Unsorted Obituaries
Donated by S Hoffman

From the Roman Citizen October 13, 1876
Lee Center Items
Two funerals were held in our town on Friday
Mr. William Coon, son-in-law of Mr.
Morris Platt, died at his residence on Fish Creek, of typhoid fever, after
an illness of 21 days. He was 23 years of age, and had not been married
quite a year. He leaves a young wife, parents and numerous friends,
to mourn his early decease.
Oct. 11
From the Roman Citizen October 13, 1876
Lee Center Items
Miss Ada Nisbet, aged 19 years, daughter
of Mr and Mrs Benjamin Nisbet, residing on Fish Creek, died on Wednesday
last of consumption, and her funeral was held on Friday at Lee Center.
There was a large group of mourners and a full house of our citizens gathered
in to the funeral to express their sympathies for the afflicted and their
respect for Ada, who thus early in her life had been called to part with
the friends and joys of earth, for those beyond the river; but she was
per fectly resigned and felt assured that brighter and richer joys awaited
her "over there." Rev. Mr. Ochampaugh preached on the occasion.
Oct. 11
From the Roman Citizen October 13, 1876
Sudden Death
John Amill, driver of the canal boat
C. B. VanWagner, dropped dead on the tow path near Durhamville last Sunday.
Dr. Wood was called and pronounced it a case of heart disease. Papers
found on his person referred to a supposed daughter who lives in Buffalo.
The overseer of the poor of Durhamville took charge of the remains.
From the Roman Citizen October 13, 1876
Thomas Selden
News comes to us that Thomas Selden now of
Saratoga Springs, is very low and not expected to live for more than a
day or so. Mr Selden when but nine months old was brought here by
his father (whose given name was also Thomas) and settled in the Selden
nieghborhood in Rome beyond the Ridge, and on the east side of the Mohawk
River. That was in 1796, and while what is now Rome was a part of Whitestown.
The present Mr. S. continued a resident of Rome until about 1860, when
he removed to Saratoga; he was one of our most esteemed and respected citizens.
He is upwards of 80 years of age, and up to within a few months has retained
his memory and mental vigor to a remarkable degree. Thus passes away
Rome's early settlers, and those who may be justly considered the salt
of the earth.
From the Roman Citizen October 13, 1876
Death of Hon. Calvert Comstock
On Tuesday morning last, at his residence
in this city, Calvert Comstock, after a long illness, quietly breathed
out his life and passed to the spirit land. This sad ending of a
protracted illness was not unexpected, but when the fact was announced,
that the end had come and that Mr. Comstock was no more, a general sadness
fell upon the entire community, for it is but the truth when we state that
it is the fortune of but very few in this or any other community, to be
held in such universal esteem as was the subject of these remarks.
Conusmption was the disease that has removed our friend from our midst,
and although he has struggled against its inroads upon his life energies
for ears, he was finally compelled to yield to its power, and Mr. Comstock's
genial face and wise council will no more be seen or heard in our midst.
The deceased was born in Western, July 2, 1812. In early life he
taught school. He entered Hamilton College in 1831, where he remained two
years. He then studied law with his brother-in-law, I.C. Baker, of Whitesboro.
he was admitted to the bar in 1836, and for a time was associated with
Mr. Baker. In 1838 he removed to rome, and became associated with the law
firm of Foster & Stryker, under the firm name of Foster, Stryker, &
Comstock, and so continued until 1841, when Mr. Foster retired, and the
firm was then Stryker & Comstock, and so continued until July 7, 1846,
when B J Beach, Esq., became a member of it. In 1847, Mr. Stryker retired,
and the firm name was Comstock & Beach and continued until January
1, 1855, when Mr. Comstock returned to take editorial charge of the Albany
Argus. In 1845, Mr. C was appointed District Attorney of this county
and in 1847 was elected to the same office under the new constitution.
In this office he peculiarly distinguished himself by his ability and the
energetic manner in which he discharged the duties of the office.
In the winter of 1845, he served a term in the Assembly, and exerted a
commanding influence in that body. In July 1852, Mr. Comstock, in connection
with his brother Elon, established the Rome Daily Sentinel, and continued
its publication until 1855, when it was sold to D.E. Wager & A J Rowley.
The same year Mr. Comstock removed to Albany and became managing editor
of the Argus, and so continued nearly two years, when ill health
compelled him to retire. He then returned to rome, where he has since
resided. He has been connected with various business enterprizes, so far
as his health would permit, and to the last took a deep interest in all
matters connected with Rome's interests. Mr. Comstock was married April
27, 1836, to Eliza Mann Sill, the eldest daughter of General Theodore Sill
of Whitesboro, the law partner of Thomas R. Gold of that place. Mrs. Comstock
died in 1868 leaving four daughters and three sons, all of whom survive
the father. The deceased was a clear thinker and a logical reasoner.
