Stimson Bible

These pages were separated from the Bible, so the date of the Bible is unknown. It was acquired from a
man in New York who saved the genealogical information from Bibles that were being thrown away.

Transcribed by and in the possession of Tracy St. Claire,


By the Reverend Ruel Kimball Leyden October 12th 1841 Clinton S. Stimson and Julia Ann Fiske

In Boonville, New York March 19th /73. At the  residence of the bride's parents, by Rev. John R. Lewis. Mr. Jesse P. Babcock and Miss Ann E. Stimson.

In Boonville, New York December 2nd 1874 At the residence of the bride's mother. By the Rev. Wm. T. Fagan Mr. R. Wilson Stimson and Mifs Maggie

In Boonville Nov 12th 1885 at the residence of Mr. Babcock By Rev. F. Campbell, Mr. Philetus B. Ward and Miss Mary E. Stimson


Clinton D. Stimson, born in Leyden July 20th 1815

Julia Ann Fiske born in Boonville Feb. 23rd 1812

Newton Philander Stimson, born in Leyden, July 15th 1843

Mary Elizabeth Stimson born in Leyden December 25 1845

Ann Eliza Stimson born in Leyden July 10th 1849

Rufus Wilson Stimson born in Boonville, N.Y. Nov. 29th 1853

Newton T. Stimson August 11th 1876 (son of Rufus Wilson and Maggie Stimson)


Clinton Leroy Babcock Antwerly N.Y. Born Aug 12th 1874

Newton Thomas Stimson Born Aug 11th 1878 Boonville, N.Y.

Fred Johnson Babcock Born March 20th 1880

Perley Stimson Babcock June 10th 1884 in Boonville N.Y.

Harry Jesse Babcock Born Oct. 3 1886 in Boonville N.Y.

Jessie Louise Babcock Born March 1st 1891 in Boonville, N.Y.


In Boonville, N.Y. Sept. 23rd 1865 of consumption Newton Philander Stimson aged 23 years

Fred Johnson Babcock died March 18th 1884 aged 4 years

Boonville Sept. 12th /84 Julia A. Stimson aged 72 years 6 months Mother is "not dead but sleeping"

Boonville April 18th 1899 Clinton D. Stimson aged 84 years and 9 months

In Dolgeville -- February 2nd '85 Maggie Owens Stimson Aged 51 years

In New York City Oct 12 1908 Newton T. Stimson Aged 32 years

In Boonville Dec. 26th 1912 Anna Stimson Babcock aged 63 years

In Philadelphia Pa. May 11th 1927 Harry Babcock aged 40 years + 8 months

In Leyden Lewis Co., N.Y. Dec 19 /28 R. Wilson Stimson aged seventy five years one month