. Sunday.
Bea Lastowicka
ABEL, Leonard R.
Rome Sentinel             Died   April 23, 1983    LEONARD R. ABEL
    THENDARA - Leonard R. Abel, 71, of Box 186, Forge Street, Thendara, N.Y., a former Rome area resident who once operated the Thendara Hotel, died on Saturday, April 23, 1983, in Veterans Administration Hospital, Syracuse after a long illness.
     Born on Sept. 16, 1913, in Northwestern, he was the son of Robert and Florence Sweeting Abel.   He was educated in Rome schools.   On Aug. 18, 1941, he married the former Irene M. Foote in Glenfield.   He was an Army veteran of World War II, serving in the European theatre.
     Mr. Abel had been a resident of Thendara for the past 15 years and for several years he and his wife operated the Thendara Hotel.   Prior to that he had lived in the Rome area where he was employed at Revere Copper and Brass, and in Warners where he was employed as a bus driver for the Syracuse School District.  He also once worked at the Frazer and Jones Foundry, Solvay.
     Mr. Abel was a Presbyterian.
     He was a member of the Old Forge Post, American Legion, the Old Forge Masonic Lodge and Old Forge chapter, American Association of Retired Persons; first commander and life member of Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 2983; past commander of the Herkimer County VFW and national VFW aide-de-camp.   He was founder and past commander of the Baldwinsville Post, Veterans of Foreign Wars, and a member of both the Elks and Moose Lodges in Baldwinsville.
     Surviving besides <private>
     Services will be held at the Strong Funeral Home, Rome, at 11 A.M. Monday.   Burial will be in North Western Cemetery.
     Calling hours are 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 P.M., Sunday.
Bea Lastowicka
ABEL, Irene
Rome Sentinel         Died  July 2, 1984   IRENE M. ABEL
     Irene M. Abel, 73, Thendara, a former Port Leyden resident, died Monday, July 2, 1984, at home after a brief illness.
      Born in Glenfield on Oct 31, 1910, she was a daughter of Lafayette and Nora Emerson Foote.   She was a 1931 graduate of Port Leyden High School.   On Aug 18, 1940, she married Leonard R. Abel in Glenfield.   Mr. Abel died April 23, 1893.   Mrs. Abel had worked for General Electric in Liverpool for 17 years, retiring in 1967.   From 1967 to 1973, she operated Irene's Inn, Thendara.
     She was past matron of the Order of the Eastern Star, Old Forge chapter; past president of the Ladies Auxiliary of the Veterans of Foreign Wars posts in Baldwinsville and Herkimer; past president of the Herkimer County Council of VFW Auxiliaries; past president of the Covey Fashley Post American Legion Auxiliary, Old Forge; a member of the No-Nicers of Niccoll's Memorial Church, Old Forge; and a trustee of the Old Forge chapter of the American Association of Retired Person.   Surviving are <private> Services are 10:30 A.M. Thursday at Strong Funeral Home.   Burial will be in North Steuben Cemetery.   Calling hours are 7 to 9 P.M. tonight and 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 P.M. Wednesday.
Bea Lastowicka
ABEL, Herbert W.
Rome Sentinel       died  March 2, 1975      HERBERT W. ABEL
     Herbert W. Abel, 57, of 423 S. James St., died Sunday in Rose Hospital after a long illness.
     He was born April 6, 1917, in Rome, son of Robert and Florence Sweeting Abel.   He was educated in Rome schools.   On Oct. 5, 1940, he married Mildred Woodin in Sheffield, Mass.
     Mr. Abel had been employed by the Rome Iron Mills until 1971 when illness forced him to retire.
     He was a member of Rome Hook and Ladder Co. 1, Volunteer Fire Department; the Ukrainian Club and Eagle Social Club.
     Mr. Abel is survived by <private>
     Funeral services will be held at 9:30 A.M. Wednesday at the Strong Funeral Home.   Burial will be in Rome Cemetery.
     Calling hours at the funeral home are 7 to 9 tonight and 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 Tuesday.
Bea Lastowicka
Rome Sentinel   Died Nov 9, 1971  was not in paper until Nov 18, 1971
                                                      DEATH TAKES ROME NATIVE
     Mrs. Edward Kavanagh, 56, of 193th St. Brooklyn, a Rome native, died Nov. 9 in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Peter Muroski, Central Islilp L.I.
     The former Helen Hawkins, she was born March 14, 1913, daughter of Jack and Cora Abel Hawkins.   A graduate of Rome Free Academy.
     She was married to Raymond Garcia and after his death, moved to Brooklyn.   She was married there to Mr. Kavanagh who died in 1960
     Surviving are her mother in Brooklyn, <private>
     Funeral services were held in Brooklyn and interment was in St. Charles Cemetery there.
Bea Lastowicka
Rome Sentinel      Died
Jan 27, 1983
                                                   MRS. EDITH M. VANDERBERG
     Mrs. Edith M. Vanderberg, 66, of 904 Schuyler St., a retired employee of Irving Trust Co., Manhattan, died Thursday, Jan 27, 1983, in Rome Hospital after a brief illness.
     Born on Sept 21, 1914, in Rome, she was the daughter of John and Cora Abel Hawkins.   She married Thomas Vanderberg on May 18, 1946, in Brooklyn.   He died Sept 10, 1956.
     A former resident of Brooklyn, Mrs. Vanderberg returned to Rome three years ago.   She worked at Irving Trust for more than 20 years, retiring in 1979.
     Surviving are a son, <private>.
     Services will be held at noon Monday at the Martin J. Nunn Funeral Home.   Burial will be in Greenwood Cemetery, Brooklyn.
     Calling hours are from 7 to 9 p.m. Saturday and 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Sunday.
Bea Lastowicka
WOOD, Frank A. Sr.
Utica Paper         Died Aug 29, 1965   FRANK A. WOOD SR.
     Frank A. Wood, Sr., 69, 203 Columbia St. died Aug 29, 1965 in Veterans Hospital, Syracuse.
     Mr. Wood, a native Utican received his education in local schools.
     He had been employed at the Eureka Mower Co. and since 1958, was custodian at the Odd Fellows Temple on Columbia Street, Utica.
     Mr. Wood was a World War I Army Veteran and was a member of Moriah Presbyterian Church.   He also was a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars.   He was a past noble grand of the Central City Lodge of Odd Fellows which now has consolidated with Schuyler Lodge, a past district deputy grand master of the Oneida District of Odd Fellows, past chief patriot of The Mount Encampment and past district deputy grand patriot of the Oneida-Herkimer District.   He was a member of the Utica Rebekah Lodge and was secretary of the Past Grand Association and the Schuyler Lodge.
     He married Katherine Abel in Utica in 1924.
     Besides his wife, he leaves two sons, Frank A. Wood, Jr., Yorkville, and Dennis W., Utica, two daughters, Mrs. James (Margaret) Donato, Utica and Mrs.  Eric (Carole) Harrison, Westmoreland; a sister Miss May Wood, Rochester, and two half sisters and two half brothers in Chicago.
     The funeral will be at 2 Thursday from the J. W. Dimleby Funeral Home, Whitesboro.   Burial will be in Forest Hill Cemetery.
    Calling hours are from 7 to 0 tonight and 2 to 4  and 7 to 9 tomorrow.   Schuyler Lodge of Odd Fellows will conduct services at 7:30 tomorrow night in the funeral home.
Bea Lastowicka
WOOD, Katherine A.
Utica Paper         Died  Aug 18, 1997     KATHERINE A. WOOD
       Katherine A. Wood, 96, formerly of Westmoreland, Utica, and more recently of Clinton, passed away, August 18, 1997, at the Martin Luther Home.
     She was born February 2, 1901, in Northwestern, N. Y., the daughter of John E. Abel, Sr., and Katherine Teuscher Abel.   She was educated in local schools, and on June 7, 1924, married Frank A. Wood, Sr., at the First Presbyterian Church, Utica.   Mr Wood died August 29, 1965.   Mrs. Wood was a member of the Stone Presbyterian Church, Clinton, and Luka Lodge of the Rebekah's.
     Survivors include<private>
     Funeral services will be Thursday morning at 11 o'clock at the J.W. Dimbleby Funeral Home, Forty Main St., Whitesboro.   Interment will be in Forest Hill Cemetery.   Calling hours are Wednesday from 2 - 4 and 7 - 9.
Bea Lastowicka
WOOD, Frank A. Jr.
Utica Paper       Died Oct 29, 1983     FRANK A. WOOD JR.
   Frank A Wood, Jr., 53, of 16 Saratoga St., Utica, died Saturday, October 29, 1983 at St. Luke's Hospital.
     He was born in Utica, the son of Katherine Abel Wood and the late Frank A Wood, Sr.   In Utica in 1957, he was married to the former Shirley Lupinski.   Until his retirement, Mr. Wood was employed at the Sperry UNIVAC Corporation.  He is a member of the St. Joseph-St. Patrick Church and the Independent Order of Odd Fellows.
     He is survived by <private>
     A private Funeral will be held at the convenience of the family at the Heintz Funeral Home, Utica, N.Y.   A memorial to Mr. Wood, contributions may be made to the Kidney foundation.
Bea Lastowicka
WOOD, Shirley A.
Unknown paper   Died  May 29, 1990      SHIRLEY A. WOOD
       New York Mills - Mrs. Shirley A Wood, 55 of the Country Club Apts. New York Mills passed away on Monday, May 29, 1990 at St. Luke's Memorial Hospital.
     She was born in Herkimer, New York, the daughter of Raymond and Ann Nozni Lupinski and attended Poland Central School.   On may 4, 1957, in the Sacred Heart Church, Utica, she was married to Frank A. Wood Jr.   Mr. Wood died in 1983.
     Mrs. Wood is survived by <private>
     The funeral will be Thursday morning at 11:00 at the Heintz Funeral Home, 1517 Whitesboro St. Whitesboro.   Interment in the Holy Trinity Cemetery.
Bea Lastowicka
WOOD, Tracy Adam
Utica Observer Dispatch, in paper October 30, 2003
     Tracy Adam Wood, age 33, passed away unexpectedly on March 15, 2000, at his residence in Monticello, New York.   He was born in Utica August 12, 1966, the son of the late Frank and Shirley (Lupinski) Wood.   Tracy was educated in Utica and graduated from Utica Free Academy, joined the US Navy, and recently drove for the Short Line Bus Company in Monticello, New York
     Mr. Wood is survived by <private>
     He was predeceased by his parents and paternal grandmother.     A memorial service will be held at Ilion Methodist Church, Ilion, on Saturday, November 1, 2003 at 11 A.M.
Tracy was buried at the Veterans Cemetery, Monticello, New York
Bea Lastowicka
DONATO, Margaret A.
Utica Observer Dispatch      Oct 4, 2003    MARGARET A. DONATO
     Margaret A Donato, 76, passed away October 3., 2003, at Faxton Hospital.
     She was born October 28, 1926 in Westmoreland, the daughter of Frank and Katherine Abel Wood and received her education at U.F.A.    Margaret married James Donato December 26, 1957 in Alexandria, VA.
     Mrs. Donato was a legal secretary for several law firms, was a member of the Professional Secretaries International, Utica Historical Society, and the Utica Chapter of A.A.R.P.
     She is survived by <private>  She was predeceased by a brother, Frank Wood.
     The funeral will be Monday at All Saints Episcopal Church, 40 Faxton Street, Utica, at 11 A.M. with Rev. Dr. John LaVoe officiating.   Interment will be in Forest Hill Cemetery.   Calling hours at the J.W. DIMBLEBY FUNERAL HOME, Forty Main Street, Whitesboro, will be Sunday (today) 7 - 9 P.M.
Bea Lastowicka
FIKE, Gilbert G.
Rome Sentinel       Died Nov 30, 1977     GILBERT G. FIKE
Gilbert G. Fike, 65, of 7634 Gifford Road, Rome, died last night at the Rome Hospital after a short illness.
     He was born July 15, 1912 in Rome, son of Charles and Sarah Gifford Fike.   He was married August 24, 1940 to Erma Abel, who survives.   He was traffic manager at the Rome Division of Revere Copper & Brass retiring October, 1975.   He graduated from Rome Free Academy, class of 1930.   He was a member of the St. John's Evangelical Church, also an Elder and former Trustee of the Church,  Rome Traffic Club,  Civil Defense and Rome Historical Society.     Surviving are <private>
     Funeral services will be held at St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church Saturday at 1:30.   Interment in Rome Cemetery.   Calling hours at the Prince & Boyd Home for funerals today 7 - 9  and Friday 2 - 4 and 7 - 9.
Bea Lastowicka
FIKE, Bruce G.
Rome Sentinel        Died Oct 19, 1978          BRUCE G. FIKE
     Bruce G. Fike, 35, of 92 Rye Road, Town of Greece, a former Roman, died Thursday as the result of an automobile accident in the Town of Gates.   He was pronounced dead at St. Mary's Hospital, Rochester.
     Born August 1, 1943, in Rome, he was the son of Gilbert and Erma Abel Fike.  Mr. Fike attended Rome Schools and graduated from Union College, Schenectady, with a degree in Electrical Engineering.
     He also did graduate work at the University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa., before moving to Rochester in 1968.
     Mr. Fike was employed as a research physicist at Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester.   He also taught classes in electrical circuit analysis at the Rochester Institute of Technology.
     He married Joyce Olson in Hilton a few years ago.
     Mr. Fike was a member of Phi Beta Kappa at Union College, Sigma Xi, Tau Beta Pi, the Institute of Electronic Engineers and the Society of Photographic Scientists and Engineers.
     Surviving besides<private>
     Services will be at 1 P.M. Monday in the St. John's Lutheran Church, Rome.   Burial will be in Rome Cemetery.
     Calling hours are 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 P.M. at the Kandt Funeral Home, Inc., Hilton.
     Contributions may be made to St. John's Lutheran Church, Rome, St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Hilton, or the charity of one's choice.
Bea Lastowicka
Mac LEAN, Elenor E.
Utica Paper     Died   Sept 14, 1995       ELENOR E. Mac LEAN
CLINTON - Elenor E. MacLean, 79, of the Sherman Brook Village, Clinton, passed away Thursday, September 14, 1995 at St. Elizabeth's Hospital, Utica.
     She was born in Utica, October 20, 1915, the daughter of George and Lillie Hobbis Abel.   Elenor was raised and educated in Utica and on August 31, 1935, married Donald M. MacLean.   Mr. MacLean passed away on June 18, 1984.   Shortly after their marriage, the couple moved to Clinton and later the West Palm Beach, Fl.   Elenor moved back to the Clinton area several years ago.   For many years, she was employed at the Clinton Central School and later the Home Bakery in Clinton.   Elenor was of the Methodist faith.   She was a member of the Grace Chapter of the Eastern Star and the School Town Questors, Chapter #100.
     Elenor is survived by <private>  Mrs. MacLean was predeceased by a sister, Lillie Zeh, and a brother, George Abel.
     Funeral services will follow calling hours Sunday afternoon, September 17, 1995, at the Heintz Funeral Home, 10 E. Park Row, Clinton.   Burial will be in Forest Hill Cemetery, Utica.   Calling hours at the funeral home are Saturday evening, 7 - 9 and Sunday 1 - 3.
     Those who wish may make donations to Central Oneida County Volunteer Ambulance Corps or the charity of your choice.
     Grace Chapter will Hold their ritualistic service Sunday at 2:00 P.M.
Bea Lastowicka
Mac LEAN, Donald M.
Rome Sentinel        Died  June 18, 1984      DONALD M. Mac LEAN
     VERONA  BEACH -- Donald M. MacLean, 71, of Prospect Avenue, a winter resident of West Palm Beach, Fla.; died Monday, June 18, 1984, at his Verona Beach home.   Mr. MacLean was employed by Bendix Corp., Utica, for 24 years. He retired in 1978.
     Born in Utica on Sept 4, 1912, he was the son of Donald A. and Catherine Morris MacLean.   He married Elenor Abel in Utica on August 31, 1935.   The couple resided in New Hartford until moving to Clinton in 1941.   They moved to their winter home in Florida and summer home in Verona Beach in 1978.
     Mr. MacLean was a member of the Clinton United Methodist Church and attended the Good Shepherd Methodist Church, West Palm Beach, Fla.   He was a member of the Clinton Masonic Lodge and the Kirkland Senior Citizens.   Mr. MacLean was an honorary exempt member of the Clinton Fire Department and Clinton Fire Police.
     Surviving besides<private>
     The funeral will be held at 10:30 A.M. Thursday at the Heintz Funeral Home, Clinton, with burial in Forest Hill Cemetery, Utica.
    Calling hours are 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 P.M. Wednesday.   Memorials may be made to the Oneida County Ambulance Corps,  American Heart Association, or the Central New York Association for the Blind.
Bea Lastowicka
ZEH, Carl F.
Utica Paper     Died  June 29, 1994                   CARL F. ZEH
      CLINTON - Carl F. Zeh, 86, formerly of Ney Ave., Utica, died Wednesday Morning, June 29, 1994, at the Lutheran Home, Clinton.
     He was born November 11, 1907, in Utica, the son of Fred and Elizabeth Rupp Zeh, and received his education in Utica schools.   Carl was united in marriage to Lillian Abel in Utica in 1945.   Mrs. Zeh died in 1982.   Carl was a carpenter and senior maintenance supervisor for New York State Mental Hygiene Department of Hyde Park and Utica, retiring in 1962.   Mr. Zeh was a member of the Zion Lutheran Church in New  Hartford and Utica Lodge # 47 F & AM and most recently Carl enjoyed oil painting as a hobby.
     He is survived by <private>
     Family and friends are invited  to attend funeral services Friday at 10:30 at the Surridge 7& Roberts Memorial Home, Forty Main St., Whitesboro.   Interment will take place in Crown Hill Memorial Park, Kirkland.   Calling hours will be Thursday, 2 - 4 and 7 - 9.
     Expressions of sympathy in memory of Carl may be made to the Masonic Brotherhood fund or the American Diabetes Association.
     Members of the Utica Lodge will conduct ritualistic services Thursday evening at 7:30.
     Funeral arrangements are in the care of Surridge & Roberts Memorial Home, Inc., Whitesboro.
Bea Lastowicka
HAWKINS, Norman B.
Rome Sentinel     Died  Aug 17, 1995     NORMAN B. HAWKINS
      Norman B. Hawkins, 69, of 6639 Williams Road, passed away Thursday, Aug 17, 1995, in Albany Medical Center after a brief illness.
     He was born Feb 2, 1926, in Rome, a son of John and Helen Abel Hawkins.   He was educated in Rome schools.
     Norm was united in marriage to the former Jean Melie on June 28, 1952 in St. Peter's Church.   He had been  employed as assistant chief engineer of the Forge  Department of Rome Manufacturing Division of Revere for 36 years, retiring in 1979.   He was then project engineer at Chase Brass and Copper, Waterbury, Conn.    He also worked part time for Spargo wire.
     Norm served the U.S. Navy during World War II aboard the USS Alaska, a ship which took part in the first raid on Tokyo.   He was a recipient of the Bronze Star, Philippine Liberation Ribbon and the Asiatic Pacific Medal with two stars.
     He was a member of St. Paul's Church, the Henry P. Smith Post #24 American Legion, Rome Elks Lodge #96, Fort Stanwix Hose Company #2, Shipmates of the USS Alaska, an avid golfer belonging to McConnellsville Golf Club for 25 years and an avid bowler.
     A beloved husband and father, he is survived by <private>
     Funeral services will be Monday at 10:30 a.m. from the Barry Funeral Homes, 807 W. Chestnut St., and at 11 a.m. From St. Paul's Church.   Interment will be in St. Peter's Cemetery.
     Relatives and friends may call the funeral home Sunday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9.
Bea Lastowicka
Rome Sentinel      Died  AUG  1, 1994       ROY W. HAWKINS SR.
     Roy W. Hawkins Sr., 82, formerly of Rome, entered into rest Monday, Aug 1, 1994, at Faxton Hospital.
     He was born March 5, 1912, in Rome, a son of John and Helen Abel Hawkins.   He was educated in Rome schools.   Roy was a retired foreman of Rome Manufacturing Division of Revere Copper Products.   He was a member of St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church and a former member of the Rome Moose Club.
     He is survived by <private>
     Funeral services will be held Thursday at 1 p.m. at  St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church with Rev. Charles D. Hanna officiating.   Interment in St. Peter's Lutheran Cemetery, Churchville.   Family and friends may call at the Barry Funeral Home, 807 W. Chestnut St., Wednesday 2 to 4 and 7 to 9.
Bea Lastowicka
Rome Sentinel    Died   June 24, 1999       ELLEN C. HAWKINS
      Ellen C Hawkins, 85, formerly of Tannery Road, North Western, passed away June 24, 1999 at Rome Memorial Hospital Residential Healthcare Facility.
     She was born September 7, 1913, in Rome, a daughter of Elmer and Lena Hurlbut Hendrickson.   She graduated from Rome Free Academy in 1931 and attended New York University.   Ellen was married to Roy Hawkins, Sr.; he died August 1, 1994.   She was a member of St John Evangelical Lutheran Church, and a former Four H leader and a "Den Mother" in various scouting programs.
     Ellen is survived by <private>   She was predeceased by a sister Lucy and two brothers, Frank and Everett.
     The funeral service will be held Saturday at 1:00PM at the St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church.   Interment in St. Peter Lutheran Cemetery, Churchville.
     Relatives and friends may call at the Barry Funeral Home, 807 W. Chestnut Street Saturday from 10:00 AM to 12 noon.
     The family of Ellen wishes to extend a special thank you to the Westernville Volunteer Fire Department, and the staff of Rome Memorial Hospital Emergency Department and the Bartlett Wing.
Bea Lastowicka
Rome Sentinel   Jan 12, 1900
    The death of John Stagner occurred last night January 11, 1900 at his home near Conrod.   He was about 82 years of age and a farmer by occupation.   The cause of death was a general breaking down of incident to old age.   Several children survive.
     January 15, 1900.   The funeral of John Stagner of Conrod was held today at 11 A.M. at the Lutheran Church, Rome.
Bea Lastowicka
Rome Sentinel                                        EVA C. STAGNER
      Eva C. Stagner, 96, formerly of Rome, died June 27, 1991, in the Fowler Adult Home, Camden.
