Unsorted Obituaries

Obituary from Utica Observer, Monday, April 12, 1909 with photo and also similar article in Utica Daily Press, Tuesday, April 13, 1909:
Lieut. Jerome B. Seaman.
New Hartford Resident Who Died very Suddenly Last Night. Jerome B. Seaman, one of the best known and most highly respected residents of New Hartford, died at his home in that village about 1 o'clock this morning. Mr. Seaman was in good health yesterday. He was taken ill about 12 o'clock last night and passed away within a short time. His death was due to oedema of the lungs. Announcement of Mr. Seaman's death occasioned many words of regret to-day because Mr. Seaman
stood well in the community in which he had lived for many years. Mr. Seaman was a native of Oswego, where he was born in 1846, but he had made his home in New Hartford for over a quarter of a century. He was educated in the Dwight & Holbrook seminary in Clinton. His father, Hicks Seaman, was for over 25 years the superintendent of the Clark Mills Cotton Manufactory a [sic] Clark Mills, and Mr. Seaman lived there a number of years following his leaving the Clinton school. He was employed for some time in cotton mills at Oriskany. He had served the New Hartford Cotton Manufacturing Company as its superintendent for many years, resigning about four years ago to take the position of overseer of the Utica Knitting Company's Mill No. 2.Mr. Seaman was a veteran of the Civil War. He enlisted in 1862 in the 146th New York Volunteers and for valient service and faithfulness he was later commissioned as a lieutenant. When the soldiers were mustered out of the service, Mr. Seaman returned to Utica as the acting captain of his company. He was in every engagement and battle in which his company participated after his enlistment, but Mr. Seaman seemed to bear a charmed life. He was never injured during his years of service and was never imprisioned by the Confederate forces.Mr. Seaman took considerable interest in civic affairs and he was always active in any movement for the advancement of the interests of the village. He had served as a village trustee for a number of terms and was the village president from 1891 until 1896. Mr. Seaman was married in 1871 to Miss Anna Elizabeth Reilly, who survives, together with a sister, Mrs. George R. Allison of Rockwell City, Ia., and one brother, Charles Seaman of Duluth, Minn. Mr. Seaman was a member of St. John's Church in Utica.
Funeral Notice:
SEAMAN--In New Hartford, N.Y., Monday, April 12, 1909, at his home, 38 South Street, Jerome B. Seaman, in his 63d year.Funeral to-morrow (Wednesday) morning at 9 o'clock from the house, 38 South Street, and from St. John's Church, Utica, at 10 o'clock, where a solemn mass of requiem will be celebrated. Friends are invited.
Notice in Utica Daily Press, Thursday, April 15, 1909:
Funeral of Jerome B. Seaman. New Hartford, April 14--From his home in this village at 9 o'clock this morning, and from St. John's Church, Utica, at 10, was held the funeral of Jerome B. Seaman. Solemn requiem high mass was conducted by Rev.
James M. Murphy, Rev. Bernard Smith serving as deacon and Rev. Richard P. O'Connor as sub-deacon. The bearers were Frank G. Craves, John Hooks, Joseph Corbett, James McMahin, Joseph Weigel and Christpher Morgan. During the mass, Dr. Cavallo sang "Jerusalem." At. St. Agnes' Cemetery, where the interment was had, Father Murphy read the committal service.
Marilynn Howard airrow@ix.netcom.com

Rome Citizen Death Notices in 1884
PETRIE-In Rome ,New York, Saturday, May 10, 1884, GLEN PETRIE, aged 63 yrs., 6mths,and 18 days (obit follows)
Death's Doings.  Glen Petrie, an old and respected resident of Rome, died at his home on James Street, in this city, last Saturday morning, (May 10,1884) of remittent fever. Deceased was 63 years old, and had lived in Rome since 1832, coming here from Vernon, where he was born, when a boy of 13 years.  During the entire fifty years of his residence here he followed
the butchering business, being for the last dozen years of more associated with his eldest son, Glen W. Petrie, under the firm name G.Petrie & Son. He has always taken a deep interest in public affairs, and has served as jailer, under sheriff  or deputy sheriff under Sheriffs Danforth, Gaylord and Benedict.  He was a good citizen and an upright man, successful in business and rendering every man his due.  A wife and two sons survive him: the oldest on being his partner, Glen W. Petrie, supervisor of the fifth ward, and the other Calvin Petrie, teller of Fort Stanwix National Bank. The funeral services were held on Tuesday
afternoon at his late residence, a large number of friends and neighbors testifying their respect by their presence.
Marsha Petrie marshapetrie@yahoo.com

Rome Sentinel  Aug. 22, 1962
Death Claims Glen Petrie At age of 76
Glen M. Petrie, 76, who resided at the Ft.Stanwix Hotel, died today at the hotel after a Brief illness.  Born in Rome, Aug. 4, 1886, he was the son of Calvin C. and Jane Kirkland Petrie. In 1909, he married Eleanor Hooper, who died in June,
1950.  He had lived in Rome since 1957, and previously in Miami, Fla. He was retired.   Mr. Petrie was of the Presbyterian Faith. Four sons survive, Calvin C., John H.., Glen M. Petrie Jr., all of Rome, and Franklyn B. Petrie , Westernville; six grandchildren and one great grandchild.  Funeral service will be held at  Griffin and Aldridge Funeral Home on Friday at 2PA , with the Rev. James D. Shannon, pastor of Westernville Presbyterian Church, officiating, Interment will be in Rome Cemetery.
Friends may call at the funeral home Thursday at their convenience.
Marsha Petrie marshapetrie@yahoo.com