He was modest and unobtrusive, honest and honorable in every act of his
life, kind and generous to th epoor and suffering, and in all the walks
of live he exemplified the highest type of a good citizen, a king and affectionate
husband and father, an a just man. He will be sincerely mourned by all
who knew him, and his virtues will be held in grateful remembrance.
the funeral services were held at the late risdence of Mr. Comstock at
3 pm, Thursday, and were largely attended by our citizens and business
From the Roman Citizen October 13, 1876
GAYLORD, at Rome, October 9, 1876, Henry
R. Gaylord, aged 33 years and 10 months.
From the Roman Citizen October 13, 1876
A Deadly Affray
On Wednesday of last week two Indians
named David White and Solomon Christian, of Oneida Castle, went
to the Vernon Town Fair and became quite drunk. On their way home
at night they got into a quarrel, and White shot at Christian three
times with a revolver, the bullets taking effect in the bowels. White
was arrested and taken before Justice Avery, of Oneida Castle. He waived
examination and was brought to jail in this city. White is about
28 years of age, and quite intelligent. He claimed that no difficulty had
occurred between them before, but that Christian attacked him with a cobble
striking him on the head. Both clinched and White was thrown when
he drew his reolver and fired in self-defense. Christian died form the
effects so his wounds on Saturday morning. It is said that jealousy was
the moving spririt in the affair; that White had accused Christian of being
too intimate with his (White's) squaw. White denies this, and says
he shot Christian only in self-defense.
Loomis LeGrand Danforth, born at Monticello,
Otsego County, N.Y., October 15, 1849, died at his home, 49 West
Fifty-second street, New York, November
9, 1921. His parents, Hiram Doane and
Mary Jane Tanner Danforth, moved to Utica not long after his birth.
He attended the Utica Free Academy and then
studied medicine with Dr. M. M. Gardner,
a leading homeopathic physician of Oneida County. In 1871 he entered
the College of Physicians and Surgeons of
Columbia University and was graduated in
He practiced in New York after graduation
and became one of the leading homeopathic physicians and surgeons of the
city. He was for many years head
of the department of obstetrics in the New
York Homeopathic Medical College and Flower Hospital and was professor
emeritus at the time of his death. He
furnished the maternity ward when the hospital
was built. He was also for a long time chief of staff of the maternity
department of the Hahnemann Hospital of New York.
Dr. Danforth was a member of the American
Institute of Homeopathy, the New York State Homeopathic Medical Society,
the New York County Homeopathic
Society, the New England Society, the Union
League Club, the Jahr Club and the Brick Presbyterian Cnurch. He
was a writer of many articles on obstetrical and gynecological subjects
in homeopathic publications.
After moving to Utica Dr. Danforth's father
became a member of the noted Aeolian Male Quartette. The son
had a remarkable bass voice and was once a
well known church singer. He had sung
in St. Thomas's Church, the Broadway Tabernacle and the Brick Presbyterian
Dr. Danforth married Emma A. Hamlin of New
York in 1874. His wife and one sister survived him.
Proceedings of the New York State Historical
Association, Vol. XXI,
published by the New York State Historical
Association, 1923
John Devereux Kernan, son of Francis
and Hannah Devereux Kernan, died December 29, 1922, in Utica, where he
was born February 25, 1844. His father was United States senator
from this State from 1875 to 1881. After attending school in the public
schools of Utica, the Utica Free Academy and the Christian Brothers School
of Utica he entered Seton Hall College in South Orange, New Jersey,
and was graduated in 1863. He then studied law in the office
of his father until his admission to the bar in 1865, practiced in
the office of his father until 1867, and then became partner with his uncle
William in the firm of W. and J. D. Kernan.
Mr. Kernan became a member of the first board
of railroad commissioners in 1883. He withdrew in 1887 and
went to New York City, where he formed a partnership with Judge William
P. Quinn of that city and his brother Nicholas under the firm name of Kernan
Brothers and Quinn. His specialty was railroad law. He was
engaged in many cases involving the laws regarding interstate commerce.
In one of these cases he appeared for the New York Board of Trade and Transportation
and the Produce Exchanged of New York. He was counsel of the Interstate
Commerce Commission in suits against several of the large western
and southern railroads.