     She was born May 7, 1895, in Taberg, the daughter of George and Elizabeth Huey Armstrong.   She was married Dec. 31, 1916, to C. Ray Stagner, who died July 18, 1959.   She was a member of the Calvary United Methodist Church, Rome, and had resided in Rome most of her life.   She was a member of the Holly Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star.
     She leaves <private>
     Grave side services will be held at Maple Hill Cemetery, Taberg, at the convenience of the family.   There are no calling hours.   Arrangements by the Griffin & Aldridge Funeral Home.
Bea Lastowicka
STAGNER, Charles Ray
Rome Sentinel                                   CHARLES RAY STAGNER
     Charles Ray Stagner, 73, of 23rd Ave., Sylvan Beach, died Tuesday, Nov 19, 1991, at his home.
     He was born May 11, 1918, in Rome, a son of Charles R. and Eva Armstrong Stagner.   He marries Ruth Selden July 1, 1939 in Rome.   Mr. Stagner graduated from Oswego Normal School and was a self-employed building contractor for many years.   During World War II, he served with the Army Air Corp.   Mr. Stagner was a member of the Carpenter's Union in Rome, the Barron-Steuben Lodge F&AM. the Doric Chapter Royal Arch Masons, the Rome Commander and the Sylvan Beach American Legion.
     Surviving <private>
     Funeral services will be held at the Strong and Burns Funeral Home Friday at 10:30 A.M.   Interment in McConnellsville Cemetery.   Friends may call at the funeral home Thursday from 2 - 4 and 7 - 9 P.M.   Memorial contributions to Hospice Care, Inc., 409 Mandeville St., Utica, N.Y. 13502
Bea Lastowicka
STAGNER, Charles
Rome Sentinel    Died   Nov 5, 1912
      BLOSSVALE  --  Charles Stagner died at his home in this village early this morning after an illness of over a year with a complication.   He had been confined to his bed over two weeks and for several days it was known that he could not long survive.   Mr. Stagner was 50 years old and had been a resident of this place for over 25 years.   He conducted a blacksmith shop and also owned a small farm.   For the past year and a half he had not been able to work at his trade, but did such light work about the farm as his strength would permit.   He was of cheerful disposition, industrious, honest and straight-forward and his death is the cause of sorrow to all who knew him.   He is survived by his wife and three children.
     The funeral will be held from the family residence on Thursday afternoon at 1 o’clock.
    Charles Stagner was born in Marcy, Nov 22, 1861, and died at his home in Blossvale, Nov 5, 1912, in his 51st year.   He came to this locality with his parents many years ago, and has since been a resident here.   He was a blacksmith by trade, but followed the occupation of a farmer as well.   About six years ago he purchased the farm where he and his family have lived since and where he died.   Mr. Stagner was a hard working industrious man, who thought much of his home and family, and in this he did all in his power to make his home a pleasant one, and to provide the comforts of life for his family whom he dearly loved.   Failing health for the past few years compelled him to relax his activities somewhat, yet he kept about and did what he could for his home.   He was strictly honest, and honorable, and greatly respected by all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance.  He was of that sterling character that means so much to a community and therefore will be greatly missed by all.   He was married in 1891 to Miss Mary Reinhart, who survives him with three children: Flossie,  Ray and Annie, who are all at home.   Also two brothers, Fred of Rome, and William of Blossvale, and one sister, Mrs. Emma Seifert, of Verona.   His funeral was largely attended this afternoon at 1 o’clock from his late home, conducted by Rev. George Dermott, pastor of the M. E. Church at Taberg.   Interment was made in the family plot at McConnellsville.
Bea Lastowicka
Rome Sentinel    Died  July 18, 1959
                                               DEATH TAKES C. R. STAGNER IN HOSPITAL
     Charles R. Stagner Sr., 62, of 827 Ashland Ave., died this morning in Rome Hospital after an illness of one month.   He lived in Rome for 45 years.
     Born Sept. 3, 1896, in Blossvale, he was the son of Charles and Mary Reinhart Stagner.   He married Eva Armstrong on Dec. 31, 1915.   A mason employed by General Cable Corp., he was a member of Calvary Methodist Church. and of the Maccabees.
     Besides his wife, survivors include a son, Charles R. Stagner Jr., and two sisters, Mrs. Flossie Kubach and Mrs. Virgil Raffauf, all of Rome, and three grandchildren.
     Burial will take place in Maple Hill Cemetery in Taberg.   Funeral services will be held at the Griffin & Aldridge Funeral Home Tuesday at 2.   Calling hours at the home are 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 Sunday and Monday.
     Bearers were Donald L. Pratt,  Lewis N. Selden,  Harry F. Rice and Robert Sterling.
 Bea Lastowicka
STAGNER, William
Rome Sentinel     Died  April 26, 1938     WILLIAM STAGNER DIES AT HIS HOME
                                 Retired Blossvale Farmer had lived in Rome since 1923
      William Stagner, 70, died at his home, 409 W. Liberty St. at 11 o'clock last night.   He suffered a stroke last Friday and had been in failing health for the past five years.
     He was born in the Town of Floyd, May 22, 1867, a son of the late John and Mary Stagner.   On Feb. 16, 1893, he married Miss Nettie E. Reinhart, who survives.
     For a number of years they lived on a farm at Blossvale, and since retirement in 1923 and lived in Rome.   He was a member of the Rome Tent of Maccabees.
     Besides his widow, he leaves three daughters, Mrs. Dorn McGee and Mrs. Raymond Newman of Rome, and Mrs. Ora Twiss of Vernon; a son Earl Stagner of Blossvale; a sister, Mrs. John Seifert of Verona; 14 grandchildren and a great grandchild.
     Mr. and Mrs. Stagner had eight children, four having died.
Bea Lastowicka
STAGNER, Nettie E.
Rome Sentinel     Died Nov 1, 1958      MRS. STAGNER PASSES AWAY AT HER HOME
     Mrs. Nettie E. Stagner, 84, of 409 W. Liberty St., died Saturday in her home.   She had been ill about a year.
     A daughter of Anthony and Pauline Smith Reinhart, she was born June 6 1874, in McConnellsville.
     Her marriage to William Stagner took place on Feb. 16 1893, in McConnellsville.   He died on April 26, 1938.
     Prior to coming to Rome in 1923, Mrs. Stagner resided in Blossvale.   She attended St. John's Lutheran Church here.
     Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Dorn (Mae) McGee and Mrs. Raymond (Pearl) Newman, both of Rome; a son William Stagner, Blossvale; 17 grandchildren; 17 great - grandchildren and one great - great - grandchild.
     Funeral services will be held at 2 P.M. Wednesday at her home with the Rev. Paul A. Boriack, pastor of the St. John's Lutheran Church, officiating.   Interment will be in the McConnellsville Cemetery.   Friends may call at her home at their convenience today and tomorrow.   Arrangements are being handled by the Mae F. Strong Funeral Home.
Bea Lastowicka
Rome Sentinel     Died  Oct 15, 1971      BLOSSVALE MAN DIES AT HIS HOME
     BLOSSVALE  --   W. Earl Stagner Sr., 75, of 4058 Oswego Road, a farmer, died Friday at his home.     A native of Blossvale, he was born March 2, 1896, a son of William and Nellie Rheinhart Stagner and attended schools there.   He married the former Myrtle Duvall on June 25, 1921, in the McConnellsville Methodist Church.
     Mr. Stagner was a member of the Blossvale Community Chapel.
     Surviving besides <private>
     The funeral will be at 1 P.M. Monday at the family residence with the rev. Robert C. Murphy of Central Square Methodist Church officiating.   Interment will be in McConnellsville Cemetery.
     Calling hours at the Stagner home are tonight and Sunday at the convenience of friends.
     The Martin J. Nun Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.
Bea Lastowicka
STAGNER, Myrtle W.
Rome Sentinel      Died  Sept 6, 1998     MYRTLE STAGNER
     Myrtle W. Stagner, age 96, of 4058 Oswego Road, Blossvale, died Sunday, September 6, 1998, at Rome Hospital.
     She was born June 2, 1902 in Massena, the daughter of James and Jennie Sutton Duvall.   Mrs. Stagner was educated in Massena schools.   On June 25, 1921, she married William E. Stagner Sr.   Mrs. Stagner owned and operated a dairy farm with her husband for over fifty years.   He died in 1971.   Myrtle was a member of the Blossvale United Chapel , a charter member of the Rebekah Lodge, and of the Ladies of the Orient.
     Surviving are <private>
     Funeral services will be at the Nunn and Harper Funeral Home, Inc., Camden, Wednesday at 1 P.M.   Interment McConnellsville Cemetery.
     Friends may call at the funeral home 2 - 4 and 7 - 9 P.M. Tuesday.   Contributions may be made in her memory to the Blossvale United Chapel or the Taberg Methodist Church.
Bea Lastowicka
Rome Sentinel     Died March 8, 1971
     Two area children were killed in a two - car crash on Route 5 in the Town of Vernon Monday evening and a Utica man has been charged with second degree manslaughter and driving while intoxicated.
     State Police identified the children as Brad L. Stagner, 11, and his cousin, Bobbi Thieme, 9, both of Fairway drive, Lairdsville, Town of Westmoreland.   There were passengers in a car operated by Terry Thieme, 24, also of Fairway Drive.   Terry is a brother.
     The Utican, Arleigh Moore, 27, of 340 Gilbert St., was committed to Oneida County Jail without bail by Vernon Peace Justice John Orr pending preliminary examination set for March 16.
     State Police at Oneida Barracks said the Thieme car was westbound on Route 5 just east of the Route 234 intersection when the east bound Moore vehicle went into the westbound lane after rounding a curve and collided with the Thieme car on the crest of a hill.
     The girl, Bobbi, was dead on arrival at Oneida City Hospital at 7:30, and the boy, Brad, died at 8:55 at the hospital.
     Oneida County Coroner, Thomas A Cox said the girl suffered a fractured neck, while the boy suffered a skull fracture and internal bleeding.
     Brad Stagner was born in Oneida, Oct. 11, 1959, the son of James and Marjorie Thieme Stagner.   He was a fifth grade pupil at Westmoreland Central School, and was a member of Zion Evangelical Church, Utica.
     Surviving besides<private>
     Funeral services will be held at the Owens Funeral Home, Clinton, On Thursday at 10:30 with burial in the South St. Cemetery, Westmoreland, this spring.
     Friends may call at the funeral home on Wednesday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 P.M.
Bea Lastowicka
Rome Sentinel      Died   Sept 11, 1988          FRED T. STAGNER
     Fred T. Stagner, 85, formerly of Meadows Road, Taberg, who worked for 17 years at Rome Cable Corp. retiring on Oct 24, 1964, died on Sunday, Sept. 11, 1988 at Rome Hospital after a long illness.
     Born on Oct 27, 1902, in Rome, he was the son of Fred and Ida Snyder Stagner.   He married Iva J. Potter in Westmoreland in 1930.   She died on June 2, 1975.
     He also worked at Rome Wire Co., and also for 18 years at General Cable Corp.   A Methodist, he was a member of the Miller Park Association, Noblesboro.
     Surviving is <private>
     Services were private.   Burial was in McConnellsville Cemetery.   Donations may be made to Rome Hospital or Taberg Volunteer Fire Department.   Arrangements were by the Strong and Burns Funeral Home.
Bea Lastowicka
STAGNER, Marion E.
Rome Sentinel   Died  Nov 21, 1930  MRS. FRED STAGNER DIES AFTER A YEAR'S ILLNESS
    Marion E. Stagner, wife of Fred Stagner of 409 W. Liberty Street, died at her home today after an illness of about a year.   She came to her home from a local hospital last week.   Had she lived until next Monday, she would have been 22 years of age.
     Mrs. Stagner was born in Blossvale Nov. 24, 1908, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Stagner.   She had lived in Rome for the past two years.   <private>
     The funeral service will be held from the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Stagner, 409 W. Liberty Street on Monday at 2 P.M.   Interment at McConnellsville, N.Y.
Bea Lastowicka
STAGNER, Iva J. Potter
Rome Sentinel     Died  June 2, 1975      MRS. FRED T. STAGNER
     TABERG  --  Mrs. Fred T. Stagner, 66, of 8376 Meadows Road, a retired attendant at Rome Development Center, died today at her home after a long illness.
     The former Iva J. Potter, she was born Nov 17, 1908 in Wilmurt, daughter of William And Edith Reisling Potter.   She attended Wilmurt schools and was graduated from House of Good Sheperd School of Nursing, Utica in 1926
     She lived in the Rome area 34 years and was formerly employed by Spargo Wire Co. and General Cable Corp.   She retired from Rome Developmental Center in 1964.
     Mrs. Stagner was an avid hunter and sportswoman.   She was a Methodist.
     Besides <private>
     Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 2 P.M. at Strong Funeral Home.   Burial will be in McConnellsville Cemetery.
     Calling hours are Tuesday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 P.M.
Bea Lastowicka

Rome Sentinel  Died Jan 29, 1937
  BLOSSVALE  --  Eugene Bridenbecker, 85, a resident of this community for the past 43 years passed away at his home at Blossvale Friday afternoon.   He had been in failing health for the past several years.
     He was born in Town of Vienna, Jan. 4. 1852, a son of the late Asa and Mary Ann Bridenbecker.   He married the late Anna Stagner in New London on Nov 6, 1882.   She passed away Dec. 8, 1888.
     He is survived by one daughter,  Mrs. F. DeParma who resided with him; and two granddaughter,  Mrs. Bernice D. Ritter of Rome and Miss Ruby DeParma of Blossvale.
     Funeral services will be held from his late home, Blossvale, on Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock.   Burial will be made at McConnellsville.
Bea Lastowicka
DePARMA, Felix
Rome Sentinel  November 20, 1943
      Felix DeParma, 60, Blossvale, is believed to have been killed instantly and his companion on the hand car, Frank Cross, 41, also of Blossvale, died seven hours later at the Rome Hospital.
     The engine was backing up at the time coming toward the city while the work car was going in the opposite direction.   The accident  occurred about midway between the tunnel in Muck Road and the railroad tracks over the barge canal.   The line extends from the main New York Central line through the western end of the city and thence to the north country.
     The engine, according to the members of the crew, was traveling about 15 miles an hour at the time.   Five men, all of whom were in the cab, were on the engine at the time.
     Investigating the accident were Coroner Cox, Detectives Frank J. O'Brien and Joseph M. Nero, Sgt. Francis Nero and Patrolmen Joseph W. Belius and John Yamroz.   Special Assistant District Attorney John P. Gualtieri also was on the scene and talked with members of the train crew.   A total of $1,517.41 was found in DeParma's pockets.
     Cross, writhing in pain and bleeding from apparent head wounds,. was taken to the hospital in the police ambulance.   He died ay 8:05 P.M. or slightly more that seven hours after the mishap.
     Mr. DeParma had been a resident of Blossvale for a number of years.   He was born in Pietralgina in the Province of Benevenuto, Italy, December 23, 1882.
     He entered the service of the New York Central Railroad May 9, 1901, and was promoted to section foreman September 16, 1912, the position he held until the time of his death.
     On March 26, 1904, at Utica he was married to Emma Bridenbecker who died September 8, 1942.   He was a member of the Taberg Methodist Church.
     Surviving are two daughter, Miss Ruby Deparma, and Mrs. Bernice Ritter, both of Blossvale, one sister, Mrs. Anna Mastronardi, Inwood, L.I.   Funeral services will be held at his home Monday afternoon at 2 P.M.
Bea Lastowicka
DePARMA,  Emma
Rome Sentinel  on Sept 8, 1942
     BLOSSVALE  -- Mrs. Emma DeParma, 55, wife of Felix DeParma, passed away at the Rome Hospital early Tuesday morning.   She had been in ill health for several months.
     She was born in the town of Vienna, July 20, 1887, a daughter of  the late Eugene and Anna Stagner Bridenbecker.   At Utica on March 26, 1904, she was married to Mr. DeParma.   Her entire life was spent in this vicinity.   She was a member of the Taberg Methodist Church.
     Surviving besides her husband are two daughter, Mrs. Bernice D. Ritter and Miss Ruby DeParma of Blossvale.
     Funeral services will be held at her late home on Thursday at 2 P.M. with the Rev. George M. Butler officiating.   Interment will be made at McConnellsville.
Bea Lastowicka
Rome Sentinel     Died  July 26, 1994
     BLOSSVALE  --  Ruby DeParma, 89, of Blossvale, died July 26, 1994, at the Stonehedge Nursing Home where she had been a resident since April of 1991.
     She was born in Blossvale on Feb. 1, 1905, a daughter of Felix and Emma Bridenbecker DeParma.   A graduate of Rome Free Academy and Oswego Normal Schools, she had taught school in Blossvale and Annsville and retired as Annsville's first principal.
     She was a member of the New York State Teachers Association and Taberg's Friendship Corner.   She attended the Blossvale Chapel.
     She is survived by her fiancé, Rowell Stone, of Blossvale, and predeceased by her sister and brother - in - law, Bernice and Stanley Ritter.
     Funeral services will be 10 A.M. Thursday at the Sanborn-McDaniel’s and LaRobardiere Funeral Home, Camden, N.Y.    Interment in McConnellsville Cemetery.   There will be no calling hours.
Bea Lastowicka
RITTER, Stanley C.
 Rome Sentinel      July 21, 1962
        The body of the second victim of Friday night's pleasure cruiser -  barge collision on Oneida Lake was recovered about 10:30 this morning when it floated up on the beach at Verona State Park.
       Found today was the body of Stanley Ritter, 50, Blossvale.  Ritter's wife, Bernice DeParma Ritter, died June 22 of this year after and illness of three days.   Mrs. DeParma was postmaster for Blossvale.   Ritter was a farmer.

     Funeral services will be held tomorrow for the two men who drowned Friday night in Oneida Lake following the collision of a pleasure cruiser and a barge.
     Rites for Stanley C. Ritter, 50, will be held at 9:15 at his home, Taberg-Blossvale Road, and at 10 in St. Patrick's Church, Taberg,  where a requiem high Mass will be offered.   Friends may call at the home today at their convenience.   Arrangements are in charge of the Griffin & Aldridge Funeral Home.
     Ritter, former chief and president of the Blossvale Volunteer Fire Dept., of which he was a director, was born in Taberg on June 12, 1912, son of Christopher and Harriett Hanley Ritter.   In Taberg on Oct. 18, 1835, he married the former Bernice DeParma.   She died June 22, 1962.
     A lifelong resident of the Town of Annsville, he operated a farm.   He had served as chairman of the Democratic Committeemen of the Town of Annsville and as president of the Democratic Club of Annsville.
     Surviving are five sister, Mrs. Bert (Freda) Baker,  West Pittston, Pa.,  Miss Agnes Ritter,  Mrs. Homer (Sophia) Bowman and  Mrs. Addison (Harriet) Warner, all of Taberg, and Mrs. Joseph (Jane) Young of Germany, and a sister - in - law, Miss Ruby DeParma, Rome.
Bea Lastowicka
RITTER, Bernice D.
Rome Sentinel          Died  June 22, 1962     POSTMASTER DIES AT 55
      BLOSSVALE  --   Mrs. Stanley C. (Bernice D.) Ritter, postmaster here for 15 years, died Friday at Rose Hospital, Rome, after an illness of three days.
     She was born in Blossvale December 26, 1906, daughter of the late Felix and Emma Bridenbecker DeParma.   On October 18, 1935, she and Mr. Ritter were married in Taberg by the Rev. Walter Clement.
     Mrs. Ritter had spent most of her life in Blossvale, residing in Rome for three years after her marriage.   She was a graduate of Buffalo State Teachers College, class of 1931, and for a time taught school in the Blossvale area and Oriskany Central School.   She was a member of the Taberg Methodist Church and active in the Blossvale Chapel activities which is associated with that church.   She also was a member of the National Association of Postmasters.
     Surviving besides her husband there is a sister, Miss Ruby DeParma, Blossvale.   Funeral services will be held Monday at 2 P.M. at her late home with the Rev. Raymond C. Deitz, pastor of the Taberg Methodist Church, officiating.   Friends may call at her late home at their convenience.   Interment will be in McConnellsville Cemetery.   Arrangements are in charge of Griffin & Aldridge Funeral Home, Rome.
Bea Lastowicka
KUBACH, William F.
Rome Sentinel            Died  Nov 24, 1940     WM. F KUBACH DIES AT AGE OF 64
      McCONNELLSVILLE  --  William F. Kubach
         William F. Kubach, 64, Blossvale - McConnellsville Road, died at his home Sunday.   He had been in failing health for four months.
     He was born in Brooklyn, Jan 27, 1886, a son of Ferdinand and Johanna Stherker Kuback.   On July 16, 1913, at Blossvale, he married Miss Flossie Stagner.   He had lived at his present home for 18 years and was a carpenter by occupation.   He attended St. John's E. L. Church, Rome.
     Surviving are his widow and five sisters, Mrs. William Brace, Astoria, L. I.;  Mrs. Floyd Bartlett, Weehawken Heights, N. J.;  Mrs. Emily Meyer, Rome;  Mrs. August Muller, Bayonne, N. J.; and  Mrs. Edward Ferrand, St. Albans, L. I.; several nieces and nephews.
     Funeral services will be held at the funeral home of Griffin & Aldridge, Rome, on Wednesday at 1:30 P.M. and interment will be made at McConnellsville.
Bea Lastowicka
KUBACH, Flossie B.
 Rome Sentinel     Died   June 23, 1970     MRS. KUBACH DIES AFTER LONG ILLNESS
     Mrs. William F. Kuback, 77, of 110 Kossuth St., died Tuesday in the Rome Nursing Home after a long illness.
     The former Flossie B. Stagner, she was born in Blossvale Dec. 18 1892, daughter of Charles and Mary Reinhart Stagner.
      Her marriage took place in Blossvale July 16, 1913.   Mr. Kuback died Nov. 24, 1940.
     Mrs. Kubach was of the Methodist faith.
     Survivors are a sister, Mrs. Virgil C. (Anna) Raffauf of Rome; tow stepbrothers, Harold G. Rice and Harry F. Rice, both of Rome; and a nephew, Charles R. Stagner, Sylvan Beach.
