the title page gone, but this ca 1790 - 1825 bible may have been Captain Ebenezer Wright's [1769 - 1851] later given to his son Ebenezer William.
"E. W. Wright/1838 Eben. Wright/Rome 1838/N.Y."
on last page. "$9.50/ Dec 3rd. 1820/ $9.50 "on back inside cover. submitted
by ebenezer stevens wright 1/14/2004
Family Record:
ebenezer wright & beulah harrison 1791
russel bartlett to harriet wright 1811
ebenezer wright to lydia butler oct 17 1820
john wilder to polly wright 5th april 1821
john gridley to arabella wright 2nd odt 1822
geo h. wright to christian allen august 23rd
elisha b wright to emeline wright sept. 17th
geo. h wright to delia matteson nov 4th 1828
aaron kellogg to hannah e wright feby 14th
e w wright to sophia denio sept 12th 1836
ambrose w. barnes to grace h wright april
elisha b wright to sarah pierce 1855
Ebenezer Wright july 2nd 1769
Beulah Wright nov 18th 1772
harriet wright may 6 1792
arabella wright feby 8th 1794
julia wright march 22nd 1796
geo h wright feb 13th 1798
polly wright may 11th 1800
elisha b wright april 8th 1802
hannah e wright march 15th 1804
grace h wright sept 20th 1808
ebenezer w wright july 16th 1810
beulah wright dec 20th 1814 aged 42 years
christian wright may 31st 1828 aged 25 years
harriet bartlett april 15th 1846 aged 53
years 11 months 21 days
eben'r wright june 17th 1851 aged 81 years
11 months 15 days
george h wright june 16 1852 aged 54 years
4 months 3 days
delia wright june 23 1852 aged
ambrose w barnes oct 17th 1852 aged
hannah e w kellogg died at conway mass nov
11th 1862 age58
grace a barnes died march 8th 1872 aged 66
yrs. 5 mo 18 days
julia wright died nov 18th 1878 aged 83 yr
7 mo & 26 days
elisha b wright died feb 1886 aged 84yrs
10 mo
ebenezer w wright died feb 27th 1888 aged
77 yrs 7 mo 11 days
submitted by ebenezer stevens wright 1/14/2004