Rome Sentinel
Mrs. Petrie, 64 Dies in Hospital
Mrs. Eleanor H. Petrie, 64, Lake Delta, died at 3:15 AM today in Rome Hospital where she had been a patient the past eight weeks.  Born in the Town of Wester July 15, 1885, she was the daughter of John and Julia Williams Hooper. A registered nurse, she graduated from Buffalo General Hospital in 1907.   On Jan. 8, 1910, she was married to Genn M. Petrie
Sr.., in Rochester. She was educated in Rome Schools and was a member of the First Presbyterian Church here.
Surviving in addition to her husband are four sons, Calvin C., John H. , Glenn M. , Jr..,and Franklyn B. Petrie, all of Rome: one brother Dr. Joel Hooper, Tulsa, Okla,: one sister-in-law, Mrs. Katherine Hooper, Ridge Mills, and four grandchildren.
Marsha Petrie marshapetrie@yahoo.com

Mrs. Petrie Dies At Thomas St. home
Mrs. Jennie Kirkland Petrie, 74, widow of Calvin Petrie, passed away at her late home at 416 W. Thomas St., at an early hour this afternoon after an illness of several years. Born in Vernon she was married to Mr. Petrie 56 years ago and had since made her home in this city. Her husband died some years ago.  she was a member of the First Presbyterian Church of this city and was active in local musical circles until her health failed.   Surviving is one son, Glen M. Petrie of New York City and four grandchildren, Calvin, John, Glen and Franklyn.
Marsha Petrie marshapetrie@yahoo.com

John Hooper
All Who Knew Him Esteemed and Respected him Rome, Jan. 8- John Hooper died last Sunday at his home, on his farm near Westernville, after an illness of only two weeks resulting from an attack. He was a veteran of the civil war and was one of the best-known residents of this vicinity. He was 66 years old and had lived for 44 years near the vicinity where he died. He had an extended acquaintance and was highly respected by all who knew him. Surviving are his wife, formerly Miss Julia Williams, daughter of Joel Williams, of Wright Settlement, and the following children; Charles E. Hooper of Rome, superintendent of
this section of the Black River canal; Dr. Joel S. Cooper , of Williamstown; Misses Celia J., Ella and Emma, who live at home, and five brothers and three sister; Thomas, David, James and Richard of Cattaragus county: Mrs. Edward John, Mrs. A. Peat and Mrs. William Williams, all living in Cattaragus county.
Marsha Petrie marshapetrie@yahoo.com

Jan. 13, 1933
Mrs. Julia Hooper claimed by Death
Aged resident succumbs at home on W. Bloomfield St. Julia Ann Williams, 88, widow of John Hooper, died this afternoon at 2:20 o'clock at her home at 207 W. Bloomfield St., Death was due to infirmities of age. Mrs. Hooper was born at Trenton, NY on May 20, 1845, the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Joel Williams. On January 24, 1867 she was married to the late Mr.
Hooper, who passed away in 1904. She had made her home here since 1904.  and previously had resided in the Town of Western. Mrs. Hooper was a member of the First Presbyterian Church and was affiliated with its societies.
Surviving are four children, Charles E. of Ridge Mills, Celia J. at home, Dr. Joel Hooper of Tulsa Okla.., and Mrs. Glen M. Petrie of Rome. Another daughter , Emma , died in 1918. Also surviving are six grandchildren.
Marsha Petrie marshapetrie@yahoo.com

Rome Sentinel Obit:
C.E. Hooper Succumbs in Ridge Mills, Charles E. Hooper, 79, former Oneida County treasurer, died at 3:50PM Sunday in his home on Pennystreet Rd., Ridge Mills. Mr. Hooper was elected county treasurer in 1914, and served six years.  Previously, from 1902 to 1905 he was superintendent of the Black River Canal of this district.  He was born in the Town of Floyd on Feb. 9, 1807 and was the son of John and Julia Williams Hooper.  Member of the First Presbyterian Church, Mr. Hooper
was affiliated with Baron Steuben Lodge 254, F&AM; Mohawk Valley Consistory and Ziyara Temple and was an
honorary member of the True Ivorites.   He was secretary and treasurer of the Farmers Fire & Lightning Insurance Co., of Oneida County.  On Sept. 3, 1902 he  married Katherine Pillmore who survives with a son, Robert M. Hooper, Rochester; a
sister, Mrs. Glen Petrie, Rome; a brother, Dr. Joel S. Hooper, Muskogee, Okla,. and several nieces and nephews.
Marsha Petrie marshapetrie@yahoo.com