     Funeral services will be held at 2 P.M. Friday at the Strong Funeral Home with burial in McConnellsville Cemetery.
     Calling hours at the funeral home are from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 P.M. today and Thursday.
Bea Lastowicka
RAFFAUF, Virgil C.
Rome Sentinel        Died  Sept 24, 1960         V. C. RAFFAUF  MUSICIAN, DIES AT 60
    Virgil C. Raffauf, 60, of 615 W. Embargo St., a Rome resident his entire life, died Saturday evening in the Rome Hospital.   He had been in poor health for two years.
     a well-known musician, he conducted his own orchestra for many years and was a member of Local 313, American Federation of Musicians.
      Mr. Raffauf was employed at Revere until Jan 1, 1960, when he retired because of poor health.
     He was born in Rome Feb. 20, 1900, son of Marcellus and Antoinette Oxner.   His marriage to Anna M. Stagner took place Sept. 9, 1922 in Rome.   He was a communicant of St. Mary's Church and a life member of the Revere Social and Athletic Club.
     Surviving besides his wife are three sisters,  Mrs.  Charles O'Donnell, Rome;  Miss Linda Raffauf, Bethlehem, Pa., and Mrs. George Baynes, Port Arthur, Tex., and two brothers, Leon F. Raffauf, Long Island City, and A. G. Preisendorfer,  Baltimore, Md.
     Funeral services will be held at the Griffin and Aldridge Funeral Home at 9 Wednesday and at 9:30 in St. Mary's Church, where a solemn requiem high Mass will be celebrated.   Friends may call at the funeral Home from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 today and Tuesday.
Bea Lastowicka
RAFFAUF, Anna Stagner
Rome Sentinel       Died June 4, 1976    MRS. VIRGIL RAFFAUF
     Mrs. Virgil Raffauf, 75, of 615 W. Embargo St., died today in the Stonehedge Nursing Home after a long illness.
     The former Anna Stagner was born Oct. 26, 1900, in Blossvale, daughter of Charles and Mary Reinhart Stagner.
     She attended Rome schools and was a member of the First United Methodist Church.
     She was married to Virgil Raffauf Sept, 9, 1922, in Rome.   He died Sept. 24, 1960.
     Surviving are two stepbrothers, Harold Rice and Harry Rice, both of Rome, and several nieces and nephews.
     Funeral services will be held at the Griffin & Aldridge Funeral Home at 2 Sunday with burial in McConnellsville Cemetery.   Calling hours at the funeral home will be 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 Saturday.
Bea Lastowicka
RICE, Mary A.
Rome Sentinel      Died  July 13, 1941           MRS. MARY A. RICE
   Mrs.  Mary A. Rice, 68, died Sunday morning at her home in Conrod after a brief illness.   Born in Germany, August 12, 1872, she came to this country when a small child and attended Blossvale Schools.
     Mrs. Rice married twice,  her first husband being Charles Stagner, who died in 1912.   In 192?, she was married to George E. Rice who survives.
     Other survivors include two daughters,  Mrs. Flossie Kubach, Blossvale and Mrs. Virgil C. Raffauf, Conrod; two stepson, Harry F. Rice, and Harold G. Rice of Rome, a son C. Ray Stagner of Rome, five sisters, Mrs. Pauline Alvord, Camden;  Mrs. Amelia Ranous, Minetto;  Mrs. Bertha Williamson, and Mrs. Minnie LaSalle, Blossvale; and Mrs. Nettie Stagner, Rome; two grandchildren and several nieces and nephews.
     Funeral services will be held at her home Tuesday at 2 P.M. and burial will be made at McConnellsville.
Bea Lastowicka
TWISS, Addie A.
Rome Sentinel      Died  Dec 14, 1950        MRS. O. E. TWISS DIES IN UTICA
     VERNON  --  Mrs. Addie A. Twiss, Vernon RD 2, died last night in Faxton Hospital, Utica, after a short illness.
     She was born Dec. 15, 1898, in the Town of Vienna, a daughter of Nettie E. Reinhart Stagner and the late William Stagner.
     On June 2, 1936 in Rome, she was married to Ora E. Twiss.   The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Frederick Miller, pastor of the First Methodist Church.
     She had resided at her late home for 22 years and prior to that had resided for 10 years in Rome.
     She was of the Methodist faith.
     She is survived by her husband; her mother in Rome; two sisters, Mrs. Dorn McGee, Rome, and Mrs. Raymond Newman, RD 5, Rome; one brother, W. Earl Stagner, Blossvale, RD 1; two aunts and several nieces and nephews.
     Funeral services will be held at her late home Saturday at 2 P.M., and burial, in charge of Griffin & Aldridge, Rome, will be in McConnellsville Cemetery.
Bea Lastowicka
Rome Sentinel            Died  Nov 28, 1962    O. E. TWISS DIES AT 72 IN HOSPITAL
     VERNON  --  Ora E. Twiss, 72, Town Line Road, died last night in the Oneida City Hospital after a shot illness.
      Son of Frank and Julia Manchester Twiss, he was born Aug.3, 189- in the Town of Redfield, and in June 1924, in Rome, he married the former Addie Stagner.
     Following their marriage, the couple resided for a time in Lee before moving to Vernon in 1931.   Mr. Twiss retired in 1956 from the General Cable Corporation where he had worked as foreman since 1914.   Mr. Twiss died Nov. 14, 1950.
     A World War I veteran, he served for 18 months in France as a member of the 27th Division.   He was of the Protestant faith and a former member of the American Legion in Rome.
     He leaves four brothers, William, Durhamville;  George,  Mannsville;  Frank, Vernon Center, and Joseph Twiss, North Bay; also several nieces and nephews.
     Funeral services will be held at 1:30 P.M. Saturday at the Sanborn Funeral Home, Camden, with the Rev. Roger Cota, pastor of the North Bay Methodist Church, officiating.   Burial will be in McConnellsville Cemetery.
     Friends may call at the funeral home this evening from 7 to 9, and Friday afternoon and evening from 3 to 5 and 7 to 9.
Bea Lastowicka
FOX, Effa Mae
Rome Sentinel         Died  June 13, 1934       EFFA FOX DIES ON WAY TO HOSPITAL
               Rome Woman, Ill Two Weeks With Scarlet Fever, Succumbs In Ambulance
    Effa Mae Fox, 40, of 115 Lyon St., died at 11:30 A.M. today in the police ambulance which was taking her to Oneida County Hospital contagious pavilion.   She had been ill two weeks with scarlet fever.
     Mrs. Fox was born in the Town on Vienna on May 13, 1894, and was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Stagner, now of Rome.   Twenty-two years ago this June 22, she married Russell Fox.   She had resided here since her marriage.
     She is survived by her husband, parents, three daughters, Florence, Marie and Shirley; a brother, Earl of Blossvale, and four sisters, Addie Twiss of Lowell and Mrs. Doran McGee and Pearl and Eleanor Stagner of Rome.
Bea Lastowicka
FOX, Russell
Rome Sentinel            Died  March 26, 1951    RUSSELL FOX DIES AT 56 IN HOSPITAL
     Russell Fox, 56, of 115 Lyon St., died early today in a local hospital after a long illness.
     A lifelong resident of Rome, Mr. Fox was born July 4, 1894, the son of Mary Miller Fox and the late John Fox.
     On June 23, 1913, he married Effa Mae Stagner at Blossvale.   Mrs. Fox died June 13, 1934.
     Educated in Rome schools, Mr. Fox was a plumber for many years.   He was last employed by the John R. Harper Co.   He was a member of St. John's Lutheran Church.
     Survivors are his mother, three daughters, Mrs. Kenneth Stevens,  Miss Marie Fox and Miss Shirley E. Fox; a brother, Harry Fox; and two grandchildren, Jannette and Lawrence Stevens, all of Rome.
     Funeral services will be held from the Griffin & Aldridge Funeral Home on Thursday at 2:30 P.M.   Interment in McConnellsville Cemetery.   Friends may call at their convenience.
Bea Lastowicka
Mac DONALD, Marie Rose
Rome Sentinel        Died  Feb 20, 1995       MARIE ROSE MacDONALD
     VERONA  --  Marie Rose MacDonald, 75, of 4099 Wood Creek Road, died Monday, February 20, 1995 at her home.
     She was born December 3, 1919 in Rome to Russell and Effa Mae Stagner Fox.   She graduated from RFA in 1938 and she worked for General Cable for over 30 years.   On August 1, 1953, she married William P. MacDonald in St. John's Lutheran Church.   He died Jan. 30, 1993.   She was a member of St. John's Lutheran Church.
     She is survived by one sister, Mrs. George (Shirley) Saber, of Lower Burrell, Pa.; two nephews and five nieces.
     Funeral services will be held at the Prince-Boyd and Hyatt Home for Funeral Inc., Thursday at 10 A.M.   Burial in McConnellsville Cemetery.
     Friends and relatives may call at the Home for Funerals, Wednesday, 2 to 4 and 7 to 9.   Contributions may be made to St. John's Lutheran Church Memorial Fund.
Bea Lastowicka
Mac DONALD, William P.
Rome Sentinel          Died  Jan 30, 1993        WILLIAM P. MacDONALD
       William P. MacDonald, 73, of 4099 Wood Creek Road, Rome, N.Y. died January 30, 1993, in Rome Hospital.
     He was born April 2, 1919, in Stacy Basin, a son of Clayton E. and Ola Bly MacDonald, and graduated from VVS in 1937.   On Aug. 1, 1953, he married Marie Fox in St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church.
     Mr. MacDonald worked for General Cable and Rome Cable, retiring in 1984.   He also operated a dairy farm at the same time.   He was a member of the New London United Methodist Church and the Farm Bureau.
     Surviving besides his wife, Marie MacDonald, are a sister,  Mrs. Eleanor Eddy, Zephyrhills, Fla., and a brother, Chester E. MacDonald, Rome.
     Funeral services will be held at the Prince-Boyd & Hyatt Home for Funeral, Inc., Wednesday at 11 A.M.   Friends may call at the Home for Funeral Tuesday 2 to 4 and 7 to 9.   Interment in McConnellsville Cemetery.
Bea Lastowicka
STEVENS, Florence M.
Rome Sentinel             Died Aug 24, 1993      MRS. FLORENCE M. STEVENS
   FLOYD  --  Mrs. Florence M. Stevens, 77, of Floyd, entered into rest at her home on Tuesday, Aug 24. 1993.
     She was born in Rome, May 25, 11916, to the late Russell and Effie Stagner Fox.   She was raised in Rome and graduated from RFA.
     Mrs, Stevens was predeceased by her husband, Kenneth, who she married on May 27, 1934, in the First Methodist Church, Rome.
     She retired from S.S. Kresge in 1984 with over 30 years of service in the Rome Kresge and Jupiter stores.
     Mrs. Stevens is survived<private>
     Her family would also like to express their greatest appreciation to the members of the Floyd Volunteer Fir Dept., who were once again "there for her" when she needed them.
     Funeral services will be held at the Prince-Boyd & Hyatt "Home for Funeral," Inc., on Friday at 11 A.M.   Interment in McConnellsville Cemetery.   Calling hours Thursday 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 o'clock.
Bea Lastowicka
LUCE, Margaret N. “Mickey”
Rome Sentinel             Died  Nov 9, 1996        MARGARET   'MICKEY'   LUCE
    Margaret N. "Mickey" Luce, age 73, of 605 Croton Street, Rome, died November 9, 1996, in Rome Memorial Hospital after a brief illness.
     She was born May 18, 1923 in Blossvale, the daughter of W. Earl and Myrtle Duvall Stagner, Sr.   Mrs Luce was a graduate of Camden Central High School.
     On October 12, 1945 she married Joseph Luce in Rome.   He died October 26, 1982.
     Mrs. Luce was a secretary at Griffiss Air Force Base for over 20 years, retiring in 1965.   She was also employed by the State of New York working with children at Crane Hill and Pinefield from 1966 to 1988.   She loved flowers and always made sure her yard was full of flowers.
     Mrs. Luce was a member of the Blossvale Union Chapel and the Rebecka Lodge.
     Surviving besides <private>
     Funeral services will be held at the Nunn and Harper Funeral Home, Inc., Monday at 1 P.M.   Interment in McConnellsville Cemetery.
     Friends may call at the funeral home Sunday 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 P.M.
     Contributions in her memory may be made to the American Cancer Society.
Bea Lastowicka
LUCE, Joseph
Rome Sentinel             Died  Oct 26, 1982         JOSEPH LUCE
     Joseph Luce, 67, of 605 Croton St., a 40 year employee of Rome Cable Corp. until his retirement in 1976, died Tuesday Oct 26, 1982 in Rome Hospital after a long illness.
     Born on Dec. 1, 1914, in Rome, he was a son of Anthony and Helen Dombrowski Luce.   On Oct. 12, 1945, he married Margaret (Mickey) Stagner in Rome.
     Mr. Luce was a member of the Polish Home.
     Surviving besides <private>
     The funeral will be 11 A.M. Thursday at the Martin J. Nunn Funeral Home, with burial in McConnellsville Cemetery.
     Calling hours are 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 P.M.  Wednesday.   Memorial may be made to the American Cancer Society or the American Heart Association.
Bea Lastowicka
SCOTT, Kermit S..
Rome Sentinel         Died  T, Kermit Nov 28, 1991       KERMIT S. SCOTT
   BLOSSVALE  --  Kermit  S. Scott, 72, of Blossvale road, died Thursday, Nov 28, 1991, in St. Elizabeth Hospital following a long illness.
     Born in Blossvale, N.Y. on July 12, 1919, he was the son of the late Northrup and Minnebelle Patrick Scott.   A graduate of the Camden High School, he owned and operated his own dairy farm for many years, later retiring from the Revere Copper and Brass in 1981 as a truck driver for 14 years.
     He was a member of the Blossvale Union Chapel, the first Baptist Church in Rome and was a life member of the Blossvale Fire Department and a charter member of the Pine Grove Horseshoe Club.   An accomplished musician, he played with many drum and bugle corps in his younger years.   He was also featured as the trumpet soloist for the opening ceremonies for Griffiss Air Force Base.   On Dec. 30, 1960, he married Beverly Stagner in Rome.
     Surviving besides <private>  Besides his parents, he was predeceased by two brothers, Lynn and Walter, and one grandchild, Zebediah.
     Funeral services will be held 1 P.M. Saturday at the Sanborn - McDaniel’s & LaRobardiere Funeral Home, Camden, N.Y.   Interment in Vienna Cemetery. McConnellsville.   Calling hours will be held today from 4 to 9 at the funeral home, 109 Main St.   Memorial contributions may be made to the Blossvale Union Chapel.
Bea Lastowicka
STOREY, Eleanor M.
Rome Sentinel           Died  March 22, 1937    MRS. LLOYD STOREY DIES AT HOSPITAL
                                            Native of Blossvale Had Been Ill Since Early In February
  WESTMORELAND -- Mrs. Eleanor M. Storey, 20, wife of Lloyd M. Storey, died at St. Elizabeth's Hospital, Utica, early this morning.  She had been in poor health since the first of February.
     Eleanor M. Stagner was born in Blossvale, March 3, 1917, a daughter of William and Nettie Stagner.   Her marriage to Lloyd Storey took place at Blossvale on July 4, 1936.   She had resided here since her marriage.   She was a member of the First M. E. Church, Rome.
     Surviving besides her husband and her parents, are three sisters, Mrs. Dorn McGee and Mrs, Raymond Newman of Rome, and Mrs. Ora Twiss of Vernon; and a brother, Earl Stagner of Blossvale.
     Funeral services will be held at her late home in this village on Thursday at 2 P.M. and burial will be made in Westmoreland Cemetery.
Bea Lastowicka
Rome Sentinel        Died  April 1, 1979       LLOYD STOREY
Westmoreland -- Lloyd Storey, 84, of 7246 Main St. Westmoreland, a former car dealer and dairy farmer, died Sunday April 1, 1979, at St. Elizabeth Hospital, Utica, after a long illness.

  He was born March 4, 1895, in Westmoreland, son of William Henry and Jeanette Abbe Storey.   He attended Westmoreland Schools.   In 1938, he married Elizabeth Williams in Clinton.
     For many years, he and his brother, Harold Storey of Westmoreland, operated a Chevrolet dealership in Westmoreland.   He later owned and operated a dairy farm until his retirement.
     He was a 20-year member of the County Extension Service and a World War I veteran, belonging to the Hiram Baker Barracks, Veterans of WWI of Whitesboro.
     Surviving besides<private>
    Services will be at 10
a.m. Wednesday at Wells and Lloyd Funeral Home, Whitesboro.   Burial will be in Westmoreland Cemetery.
     Calling hours are 7 to 9 tonight and 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 Tuesday.   In lieu of flowers, donations in his memory may be made to the Westmoreland Methodist Church or the American Heart Association.
Bea Lastowicka
PELTON, Freda S.
Rome Sentinel   Died  Sept 13, 1929
                                    MRS. FREDA S. PELTON PASSES AFTER SIX MONTHS' ILLNESS
     Freda Stagner, wife of Harlow Pelton, 310 Cortland Avenue, passed away Friday evening at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Stagner, 409 W. Liberty Street.   Mrs. Pelton had been ill for the past six months and confined to her bed two weeks.
     The deceased was born in Vienna 25 years ago, where on April 29, 1922, she was married to Mr. Pelton.   She made her home in Lee for a long time and in August of this year she came to Rome.   Mrs. Pelton was a member of the Methodist Church of Lee and of the Ladies Aid Society of the church.
     Surviving besides her husband and parents are three children, William 7,  James 4,  and Marion 2; six sisters, Mrs. Russell Fox and Mrs. Dorn McGee, Rome; Mrs. Ora Twiss, Lowell; Mrs. Fred Stagner, Rome and Pearl and Eleanor at home; and one brother, Earl Stagner of Blossvale.
     Funeral services will be held from the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Stagner, 409 W. Liberty Street, on Monday at 2 P.M.
     Interment at McConnellsville Cemetery.
Bea Lastowicka
PELTON, Harlow W.
Rome Sentinel        Dec 8, 1974      HARLOW W. PELTON
     Harlow W. Pelton, 72, of 310 Bell Road, died Sunday in Rome Hospital after a long illness.
     He was born March 2, 1902, in Lee, son of Herbert and Nellie Drake Pelton.   He attended local schools.   On April 29, 1922, he married Freida L. Stagner.   She died Sept. 25, 1929.   Mr. Pelton married Rose C. Eckhart on Oct 14, 1972.
     He was a resident of Rome since 1928.
     Prior to his retirement in 1955, he was employed by the New York Central Railroad.   He had previously worked at Union Fork and Hoe.
     Mr. Pelton was a member of the Wesleyan Church.
     Surviving besides <private>
     Funeral services will be held at 1 P.M. Wednesday at the Martin J. Nunn Funeral Home.   Burial will be in McConnellsville Cemetery.
     Calling hours at the funeral home are 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 P.M. today and Tuesday.
Bea Lastowicka
PELTON, William H.
Rome Sentinel          Died  July 28, 1994        WILLIAM H. PELTON
     William H. Pelton, age 71, of Rome and Brantingham, died Thursday, July 28, 1994, at his residence after a long illness.
     He was born Aug. 19, 1922, in Vienna, the son of Harlow and Frieda Stagner Pelton.   Mr. Pelton was a graduate of Rome Schools and attended Washington University and Utica College.  On September 20, 1947, he married Bernita Wilson in St. Peter's Church, Rome.   He was manager of Beneficial Finance for 31 years retiring in 1978.
     Mr. Pelton served with the U.S. Army Air Corps during World War II in the European Theatre.   He was a member of St. Paul's Church, an honorary life member of the Kiwanis, and a member of the Lee Legion.
     Surviving with <private>
     The funeral will be held Monday at 12:30 P.M. at the Nunn and Harper Funeral Home, Inc., and at 1 P.M. at St. Paul's Church.   Interment will be in Evergreen Cemetery.   Friends may call at the funeral home Sunday 2 - 4 & 7 - 9 P.M.
     Contributions may be made in his memory to the American Cancer Society or Hospice Care, Inc.
Bea Lastowicka
Rome Sentinel              Died  Feb 25, 1987       MRS. MAE McGEE SULLIVAN
     Mrs. Mae McGee Sullivan, 90, of Stonehedge Nursing Home and formerly of Lynwood Street, who had been an employee of Rome Cable for 30 years before retiring in 1962, died Wednesday, Feb. 25, 19987, in Rome Hospital, after a long illness.
     She was born Aug 7, 1896, in Blossvale, the daughter of William and Nettie Rinehart Stagner.   On June 12, 1920, she married Dorn McGee in Blossvale, who died Jan. 12 1966.   She later married Augustus Sullivan on May 22, 1972, in Rome.   He died May 29, 1985.
     Mrs. Sullivan was a member of the First United Methodist Church.
     Surviving are several nieces and nephews.   She was predeceased by one daughter, Pearl McGee.
     Services will be held Friday at 11 A.M. at the Nunn and Harper Funeral Home.   Burial will be in McConnellsville Cemetery.   There are no calling hours.   Contributions may be made to the Mohawk Valley Chapter of Alzheimer's Disease.
Bea Lastowicka
SULLIVAN, T. Augustus
Rome Sentinel               Died  May 29, 1985      T. AUGUSTUS SULLIVAN
    T. Augustus "Gus" Sullivan, 90, of 6013 Old Oneida Road, a retired Revere Copper and Brass Corp. employee, died Wednesday, May 29, 1985, at Rome Hospital after a brief illness.
     Mr. Sullivan was born Oct. 5, 1894, in Florence, a son of John W. and Ellen Smith Sullivan.   He attended Florence schools, and retired in 1959 from Revere Copper and Brass, where he worked for 30 years.
     )On Oct. 10, 1922, he married Mary Clyne in St. John's Church, Camden.   She died April 24, 1969.   He married Mae McGee on May 22, 1971, in St. Peter's Church, Rome.
     Mr. Sullivan was a member of St. Peter's Church and the Knights of Columbus Rome Council.