In 1903 he resumed the practice of law in
Utica in partnership with his uncle, nephews and son under the firm name
of Kernan and Kernan. This firm has been local counsel for the New
York Central and Husdon[sic] River Railroad and the New York State Railways,
and cousel of the Employers' Association of Utica, the Utica Pipe Foundry
Company and other companies.
Mr. Kernan was selected by Grover Cleveland
as one of the directors of the Equitable Life Assurances Society and was
a member of the executive committee of its board of directors. Mr.
Cleveland had the greatest conficence in his ability and integrity.
He appointed Mr. Kernan commissioner to investigate the Pullman railroad
strike in Chicago and commissioner for the acquisition of a tract of land
for the West Point Military Academy. Among the positions which were
offered by Mr.
Cleveland to Mr. Kernan and declined were
those of collector of the port of New York, national bank examiner
for the State of New York and government director of
the Union Pacific Railroad.
Mr. Kernan was one of the managers of the
Utica State Hospital from 1905 to 1920.
For many years he was an energetic and prominent
worker in the Democratic party. He attended local and states
conventions and served for two years as
chairman of the Oneida county committee.
He never stood for an elective office.
He was one of the original members of the
Fort Schuyler Club; a member of the Half-century Club of Utica, the
Utica Club, the Manhattan Club of New York City.
A few weeks before his death Mr. Kernan presented
the Jonas Puffer farm in the town of Forestport to the Utica Council of
Knights of Columbus to be used as a summer camp for boys. The farm
house, barn and other buildings had been put in excellent condition before
presentation. He was perhaps the last survivor of the Rusty Baseball Club,
which he joined when a young man. He was fond of hunting and other
outdoor sports. He had an unusually fine bass voice and for many
years sang in the choir of St. John's Church, of which he was a lifelong
In 1873 he married Kathleen Peebles of Newcastle,
Pennsylvania. She died in July of the same year as her husband.
Six children survived them
Proceedings of the New York State Historical
Association, Vol. XXI,
published by the New York State Historical
Association, 1923
Joseph Koult died in Utica October
28, 1921. He was born in Wurtemberg, August 5, 1845. He was
educated in the government schools and learned the trade of painter
and worker in stucco. In 1886[sic] he was drafted into a regiment
of artillery and served in the war between Prussia and Austria.
In 1867 Mr. Kuolt came to America and made
his home in Utica. He worked at his trade for two years in the employ
of John Tunbridge, and then engaged in
painting and decorating for himself until
1873, when he bought the grocery business of George Haenl. He added
the woolen business of Mr. Haenl after the latter's death 1886, conducted
both businesses until 1892 and the cloth business alone from 1892 until
Mr. Kuolt was one of the three assessors
elected for the city of Utica at large for the first time in 1897.
He held office for two years, during one of which he was chairman.
In 1907 he was re-elected, served for four years and was chairman one year.
When the heaviest work of making the general assessment of the year was
over Mr. Kuolt made a practice of going to the county clerk's office and
copying maps of city property. These maps were of great value in
connection with the tax maps as a means for the more accurate determination
of locations and measurements. They were afterwards bound and are
kept on file in the office of assessors. Mr. Kuolt did this work
on his own initiative and with no additional compensation. Pressure
was brought to bear on the assessors to have manufacturing and other business
property assessed at a lower rate than residential property. Mr.
Kuolt resisted this pressure and it had no effect.
Mr. Kuolt was president of the West Utica
Imporvement association during its existence from 1890 to 1895.
This association brought about the paving of streets and the establishment
of manufactureing plants in West Utica.
Upon the formation of the Utica Homestead
Aid Association in 1884 Mr. Kuolt was chosen a trustee and held that office
until his death, when he was the sole survivor of the original trustees.
Throughtout this periold he made appraisals for th eassociation with such
thoroughness and good judgment that the association never lost a penny
because of any appraisal which he made.
He was instrumental in forming the Utica
German-American Alliance in 1905 and as a consequence became the treasurer
of the German-American Alliance of the State of New York, which was formed
in 1906. He was a member of the Utica Lese Verein and a member since
1867 of the Utica Maennerchor. He was a Republican and a member of
the Utica Republican Club from its organization.
In 1873 he married Sophia C. Rain, who died
in 1917. Two sons survive him.
He was a member of the Herkimer Homestead
Association and gave freely of his time in surpervising the renovation
and restoration of the home of General Nicholas Herkimer. Although
he was not a wealthy man he made the hard journey from Utica to Little
Falls and thence to the Herkimer homestead two or thee times a week
both summer and winter.
Proceedings of the New York State Historical
Association, Vol. XXI,
published by the New York State Historical
Association, 1923