Rome Sentinel article;(Picture)
Charles E. Hooper
Well known Roman Appointed a Superintendent on Black River Canal.
Rome, Feb. 6- Charles E. Hooper, of this city, returned Tuesday evening from Albany where he qualified as the new superintendent of section No. 1 of the Black River canal, extending north from this city, Mr. Hooper being appointed in the place of Albert T. Calen, who was removed by Superintendent of Public Works Charles A. Boyd, through whom the
appointment of Mr. Hooper comes. Mr.Calen held the position for two years. No reasons are given for his removal. He was asked to resign, but he refused. It was hinted that Mr. Calen was altogether too friendly to ex-senator Garry A. Willard and with ex Attorney General John C. Davies and that this great friendship worked to a disadvantage to the Republican nominees on
the ticket at the last fall election. Mr. Hooper is a hustling young man and he knows a think or two about Politics.
Marsha Petrie marshapetrie@yahoo.com

Rome Sentinel obit:
Mrs. Hooper, Delta Native, Dies at 83 Retired in 1957 As Official of Insurance Firm Mrs. Katherine E. Hooper, 83, former Town of Western school teacher and retired secretary-treasurer of the Farmers Fire and Lightning Insurance Co, of
Westernville, died yesterday at her home on Pennystreet Rd., Ridge Mills, after a long illness.    Mrs. Hooper, who retired from the insurance firm post on July 1, 1957, served three four - year terms as school director of what was then the town of  Rome.
  She was first named to the position in 1932 because of her "interest in rural school work"   Her husband was the late Charles E. Hooper, who was superintendent of the old Black River Canal in 1903 and 1904.
  She is survived by a son, Robert M. Hooper , Rome, a sister, Mrs. Charles E. Hammann, Rome; a brother Dr., George U. Pillmore, Easton, PA, and her stepmother, Mrs. Marry J. Pillmore, Lake Delta.  Held offices  Mrs. Pillmore was a member and past president of the Louise Williamson Bible class of the First Presbyterian Church, past state secretary of the New York Federal of the Home Bureau, past district deputy of the Order of Eastern Star, member and past matron of Holly Chapter of OES and member of the Ladies of the Nile, Wright Settlement Grange, Wright Settlement Home Extension Unit and Ceridwin Lodge of the True Ivorites.
  She was born at Delta on Oct. 29, 1875, daughter of Dr. Johnson and Sarah Reese Pillmore. She and Mr. Hooper, who died Jan. 8, 1950, were married in Westernville on Sept. 3, 1902. She taught school before her marriage,  Funeral services , in charge of Griffin & Aldridge, will be held at her home at 2 o'clock Monday with burial in the Rome Cemetery. Friends may call at her home at their convenience
Marsha Petrie marshapetrie@yahoo.com

Mrs. Glen Petrie,
Sudden Death of Well-known and Estimable Woman. Mrs. Hannah Wiggins Petrie, widow of Glen Petrie, died
of heart failure at the home of her son, Glen W. Petrie, 807 N. James St. at 6AM today in her 68th year. She had been in usual good health until this morning, when she awoke feeling somewhat ill and uneasy. She rapidly grew worse and finally called her son and his wife. Mr. Petrie summoned a physician , but before his arrival at the house she had expired. The deceased was
a daughter of the late John Wiggins and was born in Rome, and has, with the exception of a few years residence near Rochester, always lived here. She was a kind, charitable woman and was held in high esteem by all who know her.  In many homes in this city she is lovingly remembered for kind offices performed by her in cases of sickness and death. Her presence in the sick room was cheering to the afflicted and her words of consolation in the hour of death were a solace to the bereaved. Her acquaintance was wide and all who knew her will ill sincerely regret her death. She leaves two sons, Glen W. and Calvin Petrie of this city, and a brother Casey Wiggins of Lima, Livingston County.
Tribute of Esteem
At a meeting of the executive committee of the Rome Hospital, held on March 2, the following tribute of esteem was adopted:
  The sudden death of Mrs. Hannah W. Petrie, which occurred on Tuesday , March 1, brings to mind with startling reality the frequent recurrence of this sad event among hospital members within the year past.  With added sorrow today would we give expression to our sincere regret for the lost sustained at this time, recognizing in her death the removal from our number of a zealous advocate and friend, and with feelings of unfeigned sadness, we now unite in presenting our warmest sympathy to the family  relatives in this trying hour of bereavement. Mrs. H. M. Tawton, Mrs. C. Briodock, Mrs. J.G. Bissell committee.
Marsha Petrie marshapetrie@yahoo.com

Died-In Rome, March 1, 1892, Mrs. Hannah Wiggins Petrie, in her 68th year. Funeral from the family residence, 307 N. James St., on Friday, March 4, at 2 o'clock PM
The late Mrs. Petrie
The funeral of Mrs. Glen Petrie was held from the residence of her son, Glen W. Petrie at 2P.M. today. Many friends of the deceased were in attendance. The service was conducted by Rev. Dr. J.H. Egar. There was singing by a quartet composed of Mr. and Mrs.M.B. Kingsley, Mrs. S.A. Watson and S. H. Beach, with Miss Minnie Besley as accompanist. The floral tributes were numerous and beautiful. The bearers were N. . Rudd, E.L. Stevens, L.H. Baker, L. Gaylord, M.M. Davis and
G. H. Matteson. The interment was made in the Rome Cemetery.
Marsha Petrie marshapetrie@yahoo.com