     Surviving, besides<private>    His sons Thomas A. Sullivan Jr., died Aug 14, 1950 and John W. Sullivan died Feb. 14, 1980.
     Services will be held at 10:30 A.M. Saturday at the Martin J. Nunn Funeral Home, and 11 A.M. in St. Peter's Church.   Burial will be in the parish cemetery.
     Calling hours are from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 P.M. Friday.
Bea Lastowicka
McGEE, Dorn
Rome Sentinel           Died  Jan 12, 1966        DORN McGEE DIES AT 71 IN HOSPITAL
     Dorn McGee, 71, of 114 N. Madison St., died today in Rome Hospital after a brief illness.
     Born July 8, 1894, in Syracuse, he had lived in Rome for 60 years.   He attended Rome schools and on June 12, 1920, married Mae Stagner, who survives with several nieces and nephews.
     Mr. McGee retired in 1959 after having been employed for several years by Revere Copper and Brass Inc., and previously by the General Cable Corp.   He was a member of the First Methodist Church and Vienna Lodge, F&AM.
     Funeral services will be held Saturday at 2:30 at the Martin J. Nunn Funeral Home with the Rev. Pames R. Little, associate pastor of the First Methodist Church, officiating.   Interment will be in the McConnellsville Cemetery.
     Friends may call at the funeral home tonight from 7 - 9 and Thursday and Friday from 2 - 4 and 7 - 9.
Bea Lastowicka
NEWMAN, A. Pearl
Rome Sentinel            Died  May 6, 1982          MRS. A.  PEARL NEWMAN
    Mrs. Pearl A. Newman, 66, of Rome - New London Road, formerly employed be General Cable Corp., for several years, died today, Thursday, may 6, 1982, in Rome Hospital after a long illness.
     Born on July 6, 1915,, in Vienna, she was the daughter of William and Nettie Rhinehart Stagner,   On Oct. 12, 1935, she married Raymond L. Newman in Rome.   She was a member of the First United Methodist Church.
     Surviving besides <private>
     The funeral will be 11 A. M. Saturday at the Martin J. Nunn Funeral Home, with burial in McConnellsville Cemetery.
     Calling hours are 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 P.M. Friday.   Memorials may be made to the Multiple Sclerosis Society, Central New York Chapter.
Bea Lastowicka
NEWMAN, Raymond L. (Ray)
Rome Sentinel         Died  March 15, 1994     RAYMOND L. (RAY) NEWMAN
     Raymond L. (Ray) Newman, age 87, of Betsy Ross Skilled Nursing Facility, a former resident of Colonial Apartments No.2 and a forty-five year resident of Rome- New London Road, died Tuesday, March 15, 1994, in Rome Hospital after a brief illness.
     He was born March 17, 1906, in Walesville, New York, the son of Watson and Bessie Hubbard Newman.   Mr. Newman attended school in Clarks Mills.   On Oct. 12, 1935, he married A. Pearl Stagner in Rome.   She died May 6, 1982.   He was employed at General Cable Corporation for thirty-five years, retiring in 1968.   Mr. Newman was of the Methodist faith.
     Surviving <private>
     Funeral services will be held at the Nunn and Harper Funeral Home, Inc., Thursday 1 P.M.   Interment in McConnellsville Cemetery.   Friends may call the funeral home 2 - 4 and 7 - 9 P.M. Wednesday.   Contributions may be made in his memory to Betsy Ross Skilled Nursing Facility Activities Department.     The family would like to express their gratitude to the Betsy Ross Skilled Nursing Facility Staff, Dr. Edward Alessi, Dr. Brain Alessi, Dr. Ann Williams and a special friend, Terri Wolff, for their devoted care which gave Ray sunshine and joy in the last year of his life.
Bea Lastowicka
HUGHES, Charles “Chuck”
Rome Sentinel        Died  Nov 20, 1994     CHARLES   'CHUCK'  HUGHES
    Charles D. Hughes, age 71, of 8376 Meadows Road, Taberg, N.Y.. died Nov 20, 1994, at his residence after a long courageous struggle with cancer.
     He was born June 8, 1923, in Rome, the son of Henry and Grace Stoddard Hughes and attended Rome Schools.   He was united in marriage to Betty Stagner on July 31, 1943, at the family home in Clarks Mills, N.Y., with the Rev. George Pilbeam officiating.
     Mr. Hughes retired from Rome Cable Corp., in 1980 after 30 years employment.   Charlie was well liked by many devoted friends, a few of which were very special life long friends.   He was well known as an avid car buff who was mechanically inclined and took great pleasure in helping others by supplying some of these friends with suggestions and help in locating parts for fixing and restoring their vehicles.
     Surviving is <private>   He was predeceased by two sister, Mrs.  Raymond (Ida M.) Loomis in 1985 and Mrs. James (Etta) Brennan, in 1960.
     Private funeral services held at the convenience of the family with arrangements by Strong and Burns Funeral Home.   Burial at McConnellsville Cemetery.
     Those so desiring please consider donations to Hospice Care, Inc.
Bea Lastowicka
GLEBA, David D.
Rome Sentinel              Died  March 14, 1994      DAVID D. GLEBA
     David D. Gleba, age 37, of 7905 Passer Road, Blossvale, died Sunday, March 14, 1994, in Rome Hospital after injuries sustained in a snowmobile accident.
     He was born August 12, 1956, in Rome, the son of Henry and Mildred Youngs Gleba.   Mr. Gleba was educated in Rome schools.   On June 28, 1980, he married Susan Stagner in Taberg.
     Mr. Gleba was employed at Oneida Correctional Facility and was preciously employed at Harden Furniture and Bottini Dairy.   He served with the New York Army National Guard.   Mr. Gleba was a member of the National Rifle Association.
     Surviving besides <private>  He was predeceased by a brother, Lawrence M. Gleba, who died December 30, 1986.
     Funeral services will be held at the Nunn and Harper Funeral Home, Inc., Wednesday 9 A.M.   Interment in Lee State Road Cemetery.   Friends may call at the funeral home 2 - 4 and 7 - 9 Tuesday.
Bea Lastowicka
Rome Sentinel           Died  Jan 27, 1888
      In Rome, Jan. 27, 1888, John Seifert, aged 57 years, 7 months and 2 days.
      Funeral from the family residence in the Western part of the town of Rome, on Sunday Jan. 29, at 12 o'clock noon, and at the German Trinity Church, South James Street, in Rome at 2 P.M.   Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited.
Bea Lastowicka
Rome Sentinel       Died Oct 7, 1901
        At her home about five miles West of this city of Rome, at 6:35 this morning, Anna M. widow of the late John Seifert, died at the age of 71 years, 11 months and 7 days.   The deceased had been a great sufferer for some time from a complication of diseases, which culminated in her death.   She was born in Wittenberg, Bavaria, Germany, and came to America in 1854, and has since lived here, spending a greater part of her life on the farm where she died.   She was a faithful and consistent member of Trinity German Lutheran Church from which the funeral will occur at 2 P.M. Wednesday.
     Surviving her are nine children;  Mrs. A. F. Moldt,  Mrs. Fred Rostiser,  Mrs. L. L. White, Fred and George Seifert all of Rome; John of Camden, Bernhart of Blossvale;  Mrs. Joseph Contant, of Boston, Mass., and Mrs. Charles L. Lashbrook, of Sandy Creek; also one sister,  Mrs. George Stagel of Rome.
      Funeral services will be held at her home in East Verona at 1 P.M. Wednesday and from Trinity Church on S. James Street at 2 o'clock.
Bea Lastowicka
Rome Sentinel            Died  June 2, 1940    In paper June 3, 1940
                                         J. R. SEIFERT,  81, DIES AT HIS HOME
      VERONA - John R. Seifert, 81, a farmer for 31 years on the Vernon-Verona road, died Sunday at his home after a long illness.
     He was born in Verona Mills, Dec. 12, 1858, son of John and Anna Margaret Solger Seifert.   He married Emma Stagner in Rome on Nov, 30, 1887, the ceremony being performed by the Rev. O. F. Amert.   He was a Lutheran.
     He leaves his wife, four sons, William F., Oneida; John A., Verona; Clarence L., Vernon, and LeRoy L., Seifert Corners; two daughters, Mrs. Henry Klein, Verona Station, and Mrs. Nathan Champney, Vernon; a sister, Mrs. Anne S. Lashbrook, Rome; two brothers, George, Rome and Frederick, Seifert Corners; 25 grandchildren, and nine great grandchildren and several nieces and nephews.
     The funeral will be held at 2 P.M. Wednesday at his home and burial in Verona Cemetery. will be in charge of Griffin & Aldridge, Rome.
Bea Lastowicka
Rome Sentinel    Died Oct 23, 1950
                                       MRS. SEIFERT, 82, DIES AT HER HOME
      VERONA - Mrs. Emma S. Seifert, 82, widow of John R. Seifert, died yesterday at her home on the Vernon-Verona road.
     A native of the Town of Floyd, she was born June 27, 1868, a daughter of John and Margaret Hohn Stagner.   She was married to Mr. Seifert on Nov. 30, 1887 in Rome.   He died June 2, 1940.
     Mrs. Seifert has resided at her present home since 1909 moving there from Lowell.
     She is survived by two daughters,  Mrs. Anna Laura Klein, Verona, and Mrs. Nathan Champney, Vernon; three sons, William F., Oneida; John A., Verona, and Clarence L., Vernon; two sisters-in-law, Mrs. Betty Stagner, Rome, and Mrs. Anna Lashbrook, Rome; a brother -in law, Fred Seifert, Rome; 28 grandchildren and 24 great grandchildren.
     Funeral services will be held Thursday at 2 P.M. at her late home.   Burial will be in Verona Cemetery.
Bea Lastowicka
SEIFERT, Frederick Phillip
Rome Sentinel     died  Jan 11, 1957
     SEIFERT CORNERS --  Frederick Phillip Seifert, 86, a life long resident of this area, died Friday at his home here after a long illness.
     The son of John and Ann Solger Seifert, he was born March 25, 1870, in the Town of Verona, a farmer, he had resided in the area his entire life.
     On Sept. 30, 1897, he married the former Meta Catherine Petersen in Utica.   Mrs, Seifert died Sept. 24, 1947.
     Mr. Seifert was a member of St. John's Lutheran Church, Rome, and a member of the Seifert Corners Grange.
     Surviving are two sons, Ray F. Seifert and Stuart G. Seifert both of Seifert Corners; a sister, Mrs. Anne Lashbrook, Rome, five grandchildren and three great grandchildren.
     Funeral services will be held Monday at 12:30 P.M. at Griffin and Aldridge Funeral Home, Rome and burial will be in Rome Cemetery.
     Friends may call at the funeral home at their convenience.
Bea Lastowicka
SEIFERT, Mette Catherine
Rome Sentinel     died   Sept 24, 1947         in paper Sept 25, 1947
     Mrs. Mette Catherine Seifert, 78, wife of Frederick Seifert, died at her home here Wednesday afternoon after a illness since May.
     She was born in Denmark, Aug 25, 1869, the daughter of Peter Peterson and Anna Christiasen Peterson.   In Utica, on Sept. 30, 1897, she was married to Frederick Seifert.   She had lived in Seifert Corners since her marriage.
     She was a member of St. John's Lutheran Church, Rome, and Seifert Corners Grange.
     She is survived by her husband, two sons, Ray F. Seifert and Stuart G. Seifert, Seifert Corners; one sister, Mrs. Christine Stooks, Rome; four brothers, Peter Peterson, Rome; Thomas Peterson, Holland Patent, Nicholas Peterson, and Christopher Peterson, Utica; and five grandchildren.
     Funeral services will be held at the Griffin and Aldridge Funeral Home at 1 P.M. Saturday.   The Rev. Paul H. Gassmann, pastor of St. John's Lutheran Church, Rome will officiate.    Burial in Rome Cemetery.
Rome Sentinel  Sept 27, 1947               Funeral Conducted for Mrs. Seifert
     Funeral services for Mrs. Frederick Seifert, who died Wednesday, were held at 1 P. M. this afternoon at the Funeral Home of Griffin and Aldridge, Rome.   The Rev. Paul S. Gassmann, pastor of St. John's Lutheran Church, Rome. officiating.    The Rev. David N. Boswell, pastor of the First Baptist Church sang "The Old Rugged Cross" and "Good Night , Good Morning"
     Interment was made in Rome Cemetery.   Bearers were Anthony Schneible,  William Herring, Joseph McCormick,  Jacob Zingerline, Edward Brodock and Edward Smith.
Bea Lastowicka
Rome Sentinel    died   Oct 16, 1990
     Ray Frederick Seifert, 88, of 5114 Oswego Road, a retiree of GLF/Agway, died Monday, Oct. 16, 1990, in St. Elizabeth Hospital, Utica, after a brief illness.
     Born Feb. 15, 1902, in Rome, Mr. Seifert was a son of Frederick P. and Metta C. Petersen Seifert.   He married  Ella C. Silvius on April 21, 1930.   She died May 28, 1972.   He later married Margaret Schneible on April 25, 1974.   She died July 25, 1983.
     Mr. Seifert started working for GLF in 1934 and continued to work with them after GLF became Agway.   He retired in 1968.   He continued working part-time until 1972.
     He was a member of the Seifert Corners Grange for more that 50 years and St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church.
     Surviving are <private>     Services will be at 11 A.M. Friday at St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church.   Burial is in Rome Cemetery.   Calling hours are 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 P.M. Thursday at the Prince- Boyd & Hyatt Funeral Home.       Memorial contributions may be made to St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church.
Bea Lastowicka
SEIFERT, Ella C. Silvius
Rome Sentinel    died  May 28, 1972
                                         Heart Attack is Fatal to Mrs. Seifert
     Mrs. Ray F. Seifert, 80, of 7449 Seiferts Road, was pronounced dead at Rome Hospital Sunday after suffering a heart attack.
     The former Ella C. Silvius, she was born Nov. 19, 1891, in Harrisburg, Pa., daughter of John R. and Anna E. Ensinger Silvius.   She was educated in Harrisburg, and on April 21, 1930, in St. John's Lutheran Church, she and Mr. Seifert were married.   The Rev. Theodore O. Knehn officiated.
     She had resided in Rome for 45 years and prior to that in Rochester and Harrisburg.   She operated a grocery and gas station at Seifert Corners before her marriage.
     Mrs. Seifert was a member of St. John's Lutheran Church and the Seifert Corners Grange.
     Surviving are her husband and two daughter,  Mrs. Gus N. (Katherine) Sandefer, and Mrs. James R. (Mary) Jones, both of Verona; and seven grandchildren, Frederick, Paula, David and Henry Sandefer, and Ruth , Colleen and Wendy Jones, all of Verona.
     Funeral services will be Wednesday at 1:30 at the Martin J. Nunn Funeral Home with the Rev. John A. O'Connor, pastor of St. John's Lutheran Church, officiating.   Interment will be in Rome Cemetery.   Calling hours at the funeral home will be today from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9.
Bea Lastowicka
SEIFERT, Margaret A.
Rome Sentinel     died   July 25, 1983.
       Mrs. Margaret A. Seifert, 78, of 5114 Oswego Road, a former employee of Stonehedge Nursing Home, died Monday, July 25, 1982, in Rome Hospital after a brief illness.   Mrs. Seifert had also been a nurse at Children's Hospital, Buffalo.
     Born in Buffalo on Feb. 26, 1905, she was the daughter of Alois and Caroline Schmitt Ertl.   She married Justus Schmitt in Buffalo.   He is deceased.   She later married Leo Schneible in Buffalo in 1946.   He died in September 1971.   She married Ray F. Seifert on April 25, 1974, in St. Mary's Church.
     Mrs. Seifert was a member of St. Mary's Church.
     Surviving are two step daughters, Mrs. Gus (Katherine) Sandefer and Mrs. James (Mary) Jones, both of Verona; a sister, Mrs. Katherine Martin, Buffalo; a grandson, and five step-great-grandchildren.   A son Harold Schmitt, died July 14, 1983.
     Services will be held at 9 A.M. Thursday at the Prince and Boyd Funeral Home, and at 9:30 in St. Mary's Church.   Burial will be in Holy Cross, Buffalo.
     Calling hours are 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 P.M. Wednesday.
Bea Lastowicka
SEIFERT, Stuart G.
Rome Sentinel     died   May 5, 1975
     Stuart G. Seifert, 70, of Seifert Corners, died Monday after he was stricken while driving his tractor in a field near his home.
     Sheriff's Deputy James Beaver, who was called to the Seifert home, reported that the man was found lying next to his tractor.
     Mr. Seifert resided on the farm his entire life.   He was born in the farmhouse Nov. 25, 1904, son of Fred P. and Mattie Peterson Seifert.   He attended Seifert Corners School and was a self employed farmer.   He was a 50 - year member of the Farm Bureau.
     On Aug. 31, 1935, in Rome, he married the former Irene Taylor.
     He was a member of St. John's Lutheran Church.
     Survivors are his wife; three sons, Frederick N., Nashua, New Hampshire,  Francis N.,  Seifert Corner, and Arthur G.; at home; a brother, Ray F., Rome; and two grandchildren, Michael and Eric Seifert; Seifert Corners.
     Funeral services will be held at 2 Thursday at the Funeral Home of Griffin & Aldridge with burial in Rome Cemetery.   Calling hours at the funeral home are 7 to 9 tonight and 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 Wednesday.
Bea Lastowicka
SEIFERT, William F.
Unknown paper       Died Jan 21, 1968       ROME NATIVE PASSES AWAY
       ONEIDA - William F. Seifert, 77, of 505 Williams Street, died Sunday afternoon in Oneida City Hospital where he had been a patient for the past nine days.
     Mr. Seifert was born at Rome, March 24, 1890, the son of John and Emma Stagner Seifert and had been a resident of Oneida for the past 40 years.   He was a retired employee of the Smith-Lee Co. Inc.   Mr. Seifert was of the Lutheran faith.   He married the former Doris Switzer at Rome on Jan 1, 1927.   Surviving besides his wife are two sons, F. William Seifert, Durhamville and Donald Seifert, Oneida; a daughter, Mrs. Clarence (Loretta) Skellham Jr., R.D. Oneida; a brother, Clarence Seifert, Vernon; two sisters, Mrs. Nathan (Edna) Champney, Vernon; and Mrs. Henry (Laura) Klein, Verona; 12 grandchildren and 13 great grandchildren.
     NOTE:   He was married first to Elsie L. Dewy who died Feb. 16, 1918
Bea Lastowicka
Unknown paper     Died Feb. 16, 1918    Mrs, William F. Seifert
      The death of Mrs. Elsie L. Seifert occurred at her home, 310 Cortland Avenue, on Saturday evening at 9:15 o'clock.   She had been in poor health for about two years as the result of lung trouble.   She was born at Stanwix 22 years ago, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dewey.   Mrs. Seifert was married at Gananoque, Canada, to William F. Seifert, and had lived in Rome about four years.   Her father died several years ago and her mother about two years ago married Rev. L. W. Rose of Ava.   Besides her mother, she is survived by two children, Blanche E. and Donald W., at home, the following brothers and sisters:  Leslie L. Dewy of Ava, who is in the aviation corps near Newport News, and who arrived home about two hours before his sister died; Earl McKinley Dewy, also of Ava, Marion A. and Evelyn A. Dewy of Barnes Corners.   Mrs. Seifert was a member of the Baptist Church of this city (Rome), having joined it when she was about 15 years old, living at that time at Hyland's Mills.   She had many friends who will sincerely mourn her death.
     Funeral services were held from the family residence at 310 Cortland Ave. this afternoon at 2 P.M. with Rev. R. N. Jessup, pastor officiating.   During the services, appropriate selections were sung by Miss Florence Sellick.   The bearers were two brothers of the deceased, Leslie and Earl Dewey, and two brothers in law, Clarence and Le Roy Seifert.   The remains were placed in a vault at Rome Cemetery.   Burial in the spring in Verona Cemetery.
     NOTE:  Elsie was buried in her parents plot  (DEWEY)
Bea Lastowicka
Oneida Dispatch      in paper  June 13, 2002        DORIS S. SEIFERT
       VERONA -- Doris S. Seifert, 94, of 5366 Hill Road, died Tuesday evening, June 11, 2002 at her residence, following a brief illness.
       She was born on Sept 11, 1907 in the town of Verona, the daughter of Charles and Laura Lowe Switzer.   A lifelong resident of this area, Mrs. Seifert was educated in the town of Verona schools.
       She married William F. Seifert on Jan 1, 1927 in Rome.   Mr. Seifert died on Jan 21, 1968.
       Prior to her retirement, Mrs. Seifert was employed with the Smith-Lee Company, Inc. of Oneida.
       Mrs. Seifert was a housekeeper and caretaker for the late Roy Gardner.   She was a member of the Verona Garden Club and the Verona Senior Citizens and was of the Protestant faith.
       Surviving are <private>   She was predeceased by a stepson, Donald W. Seifert in 1982, Blanche Beasock in 1934; two sisters Mildred Bartella and Marjorie Mason and two brothers, Robert and Charles Switzer.
       Funeral services will be held 1 P.M. Saturday from the Campbell-Dean Funeral Home, Inc., 260 Main Street, Oneida with the Rev. D. Richard Will officiating.   Interment will be made in Verona Cemetery.   Friends may call at the funeral home, 2 - 4 and 7 - 9, Friday.   Contributions in her memory may be made to the Verona Fire Department, Volunteer Avenue, Verona, N.Y. 13478 or to Verona Senior Citizens, in care of the funeral home.   Envelopes for these funds may be obtained at  the funeral home.
Bea Lastowicka
SEIFERT, Donald W.
Rome Sentinel         Died March 14, 1982
     Donald W. Seifert Sr., 67, of 511 Williams St., a retired Oneida Ltd. Silversmiths employee, died Sunday, March 14, 1982, in Oneida City Hospital, shortly after being admitted.
     Born in Rome on March 29, 1914, he was the son of William F. and Elsie Dewey Seifert.   He lived in Verona before moving to Oneida where he had resides for more than 35 years.
     On Feb. 1, 1947, he married Phyliss Salvaggio in Great Bend, Pa.   He was a member of the First United Methodist Church, the Silver City Sno-birds, the Oneida Ltd. Retirement Club and Community Associated Clubs.
