Unsorted Obituaries

Castle, Thomas
Rome Sentinel
August 10, 1904
Point Rock - Our community was greatly shocked
by hearing of the sudden death of Thomas Castle, formerly an old and respected
citizen of this place, but for the past six years a resident of Lee.
Mr. Castle was apparently in the best of health, partook of a hearty supper
and expired soon after, while the memers of the family were gone for a
brief time to a garden a short distance from the house. Mr. Castle
was born in Canterbury, England in 1822. In his early manhood he
came to America with his parents, locating in Utica for a time. In
1850 he was married to Miss Susan O’Donnell and the family soon removed
to this place and settled upon the farm where the active, useful lives
of this worthy couple were spent until the breaking up of the happy home
by the death of Mrs. Castle in 1898, from which time he had made his home
with his youngest daughter,
Mrs. J. B. Wallace of Stokes, and been tenderly
cared for. Mrs. Castle was the father of ten children, eight of whom
survive: Mrs. Mary Conners and Ambrose Castle of Rome, Thomas Castle
of Bartlett, Mrs. Alice Wallace, Mrs. Sarah Hurlbut, Charles and James
Castle of Stokes and John F. Castle of Lee Center. Mr. Castle was
a good neighbor and a kind father and was everywhere recognized as an upright,
conscientious man who had the respect and confidence of all. He never
obtruded, but wherever he went always found a warm welcome.
The children have the sincere sympathy of this community and the consolation
that he was universally esteemed where more than forty years of his life
was spent.
Additional obit:
Thomas Castle Sr., 82, died suddenly at the
home of his daughter, Mrs. J. B. Wallace of Stokes, early on Monday evening.
A few minutes before eight o’clock Mrs. Wallace left the house to make
a short call at the home of a neighbor. Mr. Castle was sitting in
a chair reading a newspaper. He was dead when she returned.
Cornoner Hubbard was summoned to Stokes and upon making an examination
said death was caused by cerebral hemorrhage.
Cogswell, Olive Sizer
Rome Sentinel
October 31, 1902
Rome - Mrs. Olive Cogswell, widow of John
Cogswell, died Monday morning at the home of her daughter-in-law, Mrs.
George Webster, on Quaker Hill, in the town of Western. She was born
in that vicinity 78 years ago and had always lived there. Mrs.
Cogswell was twice married, her second husband
dying about seven years ago. Deceased was a daughter of Luther Sizer,
one of the earlier settlers of the town of Western. Surviving are the following
children by her first husband: Wesley Webster, Rome,
Milton Webster, Colorado, George Webster,
Utica; an adopted daughter Mrs. Erwin Hewitt, Rutland, Vt; one brother,
Warren W. Sizer, Harbert, Mich., two sisters, Mrs. C. M. Hunt, Ava, Mrs.
C. S. Beckwith, Rome. Mrs. Cogswell was a faithful member of the
ME Church and a very charitable lady.
She was much loved by all who knew her and her death will prove a loss
in the locality where she had lived so many years. The funeral of Mrs.
Olive Cogswell was held yesterday from her late residence on Quaker
Hill and was very largely attended.
Rev. Mr. Cottrell of Delta officiated. He paid a high tribute to
the memory of deceased. The singing was by the choir from Delta.
The bearers were Henry Craig, Thomas McMullen, Orgen Hartson and Rolland
stearns. Interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
Cronk, Almira Platt
Rome Sentinel
November 23, 1905
Mrs. I. A. Webster, 124 Park Street, has
received the sad word of the death of her sister, Mrs. Almira Cronk of
Boonville, widow of Milton H. Cronk, aged 44 yrs. Member of the M.
C. Church of Boonville, and christian worker and beloved by all who knew
her. Most of all, where she leaves three children to mourn, the kind
loss and loving mother, also her aged father, Richard H. Platt of Boonville,
three brothers, Willard F. of Wright Settlement, George E. of Forrestport,
John E. Platt of Ava, four sisters, Mrs. David Money, Mrs. I. A. Webster
of Rome, Mrs. Walter C. Moyer of Richfield Springs and Mrs. William Penn
Griffith of Boonville.
Fitch, James H.
Boonville Herald
June 17, 1926
James H. Fitch died suddenly Friday morning
at the home of his son, Fred Fitch, on West Street. Mr. Fitch was
born in Steuben February 24, 1841, the son of the late Isaac & Elizabeth
Edick Fitch. He was the last survivor of a family of eight children.
As a young man he followed the occupation of mill-wright and later farming
until he retired to Boonville to reside. He was a volunteer of Co.
I., 117th. NY Volunteers, and served three years and eight months in the
Civil War. He saw much active service and was wounded at Cold Harbor.
His regiment assisted in blowing up the mines at Petersburg. He was
an active member of Wheelock Post, GAR, and a member of the ME Church.
September 18, 1868 he married Harriet L. Joslin who died in 1923.
Surviving are Eugene E. Fitch, Fred Fitch and Mrs. Emma S. F. Neiss, and
ten grandchildren. The funeral was held at the home of his son, Fred
Fitch, Sunday at 2 pm, Rev. C. G. Roop officiating.
Fitch, Pearl Mudge
Rome Sentinel
January 19, 1930
Westernville - This community was saddened
on Sunday when it became known that Mrs. Albert Fitch had passed awy at
an early hour in a Rome hospital. She had undergone a serious operation
a number of days ago and had seemed to be gaining until a sudden development
caused her death. Pearl Mudge Fitch was born near this village and
her home had always been in this vicinity. She was the daughter of
William A. & Eva L. Mudge. September 24, 1924 she was united
in marriage with Albert Fitch, who survivies. She was a member of Westernville
Methodist CHurch and since early childhood had been active in all the affairs
of the church. The deepest sympathy of friends here is extened to the sorrowing
relatives. She leaves beside her husband and parents, on son William
H., aged 4; four sisters, Dorothy, Gladys, Minnie and Millicent Mudge,
Westernville, two
borthers, Millard, Westernville and Rev.