Obit: Ripe old Age (Picture)
Death of John Dorn removes Former Resident of Several Towns.
Rome , Sept. 25,  John Dorn who died Friday evening at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Philip Schuster, of 412 Depeyster Street. Was born  in Baden Germany, 89 years ago on June 25, and came to this country when only 7 years old. The family settled in the town of Ava and there he eventually married Sarah Yordon. They lived n a farm there for a time and 48 years ago brought a place in the town of Westmoreland where Mrs. Dorn died six years ago. For six years he made his home with a
son, Adam Dorn, of Lowell, coming to Rome last November to stay with his daughter . Mr. Dorn had always been engaged in farming till he retired six years ago on the death of his wife. He was a member of the Evangelical Church of Spencer Settlement and a great student of the Bible, being able to quote any passage in the book which he had read through many times. He retained all his faculties in a remarkable degree. The following children survive: Adam Dorn, Lowell, William Dorn, Mrs. Philip Schuster and Mrs. Fannie Helnig, of Rome; Mrs. John Seybold of State Bridge, and Mrs. Godfrey Gleasman, of Boonville, also
on brother Jacob Dorn of Vernon.
Marsha Petrie marshapetrie@yahoo.com

Obit, Rome, NY 8/1/1929
Adam Dorn dies at Lowell Home Native of Ava had lived nearly entire life in Village Lowell, Nov. 14, Adam Dorn prominent and well known farmer died at his home here this morning at an early hour following an illness of two years.  He was born in the town of Ava, 73 years ago, a son of the late John and Sarah Dorn. He was united in marriage to Miss Mary A. Bates of Dix on May 2?, 1883. For the past 64 years he had resided on his farm in this village. He was a member of the Methodist Church of Lowell. Surviving are two daughters, Ms. M. D. Fulmer of Steuben and Mrs. George Hall of Boonville, two sisters, Mrs. Fannie Heinig of Vernon, and Mrs. John Seybold of Durhamville; one brother William C. Dorn, of Rome, and one granddaughter, Miss Athey Dorn of Fresno., California, Mr. Dorns only son died May 9, 1925. Miss Athey Dorn came East to visit her grandfather last August.
Marsha Petrie marshapetrie@yahoo.com

Jacob BEYEL of Ava, NY.
He married Addie C. Myers on Oct. 30, 1873  who d. Feb. 15, 1907 The next year after his marriage he purchased and settled on the farm where his death occurred. He had replaced the original buildings with large modern ones, doing much of the carpenter and mason work himself. At the age of 14, Mr. Beyel united with the Lutheran Church at West Leyden. For many years he had been a regular attendant of the Union Church in this village. For over 25 years he had been a member of West Leyden Grange, No. 620, always taking an active part in its affairs. Surviving are two daughters: Mrs. B. J. Castle of Ava and Mrs. C.W. Trainor of West Leyden, two grandchildren: Alson and Alice Castle; also five sisters: Mrs. Margaret Peters of Constableville, Mrs. Christina Pohl, Mrs. John Wolfe and Mrs. Cornelia ____ all of West Leyden and ...   the article was cut off  at this point.
Joyce O'Connell  EOMO@aol.com

ABIGAIL AVERY BIRDSEY (from Boonville Herald 7/25/1918)
Mrs. Abigail Birdsey Passes Away at the Advanced Age of 93 Years
Following a long and useful life, Mrs. Abigail Avery Birdsey, widow of the late Linus Birdsey, passed away at the home of her son George Birdsey Thursday July 18, 1918 at the advanced age of ninety-three years.  Mrs. Birdsey enjoyed unusually good health up until about three months ago when the infirmities of old age hastened upon her.  She retained her faculties until the hour of her death and her usual strength of character and cheerfulness enriched her life and won for her many friends which held her in high esteem.
Mrs. Birdsey was born in 1825 in Petersboro, NH.  When but a mere girl her parents moved into the wilderness of northern NY locating near Pasadena.  The many weary miles of the journey were made in an old-fashioned wagon of the prairie schooner type and the few neighbors of the district assisted Mr. Jonathan Avery in erecting his new home.  The house was scarcely completed when another claimed title to the land and sympathetic friends again assisted John Avery in razing and reconstructing the home upon another site in Leyden.
The passing of Mrs. Birdsey removes from our midst one of the early pioneer families which settled in this district.  Mrs. Birdsey was well informed and up to within a year or so ago, in spite of her many years, enjoyed excellent health.  She was young in spirit and active in household work.  In conversation, she was unusually interesting and told many stories of long ago, speaking intimately of the primitive mode of living in the days when Boonville was merely a clearing in the Adirondack forest, which even covered the now open country as far as and beyond West Leyden.
She would tell of the time when a huge kettle hung over the fireplace wherein wholesome meals were prepared, a fireplace of such dimensions as would light up the entire kitchen and living room, radiating warmth and cheer.  She was familiar with the early methods of making tallow candles, even before the days of candle molds and was experienced in the primitive methods of baking when modern ovens yet remained to be invented and when the baking pan was covered with live coals which remained from the logs that crackled in the fireplace.  She not only made her own soap and woven rugs and carpets but worked up homespun from crude flax and wool into finished garments and household necessities.
The deceased throughout her entire life was a sincere and consistent Christian.  She was a faithful attendant of the old Baptist church which stood at the forks of the east and west roads and continued faithful to her church duties up until the time of her last illness.  As she felt the drowsiness of the last deep sleep gradually creeping upon her, she had the satisfying consciousness that her life had been spent in usefulness and service.
The deceased is survived by a son, George Birdsey, a step daughter Mrs. Alma Bacon, a stepson Alson Birdsey, one brother G .S. Avery of Holyoke, MA, two sisters, Mrs. Owen Heald, of Rockland, MA and Mrs. E. G. Palmer of Boonville.  The funeral was held Sunday afternoon at 4 pm from her late home on West Street.  Rev. E. J. Davis officiating.  Interment was made in the Boonville Cemetery.
submitted by Susan Ward Merk sbmerk@aol.com