     Surviving besides <private>
     The funeral will be held at 2 P.M. Wednesday at the Campbell - Dean Funeral Home, with burial in Verona Cemetery.
     Calling hours are 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 P.M. Tuesday.
     In lieu of flowers, memorial may be made to the Oneida City Hospital Foundation or the Upstate Medical Center pediatric intensive care unit fund.
Bea Lastowicka
 SEIFERT, John A. (Jack)
Rome Sentinel      Died  July 20, 1956     J. A. SEIFERT PASSES AWAY IN HOSPITAL
     John ( Jack) A. Seifert, 64, Rome-Verona Road, died last night in Rose Hospital.   He had been in failing health for several years and seriously ill for two years.
     He was born in Rome on Jan. 14, 1892, son of John R. and Emma Stagner Seifert.   He lived in Rome all his life and was educated in local schools.   On Sept. 23, 1916, in White River Junction, Vt., he married the former Alice L. Schrier.   The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Ullery, rector of White River Junction Episcopal Church.
     In Rome, Mr. Seifert attended Zion Episcopal Church.
     He was a furnace operator at the Revere's Rome Division, having been employed there for 45 years.   He retired because of ill health about a year ago.
    Surviving are his wife, two daughters,  Mrs. Camiel Peters, Rock Island, Ill., and Mrs. John Pawlikowski, Rome; two sons, Jack P. Seifert, Rome, and Paul U. Seifert, Vernon; two sisters, Mrs. Laura Klein, Verona, and Mrs. Nathan Champney, Vernon; two brothers, William F. Seifert, Oneida, and Clarence Seifert, Vernon, and three grandchildren.
     Funeral services will be held at the Teller Funeral Home on Tuesday at 2 P.M. with the Rev. Charles Sykes, rector of Zion Episcopal Church, officiating.   Interment will be in Verona Cemetery.   Friends may call at the funeral home on Sunday and Monday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 P.M.
Bea Lastowicka
SEIFERT,  Alice L.
Rome Sentinel    Died  Aug 21, 1970    MRS. SEIFERT, 77 KILLED IN TWO-CAR ACCIDENT
     Mrs. John A. Seifert, 77, of RD 5, Rome, became the county's 24th traffic victim of the year as a result of a two-car accident at the intersection of Route 365 and S. James St. about 5:15 P.M. Friday.
     Mrs. Seifert died in the ambulance on the way to Rome Hospital, sheriff deputies said.   She was pronounced dead at the hospital at 5:40 P.M.
     Corner Thomas A. Cox ordered an autopsy and said no ruling on Mrs. Seifert's death will be given until the police investigation is completed.
     Sgt. Jack Chynoweth and Deputies James Turner and Martin Cirasuolo said Mrs. Seifert was driving east on Route 365 in the right hand lane of traffic.   They said she turned left to enter S. James St. and her car crossed the path of a car in the passing lane driven by Dr. John G. Maines, 47 of Ithaca.   Both cars spun around on the highway, deputies said.
     Dr. Maines and his wife, Phyliss, 47, were released after treatment at Rome Hospital.
     Mrs. John A. Seifert was a native Roman and a practical nurse.   She was on the staff of the Eastern Star Home in Oriskany and was employed by several local nursing homes.
     The former Alice L. Schrier, she was born Oct. 6, 1892, daughter of Philip and Martha Dunbar Schrier.   She and Mr. Seifert were married in White River Junction, Vt., and resided on the Rome-Oneida Road for several years.   He died July 20, 1956.
     She was educated in local schools and was a member of Zion Episcopal Church.
     She is survived by <private>
     Funeral services will be Tuesday at 2 at the Prince & Boyd Home for Funerals with interment in the Verona Village Cemetery.   The Rev.. Alfred G. Tottey Jr., Zion Episcopal Church, will officiate.
    Calling hours at the Home for Funerals are tonight from 7 to 9 and Sunday and Monday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9.
 Bea Lastowicka
Rome Sentinel          Died  Jan 12, 1946
                                        LEROY R. SEIFERT DIES AT AGE 46
Former Constable Was Ill Two  Years
      SEIFERT CORNERS --  Leroy  R. Seifert died Saturday at his home at Seifert Corners, after an illness of two years.
     He was born in Taberg, May 22, 1899, son of Emma Stagner and the late John Seifert.   On July 23, 1923, he married the former Pearl Ward at Rome.
     He had lived at Seifert Corners the past 15 years.   Prior to that he served as constable at Rome for two years and had been a guard at Rome Manufacturing Co. Division of Revere Copper and Brass Incorporated.
     He attended St. Peter's Lutheran Church at Churchville.
     Besides his mother and widow, he is survived by a daughter, Gloria T., and a son Ralph W., at home;
Two sisters, Mrs Laura Klein, Verona Station, and Mrs. Nathan Champney, Vernon; three brothers, William Seifert, Oneida; John, Verona and Clarence, Vernon.
Bea Lastowicka
Rome Sentinel        Died March 17, 1987        JACK P. SEIFERT
  VERNON  --  Jack P. Seifert, 62, of Cooper Street, an employee of Revere Copper and Brass, died Tuesday, March 17, 1987, at his home.
     He was born in Rome, June 1, 1924, son of John and Alice L. Schrier Seifert.   He was a graduate of Verona High School and had served with the Army during World War II in the Pacific.   He was Protestant.
     Mr. Seifert was a member of the National Harbor Foundation, the Revere Employees Athletic and Social Organization, and the Mechanics Education Society of America.
     Surviving are <private>
     Services will be held Saturday at 10 A.M. at the Malecki Funeral Home.   Burial will be in the spring in Verona Cemetery.   Calling hours are Friday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 P.M.
Bea Lastowicka
SEIFERT, Clarence L.
Rome Sentinel         Died  Jan 22, 1970       C. L. SEIFERT PASSES AWAT AT AGE OF 76
    VERNON  --  Clarence L. Seifert, 76, a retired employee of Oneida Ltd., died Thursday in the Oneida City Hospital.
     He was born in Rome, Dec. 19, 1893, the son of John and Emma Stagner Seifert and attended schools there.   He had been a resident of Vernon for over 50 years.   He and the former A. Evelyn Lawrence were married in Vernon on Dec. 17, 1927
     Mr. Seifert was a member and past noble grand of Vernon Lodge 1OOF; a member of the Vernon Senior Citizens; the Eumenia Lodge; and the Oneida Ltd. Retirement Club.   He was also a member of the board of directors of the Maple Grove Cemetery Association, and attended the United Methodist Church.
     Surviving besides <private>
     The funeral will be held at 2 P.M. Sunday at the Alger-Hammill Funeral Home, 216 W. Seneca St., Vernon, with burial in Maple Grove Cemetery.   Calling hours are from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 on Saturday.   In lieu of flowers the family requests donations be made to the Cancer or Heart Funds.
Bea Lastowicka
SEIFERT, A. Evelyn
Rome Sentinel         Died April 24, 1978         Mrs. A. Evelyn Seifert
     VERNON  --  Mrs. A. Evelyn Seifert, 72, of Verona Road, died Monday in Oneida City Hospital after a long illness.
     Born Feb. 19, 1906, in the Town of Westmoreland, she was the daughter of Frederick and Sara Hiller Lawrence.   Mrs. Seifert was a graduate of Vernon High School, the Utica School of Commerce and the Parker School of Music, Utica.   On Dec. 17, 1927, in Utica, she and Clarence Seifert were married.   He died Jan. 22, 1970.
     Mrs. Seifert was a member of the United Methodist Church of Vernon, and its choir and chapter of United Methodist Women.   She belonged to Iula Rebekah Lodge and the Monday Club, both in Vernon.
     She is survived <private>
     Two daughters and a son predecease Mrs. Seifert.   Mrs. Frances Seifert Gums died in 1970;  Mrs. Violet Seifert Robinson, in 1975 , and Milton Seifert in 1972.
     The funeral will be 2 P.M. Thursday at the United Methodist Church of Vernon.   Burial will be Maple Grove Cemetery.
     Calling hours are from 7 to 9 tonight and from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 P.M. Wednesday at the Malecki Funeral Home.   Contributions may be made to the United Methodist Church of Vernon.
Bea Lastowicka
SEIFERT, Milton Lewis
Rome Sentinel    Died   March 1, 1972
                                                      M. L. SEIFERT PASSES AWAY
     VERNON --  Milton Lewis  Seifert, 41, of RD 2, died Wednesday in a Rome Hospital.
     He was born in Vernon, Dec 16, 1930, the son of Clarence and Evelyn Lawrence Seifert.
     Surviving besides <private>
     Private funeral services were held today at the convenience of the family at the Alger-Hammill Funeral Home, Vernon, with the Rev. James R. Dickinson, pastor of the Vernon United Methodist Church officiating.   Spring burial will take place in Maple Grove Cemetery.
Bea Lastowicka

SEIFERT, Bernard C.
Rome Sentinel    Died   Nov 9, 1929
                                        BERNARD C. SEIFERT PASSES AWAY AT HOME
     BLOSSVALE  --  Nov 9.  Bernard C. Seifert passed away at his home today after an illness of one week.   He had not been in the best of health for some months but had been confined to his bed only since last Saturday.
     He was born in Verona Mills, June 23, 1861, a son of the late John and Anna Seifert.  He resided there until his marriage when he moved to Blossvale.   He had been a successful farmer.
     On December 29, 1887, he was united in marriage with Miss Mary Hannicker of Verona Mills.   Her death occurred September 28, 1898.   On January 29, 1901, he was married to Miss Elizabeth Hannicker, a sister of his first wife.
     Surviving besides his wife are three sons, Walter and Howard Seifert of Blossvale, and Elmer Seifert of Vienna; two daughters, Mrs. Hiram Bostwick of Manlius, and Marian Rostiser of Binghamton; two sister, Mrs. Fred Rostiser, 700 W. Dominick Street, Rome, and Mrs. Anna Lashbrook, of the Central Institute for the Deaf, Rome; and three brothers, John Seifert of Verona, Fred Seifert of Verona Mills, and George Seifert, 609 W. Dominick Street, Rome.
     Funeral arrangements have not been completed.
Bea Lastowicka
Rome Sentinel           Died    SEPTEMBER 28, 1898 -
  BLOSSVALE ----   Mrs. Mary Seifert, wife of Bernard Seifert, died at her home in this place, age 28 years, 5 months and 16 days,   Her maiden name was Mary Hannicker and she formerly resided at West Rome.   She leaves five children, three sons and two daughters.   Also four brothers and three sisters; Henry and William of Rome, Louis of Aberdeen, South Dakota, John of Texas, Mrs. C. C. Rehm and Miss Libbie Hannicker of Rome and Miss Lena Hannicker of Utica.
     Funeral from the family residence in Blossvale on Friday, September 30 at 10 o'clock A. M.   Interment in Rome Cemetery in the Hannicker Plot.
Bea Lastowicka
SEIFERT, Elizabeth
Rome Sentinel     Died Jan 7, 1939         MRS. B. C. SEIFERT DIES AT HER HOME
                                   Former Rome Resident Stricken After Long Illness; rites Tuesday
  BLOSSVALE  --  Jan. 9, --  Mrs. Elizabeth Hanicker Seifert, 73, widow of Bernard C. Seifert, died late on Saturday at her home after an illness of about six months.
     She was born in Rome, March 5, 1865, a daughter of the late Valentine and Elizabeth Hanicker.   Her marriage to Mr. Seifert took place at Taberg on Dec. 29, 1900.   She attended the Taberg M. E. Church.
     Surviving are three sons, Walter and Howard Seifert of this place, and Elmer Seifert of Vienna; two daughters, Mrs. H. L. Bostwick of Manlius, and Miss Marian Rostiser of Binghamton; and three brothers, Henry Hanicker of Rome; John of Houston, Tex., and William of Jamestown, North Dakota.   She leaves also two grandchildren.
     Funeral services will be held at the Seifert home on Tuesday at 2 P.M. with the Rev. Charles Shumway, Taberg, officiating.   Burial, in charge of B. A. Sanborn & son, Camden, will be made in Rome Cemetery.
Bea  Lastowicka
SEIFERT, Howard W..
Rome Sentinel    Died  Oct 11, 1967
                                            H. W. SEIFERT SUCCUMBS TO HEART ATTACK                                           Howard W. Seifert, 74, Blossvale-Taberg Road, died unexpectedly Wednesday afternoon after suffering a heart attack while driving his car near his home.
     The vehicle left the west side of the highway, striking a house owned by Bernard Ringrose.   Mr. Seifert was pronounced dead on arrival at Rome Hospital.
     Born in the Town of Annsville on Dec. 31, 1892, he was the son of Bernard and Mary Hanicker Seifert.   He had always lived in the Town of Annsville and for many years operated his farm on the Blossvale Road.
     He received his education in local schools and at the Rome Business Institute.
     Mr. Seifert was a member of the Taberg Methodist Church and Vienna Lodge F&AM.   He never married.
     He leaves a brother, Elmer F. Seifert; a sister - in - law, Mrs. Walter J. Seifert, and a niece, Miss Blanche Seifert, all of Blossvale; and a nephew, Leland Seifert, Stony Point.
     The funeral will be held at 2 P.M. Saturday at the Prince and Boyd Home for Funerals with the Rev. Stanley E. Watson, pastor of the United Methodist Church, Camden officiating.   Burial will be in the Rome Cemetery.
     Friends may call at the Home for Funeral this evening, 7 to 9, and on Friday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 o'clock.
Bea Lastowicka
Rome Sentinel       Died  Jan 27, 1981         Elmer Seifert, 90, of the Betsy Ross Health Related Facility, a self employed farmer of Vienna for many years, died Tuesday, January 27, 1981 in Rome Hospital.
     Born on November 1, 1890, in Annsville, he was  the son of Bernard J. and Mary Hanicker Seifert.   He was a Protestant.
     Surviving are a niece and nephew.
     Services will be held at 2 P.M. on Friday at the Betsy Ross Health Facility, with burial in Rome Cemetery.
     There are no calling hours.   The Barry Funeral Home is in charge of the arrangements.
Bea Lastowicka
SEIFERT, Blanche M.
Rome Sentinel,  February 6, 2002          BLANCHE  M. SEIFERT
     Blanche M. Seifert, 85, Blossvale Road, Blossvale, passed away at her home, Sunday, February 3, 2002.   She was born October 8, 1916 in Rome, N.Y., daughter of Walter and Mary Taft Seifert.   She attended local schools and graduated from Rome Free Academy in 1933.  She graduated from Oswego Normal School in 1937.   In 1945 she received a bachelor of education degree from State Teachers College at Oswego.   She taught for 32 years in local schools, retiring in 1971.   She was a member of the Taberg United Methodist Church and the United Methodist Women's Organization.   She also served as trustee of the Church.   She was a former Sunday school teacher, Girl Scout leader and 4-H leader.   She was a member of the Annsville Republican Club.   Miss Seifert was a member of the New York State Retired Teachers and a member of the National Retired Teachers Association.
     She is survived <private>She  was predeceased by a brother, Leland B. Seifert, September 30, 1992.
     Funeral services will be held at the Prince-Boyd & Hyatt, Home for Funerals, Inc., Saturday A.M.    Everybody is invited to attend.   There are no calling hours.   Spring burial will be in Maple Hill Cemetery.   Memorial contributions may be made to the Taberg United Methodist Church.
Bea Lastowicka
SEIFERT, Walter J.
Rome Sentinel     Died  May 6, 1958       W. J. SEIFERT DIES AT 69
  BLOSSVALE  --  Walter J. Seifert, 69, who for 38 years prior to his retirement in 1955, served as a rural mail carrier out of Blossvale, died last night at his home on the Taberg-Blossvale Road.
     Mr. Seifert was born in Rome, Sept. 7, 1888, the son of Bernard and Mary Hanicker Seifert, but had resided in the Town of Annsville the greater part of his life.
     On June 4, 1913, at the home of the bride's parents in Taberg, he married Mary Taft in a double wedding ceremony with the bride's sister,  Mrs. Grove (Grace) Flint.   The ceremony was performed by an uncle of the two brides, the Rev. G. M. Whittemore.
     For three years following their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Seifert operated a grocery store on the corner of Court and George Sts., Rome.   They then moved to the Taberg - Blossvale Rd., where Mr. Seifert operated a farm in addition to his rural mail carrier duties.
     Mr. Seifert received his education in the Blossvale school and Poughkeepsie Business School.   He attended the Taberg Methodist Church, and was a member of Vienna Lodge, F&AM., and of the Rural Letter Carriers Assn.
     He is survived by his wife; a daughter, Miss. Blanche Seifert, a teacher in the Annsville Area School of the Camden Central School District; a son Leland Seifert, Stony Point, principal of the Haverstraw Central School; two grandchildren, John and Ann Seifert and two brothers, Elmer F. and Howard W. Seifert, both of Blossvale.
     Funeral services will be held at his home on Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock and interment made in Maple Hill Cemetery, Taberg.
     Friends may call at his home on Thursday at their convenience.  The Waldo W. Price Funeral Home, Rome, is in charge of arrangements.
Bea Lastowicka
Rome Sentinel    Died  April 21, 1973
                                        Mrs. Seifert of Blossvale retired teacher
BLOSSVALE  --  Mrs. Walter J. Seifert, 85, a retired school teacher, died Saturday afternoon at her home after a long illness.
     The former Mary Taft, she was born June 7, 1887 in Taberg, daughter of John and Jessie Allanson Taft.
     She was married June 4, 1913 at her parents home in Taberg.   Mr. Seifert died May 6, 1958.
     Mrs. Seifert was educated in Taberg area schools and was a graduate of the
Camden Training Class of 1910.   She taught in Taberg and area schools for many years.   She had resided in Blossvale since 1917 and had resided briefly in Rome.
     She was a member of the Taberg United Methodist Church and the Women's Society for Christian Service.
     Survivors include a daughter, Miss Blanche Seifert, at home; a son, Leland Seifert, Stony Point; a half-sister, Mrs. Walter (Thelma) Flint, Boonville; a half brother, Walter Taft, Lakeland Fla.; and two grandchildren, Ann Seifert, Stony Point and John Seifert, Beirut, Lebanon.
Bea Lastowicka
SEIFERT, Leland B.
Rome Sentinel   Died  Sept 30, 1992.
      Leland B. Seifert, 77, Staten Island, N.Y., passed away suddenly Sept. 30, 1992.
     He was born Oct. 2, 1914, in Rome, son of Walter J. and Mary Taft Seifert.   At Camden, N.Y., on Sept, 18, 1940, he married Mary Dorothy Williams, daughter of Tom and Mary Williams.
     He attended local schools and graduated from Rome Free Academy in 1931.   He was a graduate of Syracuse University.   He also did graduate work at N.Y. University where he received his master's degree.
     He first taught at Boonville Academy, then a Gowanda.   He moved to Stony Point, N.Y. and was principal at Haverstraw Central School for many years.   Later, he was coordinator of many central schools in that area.
     Recently, he moved to Staten Island to be near his daughter.
     He was a member of several service organizations in the Stony Point Area.
     He is survived by <private>
     A memorial service was held at St. Mary's Episcopal Church. Staten Island, on Saturday, Oct. 3.   Funeral arrangements were handled by the Meislohn Silvie Funeral Home.
Bea Lastowicka
SEIFERT, Margaret C.
Rome Sentinel    died  Jan 11, 1996
     Margaret C. Seifert, 85, of 6474 Karlen Road, a retired Rome public school teacher, died Jan. 11, 1996, at Rome Hospital after a brief illness     She was born in Rome, N.Y., Jan. 27, 1910, a daughter of the late George and Laura Wolzmuth Seifert.
     A 1927 graduate of Rome Free Academy, she was past secretary of Rome Teachers Association, past president, secretary and treasurer of the Rome branch of the Association for Childhood Education, and held offices in the Columbus School Parent-Teacher Association.
     She was a 1930 graduate of Oneonta State Teachers College, received a BS degree from Albany State Teachers College in 1940 and a MS from Syracuse in education, elementary principal and elementary administration in 1947, and did graduate work at colleges throughout the state.
     She was employed for 11 years in the supervisory district number 4 of Oneida County, town of Floyd, and for 29 years as a teacher at Columbus School.   She served one year as intern at the Board of Education and two years as coordinator of elementary education, and retired in 1973 after 43 years in education in New York State.
     She was a member of the First United Methodist Church, where she taught Sunday School for several years.   She was a member of the Wanakena Chapter of the Eastern Star since 1943.   She was affiliated with the Rome area New York State Retired Teachers and a life member , and a member of the RNEA state and national, and a charter member of the Rome area AARP.   She was active in volunteer work, bowling leagues and the Rome Family Y.
       She is survived by <private> She was predeceased by a sister, Mae Seifert Brown, who died Aug. 8, 1994.
     Funeral services will be held at the Prince-Boyd & Hyatt Home for Funeral Inc., Tuesday at 11 A.M.   Burial Rome Cemetery.   Friends may call at the Home for Funerals Monday 2 to 4 and 7 to 9.   Memorial contributions may be made to a charity of one's choice.
Bea Lastowicka
 Rostiser went to Binghamton to make his home with his daughter, Miss Marian Rostiser.   Surviving besides his daughter are three nieces and two nephews.
     The body is being brought here for burial by Waldo Wiggins Prince.
     The funeral of Fred Rostiser was held at the Waldo Wiggins Prince Home for Funerals at 2 o'clock this afternoon with the Rev. David N. Boswell officiating.   In the service, the Rev. Mr. Boswell read "Abide with me."
     Nephews of Mr. Rostiser served as bearers,   They  were Harry Moldt, and Stuart Seifert of Rome,  Clarence Seifert of Vernon and Elmer Seifert of Vienna.
     Interment was made in Rome Cemetery.
 Bea Lastowicka
SEIFERT, George J.
Rome Sentinel   died  Nov 26, 1941
                                            GEORGE J. SEIFERT CLAIMED BY DEATH
                          Was Employed by Rome Industry 48 Years; Born at Corners in 1867
     George J. Seifert, 73, 609 W. Dominick St., an employee of Revere Copper & Brass Inc. and its predecessor, Rome Brass & Copper Company, for 48 years, died at 12:25 A.M. today.