B. P. Mudge of Bridgeport, NY.
Fitch, Jennie Williamson
Rome Sentinel
March 9, 1922
At the home of her son, Arthur Fitch, Turin
Road, at 4 o’clock this morning, occurred the death of Mrs. Jennie W. Fitch,
widow of Hollister Fitch. She had been in poor health for the past
two years and her last illness was of two months duration. Her maiden
name was Jennie Williamson and she was born in Westernville June 6, 1853.
On July 2, 1872 she married Mr. Fitch. His death occurred in Westernville
three years ago. Since that time she has made her home with her children.
Mrs. Fitch attended the Methodist Church at Westernville. She is
survived by one daughter, Mrs. William Scouten of West Branch, and three
sons, Arthur of Rome, Albert of Lee Center, and Charles of West Branch.
She also leaves a sister Mrs. James Kingsbury of Westmoreland, a half brother,
John Hennessy of Boonville, 11 grandchildren and 5 great-grandchildren.
Fitch, Hollister
Rome Sentinel
October 27, 1918
Hollister Fitch, a well known and esteemed
resident of Westernville, died last Sunday in a Utica Hospital. He
had been ill about six months of Bright’s disease. Mr. Fitch was
born in the town of Western November 17, 1851 and practically all his life
was spent here. He was a well known farmer and in politics he was
a republican. Forty-seven years ago last July he married Jennie Williamson
of Boonville, who survives with 4 children, Mrs. William Scouten, Arthur,
Albert and Charles. There are also 10 grandchildren. One sister,
Mrs. Arthur Slocum of Illion, two brothers, Dr. Albert Fitch and Charles
Fitch, both of Chicago also survive. Arthur Fitch of Port Leyden,
a son, died October 19th.
Fitch, Oliver W.
Rome Sentinel
Oliver W. Fitch, who resided on the Potato
Hill Road, six miles south of Boonville, near North Steuben, died January
14 from pleuro-penumonia after an illness of about a week. He was born
in this town 42 years ago and all his life was spent here where he was
engaged in farming. He was a Democrat and was one of the best known
and most highly esteemed farmers in this town and his death brings sorrow
to many. Mr. Fitch was a member of Summit Lodge IOOF of Boonville
and a director of the Potato Hill Telephone Co. Mr. Fitch was twice
married his first wife being Miss Clara who died in 1903. A
year later Mr. Fitch married Mrs. Anna Teachout who survives with his parents,
Mr. & Mrs. Hollister Fitch of Westernville. He also leaves a
daughter by his first wife, Mrs. Albert Slocum of Ilion and two daughters,
born of the second wife, Ida and Irene, who live at home. There are
also the following surviving braothers: Arthur E. Fitch, 227 E. Garden
St., Rome; Alfred, Port Leyden, and ALbert and Charles, Westernville; also
two sisters, Mrs. Alvin Stroup and Mrs. William Scouten, of West Branch.
Hart, Lodema Fitch
Boonville Herald
April 29, 1920
Mrs. Lodema Fitch Hart, wife of the late
Thomas Hart, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Samuel Stahl, on Charles
Street, Sunday night. She was the daughter of Isaac & Betsey
Edick Fitch and born in Steuben 89 yrs ago. She married Thomas Hart
who died 27 yrs ago. Until his death they lived in Steuben but for
the last 20 yrs Mrs. Hart had made her home with her daughter, Mrs. Samuel
Stahl. She was a member of the ME Church and is survived by one brother,
James H. Fitch Boonville; three daughters, Mrs. Samuel Shahl, Boonville;
Mrs. Susan Mower, Rome; Mrs. Fredrick Fox, Oneida. Funeral will be held
at the home of Samuel Stahl at 1 o’clock Wednesday, Rev. E. J. Lavis officiating.
Burial at North Steuben.
House, John H.
Boonville Herald
April 29, 1920
John H. House died at 8 o’clock Sunday morning
at his home in Glenfield having been in ill health for about 2 yrs.
Mr. House was born in Turin Sept. 21, 1861, the son of Henry & Mary
Hills House. He attended school at that place and later at Lowville
Academy and Whitestown Seminary. In 1882 he married Miss Wilhelmin
Dekin and for many years had conducted a general store at Glenfield.
In politics Mr. House was a staunch Republican, a member of Turin Lodge
F & A M. He leaves besides his wife, two daughters, Mrs. Caleb
Fisher of Watertown, and Mrs. Denis Carey of Glenfield. A son, Lansing
House, died about 2 yrs ago. A private funeral was held Wednesday
Stroup, Alva
Rome Sentinel
February 20, 1913
Alva Stroup, a well-known plumber and tinner
of Boonville, passed away in a local hospital Sunday following an operation.
Mr. Stroup was born in Steuben June 19, 1871, a son of Mr. & Mrs. George
H. Stroup. He was a Macabee and also a member of the Acme Hose Company
of Boonville. In politics he was a Democrat and was highly respected
by all who knew him. October 3, 1894 he married Cora D. Sherman who
survives with one daughter, Elva. Mr. Stroup also leaves his mother,
three brothers, Irvin A. of Holmes, Iowa, John H. of Rome, and Alvin of
West Branch, and two sisters, Mrs. Jacob Yutzler of Westernville, and Mrs.