JOHN AVERY (from Boonville Herald 6/27/1907)
Mr. John Avery was a Prominent G.A.R. Veteran
Some of His Experiences in Andersonville Prison - An Active Citizen of Boonville for Some Years
After an illness of several weeks, John Avery one of the best known G.A.R. men in Rockland, MA and an ex-prisoner of war died at his home on Exchange Street last Tuesday afternoon, aged 74.  He was one of the oldest veterans of the Civil War in Rockland, MA.  Mr. Avery was a native of Leyden, NY and was born 10/22/1833.  He was educated in the public schools and afterwards learned the carpenter's trade.
When the Civil War broke out, he enlisted in the 146th NY Regiment and went at once to the front leaving his wife and one child behind him.  He was in the service 4 years and served in the Army of the Potomac.  He was in many battles and saw hard service.  He was taken as prisoner at the battle of Gaines Mill [Bethesda Church-6/2/1864]  just as he was leaving the field with a wounded comrade on his back.  He was marched to Richmond and confined in Castle thunder and Libby prisons for a few days then was taken to Andersonville, GA for confinement in the rebel stockade.
When he entered Andersonville 6/16/1864 there were over 35,000 prisoners there.  During the journey from Libby to Andersonville, the prisoners were subjected to many indignities especially from the women who spat at them as they passed through the streets of Richmond.  Mr. Avery remained in Andersonville until the close of the war when he was taken to Vicksburg and sent north.  At the time of his entrance at Andersonville he weighed 180 pounds and when he was released after his incarceration of twelve months he weighed only 91 pounds.  Mr. Avery was in Andersonville when the raiders were hanged there and one of them was in his regiment.
While at Andersonville, Mr. Avery was part of the time in charge of a squad of prisoners and for this duty he was awarded an extra ration.  From this fact arises an incident which changed the whole course of his life.  Among the prisoners in Andersonville at this time was Darius Everson of East Abington (now Rockland, MA).  Mr. Everson was a young boy and was in poor health.  He occupied a dugout near Mr. Avery's tent and was unable to take care of himself.  Mr. Avery gave the lad the extra ration which he had drawn for himself.  The boy was thus able to keep alive and subsequently got out of prison by answering the name of a prisoner who had been marked for exchange but who had died the night before he was to leave.
As soon as Mr. Everson got back to East Abington, he wrote to Mrs. Avery who was then residing in Boonville, NY and told her where her husband was.   As soon as Mr. Avery got back north the correspondence was kept up, and the 2 ex-prisoners visited each other.  Later Mr. Avery moved to Rockland and has resided here since 1880.  Since that time there have been 3 marriages between the members of the Avery and Everson families.
Mr. Avery married Eliza Palmer of Northville who survives. They were married 3/30/1855 at Boonville, NY and they celebrated their golden wedding in this town 2 years ago.  Five children were born to them and three are now living: Mrs. Nettie L. wife of Elbridge Everson; Mrs. Florence B. wife of Ellis Poole and Mrs. Emma E. wife of Chester Valedge.
The funeral services will take place tomorrow afternoon.  Prayer will be offered at his home on Exchange Street at 1:30 and services will follow at Grand Army Hall and will be conducted by Rev. William Reid.  The members of the G.A.R. will have charge of the services.  Internment will be in Mount Pleasant Cemetery.+
G.A.R. = Grand Army of the Republic
submitted by susan ward merk   sbmerk@aol.com

Mrs. John Hall.
   Died, at West Vienna, State of New York, on the 20th of May, 1893, Mrs. John Hall.  Deceased, whose maiden name was Jane Lockridge, of Hinch, married and removed to West Vienna over twenty years ago.  She had been in poor health for some time, and during the past few months was confined to her room.  Nearly all the time she was a member of the Methodist church, having been converted many years ago in Wesley.  The funeral, which took place on Tuesday was largely attended, showing the esteem in which she was held.  The floral offerings were beautiful _____  having been sent from New York.  They were ____ ed of pure white lilies of the valley,  roses and carnations, bearing the words, "wife, and mother."  She is survived by her husband and five children as well as an aged mother, six sisters and two brothers who mourn her loss.  She died trusting in her Saviour.  Her last request was for all her friends to meet her in heaven.
Penny Fitler penny@bfitler.best.vwh.net