     Mr. Seifert was born at Seifert Corners, town of Rome, December 15, 1867, son of John and Margaret Solger Seifert.   He was employed as a tinsmith for 40 years by the Rome company.
     Surviving besides his wife, the former Laura Wolzmuth, there are four daughter, Mrs. Mae. S. Brown,  Mrs. Dorothy Gleasman Jr.,  Misses Lila and Margaret Seifert, all of Rome; two grandchildren, George and Peggy JoAnne Gleasman, both of Rome; a brother, Frederick, Seifert Corners and a sister, Mrs. Anna Lashbrook, Rome.
     Mr. Seifert was a member of the First Methodist Church and the Royal Arcanum.
Bea Lastowicka
SEIFERT, Laura Katherine Wolzmuth
Rome Sentinel     died  Dec 2, 1941
                                              MRS. G. J. SEIFERT CLAIMED BY DEATH
                                    Wife Succumbs Six Days After Husband; Born in Town of Rome
     Mrs. George J. Seifert, 609 W. Dominick St., died at noon today, less than a week after her husband.   Mr. Seifert died last Wednesday.
     Laura Katherine Wolzmuth was born in the Town of Rome Nov. 5, 1885, daughter of the late Joseph and Katherine Mehl Wolzmuth.   She had been in failing health since August.
     Surviving are four daughters,  Mrs. Mae S. Brown,  Mrs. Dorothy Gleasman Jr.,  Misses Lila and Margaret Seifert, all of Rome, two grandchildren, George and Peggy Jo'nne Gleasman, both of Rome; four brothers, Joseph, Richard and Stanley Wolzmuth, all of Rome, and Roscoe of Philadelphia, Pa., and two sisters, Mrs. Norman Berg, Utica, and Mrs. Alfred Lee, Arlington, Va.
     Mrs. Seifert was a member of the First Methodist Church.
Bea Lastowicka
SEIFERT,  Stephen A.
ONEIDA DISPATCH    in paper Aug 7, 2001     STEPHEN  A. SEIFERT
CRANBERRY TWP, Pa.--  Stephen A. Seifert, formerly of Vernon, died Sunday, Aug 5, 2001 at his residence in Cranberry, Twp.
     He was born Oct 1, 1953 in Oneida, New York, the son of Grove  L. and Mary Ann Rashford Seifert.
     He was a supervisor of Otis Elevator Company in Pittsburgh.   Mr. Seifert was a member of First Baptist Church of Evans City.
     Surviving are<private>

     Funeral services for Stephen A. Seifert will be conducted on Friday Aug. 10 at 11 A.M. at First Baptist Church of Evans City, Pa., with Rev. Jeff Mackey, officiating.   Burial will follow in Mt. Pleasant Cemetery in Warrendale, Pa.   Friends will be received 7 - 9 P.M. Wednesday and 2 - 4 and 7 - 9 P.M. Thursday at Glenn-Kildoo Cranberry Chapel, 130 Wisconsin Ave., Cranberry Twp., Pa.   16066

     A memorial service to celebrate the life of Stephen A. Seifert will be held on Saturday, Aug. 25, 2001 at 11:00 A.M. at the Vernon United Methodist Church, Route 5, Vernon.   The Reverends Archie Clark,  Barbara Fisk and Connie Seifert will be officiating.   All are invited to this memorial service, which will be followed by a luncheon at the church served by the United Methodist Women.
Bea Lastowicka
ALVAREZ, Pearl White
Rome Sentinel     died   Jan 4, 1990                                     PEARL WHITE ALVAREZ
     Pearl White Alvarez, 71, of 324 Nassau St., died peacefully surrounded by family and friends, on Friday, Jan. 4, 1990, in St. Elizabeth's Hospital, after a brief illness.
     She was born on July 4, 1919 in Schenectady, N.Y.,. the daughter of Howard and Helen Smith White.   She graduated from St. Mary's School in 1933 and from Rome Free Academy in 1937.
     She was married to Ralph W. Alvarez on June 22, 1946, in St. Mary's Church, Rome.   Throughout her professional career, she served the needs of Catholic education in the City of Rome, first as bookkeeper for St. Mary's School and in recent years as tuition officer for Rome Catholic Elementary Schools.
     Pearl was the first commissioned female lay eucharistic minister in the Syracuse Diocese,   She was a member of its board of directors and a very active volunteer for Serenity House of West Leyden.
     She was a life-long parishioner of St. Mary's Church.
     She is survived by <private>
     Services will be 8:45 A.M. Tuesday at the Barry Funeral Home, 807 W. Chestnut St., and at 9:30 A.M. from St. Mary's Church.   Interment will be in St. Mary's Cemetery.   Friends may call at the funeral home Sunday from 7 to 9 P.M. and Monday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 P.M.
     In lieu of flowers the family requests memorial contributions to the Pearl W. Alvarez Scholarship Fund in care of Rome Catholic High School, Cyprus Street.
Bea Lastowicka
BEASOCK, Blanche E.
Rome Sentinel   died  Jan 12 1935
                                     Mrs. Blanche E. Beasock Victim of Scarlet Fever
        Mrs. Blanche E. Beasock, 22, 222 Harrison St., died this morning in Davis Pavilion, Oneida County Hospital, after a five day's illness with scarlet fever.   She was  born in Rome, November 24, 1912, daughter of William and the late Mrs. Seifert, and had always lived here.
     Her husband, Kenneth Beasock, whom she married in St. Mary's rectory on February 27, 1931, survives with three children, Jeannine, 1 1/2 years old;   Kenneth, 2 1/2 years old, and Wayne, one week old.   A sister, Loretta, Oneida, and a brother, Donald, Verona, also survives with her father and stepmother, who lives in Oneida.
     Burial in St. Mary's Cemetery, Rome, New York.
Bea Lastowicka
BEASOCK, Kenneth J.
Rome Sentinel       died  Jan 9, 1989                                KENNETH BEASOCK
 CLARKS MILLS - Kenneth J. Beasock, 76, of Westmoreland Road, who was employed for more than 20 years at Niagara Mohawk Corp. before retiring in 1977, died Monday, Jan. 9, 1989, in St. Luke's Memorial Hospital Center, New Hartford, after a brief illness.
     Born on Sept 30, 1912, in Rome, he was a son of William and Marion Burke Beasock.   In 1932, he married Blanche E. Seifert in Rome.   She died on Jan 10, 1935.   Her married Mabel Vanderhoof on June 1, 1935 in Rome.
     Mr. Beasock had also worked for 25 years at Revere Copper and Brass.   He was a member of the Church of the Annunciation, Rome Moose Lodge, Rome Polish Home, was an honorary member of the New York State Sherriff's Association, American Association of the Retired Persons and Niagara Mohawk Retirees Club.
     Surviving besides<private>
     Services will be at 9:15 A.M. Thursday at the Nunn and Harper Funeral Home, Rome, at 10 at the Church of the Annunciation.   Burial will be in St. Mary's Cemetery, Rome.   Calling hours are from 7 to 9 tonight and from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 P.M. Wednesday.   Memorial contributions may be made to the Central Oneida County Volunteer Ambulance Corps.
Bea Lastowicka
BROWN, Mae Seifert
Rome Sentinel     died   Aug 8, 1994                       MAE SEIFERT BROWN
     Mae Seifert Brown, 85, of 6474 Karlen Rd., a retired Rome School nurse teacher, died Aug. 8, 1994, in Rome Hospital after a short illness.
     She was born in Rome, N.Y., Oct. 3, 1908, a daughter of the late George and Laura Wolzmuth Seifert.   A 1933 graduate of Rome Free Academy, she received her R. N.  from Ellis Hospital in Schenectady and a B. S. degree in public health from Syracuse University.   She was a veteran of World War II, serving as a major in the Army Corps.   On Nov. 24, 1938, she as married to the late Bernard F. Brown.   He died in 1958.
     A lifetime resident of Rome, she served in Rome Hospital and a public health nurse.   She was employed by Rome Public Schools as a school nurse teacher in the old junior high, Laurel, Denti, and Lake Delta Schools for 39 years, retiring in 1973.
     She worked as director for Elks Club for many years at Camp Alice Newton.   She was a former member of the American Legion and the Elihu Root Reserve Center in Utica.   She was a charter member of the Rome Area AARP, Ava Dorfman Senior Citizen Center and Lee United Methodist Senior Citizens.   She was a life member of Rome Area Retired Teachers' Association, Oneida County Retired Teachers' Association and other local educational organizations.   She was active in several bowling leagues and the YMCA.   She attended Rome United Methodist Church.
     Surviving are <private>
     Funeral services will be held at the Prince-Boyd & Hyatt "Home for Funeral," Inc., on Thursday at 11 A.M.   Interment in Rome Cemetery.   Calling hours at the "Home for Funerals,' Inc., this evening 7 to 9 and Wednesday 2 to 4 and 7 to 9.
     Those who wish may make contributions to a charity of one's choice in memory of Mrs. Brown.
Bea Lastowicka
MOLDT, Catherine
Rome Sentinel      Died   June 4, 1929
      Catherine Seifert, wife of Adolph Moldt, 745m W. Dominick street, passed away at her home late Tuesday afternoon from heart disease.
     She was born in the town of Verona on February 13, 1855, daughter of the late John and Margaret Seifert, and all her life had been spent in this vicinity.   On Oct. 1, 1883, she was united in marriage with Mr. Moldt by Rev. John Schafer, then pastor of the German Lutheran Church.   She was a member of the First M. E. Church, the Home Missionary Society, W. C. T. U. and Queen Esther Rebekah Lodge, 71, I. O. O. F.   Recently she was presented with a jewel by the Rebekah Lodge on the occasion of hew 25th anniversary as a member of the Lodge.
     Surviving besides her husband are two children,  Mrs. Catherine Fike and Harry O. Moldt of Rome; two sisters, Mrs. Fred Rostiser and Mrs. Annie L. Lashbrook of this city; four brothers, John of Verona, Bernard of Blossvale, George and Fred of Rome; five grandchildren, Esther Fike, and La Verne, Betina, Alden and Dorrit Moldt, all of Rome, and several nieces and nephews.
 Bea Lastowicka
MOLDT, Adolph F.
Rome Sentinel      Died  July 15, 1937
        Adolph F. Moldt, 75, president of the Common Council in 1911 and 1912, died at home, 745 W. Dominick St. this morning at 6:30 o'clock.   Death was attributed to a heart ailment which had kept him to his bed for the past 10 days.
     Mr. Moldt had been prominent in affairs of the Republican Party, which elected him to the Common Council presidency, and of the Odd Fellows organization and in earlier days was active as a volunteer fireman.
     Mr. Moldt was born in Greatswald, Germany, Sept. 20, 1862, son of Christian and Frederica Dust Moldt.   He came to the United States and located in Rome on Nov. 25, 1881.   In Germany. he learned the blacksmith's trade and after arriving in Rome, was employed in this capacity by Sandford Adams in the Adams Foundry and later also in the old Rome railroad shops of the Rome, Watertown & Ogdensburg Railroad.   Later he went to the Rome Locomotive & Machine Works where, for 32 years, he was foreman of the blacksmith shop.   His last place of employment was with the Rome Wire Co., now the General Cable Corporation.
     He had been identified with the Rome Lodge of Odd Fellows for many years and was a past grand of Rome Lodge 226, past patriarch of Ft. Stanwix Encampment, 13; past commander of Canton Stanwix 3 P.M.; the Ready Relief Assn., and Queen Esther Rebekah Lodge.
     He was a member of Washington Hose Co. 3, and of the Rome Firemen's Benevolent Assn.   Mr Moldt was a member of the First M. E. Church and its Baraca Class.
     On Oct 1, 1883, he was married to Catherine Seifert, the ceremony being performed by the Rev. John Schaffer, pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church.   Mrs. Moldt died June 4, 1929.
     He is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Catherine Fike and a son Harry O. Moldt of Rome, a half sister, Mrs. Minnie Parker of Bath; a half brother, Otto M. Dust of Durhamville, a step brother, William Dust of Rome, and five grandchildren.
Bea Lastowicka
MOLDT, Harry O.
Rome Sentinel       Died  January 12, 1975    Harry O. Moldt
     Harry O. Moldt, 80, of 743 W. Dominick St., died Sunday in Rome Hospital after a long illness.
     Born in Rome, Feb. 17 1894, he was a son of Adolph and Catherine Seifert Moldt.   He resided here his entire life and attended local schools.
     He was employed by the Spargo Wire Co. for 45 years, retiring in 1964.   Mr. Moldt was a member of the First United Methodist Church and a past grand master of the Odd Fellows Lodge and a member of Rome Chess Club.
     He married the former Gladys Schwartz Sept. 16, 1914, in Rome.
     Besides <private>
     A private funeral will be held at the Griffin & Aldridge Funeral Home at the convenience of the family.   There are no calling hours.   The family requests no flowers.
Bea Lastowicka
MOLDT, Gladys S.
Rome Sentinel    Died  Oct 9, 1977     Mrs. Gladys S. Moldt
     Mrs. Gladys S. Moldt, 84, of 743 W. Dominick St., an employee of the former Nelson's Department Store for many years, died Sunday in Rome Hospital after a short illness.
     Daughter of John S. and Sarah Dexter Schwartz, she was born in Rome February 24, 1893, and was a 1911 graduate of Rome Free Academy.
     On Sept. 16, 1914, she was married in Rome to Harry O. Moldt, who died Jan. 12, 1975.
     She was a member of the First Methodist Church, a past matron of the Holly Chapter, Order of Eastern Star, and a member of the Rome Chapter,  Daughters of the American Revolution, of which she was past regent.
     Surviving are <private>
Bea Lastowicka
Rome Sentinel    died Dec 28, 1961
                                         DEAF SCHOOL EX-TEACHER PASSES AWAY
     Mrs. Annie Seifert Lashbrook, 87, affectionately known as the "Grand old Lady" of the Central New York School for the Deaf Alumni, died this morning, December 28, 1961, in the Rome Hospital where she had been a patient for a week.   She resided at 629 W. Thomas St., Rome, New York.
     Mrs. Lashbrook, a founder of the CNYSD Alumni Assn. which she served as vice president, secretary and treasurer, was a printing instructor at the school for 30 years, from 1909 until her retirement in 1939.
     She was a member of the corporation of the school.
     Mrs. Lashbrook continued her work with the deaf for long after her retirement, and took an active part in nearly all CNYSD activities.   She had been a regular contributor to the school's magazine, "The Register."
     Her understanding of the problems of the deaf helped elect her as a vice president of the National Assn. of the Deaf in 1913.
     Daughter of John and Anna Solger Seifert, she was born in New London on June 13, 1874, a year before the Central New York School for the Deaf was established in Rome.   She lost her hearing at the age of 10 when stricken with spinal meningitis.
     She retained her ability to speak through daily reading exercises with her father, after whom Seiferts Corner's was named.
     She is the last of 10 children in the family and is survived only by nieces and nephews.
     Mrs. Lashbrook joined the faculty of the Deaf School in 1909 to reach printing after the death of her husband, Charles L. Lashbrook, foreman of the printing department for three years.   During those three years, she served as his assistant.
     She was salutatorian of the graduating class of the school in 1887, having spent four years there as a student.   For years she was alumni editor of the school magazine as well as an active member on the alumni organization.
     Although unable to hear,  Mrs. Lashbrook spoke well and was adept at lip reading.   She drove her own car and maintained her own home, with a cat as her companion.
     Funeral services will be held at 2 Saturday at Zion Episcopal Church with the Rev. William M. Lange Jr., of Syracuse, missionary of the deaf, in charge.   Burial will be in Bernard's Bay Cemetery in the spring.
     Friends may call at the Mae F. Strong Funeral Home from 7 to 9 tonight and from 2 to 4o and 7 to 9 Friday.
                                                    MRS. ANNIE LASHBROOK
    The death  last week of Mrs. Annie Lashbrook, 87 signaled the loss of a good and loyal friend of the deaf of the community of this city.
     Through her untiring efforts in the education of the deaf in her earlier years and promotion of their welfare in her late years, Annie Lashbrook gained the affectionate title “grand old lady” of the Central New York School for the deaf.
     Countless persons who cannot hear or speak had sought her advice and counsel.   She was salutatorian of the school’s1887 class and taught at the school for 30 years, retiring in 1939.
      A former vice president of the National Assn. For the Deaf, Mrs. Lashbrook continued her work with the deaf long after her retirement.   She took part in many of the school’s activities and contributed regularly to the school’s publication, “The Register.”  She was also active in the alumni association for 60 years.
    We join with the deaf people in the community in saluting a grand old lady who believed the essence of life was service to others.
FUNERAL SERVICES    for Annie Lashbrook
     Funeral services for Mrs. Annie S. Lashbrook , who died Thursday, were held in the Zion Episcopal Church at 2 this afternoon with the Rev. William Lange Jr., Syracuse, missionary to the deaf, officiating.
     Bearers were Frederick, Francis and Arthur Seifert, Gus Sandefer, James Jones and Marvin Love.
     The body will be placed in the Rome Cemetery vault for burial in the spring in Bernard’s Bay Cemetery.
Bea Lastowicka
Rome Sentinel   died  Feb 21, 1909  Foreman of Printing Office at School for Deaf  Dead
     Charles L. Lashbrook, foreman of the printing office at the School for the deaf in this city, died at 9:40 P.M. Sunday from pneumonia.   On Feb. 11, he complained of muscular rheumatism in his legs and a physician was called.    He was confined to his room about a week.   He was at his post on Saturday morning although not well.   On Saturday he was taken with acute pneumonia.
     Mr. Lashbrook was born at Macomb, St. Lawrence County, March 19, 1864, son of Joseph and Angelina Warner Lashbrook.   When he was six years old, he became deaf as the result of scarlet fever.   He entered the New York Institution for the Deaf in Washington Heights, New York City, at the age of nine, attended school years and was transferred to the Rome School for the Deaf where he graduated with honors in the class of 1887, being salutatorian of his class.   He was justly proud of being a charter member and founder of the Rome School Alumni Association.
     Mr. Lashbrook worked at the printer's trade at the time the Nucleus, the forerunner of the Deaf-Mutes Register, was started at the local school and followed the trade all his life.   He worked at the business in Gouverneur, Potsdam, Sandy Creek, Malone and Rome, and was spoken of highly everywhere by his employers.   For three years, he was the foreman of the printing office at the School for the Deaf at Malone, and published the Malone Advocate.
     On August 1, 1894, he was married to Anna M. Seifert of Rome, daughter of John and Anna M. Seifert, who survives.   He also leaves his aged mother at Cape Vincent, three brother, William of Spargueville, Elbridge of Algona, Iowa, and Pittman of Gouverneur, and one sister, Mrs. Myron Lamb of Hailesboro, N.Y.   He was a member of the in dependant order of Foresters and for four years in succession was financial secretary of the order in Sandy Creek.
     Three years ago, he came to Rome as foreman of the printing office of the School for the Deaf, where his abilities as an all around printer and pressman made him a very valuable member of the staff of instructors.   He was an attendant at the Episcopal Church.
     Mr. Lashbrook was very popular in the school and among his associates, being the life of any gathering where he happened to be.   Generous and open-hearted and of a lovable character, he leaves a host of friends to mourn his untimely death.
Charles's body was removed from Rome Cemetery, October 7, 1926  from lot 176 section I by J. J. Strong Funeral Home.  Charles was buried in Bernard’s Bay Cemetery, New York.
Bea Lastowicka
FIKE, Edward J.
Rome Sentinel   Sept 9, 1907      EDWARD J. FIKE
                           Death From Lockjaw of a Well Known and Popular Young Man
   The death of Edward J. Fike, a well known and popular young man, occurred at his home 745 W. Dominick street at 4:05 o'clock this morning.   On Aug 27 while at work at the Rome Locomotive and Machine Works, Mr. Fike received a severe injury to the toes of his right foot.   Later, it became necessary to amputate the large toe at the first joint.   Blood poisoning developed and later lock-jaw, which was the cause of his dearth.   Mr. Fike was born in Verona on July 17, 1882.   He had lived in Rome about 10 years.   On Oct 18, 1906, he was married to Miss Catherine Moldt of this city, who survives.   He also leaves his father, Henry Fike, of East Verona, and the following brothers and sisters: John, Charles and Herbert Fike of Rome, Leon and Jonas of East Verona and Mrs. Charles Sullivan and Miss Clara Fike of this city.   Mr. Fike was a member of the German Lutheran Church of Churchville.   He also was a member of the Odd Fellows.   To the bereaved wife and members of the family will be extended the heartfelt sympathy of all in their affliction.
     Funeral services are from his late residence 745 W. Dominick St on Wednesday at 2 P.M.   Interment in Rome Cemetery.
Bea Lastowicka
FIKE, Catherine A.
Rome Sentinel   died  Jan 5, 1978    CATHERINE A. FIKE
          Mrs. Catherine E. Fike, 91, of 745 W. Dominick St., an active member of the First United Methodist Church and an officer in the Women's Christian Temperance Union for more that 60 years, died today at Rome Hospital after a brief illness.
     Mrs. Fike was a past president and district secretary of the women's society for Christian Service; first president of the Foot Philathea Class; treasurer of the Delta Alpha Class for nine years and a member of the Bethany Class at the church.   She was a chapter member of the Wesleyan Service Guild.
     A domestic worker for many local families, Mrs. Fike formerly was employed by Rome Cable Corp. during World War II.   She previously was employed by the M. J. Birnie grocery; Foot's 5 and 10; Rome Tea Kettle Works, American Can Co. and Spargo Wire Co.
     Mrs., Fike had been a member and officer of the WCTU for more than 60 years and at the time of her death held the posts of county treasurer and secretary - treasurer of the local unit.
     She was born in Rome Sept. 3, 1886, daughter of Katie Epple Thron, and was raised by the Moldt family, whose name she adopted.   She was married to Edward J. Fike Oct. 18, 1906.   He died in September, 1907.
     Her daughter, Mrs. Max ( Esther ) Lobenhofer, died March 22, 1971.
     Surviving are <private>
     The funeral will be held at the Griffin & Aldridge Funeral Home at 11:30 Saturday, with burial in Rome Cemetery.   Calling hours are 2 to 4 and 7 to 9  Friday.   The family requests that contributions be made to the Memorial Fund of the First United Methodist Church.