Arthur Parshall of Utica. The funeral was held Wednesday afternoon
at the ME CHurch in Boonville and the remains were placed in the receiving
vault in that village. Burial will later be made in North Steuben.
Wallace, Alice M. Castle
Rome Sentinel
March 16, 1917
Stokes - At 10:30 o’clock last night the
beautiful life of Mrs. Alice M. Wallace came to a close. Mrs. Wallace
had been in poor health for some time, yet the seriousness of her condition
was not fully realized until about three weeks ago. Alice M. Castle
was a daughter of the late Thomas and Susan Castle, was born in Ava April
15, 1867, and was one of a family of 10 children, of whom seven survive:
Mrs. Mary E. Conners, Rome; Mrs. Harvey J. Hurlbut, Stokes; Ambrose A.
Castle, Rome; Charles H. Castle, Lee Center; Thomas A. Castle, Bartlett,
John F. Castle, Taberg; and James H. Castle, Ava. She also leaves one son,
Harold J. Wallace, aged 10 years. On December 26, 1884 she was united
in marriage with John B. Wallace who died seven years ago. For the
sake of her child she made a strong battle for health, her courage in the
hardest moments being wonderful. When it was plain that there was
no hope she told those who lovingly cared for her, “I am ready, all ready.”
Mrs. Wallace was of a generous, sunny disposition, and lived a life of
usefulness. Nothing but tender expressions of regret are heard because
her departure. Harold, the young son
so sorely berft, has the heartfelt sympathy of all. Mrs. Wallace was a
member of the Friends Church and the Ladies Aid Society at West Branch.
The funeral services will be held from the Friends Church at West Branch
on Sunday at 12 o’clock, with interment in Evergreen Cemetery.
Webster, Rena
Rome Sentinel
May 29, 1903
Miss Rena Webster, aged 20 years, daughter
of Mrs. & Mrs. Andrew Webster, of North Western, met with a painful
and shocking death Tuesday afternoon. She was sitting in a chair
out on the green in front of the house doing some fancy work. At
the same time she was grazing a colt (unbroken), the end of the rope halter
being tied around her wrist. The colt in some way became frightened
and started on a mad run down the roadway, dragging Miss Webster behind
it, for she could not loosen the rope. Her body bounded over stones
in the roadway, now and then being kicked by the colts hoofs in the mad
flight. After running nearly a mile the colt was stopped by Thomas
Kennedy and Mr. Mudge, and they cut the rope from the girls wrist.
She was still alive but unconscious, and she died in a few minutes without
regaining consciousness. Her clothing was nearly all torn off her
body and the scalp was torn from the left side of her head and the left
eye had been knocked out. The colt was stopped near the residence
of Dr. Roser, who was summoned, but the young lady had passed beyond assistance.
Miss Webster was born in
North Western and attended the district school
there. The community is shocked over the terrible accident,
and all who had the pleasure of the young lady’s acquaintance will deeply
regret her sad fate, and will sympathize with the members of the family
in their deep sorrow. Besides her parents she leaves two brothers,
Adelbert of Cape Vincent, and James Webster of North Western. Coroner
Hubbard of this city was notified and after learning the facts he deemed
an inquest was not necessary. I. Webster, the driver of the hook
and ladder from Rome Fire Department was an uncle of Miss Webster.
Yutzler, Catherine Stroup
Rome Sentinel
February 18, 1911
Catherine Stroup, wife of Fred Yutzler, died
last Tuesday at her home near Northwestern. She had been ill only a week
of pneumonia, death resulting suddenly from heart disease. She was 51 yrs
old. The deceased was a devoted wife and loving mother, her greatest
pleasure being found in her home circle. Besides her husband there survives
one daughter and two sons, Aurie, Myron and Fred, who live at home; her
mother, Mrs. Stroup, who is staying in Utica this winter, two sisters,
Mrs. George Parcells of Utica and Mrs. Jacob Yutzler of Westernville, and
the folloiwn brothers, Alva Stroup of Boonville, Alvan of Western, John
of Rome, and Irvin who lives in the west. The funeral was held this
afternoon at Northwestern.
Yutzler, Myron
Boonville News
December 5, 1932
Myron Yutzler, 45, a resident of this city
for seven years, died in a Rome Hospital where he had been confined since
Saturday. He was taken ill that afternoon and was operated on Sunday
complications causing death. Mr. Yutzler was born in Western July
18, 1887 son of John F. & Catherine Stroup Yutzler. He resided
in Western until coming here where he was employed by the Kent Company,
Inc. Mr. Yutzler made his home at Newport Flats, Kossuth Street.
Surviving besides his father and stepmother is a brother Fred W. Yutzler,
113 Stanwix St. A sister, Mrs. Fred Babcock, formerly of Auburn,
died in 1913 and his mother passed away in 1911. Surviving are two
nieces, Elsie A. Chappell, Kalamazoo, Michigan, Auries Rand, Roger N. Yutzler,
children of Mr. & Mrs. Fred Yutzler. Mr. Yutzler attended the
Methodist Church. He was an accomplished musician having played in the
North Western and Westernville Bands and also played the piano accordian.
Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon at the home of a brother
on Stanwix street.
Yutzler, Fannie Drayton
Rome Sentinel
undated (dod April 1, 1941)
Mrs. Fannie Yutzler, 79, born Liverpool,
England December 8, 1861, daugther of the late Henri J. & Susan Lou
Drayton, came to this country when eight years old. She was married
to George A. Bell of Pittsburg, Pa in New York City April 14, 1889.