Mrs. Barnes, 91 Dies in Syracuse
  CANASTOTA. - Mrs. Elizabeth L. Barnes, 91 of Clockville, mother of Postmaster Edward J. Lockerby, died Saturday noon in University hospital, Syracuse.  She suffered a fractured hip in a fall in the Canastota business area about 10 days ago, and after treatment in Lenox Memorial hospital was taken to the Syracuse hospital.
  Mrs. Barnes was a native of Napanee, Can., and the last of a large family of children.  In girlhood, she came with members of her family to the West Vienna vicinity and spent most of her life in the Cleveland - West Vienna area.
  She was married to David Lockerby, who died in 1924.  Several years later she was married to Palmer Barnes, who died five years ago.  She came to Clockville about two years ago to make her home with a son, Edward.  Also surviving are two sons, Harry Lockerby of Jewell and Willis Lockerby of Cleveland and several grandchildren.  Mrs. Barnes was a long-time member of the Methodist church in Cleveland.
  The body was brought to Canastota Saturday afternoon by M.E. Newberry & Sons pending funeral arrangements.
 Penny Fitler penny@bfitler.best.vwh.net

Obituary for Palmer BARNES '40 in pencil. 1854-1940;
  Cleveland - Palmer Barnes, 86 died Tuesday noon at his home in Center street after a short illness although he had been in poor health a long time.  He was a retired farmer, most of his life having been spent on a farm at North Bay.  A few years ago he moved to this village to make his home.  He was born near Maple Flats, a son of Harriett Widrick and Merritt G. Barnes.  He was married twice, his first wife, Cynthia Rosa died several years ago, after which he married Eliabeth Lockerby of Cleveland, who survives.  Mr. Barnes, who was a resident most of his life along the north shore of Oneida Lake, was highly respected and had many friends.  He was a good husband and will be greatly missed.  Besides his wife he leaves one son, Arthur Barnes, Stockbride; one daughter, Mrs. Attossa Henratty, of Utica, and a half-brother, Willard A. Barnes Cleveland; also three stepsons Harry Lockerby, Jewell; Willis Lockerby, Cleveland, and Edward Lockerby of Clockville.  Funeral services will be held Friday, 2pm, from his late home in Cleveland, Rev. A. Day Rich, pastor of Cleveland Methodist Church, officiating.  Burial will be in McConnellsville cemetery.  Kenneth I. Locke, undertaker from North Bay, has arrangements.  Mrs. Barnes has the sympathy of many friends in her time of sorrow.
Penny Fitler penny@bfitler.best.vwh.net

Mrs. Christine Dauer
Mrs. Christine Dauer, 81, widow of Frederick Dauer, died yesterday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Armand Mooth, 16 Larchmont Drive, New Hartford.
She was born in Baden, Germany, a daughter of William and Christine Dreher Pfeiffer. She came to this country at the age of 14. In 1902 she was married to Mr. Dauer. He died in 1950. Mrs. Dauer  moved to New Hartford about 10 years ago. She was a member of Zion Lutheran Church.
Besides her daughter with whom she resided, she leaves two sons, William G. of New Hartford and Gustave of Utica.
The funeral will be at 10 Thursday from the Heintz Funeral Home with the Rev. John Sprock, pastor of Zion Lutheran Church officiating. Burial will be in Forest Hills Cemetery.
Calling hours are from 2-4 and 7-9 today and tomorrow

Mrs. Carl Pfeiffer
Oriskany-Mrs. Bertha Pfeiffer 101 Graham, Oriskany, died Apr. 21,1952, in Faxton Hospital, Utica, after an illness of several months.
She was born in Utica, a daughter of Christina Kopp Thieme and the late Hugo Thieme. On Apr. 19,1917, she was married to Carl Pfeiffer.  Mrs. Pfeiffer was a member of Zion Lutheran Church. Prior to last September she had been employed by the J.B. Wells & Son Department Store in Utica.
She leaves her husband, her mother, two daughters, Mrs. Frank Gibbs, Sylvan Beach and Mrs. Leonard Goppert, Oriskany; three sisters, Mrs. Earl T. Blancher, Mrs. Walter Warren and Mrs. Mildred McCarthy, all of Utica; a brother, William C. Thieme, Yorkville and five grandchildren.
The funeral will be at 2 Thursday from the Keilbach Funeral Home, 321 Genesee, the Rev. John H. Sprock, pastor of Zion Church officiating. Burial will be in Crown Hill memorial Gardens.

Mrs. Armand (Helen) Mooth
Mrs. Armand (Helen) Mooth, 66, of 16 Larchmont Drive, New Hartford, died Friday, December 7,1979 in Faxton Hospital. She was born in Utica, February 3, 1913, a daughter of the late Fred and Christina Pfeiffer Dauer. She was educated in Utica Public Schools and graduated from the Utica Free Academy. In 1934, she was married to Armand Mooth. The couple had resided in New Hartford since 1952.  For 445 years, Mrs. Mooth was employed at the Utica Mutual Insurance Company and retired from there in 1976. She was a member of St. Thomas Church, New Hartford and the 25 year club at Utica Mutual Insurance Company.
She is survived by her husband of New Hartford; one brother, Gustave Dauer, Rome; two nieces, Mrs. Louis (Shirley) Olender of Raleigh, North Carolina and Mrs. Gayland (Carol) Michaud of Plainville, Conn; several other nieces, nephews, grand nieces and grand nephews.
The funeral will be held on Tuesday morning at 8:45 from the Heintz Funeral Home 1517 Whitesboro Street, and at 9:30 in St. Thomas Church, Clinton Road, New Hartford. Interment will be in Forest Hill Cemetery. Calling hours will be Sunday evening 7-9 and Monday 2-4 and 7-9.