Bea Lastowicka
Rome Sentinel         died   March 22, 1971
                                        DEATH CLAIMS ROME WOMAN IN HER HOME
     Mrs. Max Lobenhofer, 62, of 203 W. Oak St., died this morning in her home after a long illness.
     The former Esther Mae Fike, she was born in Rome Sept 15, 1908 daughter of Edward J. and Catherine A Fike.
     A lifelong Roman, she was married to Mr. Lobenhofer on Jan 19, 1931.   She was employed as secretary of the Flavor Seal Packing Co., which is owned by her husband.
     Mrs. Lobenhofer, attended First Methodist Church.   She was a past district deputy president of Oneida District Order of Rebekah; past noble grand of Queen Esther Rebekah Lodge and currently financial secretary of the lodge; past ashayhi of Al Avah Zuanna, Ladies of the Orient; past president of the Ladies Auxiliary of the Patriots Militant and holder of the degree of chivalry of the organization; past president of the Past Noble Grands Club and past president of the Oneida County Past Noble Grands Club; member of the Past District Deputies of Oneida County; past president of Bethany Class of First United Methodist Church; and member of the Home Bureau.
     Mrs. Lobenhofer is <private>
      Funeral services will be at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday at the Griffin and Aldridge Funeral Home with the Rev. Leland W. Webster, pastor of First United Methodist Church officiating.   Interment will be in Rome Cemetery.
     Calling hours at the funeral home are from 7 to 9 tonight and 2 to 4  and 7 to 9 p.m. on Tuesday.
 Bea Lastowicka
Rome Sentinel    Died  Oct 31, 1990              MAX LOBENHOFER
SYLVAN BEACH -- Max Lobenhofer, 88, of Sylvan Beach, former owner of the Flavor Seal Packing Co., died Wednesday, Oct 31, 1990, at home after a brief illness.
     Mr. Lobenhofer was born Dec 12, 1901, in Ingelgalstadt, Germany.   He married Esther Fike on Jan 19, 1931, in Rome.   She died March 22, 1971
     He owned Flavor Seal Packing Co., from 1941 until 1975 when he retired.   Mr. Lobenhofer lived in Rome before moving to Sylvan Beach 10 years ago.
     He was a life member of the Rome Elks Club.
     Surviving are <private>
     Services will be 2 p.m. Saturday at the Griffin & Aldridge Funeral Home, Rome.   Calling hours are today from 2 to 4  and 7 to 9 p.m.   Burial will be in Rome Cemetery.
Bea Lastowicka
HOPPMAN, Frederick W.
Rome Sentinel       Sept. 5, 1946    Hoppman, Frederick W.
     HOPPMAN, Suddenly, September 5, 1946, Frederick W., husband of Catherine Herath Hoppman, Scotia and father of Mrs. Anna Mae Mac Crippen of Schenectady.
     Funeral services at 2:30 P.M. from the Roberts Funeral Home, Scotia, to which relatives and friends are invited.   Interment in Rome Cemetery.
Bea Lastowicka
HOPPMAN, Elizabeth
Rome Sentinel       Die Jan 8, 1899
     Mrs. F. W. Hoppman died at her home, 805 Kossuth street, at 10:45 on Sunday night, aged 42 years.   For several years she had been in poor health with Bright's disease and a complication of difficulties, but did not take to her bed until within a few days of her death, when pneumonia set in and was the immediate cause of dissolution.   The deceased was born in Verona and spent her entire life in that town, Frankfort and Rome, with the exception of one and one-half years in Pratt, Kansas.   for the past nine years she had lived in Rome.   She was a lifelong and faithful member of the Trinity German Lutheran Church, South James street, and of the ladies Aid Society of the church, and had the esteem of a large circle of friend and acquaintances.   She leaves her husband and one daughter, Anna May, Hoppman, also her mother, Mrs. Anna M. Seifert of Rome and the following brother and sisters: John, George, and Fred of Rome and Bernhart of Blossvale,  Mrs. Fred Rostiser,  Mrs. A. F.  Moldt and Mrs. L. L. White of Rome,  Mrs. Charles Lashbrook of Potsdam and Miss Rachael Seifert of Boston, Mass.
Bea Lastowicka
 Rome Sentinel      Died  Sept 29, 1971
 WHITESBORO - Lorie Foppes, 15, Westmoreland Road, a sophomore at Westmoreland Central School, died  Wednesday at Rome Hospital.
     She was born in Rome, June 11, 1956, daughter of Ernest and Jeannine Beasock Foppes.   She participated in the Glee Club and other school activities.
     Miss Foppes was a member of the Church of the Annunciation, Clarks Mills.
     Surviving besides <private>
     The funeral will be at 9 A.M. Saturday at the Owens Funeral Home, Clinton, and at 9:30 at the Church of the Annunciation.   Burial will be in St. Mary's Cemetery, Rome.
     Calling hours are 7 to 9 tonight and 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 Friday.
Bea Lastowicka
SKELLHAM, Clarence F.  “Skip”
Oneida Dispatch          Clarence F. "Skip" Skellham
ONEIDA - Clarence F. "Skip" Skellham Jr., 70, 4923 Randel Road, died Tuesday morning, March 19, 1996, at his residence following a lengthy illness.
     He was born on March 26, 1925, in Oneida, the son of Clarence F. and Bertha Norton Skellham.   He was a lifelong resident of Oneida, attending Oneida High School.
     He married Loretta Seifert on Oct. 18, 1947 in St. Paul's United Methodist Church, Oneida.
     Mr. Skellham retired form the Cronk Construction Company, formerly of Oneida.   He had previously been employed with Oneida Ltd., the former National Casket Company Inc., and the former Jacks Tasty Snack Corporation.
     He was of the Methodist faith.
     Mr. Skellham was a veteran of World War II, having served with the United States Navy in the European Theatre.
     Surviving <private>
Bea Lastowicka
Oneida Dispatch    Oct 10, 2001          JEAN E. PAWLIKOWSKI
ROME -- Jean E. Pawlikowski, 83, formerly of 5161 Oswego Road, Rome, died Monday, Oct 8, 2001 at Bethany House.
     She was born Jan 18, 1918 in Rome, the daughter of John A. and Alice L. Schrier Seifert.
     She attended Rome Schools.
     On. Jan. 18, 1938, she married Charles Mason.   Mr. Mason died on Feb. 9, 1951.   On July 20, 1953, she married John Pawlikowski.   Mr.  Pawlikowski died on Dec. 22, 1963.
     She worked for General Cable for three years, Varflex for 13 years, Dunlop Tires in Utica for five years and 18 years for Art Deans Service Station, retiring in 1984.
     She was a member of Taberg United Methodist Church.
     Surviving are<private>. She was predeceased by a sister, Martha Peters and one brother, Jack Seifert.
     Funeral services for Jean E. Pawlikowski will be held at the Prince-Boyd & Hyatt Home for Funerals, Inc., Thursday at 11 A.M.    Interment will be in Maple Hill Cemetery, Taberg.   Relatives and friends may call be the home for funerals, Wednesday from 2 - 6 p.m.   Memorial contributions may be made to the Taberg United Methodist Church.
Bea Lastowicka
Rome Sentinel    Died  Dec 22, 1963      John Pawlikowski
                                          WAR II VET, ROME NATIVE, PASS$S AWAY
      John Pawlikowski, 43, native Roman, died Sunday in Moline Hospital, Moline, Ill. after a brief illness.
     Mr. Pawlikowski had been a resident of the Oak Grove Trailer Co., Oak Grove, Ill., for the past six months and was employed by the John Deere Farm Implement Co. there.
     He was born Feb. 28, 1920, in Stacy Basin, son of Joseph and Katherine Dembek Pawlikowski, and attended Rome Schools.   On July 20, 1953, in Rock Island, Ill., he married Jean Seifert.
     Mr. Pawlikowski, who was an employee of the Varflex Co. here for several years, was a veteran of World War II and was wounded in action in the South Pacific while with the Army.
     Surviving besides his wife are his mother; two sisters, Mrs. Helen Burger, Cicero, and Miss Victoria Pawlikowski, Utica, and five brothers, Joseph, Frank, and Anthony, all of Rome; Peter, Verona, and Stanley, Stacy Basin.
     Funeral services will be held Friday at 8:15 at the Martin J. Nunn Funeral Home and at 9 in Transfiguration of Our Lord Church where a requiem high Mass will be celebrated.   Interment will be in St. Mary's Cemetery.
  Friends may call at the funeral home from 7 to 9 Wednesday night and Thursday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9.
Bea Lastowicka
MASON, Charles E.
Rome Sentinel      Died  Feb 10, 1951         C. E. MASON 35, Succumbs
 VERNON  --  Charles E. Mason, 35, of Vernon RD 2, died this morning in the Oneida City Hospital where he had been a patient for one week.   He had been in ill health for one month.
     A native of Lowville, he was born 18, 1905, a son of Edwin and Jessie Ostrander Mason.
     On Jan. 18, 1938 in Rome, he married the former Jean Seifert.   He had resided at the Vernon address fir the past eight years and was employed as a machinist in the Kent Company in Rome.
     Mr. Mason was a member of the Isaac Walton League.
     Surviving are his wife; his parents in North western; two sisters,  Mrs. Frank Hurlburt, Holland Patent,  and Mrs. Irving Huber, Williamsville; one brother, Robert Mason, Westmoreland, and several nieces and nephews.
     Funeral services will be held Tuesday at 2 P.M. at the Griffin and Aldridge Funeral Home, Rome.
Bea Lastowicka
GUMS, Frances
Rome Sentinel   died   Dec 4, 1970         MRS. GUMS, NATIVE of VERNON, DIES
 VERNON  --  Mrs. Reuben Gums, 40, the former Frances Seifert, and a native of this place, died Thursday at her home, 615 W. 145th St., New York City.
     She was born Dec. 14, 1929, the daughter of Mrs. Clarence (Evelyn) Seifert, and the late Mr. Seifert and had resided in New York City for the past four years.
     Mrs. Gums formerly taught in grade school in Chicago, and while there was a member of the Chicago Civic  Opera Company.   She had served as a missionary for the Methodist Church, and for the Evangelical United Brethren Church, now united with the Methodist Church.
     In New York, she was a member of St. Paul and St. Andrew United Methodist Church, and at the time of her death was employed at the Inter-Church Center, Riverside Drive, New York City.
     She and the Rev. Reuben Gums were married March 9, 1956 in the Union Church, Manila, P. I.
     Surviving besides <private>
     Funeral services will be held at 11 Saturday at the Walter B. Cooke Funeral Home, Inc., 117 W. 72nd St., New York City.   A prayer service will be held at 2 P.M. Sunday at the Alger-Hammill Funeral Home, Vernon, with the Rev. James Dickinson, pastor of the United Methodist Church officiating.   Burial will be in Maple Grove Cemetery, Vernon.
Bea Lastowicka
Rome Sentinel       Died  Jan 7, 1975      Mrs. Bert Robinson
 VERNON  --  Mrs. Bert Robinson, 33, of 402 Laurelwood Drive, Utica, a former resident of Vernon, died Tuesday in St. Elizabeth Hospital, Utica, after a long illness.
     The former Violet Seifert, she was born in Oneida on June 28, 1941, daughter of Clarence L. and A. Evelyn Lawrence Seifert.
     She attended Verona schools and was a Utica resident for 14 years.
     Mrs. Robinson was married in Maryland on June 20, 1960.   She was employed in the credit department of the Sears Roebuck Store at the New Hartford Shopping Center prior to her illness.
     She was a member of the Vernon United Methodist Church.
     Survivors are <private>
     Funeral services will be at 11 A.M. Friday at the Hammill Funeral Home with burial in Maple Grove Cemetery.
     Calling hours at the funeral home are from 7 to 9 tonight and from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 P.M. Thursday.
     Bea Lastowicka
Rome Sentinel     died  Sept 10, 1981    MRS. ENDA CHAMPNEY
          VERNON  --  Mrs. Edna Champney, 85, of Verona Road, died Thursday, Sept. 10, 1981, in Oneida City Hospital, after a brief illness.
     Born in Rome on Sept. 28, 1895, she was the daughter of John and Emma Stagner Seifert.   On Nov. 5, 1919, she was married to Nathan W. Champney in Rome.   He died Oct. 11, 1979.
     Mrs. Champney, a Protestant, was a life member of the Verona Grange and a member of the auxiliary of William Russell Post, American Legion.
     Surviving are<private>  A daughter, Mrs. Velma Munio, died in 1972.
     Services will be held at 2 P.M. Saturday at the Malecki Funeral Home, with burial in Verona Cemetery.
     Calling hours are 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 P.M. Friday.   Memorial contributions may be made to the American Heart Association.
Bea Lastowicka
Rome Sentinel    Died  Oct 11, 1979    NATHAN W. CHAMPNEY
        VERNON  --  Nathan W. Champney, 81, of RD 2, Verona Road, died Thursday night, Oct. 11, 1979, in Oneida City Hospital, where he had been a patient since Aug 20.
     Before retiring in 1963, Mr. Champney was employed as a foreman in the annealing room at Oneida Ltd.
     Born in Rome, Dec. 11, 1897, he was the son of Jay and Arah Green Champney and was educated in Rome and Vernon schools.
     Mr. Champney was a Protestant.   He was a life member of the Verona Grange and was a member of the Oneida Owls Nest,  the CAC Retirement Club and the German Mutual Benefit Society.   He was a former member of the Vernon Odd Fellows.
     Surviving besides<private>Another daughter, Mrs. Velma Munio, died in 1972.
     The Funeral will be at a time to be announced Sunday at the Malecki Funeral Home.   Burial will be in Verona Cemetery.
     Calling hours are 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 P.M. Saturday.
     The family suggests that contributions may be made to the cancer or kidney foundations.
Bea Lastowicka
Oneida Dispatch     died  May 13, 1997    WARD N. CHAMPNEY
           VERNON  --  Ward N. Champney, 76, of 5837 Cooper St., died early Tuesday afternoon, May 13, 1997, at the Oneida Health care Center.
     Mr. Champney was born Aug. 5, 1920, in Vernon, the son of Nathan and Edna Seifert Champney.
     He was a graduate of Vernon High School and attended the former Syracuse School of Aeronautics.
     Mr. Champney was a veteran of World War II having served with the United States Army in the Pacific Theatre.
     On March 18, 1944, in Vernon, he married the former Dorothy Lampman.
    Prior to his retirement, Mr. Champney was employed with the former Dairy-Lea Corporation of Vernon and the Eastern Milk Producers of Syracuse as a Quality Control Inspector.
     He was a 50 year member of the United Methodist Church of Vernon and a 47 year member of the Sconondoa-Sherrill Free and Accepted Masons Lodge No. 814 of Vernon.
     Mr. Champney was also a past commander of the William Russell Post No. 414 American Legion of Vernon.
     Surviving are <private>
     Funeral services with Military Honors will be held on Friday at 11 A.M. from the Malecki Funeral Home Inc., 23 Front Street, Vernon, with the Rev. Robert Wollaber, pastor of the United Methodist Church of Vernon, officiating.   Burial will be in Maple Grove Cemetery, Vernon.   Friends may call at the funeral home on Thursday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 P.M.   Mr. Champney is also survived by his son's fiancee, Carole of Milford, Conn., and two great grandchildren, Tori Lynn Champney and Joseph Edward Janis.   He is predeceased by two sisters, Velma Munio and Shirley Sloma.
Bea Lastowicka
CHAMPNEY, Dorothy L.
Oneida Dispatch       died  Sept 16, 1999     DOROTHY L. CHAMPNEY
  VERNON  --  On Thursday morning, Sept 16, 1999, Dorothy L. Champney, 76, of 5837 Cooper St., passed away in Bradford, Conn.
     Dorothy was born on Oct. 26, 1922, in Vernon, the daughter of Peter and Mabel Lampman and received\ her education in the Vernon High school system.   On May 13, 1944, in Vernon, Dorothy was united in marriage to Ward N. Champney and enjoyed this union of more than 50 years until Mr. Champney died on May 13, 1997.
     Mrs. Champney was employed as a secretary with the Rome Developmental Center until her retirement in 1965.   Mrs. Champney was a 50 year member of the untied Methodist Church, Vernon, and was a member of The Eastern Star No. 814 of Vernon since 1951.
     Surviving are<private>
      Friends may call on Sunday from 2 - 4 and 7 - 9 P.M. at the Malecki Funeral Home Inc., 23 Front St. and the corner of North Sconondoa St., Vernon.   Funeral services will be on Monday at 11 A.M. AT THE Funeral Home with Rev. Archie Clark pastor of the United Methodist Church of Vernon officiating.   Interment will be Maple Grove Cemetery, Vernon.   In Mrs. Champney's memory contributions may be made to Hospice of Connecticut or Hospice Care Inc. New Hartford, New York.
Bea Lastowicka
Oneida Dispatch     died  August 20, 1974      MRS. RONALD B. CHAMPNEY
      WESTMORELAND --  Mrs. Judith M. Champney, 34, of Moore Rd., RD 2, Rome, died yesterday in St. Luke's Memorial  Hospital Center, Utica.
     Born June 22, 1940 in Franklin Springs, she was the daughter of Paul and Stella Landry Urtz.   She attended Clinton schools.   In 1959 she was married to Ronald B. Champney in Clinton.   The couple lived in Westmoreland for 13 years.
     Mrs. Champney was a member of the Church of the Annunciation Clark Mills and the Verona Square Dance Club.
     Surviving besides <private>
Buried in St. Mary’s Cemetery, Clinton, New York.
Bea Lastowicka
SLOMA, Shirley
Oneida Dispatch       died  April 25, 1994       SHIRLEY SLOMA
      VERNON  --  Shirley Sloma, 72, of 5900 State Route 5, died early Monday evening, April 25, 1994, in Oneida City Hospital, where she had been a patient since April 17.
     She was born Feb. 19, 1922 in Vernon, the daughter of Nathan and Edna Seifert Champney.
     Mrs. Sloma, a Vernon High School graduate, married Charles Sloma June 8, 1946 in Vernon.
     Prior to her retirement in 1981, she was head cook at Vernon Downs.
     Mrs. Sloma was a member of the William Russell Post No. 404 Auxiliary of Vernon and the Verona Grange No. 1439.
     She was a Catholic.
     Surviving besides <private>
     Funeral services will be held on Friday at 11 A.M. from the Malecki Funeral Home Inc., 23 Front St., corner of North Sconondoa Street, Vernon, with the Rev. Edwin T. Comeskey, pastor of the Holy Family of Vernon, officiating.   Burial will be in the Verona Cemetery.   Friends may call at the funeral home on Thursday, from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 P.M.   In Mrs. Sloma's memory, contributions may be made to the charity of one's Choice.
Bea Lastowicka
SLOMA, Charles F.
Oneida Dispatch    died  Aug 6, 2002          CHARLES F. SLOMA
       VERNON --  Charles F. Sloma, 86, of the Masonic Home, Utica and a former resident of State Route 5, Vernon, died early Tuesday evening, Aug 6, 2002 at the Masonic Home, where he had resided since July of 1999.
     Charlie was born June 21, 1916 in Utica, the son of Charles and Helena Popps Sloma.   He was a graduate of Utica Free Academy.
       During the years of 1944 through 1946, Charlie proudly served his country with the U. S. Army.
       On June 8, 1946 in Vernon, Charlie was united in marriage with  the former Shirley Champney, a union which lasted until her death on April 25, 1994.
       Prior to his retirement several years ago, Charlie was employed as an equipment operator with the town of Vernon and the City of Sherrill.   He was also employed with Vernon Downs in the beverage department.   He was a member of the Church of the Holy Family of Vernon, the Owls Club Nest No. 1606 of Oneida and the Sherrill American Legion Post No. 230.
       Surviving are <private>Charlie was predeceased by a son, Eugene "Jake" Sloma on Jan 20, 1999.
       Funeral services will be held on Saturday at 10:30 A.M. from the Malecki Funeral Home Inc., 23 Front St., corner of N. Sconondoa St., Vernon with the Rev. Richard Morisette, pastor of Church of The Holy Family of Vernon officiating.   Burial will be in the Verona Cemetery.   Relatives and friends may call at the funeral home on Friday from 2 - 4 and 7 - 9 P.M.
Bea Lastowicka
SLOMA, Eugene “Jake”
Oneida Dispatch      Died Jan 20, 1999  EUGENE "JAKE" SLOMA
      VERNON  --  Eugene "Jake" Sloma, 49, of 5900 State Route 5, died unexpectedly Wednesday evening, Jan. 20, 1999, at the Oneida Health Care Center.
     Mr. Sloma was born May 13, 1949, in Oneida, the son of Charles and Shirley Champney Sloma.
     Mr. Sloma received his education in local schools and was lifelong resident of Vernon.
     For eight years, Mr. Sloma, was employed as a truck driver for the Alliance Land Fill Company.
     Surviving are <private>
     Funeral services will be on Monday at 11:00 A.M. at the Malecki Funeral Home, Inc., 23 Front Street, Vernon with the Rev. Edwin T. Comeskey celebrating the service.   Friends may call at the Malecki Funeral Home, Inc., on Sunday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 P.M.  Burial will be this spring in Verona Cemetery, Verona.   Contributions may be made to the Vernon Center Fire Department in Mr. Sloma's memory.   Mr. Sloma is also survived be a brother - in - law, Loren Rogers and three nephews, Nathan Sloma Jr., and Neil and Danny Rogers, all of Vernon.
Bea Lastowicka
Unknown paper           died  Sept 28, 2002          EDWARD J. DANISZEWSKI
Vernon  --  Edward J. Daniszewski, 54, of Townline Rd., died early Saturday morning, Sept 28, 2002 at the Oneida Health Care Center.   Ed was born Aug 10, 1948 In Syracuse, son of Joseph and Frances Smotor Daniszewski.   He was a graduate of Christian Brothers Academy of Syracuse and attended the Seminary of Orchard Lake Michigan before graduating from SUNY Buffalo class of 1970.   In 1981, Ed received his Masters of Science degree from Syracuse University and his PhD of Philosophy in 1986.   Prior to his retirement of this year, Ed was employed as a Senior Research Physicist at the U. S. Air Force Research Lab of Rome.   He was very proud of his accomplishments at the Lab, resulting in several awards; among them a Discover Magazine for Technological Innovation for his work in DNA theories, Rome Laboratory for outstanding technology development and the  Charles E. Ryan award for his excellent contributions to Rome Air Development Center in 1986 and 1987.   Relaxation time for Ed was his enthusiasm for  cooking and the Food network.   He also enjoyed the careers of John Wayne, Marilyn Monroe, the Three Stooges, Albert Einstein and the Yankees.