He died
March 4, 1899. On March 17, 1913 she
was married to John F. Yutzler in New York City. He died January
18, 1934. Two sons surviving, Thomas D. Bell, Palm Beach, Florida,
and George A. Bell. One step-son, Fred J. Yutzler, Rome and two grandchildren,
Ida Mae Bell and Anna D. Bell.
Yutzler, John
Boonville News
January 18, 1934
John F. Yutzler, 78, former owner of Yutzler’s
Sawmill in Western, died Thursday afternoon at the home of his son, Fred
W. Yutzler, 113 Stanwix St. He had been ailing for two months and
confined to the bed for 10 days, a heart ailment causing death. Mr.
Yutzler was born in the Town of Lee March 25, 1855, son of Mr. & Mrs.
Caleb Yutzler, and during his early boyhood moved with his parents to North
Steuben where in 1880 he was united in marriage to Catherine Stroup who
died in 1911. There were three children as a result of this marriage;
Aurie B. Babcock who died in 1913, Myron who died in this city (Rome) December
5, 1932, and the son at whose home he died. In 1912 Mr. Yutzler married
Fannie D. Belle, New York, who survivies, also one brother, Jacob, Westdale,
who is in his 90th year, and two grandchildren, Roger Frederick and Aurie
Ruth Yutzler, this city. Mr. Yutzler was a carpenter and millwright
by trade and in 1886 acquired the sawmill in Western that he conducted
during Spring and summer months for 43 yrs following his occupation during
the winter. Before moving to western, he resided in Glaesburg, Ill
for two years and aside from this most of his life was spent in this vicinity.
He sold out his farm and mill in 1929 and had since lived here with his
son. Mr. Yutzler was a staunch Democrat in politics and for two years
had been road supervisor in Western.
Yutzler, Jacob
Rome Sentinl
September 14, 1935
Westdale - Jacob Yutzler, 91, a native of
Switzerland and a retired cheesemaker of the town of Western, passed away
this morning at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Silas Sherman, where he
had resided for the past twelve years. He was born at Berne, Switzerland,
March 17, 1844, a son of Caleb and Mary Von Kennel Yutzler. With
his parents he came to the country at the age of eight years, the trip
being made in a sailing vessel with side paddles. The trip required
15 weeks. The parents settled at Lee Center and later removed
to North Steuben where the greater part of Mr. Yutzler’s life was spent.
He was an expert cheese maker and engaged in that work and farming for
many years, retiring to live with his daughter in 1923. On May 12,
1866, he married Miss Mary Stroup of North Western. He was a member
of the Steuben ME Church. Surviving besides the daughter at whose
home he died, are four sons, George H. of Holland Patent, Albert of Westernville,
William of Camden, and John C. of Verona Station; and the following grandchildren:
Mrs. Earl Smith of Floyd, Carl, Willis and Lee Yutzler and Mrs. George
Parkhurst of Holland Patent; Parker Yutzler of Hicksville, L.I., Ruth Yutzler
of Verona Stattion, and Forest J. Sherman of Rome. Funeral services
will be held on Tuesday at 1 pm EST at the Sherman home, with the Rev.
Robert Belbin, pastor of the
Westdale and Williamstown ME Churches, officiating.
Burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery, Rome.
Obituary from unnamed newspaper:
Pierpont Merrill died at Clark's Mills,
town of Kirkland, Oneida Co., N.Y., Oct. 5, 1852, aged 65 years.
Father Merrill became a subject of converting grace at Rome, Jan. 25, 1825.
This event in his life he memorialized by a record in his Discipline, which
now lies before me. He was converted in a revival, under the labors of
Rev. Charles G. Finney. For about four years past, he has been suffering
under a shock of palsy, which so confined him to the house that he could
not attned the means of grace; but there is evidence that he retained the
favor of God, and died in peace. E.P. Williams.
Westmoreland, Oct. 20, 1852. [Note: spouse, Electa Morse Merrill;
parents, Gideon and Abigail Merrill; children, 1 son James by first wife,
Julia E. Merrill Morford, Henry Pierpont, Sarah Merrill Seaman, James]
Marilynn Howard, airrow@ix.netcom.com
Obituary from unnamed newspaper:
Mrs. Electa Merrill died in
Peekskill, N.Y., Jan 17th, 1870, in her73d year.
The subject of this notice was
born in the western part of this State, in the year 1797. In the
year 1814, she was married to Pierpont Merrill, in the town of Whitestown,
with whom she lived thirty-eight years, and reared six children, five of
whom are living to mourn her loss. She was converted in Rome,
N.Y. under the labors of Rev. Chas. G. Finney, and joined the M.E. Church,
of which she continued all her days, to be a faithful member. She
loved Methodism and its usages. She loved the Holy Bible, and was
a faithful reader of the same. She was one of those mothers who led
her children to the house of God, and to the place of prayer.
God rewarded her faithful endeavors by bringing her chldren to Christ.
May the good Savior pour upon them, the riches of grace, and endue them
with heavenly gifts and graces, and make them like their mother, uniform
and consistent in their religious conduct and character. J.F.