Francis E. Gibbs
Francis Earl Gibbs, 79, of Whitesboro, passed away February 11, 1999, at the Presbyterian Home for CNY, Inc.
He was born October 24,1919, in New Hartford, the son of Earl and Kathryn McCarthy Gibbs. On November 23,1939, Frank married June B. Pfeiffer at Our Lady of Lourdes, Utica. Mr. Gibbs was a U.S. Marine Corps veteran, having served during World War II. He retired from Kelsey-Hayes in 1980 after 31 years of service. Frank was a member of the R. Kirk Parkhurst American Legion Post #1448, Oriskany, the Clark Mills Community Band and several other local bands.
Surviving besides his wife, June, are two sons and daughters-in-law, Earl and Daphne Gibbs, Westmoreland, and George and Linda Gibbs, Rome; grandchildren, Debra Gibbs, Amy Abdoo, Karen Gibbs, Kevin Gibbs and Michael Whitmore; three great-grandsons, Christopher Liz, Steven Abdoo Jr., and several nieces, nephews and cousins. He was predeceased by his daughter, Patricia A. Whitmore; two brothers, Charles Gibbs and George Gibbs; and his sister Mary Brower.
Services will be held at the convenience of the family. There are no calling hours. Interment will be in Crown Hill Memorial Park.
Arrangements are in the care of the J.W. Dimbleby Funeral Home, Forty Main St, Whitesboro.
Frank's family extends a special thank you to the staff of Maple Wing of the Presbyterian Home for CNY, Inc. In lieu of flowers, donations made be made to the Presbyterian Home for CNY Inc.,  4290 Middle Settlement Rd., New Hartford, NY 13413 or the Whitesboro Fire Dept., Oriskany Blvd., Whitesboro, NY 13492.

Ruth A. Pfeifer
Ruth A. Pfeifer, 68, of 119 Elizabethtown Road, Ilion, passed away Thursday, October 15, 1998 in Cooperstown.
She was botn August 28, 1930, in Trenary, Michigan, the daughter of the late Nels and Lucy W. Trenary LaBumbard. She was educated in the West Winfield schools, and was married to Carl S. Pfeifer.
Mrs. Pfeifer was employed as a nurses aide, doing private duty nursing.
Mrs. Pfeifer was a member of the Columbia Center United Methodist Church and the Millers Mills Grange.
She is survived by her husband Carl; five daughters and a son-in-law, Joya Lee of West Frankfort, Renie Pfeifer of Cooperstown, Katherine Adams of Ilion, Shelby (Giruzzi) Pfeifer of New Hartford and Billie and Joseph Aiello of Herkimer; three brothers and sisters-in-law, Richard and Shirley LaBumbard of Newfield, NY, Gerald LaBumbard of Hillman, Michigan, Raymond LaBumbard of Richfield Springs; a sister and brother-in-law, Lorraine and Lloyd Bryan of Bakersfield, CA; six grandchildren, Miki Zaffarano of Frankfort, Carl and Brent Burke of Oneonta, Stephanie and Kristopher Adams of Ilion, Joey Aiello of Herkimer; three great-granddaughters; several nieces and nephews. She was predeceased by a brother, Gordon in 1987.
Funeral Services for Mrs. Pfeifer will be held on Monday, October 19, 1998, at 11:00 AM from the North Columbia United Methodist Church with Rev. Hans Drews officiating. Friends may call Sunday from 2-4 and 7-9 at the Whiter-Hendrix Funeral Home, Ilion. Friends are asked to consider memorials to the Cedarville Fire Dept.

Charles H. Dauer
Charles H. Dauer, 68, retired carpenter of 938 Saratoga, died Sept. 1, 1946, at Sylvan Beach where he had lived for the last six years. He had been ill for about a year.
He was born in Utica, Oct. 15,1877, the son of the late August and Catherine Dauer. Nov.29,1905, he married Emma Stolzner. He attended Zion's Lutheran Church.
Surviving besides his wife are a son, Harold Dauer, Sauquoit;a daughter, Mrs. Alton Irons; two brothers, Fred and William Dauer; a sister, Mrs. George Schaub and two grandchildren of Utica.
The funeral will be at 2 P.M. Wednesday from his home 938 Saratoga, with interment in Crown Hill Memorial Park.

Ruth M. Pfeiffer
 Ruth M. Pfeiffer, 101, a resident of the Martin Luther Home, Clinton, formerly of Noyes St., Utica, passed away on Friday, September 10, 1999, at the nursing home.
Arrangements under the direction of Heintz Funeral Service, Inc., of Utica are incomplete.
*my note: Even though I had been visiting her, allegedly no one knew she had living relatives. A friend took care of everything. She had a small memorial service at Heintz Funeral Home and was buried in New Forest Cemetery. Ruth was the daughter of William P. and Augusta Lehndorf Pfeiffer.