     Surviving Ed are<private>
     Nadine especially thanks Steve Tersten and Ed's sister Cecelia for their kindness and compassion extended to Ed during his illness.
     Relatives and friends may attend funeral services at the Malecki Funeral Home, Inc., 23 Front St., Vernon on Tuesday at 1 P.M.   Calling hours will be Tuesday from 11 A.M. to 1 P.M.
Bea Lastowicka
MUNIO, Coneie and Velma
Rome Sentinel   in paper August 7, 1972    CONEIE C. MUNIO and VELMA CHAMPNEY MUNIO
      BLOSSVALE  --    A family outing ended in tragedy Saturday night when four persons drowned in Fish Creek, off Route 49, at 7:45 P.M.
     The body of Coneie C. Munio, 46 Verona, was recovered a 1 P.M. Sunday by scuba divers Trooper G. T. Darby, Oneida, and W. M. Holmes, North Syracuse.
     The body of Munio's wife, Velma L. Munio, 38, was recovered at 10 P.M. Saturday.   She was lodged in a submerged tree 200 feet downstream from where she entered the water.
     A niece, Sherry Smolter, 14, 230 Kline Road, Glenfield, Pa., was located in the water 75 feet away at 10:15 P.M. Saturday.
     William Smolter, 16, brother of Sherry, was found 25 feet downstream at 11:50 P.M. Saturday, through dragging operations initiated by State Police shortly after the four disappeared below the surface at a spot where the water is 25 feet deep.
     According to the police report, Sherry Smolter and Laura Munio, 15, were swimming in the creek when Sherry was swept under water by the swift current.  Laura attempted to assist her.   Munio who was fishing nearby, jumped into the water, and was able to help Laura reach shore, before both he and Sherry were carried downstream, police said.
     Mrs. Munio jumped into the water to help her husband and the girl,  the report said.  All three fought to stay above water, and while they were struggling, William Smolter, seeking to aid Munio, his wife and Sherry, west beneath the surface, according to the report.
     The State Police helicopter was used to help locate the submerged bodies.
      Dragging was discontinued after several hours and resumed at 8 A.M. Sunday with the Oneida County Sheriff's Department patrol boat assisting.
     Orville Brodock, owner of the property where the Munio family was swimming and fishing said the water at the scene was usually about 16 feet deep, but since the recent rains and floods, the swimming hole was much deeper.
     Heading the investigation were State Police Capt. George Loomis, Oneida; Zone Sgt. F. A. Carroll and Zone Sgt. A. J. Quinn, both of North Syracuse, BCI Inv. James R. Coulter, Oneida; Trooper B. E. Boyer who made the preliminary investigation, and Troopers K. W. Ferris, F. W. Clark and R. C. Boncella, all of Sylvan Beach.
     The Smolter children has been visiting at Munio's.
     Funeral services for the Munio's will be at 2 P.M. Wednesday at the Strong Funeral Home, Rome, with burial in Evergreen Cemetery at Stokes.
     Mr. Munio was born in Nelson County, Va., July 19, 1926, a son of Gerald J. and Bertha Reed Munio.   He received his education at Seifert Corners school and Rome Free Academy.   He married the former Velma Champney on July 19, 1952, in Vernon.   They lived in Ridge Mills before moving to Verona about 10 years ago.
     Mr. Munio was a psychiatric aide at the Rome State School, and was also a bus driver for the Vernon-Verona-Sherrill Central School District.   He was a World War II veteran.
     He was a member of the Verona Methodist Church and the Order of Owls in Oneida.
     He leaves<private>
     Mrs. Munio was born in Oneida, March 7, 1929, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Champney.   She attended Vernon schools and the State University Agricultural and Technical College at Morrisville.   She was a former employee of Oneida Limited.
     She also was a member of the Verona United Methodist Church.
     Surviving besides <private>
     Calling hours at the funeral home are this evening from 7 to 9 and Tuesday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9.
Bea Lastowicka
SALM, Calvin C.
Rome Sentinel     Died   March 25, 1957      SALM Infant Dies in Hospital
    VERNON CENTER  --  Calvin C. Salm, eight month old son of Charles and Alcenia Champney Salm, died last night.
     He was born in Oneida, July 28, 1956.
     Surviving besides his parents are his maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Champney, Vernon, and his paternal great grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Salm, Vernon Center.
     Funeral services will be held Thursday at 2 P.M. at the Alger Funeral Home, Vernon with the Rev. David L, Moe, pastor of the Methodist Church officiating.   Burial will be in Verona Cemetery.
     Friends may call at the funeral home on Wednesday from 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 P.M.
Bea Lastowicka
SALM, Kyle Lynn
Rome Sentinel       Died  March 15, 1963      Kyle Lynn Salm Dies at Age 5
     VERNON --  Kyle Lynn Salm, 5 year old son of Charles and Alcenia Champney Salm of Newport, RD, New York, died Friday in St. Luke's Hospital, Utica, following a brief illness.   He was born in Oneida July 26, 1957, and attended kindergarten at Newport.
     He is survived by his mother and father, a sister Valerie, three years old; a brother Ronald, two years old both of Newport; his maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Champney, Vernon; his paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Salm, Vernon Center; and his great grandmother, Mrs. Jane Salm, Vernon Center.
     The funeral will be held at the Alger Funeral Home, Vernon, Monday, at 2 P.M., with the Rev. Frederick W. Cook, associate pastor of the First Methodist Church, Rome, officiating.   Friends are invited and may call at the Funeral Home today from 7 to 9 P.M. and Sunday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 P.M.   Interment in Verona Cemetery.
Bea Lastowicka
GOLDEN, Pearl L.
Rome Sentinel    Died  Oct 16, 1973         MRS. GOLDEN dies; Funeral on Friday
        Mrs. Exit Golden, 71, Colonial Apartments, died Tuesday in Rome Hospital.
     The former Pearl L. Ward, she was born Aug. 14, 1902, in Rome, daughter of Almon H. and Lottie Richardson Ward.   On July 23, 1923, she was married to LeRoy R. Seifert.   He died Jan. 12, 1946.   On Oct 5, 1946, she was married to Mr. Exit Golden.   He died Feb. 20 1968.
     Mrs. Golden had lived in the Rome area all her life and for many years operated a grocery at Seiferts Corners.
     She was a member of St. John's Lutheran Church.
     Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Marvin (Gloria) Love Sr., Taberg; a son, Ralph W. Seifert Sr., Rome; three stepsons, Arthur F. Golden Sr., Rome; Earl Golden, North Day, and Paul Golden, Rome, and six grandchildren.
     Funeral services will be 2 Friday in the Griffin & Aldridge Funeral Home, with the Rev. John O'Connor, pastor of St. John's Church, officiating.   Burial will be in Verona Cemetery.
     Calling hours at the funeral home are from 7 to 9 tonight and from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 Thursday.
Bea Lastowicka
Rome Sentinel       Died   Feb 20, 1968        Exit Golden Succumbs at Age of 81
    Exit C. Golden, 81, Seifert Corners, a retired employee of Revere Copper and Brass Inc., died at Rome Hospital Tuesday night after a long illness.
     He was born March 29, 1886 in Boonville, son of David and Caroline VanSchoick Golden, and moved to Rome with his family at an early age.
     Mr. Golden married the former Elizabeth Rapke on Nov. 21, 1906.   She died May 15, 1936.   He married the former Pearl Seifert, who survives, on Oct 5, 1946, in St. John's Lutheran Church.
     He was employed at Revere for 44 years, retiring in 1956, and later worked as a school crossing guard on Gifford Road.   Mr. Golden had also worked as a canaller on the old Erie Canal.
     He was a member of St. John's Lutheran Church.
     Surviving  besides his wife are three son, Arthur E. Golden Sr. and Paul L. Golden, both of Rome, and Earl W. Golden, Floyd; a sister, Mrs. Howard (Jessie) Doxie, Daytona, Fla.; two brothers, Hayes Golden, Hollywood, Fla., and Kermit Golden, Pamona Park, Fla.; a stepdaughter, Mrs. Marvin (Gloria) Love, Taberg; a stepson, Ralph W. Seifert, Rome; eight grandchildren and nine great grandchildren.
     Funeral services will be held Friday morning at 11 in the Griffin and Aldridge Funeral Home, with the Rev. Paul A. Boriack, pastor of St. John's Lutheran Church, officiating.   Interment will be in Rome Cemetery.
Bea Lastowicka
Rome Sentinel    Died Dec 24, 1931     FRED ROSTISER, 78 REMOVED BY DEATH
                      Former Rome Man Had Been Resident of Binghamton Since July
      Fred  Rostiser, 78, formerly of 700 W. Dominick Street, passed away at 7 o'clock this morning at the Binghamton City Hospital where he had been since December 10.   Death was due to an incurable stomach disease and complications.
     Mr. Rostiser was born in Rome on October 22, 1853, a son of the late Fred and Elizabeth Hager Rostiser, and the greater part of his life was spent in this city.
     On December 29, 1885, he was united in marriage with Mary Elizabeth Seifert by the Rev. Theodore Molling, then pastor of the Trinity Evangelical Church.   Following the death of his wife last July, Mr. Rostiser went to Binghamton to make his home with his daughter, Miss Marian Rostiser.   Surviving besides his daughter are three nieces and two nephews.
     The body is being brought here for burial by Waldo Wiggins Prince.
     The funeral of Fred Rostiser was held at the Waldo Wiggins Prince Home for Funerals at 2 o'clock this afternoon with the Rev. David N. Boswell officiating.   In the service, the Rev. Mr. Boswell read "Abide with me."
     Nephews of Mr. Rostiser served as bearers,   They  were Harry Moldt, and Stuart Seifert of Rome,  Clarence Seifert of Vernon and Elmer Seifert of Vienna.
     Interment was made in Rome Cemetery.
Bea Lastowicka
ROSTISER, Mary Elizabeth
Rome Sentinel     Died  July 16, 1931     MARY ROSTISER Dies After Long Illness
                                        Born in Verona in 1863    Most of her life had been spent here                                   Mary Elizabeth Seifert, wife of Fred Rostiser, died at her home at 700 W. Dominick street last night, after a long period of ill health.   She had been confined to her bed for the past two weeks.
     Mrs. Rostiser was born in the town of Verona on September 28, 1863, a daughter of the late John and Anna Solger Seifert.   Most of her life was spent in Rome where on Dec. 29, 1885, she was married to Mr. Rostiser by the Rev T. S. Molling, then pastor of Trinity Evangelical Church.   For a great many years she attended the First Baptist Church.
     Surviving besides her husband are a daughter, Marian, at home, a sister, Mrs. Anna S.  Lashbrook, an instructor at the School for the Deaf, three brothers, George and Fred Seifert of Rome and john Seifert of Verona.    There are also a number of nephews and nieces.
     Funeral services were held from her home at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon with the Rev. David N. Boswell officiating.
     Nephews of Mrs. Rostiser, Elmer Seifert of Vienna, Clarence Seifert of Verona, Stuart Seifert and Harry Moldt of this city, acted as bearers.
     Present from out of town were Mrs. Anna Crippen and daughter, Elizabeth, of Schenectady and Miss Ethel Houck of Binghamton.   Burial was made in Rome Cemetery.
Bea Lastowicka
 ROSTISER, Marion B.
Rome Sentinel         Died June 6, 1949     Miss Marion B. Rostiser
     A funeral service for Miss Marion B. Rostiser, who died in Binghamton, Monday, was held at 2:30 P.M. today at the Waldo Wiggins Prince Home for Funerals.   The Rev. David N. Boswell, pastor of First Baptist Church of which she was a member, officiated.
     Interment was in Rome Cemetery with Pay F. and Stuart G. Seifert, Max Lobenhofer and Harry O. Moldt as bearers.
     A group of her fellow teachers in Binghamton Central High School attended the funeral.
     Flowers included tributes from department heads, faculty members, Social Studies Council, English department, history teachers and student body all of Central High School of Binghamton and the First Baptist Church of Rome.
     Born  Sept 27, 1898
Note:   Marion was born to Bernard C and Mary Hanicker Seifert.    Mary died the day after her birth.   Bernard’s sister, Mary Elizabeth Rostiser and her husband Fred adopted the child.
Bea Lastowicka
WHITE, Loring
Rome Sentinel     Died  Oct 11, 1943     LORING WHITE, 85 DIES AFTER SHOCK
                               Roman Succumbs at Home of Son, Howard, at Dix; ill 4 Weeks
     Loring L. White, 85, died at the home of his son, Howard G. White Sr., Rome-Dix Road, at 9 A.M. today.   He suffered a shock four weeks ago at his home, 1105 Oneida St., and was moved to the home of his son.
     Mr. White was born in North Constantia January 11, 1858, son of the late Daniel and Betsy Ann Caulkins White.   He came to Rome when a young man.   About 58 years ago he was married to Caroling Seifert who died November 20, 1908.   He was a member of Zion Episcopal Church.
     Survivors besides the son, Howard, include these children; Harold R., Detroit;  Mrs. Bertha Nystrom, Marcy; Leonard C., Detroit; Lloyd L., Rochester;  Mrs. Bernice Covell, Troy.
     These grandchildren;  Mrs. William Harrington, Rome; Mrs. Philip Colello, Endicott; Mrs. Roy Smith, Miss Jane Nystrom, Utica; Robert and Donald White, Detroit; T. Sgt. Howard G White Jr., who is overseas; Air Cadet Loring C. White, Jackson, Tenn., Ruth M. and Pearl H. White, White, Rome; Helen and Lloyd White, Rochester; a half brother, Herbert Munroe, Constantia, three great grandchildren and several nieces and nephews.
     Interment in Rome Cemetery.
Bea Lastowicka
WHITE, Caroline
Rome Sentinel   in paper Nov 21, 1908       Died  Nov 20, 1908
       The death of Mrs. Caroline H. White, aged 42 years and 9 months, wife of Loring L. White, 1105 Oneida Street, occurred in this city of Friday evening.   Death was due to a complication of disease from which she had suffered for some time.   Mrs. White was born in the town of Rome, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Seifert and her whole life had been spent here.   About 21 years ago at Delta, she was married to Mr. White, who survives with the following children:  Bertha E.,  Mabel E.,  and Bernice Evelyn, Harold H.,  Howard G., and Lloyd L. White all of Rome.   She also leaves the following sisters and brothers;  Mrs. A. F. Moldt,  Mrs. Fred Rostiser and Mrs. Charles Lashbrook of Rome and Mrs. Regina Contant of New York;  John Seifert of Lowell,  Bernard Seifert of Blossvale, George and Fred Seifert of Rome,   Mrs. White was a member of Zion Episcopal Church.   She had many friends in this city who will be pained to learn of her death, who will extend sincere sympathy to the family in its bereavement.
Bea Lastowicka
WHITE, Howard  G.
Rome Sentinel      died  Nov 24, 1980
     Howard G. White Sr., 84, of 115 Mac Arthur Drive, a retired Revere employee and former school crossing guard, died Monday, Nov. 24, 1980, in Rome Hospital after a brief illness.
     He was born in Rome on Sept. 13, 1896, son of Loring L. and Caroline Seifert White.   On Nov. 26, 1917, he married Helen D. Smith in St. Joseph's Church, Schenectady.   She died May 11, 1976.
     Mr. White was a farmer on Dix Road, town of Westmoreland, for several years and employed by Revere for more than 30 years, retiring in 1962.   For 17 years he was a crossing guard at the intersections of Linden and James streets and Linden Street and Black River Boulevard.
     He was a member of St. Mary's Church and the Revere Retirees' Association.
     Surviving are <private>
     Services will be held at 9 A.M. Wednesday at the Griffin and Aldridge Funeral Home and at 9:30 at St. Mary's Church.   Burial will be in St. Mary's Cemetery.   Calling hours are 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 P.M. Tuesday.
     Memorial contributions may be made to St. Mary's Catholic School Fund.
Bea Lastowicka
WHITE, Helen Smith
Rome Sentinel    died  May 21, 1976
     Mrs. Howard G. White Sr., 80, of 115 MacArthur Drive, died today in Rome Hospital after a long illness.
     The former Helen Smith, she was born in Schenectady March 11, 1896, daughter of Charles A. and Margaret Miller Smith.   She was educated in Schenectady schools.
     She and Mr. White were married Nov. 26, 1917, in Schenectady and moved to Rome at that time.
     Mrs. White was a member of St. Mary's Church, its Altar - Rosary Society and the Christ Child Society.
     Surviving are <private>
     Funeral services will be held at 9:30 Friday in St. Mary's Church, with burial in St. Mary's Cemetery.    Calling hours at the Funeral Home of Griffin & Aldridge will be 7 to 9 Wednesday and 2 to 4o and 7 to 9 Thursday.
Bea Lastowicka
NYSTROM,  Bertha
Rome Sentinel      Died Dec 6, 1971   MRS. NYSTROM DIES AFTER LONG ILLNESS
     Mrs. Perry Walter Nystrom, 82, formerly of 1105 Oneida St., died Monday after a long illness.   The former Bertha E. White, she was born in Rome Nov. 25, 1889, daughter of Loring L. and Caroline Seifert White, and was educated in Rome schools.
     Her husband died in 1937.
     Mrs. Nystrom was a member of Zion Episcopal Church.
     Surviving are<private>
     Funeral services will be from Zion Episcopal Church on Thursday at 10 A. M.   Burial will be in Rome Cemetery.   There are no calling hours.
     Donations may be made to the Zion Episcopal Church Memorial Fund.
     Funeral arrangements are by the Strong Funeral Home.
Bea Lastowicka
NYSTROM, Perry Walter
Rome Sentinel     Died  May 18, 1937   P. W. NYSTROM, 54, DIED IN BROADACRES
     Perry Walter Nystrom, 54, 1105, Oneida St., died early this morning at Broadacres Sanatorium after an illness of six years.   Mr. Nystrom, who had spent most of his life in Rome, was widely known as an electrician.
     He was born Sept. 10, 1882, in Seymour, Conn., son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Peter Nystrom.   He received his early education in Connecticut, coming to Rome in 1906 as a wire drawer for the Spargo Wire Co.
     On Sept. 9, 1909, he married Miss Bertha White of Rome.   For nine years, he was employed; as chief electrician at Revere Copper and Brass Incorporated and was last employed by Delos Humphrey, electrical contractor.   He was a member of Zion Episcopal Church and was affiliated with the Junior Order of American Mechanics.
     Surviving are his widow, five daughters,  Mrs. Evelyn Harrington, Rome; Mrs. Pearl Colella, Endicott; Blanche Nystrom, Rome; Jeanne Nystrom, Utica and Eleanor Nystrom, Whitesboro; three grandchildren; a step mother, Mrs. Pauline Nystrom, Seymour, Conn.; two step brothers, Paul and Charles Nystrom, and three step sisters, Edna, Lillian and Harriett, all of Seymour, Conn.
Bea Lastowicka
CIVITELLI, Peter J. “Whiskey Pete”
Rome Sentinel    Died  Oct 20, 1990
       Peter J. "Whiskey Pete" Civitelli Sr., 69, of 5409 N. E. Sixth Ave. Fort Lauderdale, Fla., a retired construction worker formerly of Rome, died Saturday, Oct. 20, 1990, in St. Elizabeth Hospital, Utica, after a brief illness.
     Mr. Civitelli was a general construction worker for 29 years, retiring in 1982.
     Born March 16, 1921, in Rome, he was the son of Alphonso and Vincenza Stromei Civitelli.   He married Jeanne Nystrom on Oct. 26, 1946 in Rome.   On July 29, 1986, he married Marjorie Franklin in Fort Lauderdale, Fla.
     He was a member of St. John the Baptist Church, the Local 442 Labor Union and the Toccolanna Club.
     Surviving besides his wife are two daughters, Mrs. Grover (Linda) Harris, Utica, and Mrs. John (Valerie) Gardner, Rome; a stepdaughter, Mrs. William (Donna) Manciocchi, Williamsport, Pa., a son, Peter Civitelli Jr., Rome; three step sons, Michael Tucker, Boston, Mass.; Robert Tucker, Boca Raton, Fla., and Clyde Tucker, Washington, D.C.; three sisters, Mrs. Carmella DePasquale and Mrs. Russell (Marie) Smith, both of Rome, and Mrs. Eugene (Mary) Kirkham, Taberg; nine grandchildren; a great grandchild and 11 step grandchildren.
     Services are 9 A. M. Tuesday at the Barry Funeral Home.   Burial will be in St. John's Cemetery.   Calling hours are from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 today.
Bea Lastowicka
Rome Sentinel     died  March 14, 1971      Mr. Gleasman Dies After Heart Attack
     Elmer E. Gleasman Jr., 58, of 124 Victory Drive, died Sunday at Rome Hospital.   He had been stricken with a heart attack Saturday while attending the funeral of his mother,  Mrs. Elmer E. Gleasman Sr., who died Wednesday.
     Mr. Gleasman was a weighmaster at Rome Cable Corp.   He had formerly been a driver for local bus companies for 23 years and had been a foreman of the Rome Public Works Department yard.
     Born Nov. 24, 1912, in Rome, he was the son of Elmer E. and Lena L. Rivers Gleasman Sr.   He attended Rome schools and married Dorothy E. Seifert.
     Mr. Gleasman was a member of the Christian and Missionary Alliance Church.
     Surviving besides his wife are a daughter, Margaret J. Gleasman, at home; a son, George W. Gleasman, Rome; a brother, Arnold E. Gleasman, Utica, three grandchildren and several nieces and nephews.   Another brother, Marvin E. Gleasman, died Jan. 2, 1971.
Bea Lastowicka