Crawford. New York Mills, Feb. 10, 1870. [Note: her parents
were Moses Morse and Margaret Chase; the known children were Julia E. Merrill
Morford, Henry Pierpont Merrill, Sarah Merrill and James Merrill]
Marilynn Howard, airrow@ix.netcom.com
a resident of Salisbury CENTER for the last three years died yesterday
JAN.16, 1947 at Herkimer Memorial Hospital
after a long illness. She was born in Little Falls on March 21, 1876
daughter of Lins and Florence Rockwell and
was married to Scott Diefendorf on March 6, 1922. She had resided in Herkimer
until 1943
Mrs Diefendorf leaves her husband: a daughter,
Mrs Sarah Hickey, both of Salisbury Center: a son , Eugene of Earlville,
and a son Charles of North Pitcher.: two brothers, James Rockwell, Salisbury
and William of Frankport and several neices and nephews, grandchildren
and great grandchildren.
Funeral services will be conducted at 2pm
Sunday at the Chase-Parsons Funeral Home in Mohawk, with the Rev. W.A.Wilbur
of the Mohawk Methodist Church officiatting. burial in Oak Hill Cemetery.
Diana Custer - heaven54@charter.net
This newspaper clipping was found in a Warner
family bible. " Aunt Freelove Williams " Sketch
of the Life of a woman who was an early resident here . Mrs. Freelove Williams
of Watertown, whose death was noted in the Sentinel a few days ago, the
Watertown Times says. The death of Mrs Freelove Williams Green, which
occurred at the residence of her daughter, Mrs Mary A. Green, No. 54 of
Prospect Street. removes from the city of Watertown one of it's oldest
residents. Aunt Freelove was better known,had attained the ripe old
age of 92 years and 6 months. At the time of her death she was in perfect
health , death resulting from old age. She had been confined to her bed
only a short time other death, and Saturday appeared to regain her usual
cheerfulness. She was lying on her bed eating a few kernels of popcorn
when she suddenly gasped slightly and passed away. She was
born in Providence, R.I. , in 1803, and was the daughter of Henry
and Freelove Williams. When she was but 4 years of age, her parents migrated
to Oneida county, this state which embraced all this northern territory.
They settled near Fort Stanwix, now Rome, and were among the early
settlers of hat locality. At the age of 30 years she married to Palmer
Whitford Green, and nine children were a result of the union, five
are living: George H. Green of Custer City, South Dakota;Edward S. Green
of Watson,Lewis County;Mrs. Sophia Lawrence of Rome; Mrs. Lavina Green
of Verona, and Mrs Mary Green of this city. After the Civil
War, the family removed to Watson,Lewis county,where they spent a few years,
moving from there to Jefferson county,where they settled in Adams Centre,in
1875. her husband died June 16,1885. In October last, Mrs Green removed
with her daughter to this city, where she resided up to the time of her
death. Aunt Freelove was a lineal descendant in the fourth generation of
Roger Williams, the founder of the city of Providence.From her parents
she inherited strong Purtanic beliefs and rigorous discipline of character.
Her life was filled with solemn awe for the sovereignty of God. She
was a profound reader of the bible, and it was her constant companion .
It was especially fitting that she should depart this life on Saturday,
her Sabbath day, as she was a Seventh Day Baptist.She was a Christian woman
with a wide circle of friends who will ever remember her many kindness
and self sacrifice. It was said of her that from her girlhood days she
had been taught to follow the resolutions enunciated by Jonathan Edwards.
That I will do whatever I think to be the glory of God and my own good,
profit and pleasure;To do wherever I think to be mankind in general; To
live with all my might while I do live: Never to do anything which I should
be afraid to do if it were the last hour of my life."The funeral services
were held at the Seventh Day Adventist Church, Rev. A.B. Prentice officiated.
The remains were interred beside those of her husband in Union Cemetery.Prayers
were also said at the later residence of the deceased, in this city,by
Rev,J.B. Hammond,who said, among other things," Aunt Freelove's life was
worthy of imitation. She was patient, cheerful and loveable."
Georgia Gorton - ggorton@dreamscape.com
Rev. Robert Robotham (1820-1901)
Rome Sentinel Obituary
Rev. Robert Robotham, a well-known minister
Westernville, Feb 7 - the death of Rev. Robert
Robotham occured at 6:30 a.m. today from a general breaking down of the
system, incident to old age. He had been failing for some time and his
death was not unexpected.
Mr. Robotham was born in England Jan 2, 1820
and came to America when about twelve years of age. He began preaching
in the Methodist denomination when 28 years old. For nearly a quarter of
a century he followed the _____ancy in Wisconsin and later preached in
Nebraska and New York. About twenty years ago he retired from active preaching
and has since made his home in this place. During this time he has supplied
various pulpits. He is survived by his widow and seven children. Robert
and John of Eagle Neb., Edward of Hutchinson, Kan., Mrs. Angelina Butts
of Boonville, Mrs. Mary Carpenter of Southerland, Neb., and Mrs. Hannah
Nash and Mrs. Hope Bozard, who live near Malcolm, Neb., also by one brother
William of Huron, S.D. and on sister, Mrs. Jane Cole of Howardville, N.Y.
The funeral will be held at the Methodist Church in this place at 9 p.m.
Sunday and will be in charge of the Masons. All members of ----- ------
are requested to meet at the church at 1:30 on that day.
[*Note - parents of Rev. Robert Robotham
were Moses Rowbottom/Robotham and Margaret Jackson of Scarboro, Yorkshire,
England- per death certificate and Scarboro records]
Sheila Hoffman shoff@borg.com
William Pillmore (1821-1896)
Obituary in Rome Sentinel, Sept 15 1896
William Pillmore Sr, was taken sick February
1, and for the last month he suffered intensely. His disease was cardiac
delema. For the last twelve days he has been in such a distressed and restless
condition that it required the constant attention of from two to four persons
His son, Dr. Johnson Pillmore, with W. F. Pillmore, Frank and David, have
been most attentive, with the unceasing attention of his daughter, Mrs.