William Ward Wheatley
William Ward Wheatley, 84, formerly of Sophia Ave, passed away November 7,1997 at the Vermont Veterans Home, Bennington, VT.
He was born June 14,19113 in Elmira, the son of Charles G. and Catherine Ward Wheatley and was educated in Whitesboro schools. He married Flora Dauer, June 15, 1946 at St. Luke's Episcopal Church. She died September 28,1985. He was a WWII Navy veteran, serving in the South Pacific. He was employed at Utica Drop Forge, was traffic manager at Kelsey-Hayes, and also worked at Reid & Sheldon. He was a member of the US Coast Guard Auxiliary, founder of the Flotilla Base 2-6, Sylvan Beach and was a mason and a Republican Supervisor for the City of Utica.
He is survived by two daughters and sons-in-law, Heather W. and Daniel Maneely of Bennington, Elisa W. and Peter Borello, Sauquoit; a son and daughter-in-law, William C. Wheatley and Kim Lambert, Utica; grandchildren, Jason W. and Ellen Andrick and Kathryn F. Borello.
The funeral will be Monday morning at 11 o'clock at All Saints Episcopal Church, Faxton St., Utica. Interment will be in Crown Hill Memorial Park. There are no calling hours.
The family will receive relatives and friends at Elisa and Peter's home, 114 Cobane Rd., Sauquoit, following the cemetery service.
In lieu of flowers, please consider the American Cancer Society or the Alzheimer's Association.
Arrangements in care of J.W. Dimbleby Funeral Home.

Flora D. Wheatley
Flora D. Wheatley, 70, of Sophia Ave., died September 28, 1985 in St. Luke's Memorial Center.
She was born July 30, 1915, in Utica, the daughter of William F. and Ruth Cockroft Dauer. She received her education in local schools and the Rochester School of Dental Hygiene. She married William Ward Wheatley June 15, 1946.  Mrs. Wheatley was employed by Dr. Lyle Harrington and Dr. James Putnum, retiring six years ago. She was a member of All Saints Church and the Altar Guild.
Besides her husband, she is survived by two daughters, Heather Andrick, of Bennington, VT, and Elisa Wheatley, Utica; one son, William C. Wheatley, Whitesboro; two grandchildren, Jason William Andrick and Ellen Kathleen Andrick.
The funeral will be 10:30 Tuesday morning at All Saints Church, Faxton St. Interment will be in Crown Hill Memorial Park. Calling hours are Monday evening 7-9 at the J.W. Dimbleby Funeral Home, Whitesboro. In lieu of flowers, please consider the American Cancer Society or the Arthritis Foundation. Envelopes will be available at the funeral home.

William J. Pfeiffer
New Hartford-William J. Pfeiffer, 79, of 2 Larchmont Dr., October 29, 1979 at his home.
He was born in Utica, March 11, 1900, son of William P. and Augusta Lehndorf Pfeiffer. He was educated in Utica schools and married Ethel Yost November 11, 1934 in Utica. She died August 15, 1975. Mr. Pfeiffer was a Protestant. He was employed at the Marcy Psychiatric Center. He was a member of Utica Lodge #47, F& AM Ziyara Temple and the C.S.E.A.
He is survived by one sister, Ruth M. Pfeiffer and several cousins.
The funeral will be at 10 AM Thursday from the J.W. Dimbleby Funeral Home, Whitesboro, with the Rev. W.A. Hansel officiating. Interment will be in Mt. Olivet Cemetery. Calling hours Wednesday 2-4 and 7-9. Members of Utica Lodge, #47 F & AM, will conduct ritualistic services Wednesday evening at 7:30 at the funeral home

L. Edic, Willowvale, Dies at Residence; Burial Tomorrow
  Willowvale, May 25 - Lyman Edic, 84, one of the oldest residents of this village, died Saturday night at his home after a protracted illness.  The funeral will be held from the home tomorrow afternoon at 2.  Burial will be in Sauquoit Valley Cemetery.  Mr. Edic was born at Sauquoit, June 12, 1842, a son of Rudolph and
Margaret House Edic.  He was a painter by trade and as such had been employed by the Willowvale Bleachery for 40 years.  Two years ago he retired because of declining health.  His wife died four years ago.  He leaves four children, Miss Minnie Edic of this village.  Mrs. F. J. Steinel of Niagara Falls, William of Utica and Charles of Leonardsville; also nine grandchildren and for great, grandchildren.
Stella Sawyer sebs25@adelphia.net

1921: MRS. LYMAN EDIC Aged and Esteemed Resident of Chadwicks is Dead
  Chadwicks-Willowvale, March 4-Mrs. Lyman Edic died at her home here  today at the age of 82 years.  Mrs. Edic was born in England, September 11, 1838, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Mellor.  She attended school there and came to America at the age of 19.  She married Mr. Edic in Sauquoit, August 8, 1861.
They lived in Chadwicks six years, then went to Patterson, N. J., where they lived three years.  Later, they lived at Dundad, Canada, and after seven years came back to this community.  Mrs. Edic was a woman of many admirable traits of character and was highly regarded by all who knew her.  She is survived by her husband and four children, John William of Utica, Minnie at home, Mrs. Frank Steinel, Niagara Falls, and Charles Edward of Burlington Flats; nine grandchildren and four great
Stella Sawyer sebs25@adelphia.net