Sarah Owens, doing everything skill and patience could accomplish for his
comfort. After such a terrible struggle with disease he at last fell asleep
in Jesus this morning at 6:30, aged 75 years. The funeral will be attended
from the home of the deceased on Friday, Sept. 18, at 1 P.M.
Sheila Hoffman shoff@borg.com
John Pillmore (1830-1909)
Rome Sentinel - Newspaper Obituary
John Pillmore
Highly respected Roman who has Answered the
Final Summons
Rome- May 21, 1909
John Pillmore, a highly respected resident
of this city, passed away Saturday at his home, 412 West Bloomfield St.
Diabetes was the cause of death. He had been confined to his bed since
March 1. Mr Pillmore was born in Yorkshire, Eng. May 14, 1830 and when
six years old he came to this country with his mother and four brother
and three sisters. They settled in Westernville, this county, where later
Mr Pillmore engaged in farming. At that place in 1860 he was married to
Miss Margaret VanAlstyne, of Little Falls. About 13 years ago they came
here to make their home and to live a retired life. Mrs. Pillmore passed
away here seven years ago. Mr. Pillmore was an ernest member of the M.E.
Church and a man who had lived an honest life. He enjoyed the respect and
esteem of all who had the pleasure of his acquaintenance. Surviving are
two sons and one daughter, Charles of Westernville, Fred of Syracuse, and
Miss Grace Pillmore who lived with her father. Mr. Pillmore was one of
the original forty niners. He left here for California Gold fields in May
1849. taking the overland route. He left on the Erie Canal for the Great
Lakes and went by way of Salt Lake City where the remainder of the party
gave up. He remained there six weeks among the Mormons, earned enough money
to carry him into Los Angeles. He remained away about 8 years returning
to his home in Westernville in the fall of 1857 where he contined his occupation
as a farmer till he retired and came to this city.
Sheila Hoffman shoff@borg.com
Thomas J Robotham (1853-1911)
Stage Driver for Years
Death of Thomas J Robotham, Well-known
resident of North Western -
Rome, July 14 - Thomas J Robotham, of West
Branch, who for a number of years drove the West Leyden stage to and from
this city, died at his home there last Saturday morning, hemmorhage of
the brain being the cause of death. The departed was born in the town of
Lee, August 3, 1853, but the greater part of his life was spent in West
Leyden. Since a boy he had worked around horses and teaming was his occupation.
For the past 20 years he drove the stage to and from this city. In 1884
he married Lorena Stevens, of Constableville, and she died in 1897. Five
children were born to them and the following three survive: Mrs Henry Backus
of Jersye City; James, of Herkimer, and Howard, who since the death of
his mother when he was 11 months old, has lived with the family of Mr.
and Mrs. D.W. Countryman, of 903 North Madison street, this city, and is
known as Howard Countryman. Mrs Countryman is a sister of the deceased
and there is one other sister, Mrs. Alex Thompson, of Utica. After the
death of his wife, Mr. Robotham went to live with his mother at West Leyden
and on her death two years ago he went to live the family of John Houser,
who conducts the hotel at West Branch where he since made his home.
Sheila Hoffman shoff@borg.com
Eliza Pillmore Hartman (1857-1934)
Rome Sentinel obituary-
Mrs. Eliza E. Hartman succumbs in
hospital. Mrs. Eliza E. Pillmore , widow of Charles C. Hartman, died at
the Rome Hospital here this afternoon. Mrs. Hartman was a native of Western
and had resided here for the past 25 years. Mr. Hartman died four years
ago and a daughter Mrs. Bertha Beddlecome died last month. She was born
July 8, 1857. Mrs. Hartman was a member of the Presbyterian Church and
Holly chapter OES. Surviving are a son L T Hartman and a daughter , Mrs.
Thomas Crowe, both of this city. And two brothers, George E Pillmore of
Cape Vincent and Merritt C Pillmore of Havana, Cuba.
Sheila Hoffman shoff@borg.com
Katherine V Newman Pillmore (1838-1909)
Rome Sentinel Obituary
Mr. Thomas Pillmore
Death Claims Highly Esteemed Woman in Town
of Western
Katherine Vanderhyden Newman, widow of Thomas
Pillmore died at an early hour this morning at ther home in this village.
She had been out of health for some time suffering from a complication
of diseases, but was able to be up and dressed on Sunday. She leaves two
sons, George F Pillmore of Cape Vincent and Merritt and one daughter, Mrs
Charles E Hartman of Rome. She also leaves a sister, Mrs. David Shaver
of Manotorville, Minnesota. Mrs. Pillmore had lived in this vicinity for
most of her life and will be sadly missed in this community. She was an
ernest member of the Methodist church and was held in the highest esteem
by all who knew her. Mrs. Pillmore was born in Troy 71 years ago last Friday.
Although ill, she celebrated her birthday in a quiet way and received the
congratulations of many friends. She also received 70 odd postals and several
presents. When very young, Mrs. Pillmroe went to Rome to reside where she
lived for many years. After her marriage to Thomas Pillmore, they came
here to live, where he died four years ago.
[*Note - Parents of Katherine V Newman Pillmore
were Samuel Newman and Katherine Vanderhyden per death certificate. Samuel
moved to Wisconsin after the death of his wife between 1850-1859. He died
in 1877 in Milton, Dodge, Co., Wis. per death certificate.]
Sheila Hoffman shoff@borg.com
Anna Eliza Vanderwalker Mason (1845-1911)
Rome Sentinel Obituary 11 Sep 1911 Mrs. Silas
Much esteemed woman who had lived in Rome
Nearly 30 years
Mrs. Anna E. Mason, 602 Elm street, aged
67 years and 27 days, wife of Silas Mason, died at 2:45 p.m. today from
a complication of diseases. She had been ill about six weeks and for the
past three weeks had been confined to her bed.
Mrs. Mason was born in the town of Western,
a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Vandewaker and was married to Mr. Mason
45 years ago next month. They at once moved to Holland Patent, where they
resided until 30 years ago, when they came to this city to live. Mrs. Mason
is survived by her husband, one son, George A. Mason of this city, two
daughters, Mrs. Jessie Moulton of Floyd, and Mrs. Grace Meade of Lacona.
There are also 12 grandchildren. One brother, A. H. Vandewalker of Holland
Patent also survives. Mrs. Mason was a conscientious member of the Wesleyan
Methodist Church and was highly respected by all who knew her. The sympathy
of many friends is extneded to the bereaved family.
Sheila Hoffman shoff@borg.com
Sarah Maria Boyd Mason (1812-1905)
Rome Sentinel Death notice Sept 29, 1905
Mason - In Rome on Thursday Sept. 28, 1905,
Mrs. S. Maria Mason in her 94th year
The funeral will be held at the home of her
son, Silas Mason, 602 Elm Street, at 1 p.m. on Sunday. The interment will
be made in the Westernville Cemetery.
NY State Death Certificate # 41705, dated
Sept 28 1905 gives father's name as James Boyd born Conn and mother as
Mahadabel Reynolds born Conn. Cause of death was exhaustion due to advanced
Sheila Hoffman shoff@borg.com
George Mason (1807-1885)
Rome Sentinel Obituary Feb 26 . 1885 Western
Westernville, Feb 26 - George Mason, an old
resident and farmer of this town, verging on 80 years died on Tuesday evening
after two days of severe illness. He leaves a wife and five children; Mrs.
A. L. Frenette of Western; Geo. and Silas Mason of Rome; Charles and Morris
of Western. His funeral will be held on Friday afternoon at three o¹clock
at the M. E. Church of Westernville.
Sheila Hoffman shoff@borg.com
Ella M Marriott (1862-1895) Rome Daily Sentinel
September 11, 1895
Mrs. Willard A. Marriott, aged 33
years, died at her home, 331 West Dominick Street, at 11:30 this morning.
The startup of Mrs. Marriott¹s illness was cholera morbus and after
only three days¹ sickness, the news of her death comes as a great
shock to her friends. Besides her husband, tow daughters, Kittie and Edith,
three sisters, Mrs. William Breeds of Rome, Miss Maggie Lahey of Herkimer,
and Mrs. James Hartigan of Amboy, Oswego County, and one brother, Thomas
Lahey of Altoona, Pa., survives.
Sheila Hoffman shoff@borg.com
Camden Advance-Journal, April 1, 1886:
Mrs. James P. Owen
Tuesday morning Mrs. James P. Owen passed
from this life. It was unexpected to many as her illness was brief. The
circumstances are sad as a home is broken and the central figure taken
from it. An infant nine days old and two bright little girls 8 and 10 years
old are bereft of a mother’s care, and the husband mourns the loss of a
good wife.
Mrs. Jennie Norton Owen was the youngest
daughter of Mrs. Rockwell of this village, and sister of Mrs. W. T. Stevens
and T.H. Norton of this place, and Mrs. Brainard Nelson of Oswego. Mrs.Owen
was a quiet home-loving woman, a good wife and mother and a much respected
neighbor. The afflicted family have the sympathy of the community in their
Funeral from the house at 2:30 this afternoon.
Kathy Johnson hole19@hctc.com
Harmon S. Noxon
The death of this man, but just past the
half way of life, at his father’s on the S.T. Wood’s farm, was a surprise
to nearly every one. He had been some time in the west. His health failing
he went by medical advice to Hot Springs, Arkansas. A few baths deciding
that the treatment was unavailing for him, he at once set out alone for
Camden, which he barely reached, after three days and nights continuous
travel, on the evening of March 11th__”come home,”, as he said “to die.”
Despite all that medical aid with tender paternal and fraternal care could
do, he passed away at noon of the 15th day.
“Harmies” generous nature and genial ways
have won for him devoted friends during his few years’ acquaintance in
town, whose attendance and attentions at the funeral, on Tuesday, testified
to their sincere and hearty sympathy with their stricken family circle.
Kathy Johnson hole19@hctc.com
Mrs. Truax
On Tuesday afternoon Nannie C. Stone, wife
of Charles H. Truax of New York, and daughter of Mrs. Thomas Stone passed
away. Deceased was born in Camden Feb. 2d, 1845, and remained in Camden
until she was married, then moving to New York where she has since made
it her home. Some three months ago a child was born to the, and while it
was hoped that she might recover, the best medical talent said that she
could never recover. Her mother has been in New York during the last
three months comforting her in her last days
and hours. By her death four children are left motherless.
Whe was the only living daughter of Mrs.
Stone, and leaves three brethren surviving her. Deceased was a fond and
loving wife, a devoted and kind mother. Truly a noble Christian woman has
gobe to her reward, and a large number of relatives and friends will deeply
( the rest is unreadable.)
Kathy Johnson hole19@hctc.com
NOXON – In Camden, March 26, 1886, Harmon
S. Noxon, aged 35 years.
COVILLE – In Vienna, March 29, 1886, Nancy
Coville, aged 70 years.
OWEN – In Camden, March 30, 1886, Jennie
C., wife of James P. Owen , aged 34 years.
HOOKS – In Camden, March 30, 1886, John
Hooks, aged 78 years
Kathy Johnson hole19@hctc.com
Camden Advance-Journal. March 25, 1886
We mentioned a week or tow since the death,
in St. Catherine, Mo., of Abram Batchelor, brother of Job Batchelor
of this village. The Brookfield, Mo., Gazette says of him:
On Monday morning last, at his home in St.
Catherine, after a brief illness, Abram Batchelor died, at the age of 65
years. Deceased was formerly from New York, where he has brothers living.
He has been a resident of St. Catherine for about 25 years, and was thoroughly
identified with the interests of his town and county. Few men possess greater
influences in their own community than did Squire Batchelor, who has in
return been honored with confidence and trust; in nearly all the local
offices, and in party councils, and the civil and social relations of life.
He has for long years been a leader in the temperance work in his town,
and to his earnestness and faithfulness in his work as a Good Templar that
community owes much of its present immunity from the drink curse. A firm
and earnest republican he yet had the faculty of commanding the confidence
and esteem of political opponents who always regarded him highly. At the
organization of the Grand Army Post her he, being an old soldier, came
its ranks, and on public occasions never
failed to be on hand, though his health of late has not enabled him to
attend night meetings. In hes death the community suffers a great loss,
as well evidenced by the very large concourse which gathered, in spite
of the cold and almost impassible roads, at his late home at 2 p.m. on
Tuesday to pay their last respects to his memory. A few moments before
that hour the Good Templars’ Lodge of St. Catherine marched in uniform
from their lodge and around the casket performed the last and most touching
rites of that order which service was conducted by their L. D., Rev. C.
M. Schwarzauer, followed by a brief tribute to the memory of their deceased
brother by their Chaplain, Rev. T.J. Stauber. Thereupon the officers and
member of O.H. Wood Post, G.A. R., of Brookfield to the number of some
thirty or more, took charge of the remains. Draping the casket with the
national colors the remains were borne from the house by comrades of his
old regiment, and the sad procession wended its way to the cemetery a mile
of so distant, where the last sad rites were
performed in the impressive words of the
ritual of theat Order – a tender and touching tribute to the memory of
a departed comrade. Long will his memory by cherished by neighbors, townsmen,
friends and comrades, and the recollection of his noble and unselfish life
will be a fond memory to his devoted wife in her declining years, and an
inspiration to his children now entering upon the duties and responsibilities
of life.
Kathy Johnson hole19@hctc.com
Camden Advance-Journal, March 25, 1886
Death of a Former Resident.
We clip the following from The Evening Record,
published at Ashtabula, Ohio, in regard to the sudden death of Edward Frazier.
Mr. Frazier was a long resident of this place and was a brother-in-law
of John Johnson of this village and Joseph Johnson, a former barber, here.
He was a carpenter, and built the house now owned and occupied by W.A.
Stoddard, and was well known in this vicinity.
Edward Frazier, a carpenter by trade,
and who was well known in this city, died suddenly at his residence last
night. He had been complaining of a severe headache all day, and did not
get out of bed until the middle of the afternoon. He then came down stairs
and his daughter placed some wet cloths on his head and mustard poultice
on the back of his neck. This seemed to relieve the pain somewhat, and
he became so quiet his daughter thought he was sleeping, but on going to
him found him partially
unconscious. She succeeded in getting him
onto the sofa, and medical aid was at once summoned, but it was of no avail.
He only spoke once, ant that was to enquire for his son. He became unconscious,
and laid in that condition until about seven o’clock, when he died. He
had all the appearances of having taken an overdose of some kind of poison,
the doctors thinking it opium, which might have been taken to alleviate
the severe pain he was enduring, but his children say there was nothing
of any kind in the house. His death might be attributed to apoplexy, but
the rumors in regard to his having committed suicide are entirely without
foundation. Mr. Frazier was well know in this section, having achieved
quite a reputation as a drill master, and has many friends who will regret
his death. He leaves three children, Rose and Charlie, who reside here,
and a daughter who is married and lives in Grand Rapids, Mich. His wife
has been dead several years.
Kathy Johnson hole19@hctc.com
Deaths -
MRS. JANE ANN JONES, 1513 Whitesboro,
widow of Owen W. Jones, died Apr. 9, 1943, at her home after an illness
of a few months.
She was the eldest daughter of the late Hugh
and Ellen Jones Jones and was born in Utica Aug. 9, 1867. On Feb. 23, 1887,
she was married to the late Owen W. Jones whose death occurred Mar. 11,
1909. She was a lifelong member of Dryer Memorial Church, the Sunday School,
the Women's Society of Christian Service and the Daughters of Wesley Society
of the church. Her eldest son, William H. Jones, died in California Feb.
26, 1941.
Mrs. Jones is survived by seven children:
Mrs. Charles V Cutter, Gladys M. Jones and Mrs. Margaret Walroth, all of
Utica; Mrs. Virgil Casler, Whitesboro; Mrs. Lawrence Wilson, Syracuse;
Mrs. Felix Zlotnik, Ridgefield Park. N.J., and Floyd E Jones, Utica; two
sisters, Mrs. John G. Owens, Utica, and Mrs. Chester A. Jones, Syracuse;
two brothers, George P. and Samuel H. Jones, both of Utica; seven grandchildren
and several nieces and nephews.
The funeral will be Tuesday afternoon from
the William E. Doyle Funeral Home, 13 Hopper. Interment will be in Forest
Lawn Cemetery. Alisa Judd 50brickwalls@comcast.net