Whiffen Cemetery

Reilly Rd., Town of Annsville

This cemetery is located on the old Reilly Road, a dirt road north of the Glenmore Reservoir.  It has been neglected for many years and had grown up to trees and brush hiding the tombstones.  This summer John & Tammy Burns from Taberg have cleared out the brush and trees and it is presently in very good condition.  There are several veterans buried in this cemetery along with Eliakim Miller who donated the land for cemetery use.  The gate near the entrance of this cemetery reads “Whiffen Cemetery 1800”.  The oldest stone found dates to 1824 and the most recent was 1893.  There are many field stones present with no inscriptions.  The stones were copied by Kathleen Last and Virginia Ackerman on August 27, 1999.

Kathleen Last & Virginia Ackerman
All rights reserved


Anson, Caroline, wife of Jason Anson, died March 7, 1868 age 27 yrs
Anson, Lillian, (dau of Jason & Caroline Anson), died June 3, 1868 aged 1 yr 2 mos
Anson, Mary E., (dau of Jason & Caroline Anson), died April 1, 1878 aged 18 yrs

Blenis, Cornelia, dau of Jesse & Sally Blenis, died Sep. 12, 1854 aged 8 yrs
Blenis, Jesse Van O. died Mar. 3, 1873 age 68 yrs

Chandler, Achsah, wife of John W. Chandler, died Dec. 2, 1840 age 34 yrs 8 mos

Churchill, Nathaniel died Sep. 16, 1868 age 59 yrs 4 mos 21 dys
Churchill, Nancy, wife of Nathaniel Churchill, died Aug. 1, 1878, aged 74 yrs
Churchill, Joseph, died Feb. 22, 1857 aged 76 yrs

Cornell, Daniel died Aug. 31, 1862 aged 76 yrs

Elphick, Frances, wife of John Elphick, died Dec. 18, 1854, aged 59 yrs

Evens, John D., son of David & Elizabeth Evens, died April 1, 1867 aged 15 yrs 9 mos

Grippen, Spencer, son of Demas W. & Lydia Grippen, died Nov. 22, 1842, aged 2 yrs 5 mos 2 dys

Hitchcock, Levi died Mar. 24, 1844 aged 88 yrs 10 mos 17 dys
Hitchcock, Mary, wife of Levi Hitchcock, died Mar. 4, 1833 aged 70 yrs
Hitchcock, Levi Jr., died Nov. 29, 1856 aged 61 yrs 4 mos 12 dys

Howell, Maria T., wife of Richard Howell, died Aug. 20, 1851 aged 39 yrs
Howell, Susan M., dau of R. & M. T. Howell, died Feb. 19, 1852 age 7 mos
Howell, Elizabeth A., dau of R. & M. T. Howell, died Jan. 2, 1853, aged 1 yr 7 mos

Hyde, Niles., Co. B, 146th NY Vol., died Apr. 12, 1864 age 26 yrs
  (The following is on the same stone:  top of stone is missing, all that is legible is aged 25 yrs, 2 mos, 3 dys.  It is assumed that this is a family stone for Niles Hyde including his wife and daughter)
(Hyde), Hannah, wife (of Niles Hyde), died Mar. 18, 1867 aged 23 yrs 18 dys
Hyde, Selea F. died Sep. 13, 1865, aged 2 yrs 5 mos 6 dys

Miller, Elikem, A Patriot of the Revolution, died Dec. 24, 1841 age 88 yrs
Miller, Rhoda, wife of Elikiam Miller, died Feb. 1, 1842 aged 70 yrs
Miller, Alba died June 9, 1868, aged 71 yrs 4 mos 22 dys
Miller, Charlotte, wife of Alba Miller, died Aug. 12, 1851 aged 49 yrs
Miller, Olive, wife of Luther Miller, died Aug. 16, 1824, age 31 yrs
Miller, Mary, wife of John Miller, died Jul. 5, 1858, aged 24 yrs

Morenous, George W., (soldier) died Sep. 28, 1864 aged 29 yrs 6 mos
Morenous, Peter, Co. B. 146 Regt. Inf. died Jun. 7, 1893 aged 80 yrs 6 mos 22 dys
Morenous, Betsey, wife of Peter Morenous, died Oct. 7, 1890 age 78 yrs

Mower, George, died Dec. 18, 1835 aged 28 yrs 8 mos
Mower, Peter died Aug. 4, 1851 aged 87 yrs 7 mos Rev. War vet
Mower, Magdalene, wife of Peter Mowers, died May 18, 1859 aged 81 yrs 9 mos

Nunan, Thomas, born in Co. Limerick Oct. 1, 1807 died in Annsville, NY Dec. 3, 1867
Nunan, Olive, wife of Thomas Nunan, died Oct. 23, 1880, aged 73 yrs 9 mos 21 dys

Perkins, Silas died Oct. 31, 1847 aged 83 yrs

Seaton, Thomas E., son of George & Mary Ann Maw Seaton, died April 2, 1861 age 1 yr 9 mos.
Seaton, Francis L., (twin brother of Frank C.), son of George & Mary Ann Maw Seaton, died Jan. 2, 1862 age 12 dys
Seaton, Frank C., (twin brother of Francis L.), son of George & Mary Ann Maw Seaton, (rest of stone broken)

Sperry, Harriet E., 2(nd) daughter of W. D. & L. M. Sperry, died Nov. 11, 1848, aged 4 yrs

Tyler, Mary, dau of J. W. & Theodotia Tyler, died April 1, 1840 aged 11 mos 20 dys

Vannier, Joseph died Apr. 1, 1853 aged 28 yrs 7 mos 22 dys
Vannier, Mary, wife of Joseph Vannier, died Aug. 9, 1872 aged 46 yrs
Vannier, Polly, wife of Barnabus Vannier, died Aug. 4, 1850 aged 25 yrs

Waters, Ann, relict of Richard Waters, died Jan. 8, 1850, aged 55 yrs
Waters, Harriet Parmelia, wife of George L. Waters, died Aug. 31, 1863, aged 27 yrs 4 mos 11 dys
Waters, Mary J., relict of Henry Waters, died Sep. 8, 1863, aged 29 yrs 2 mos 24 dys
Waters, Henry died Sep. 3, 1863, aged 41 yrs 1 mo 24 dys

Woodard, Lucy, wife of Phiny Woodard, died Jul. 18, 1840 aged 63 yrs

  Back of stone reads “Our Three Little Ones”. Front has following  three names and inscriptions:
Seaton, Thomas E., son of George & Mary Ann Maw Seaton, died April 2, 1861 age 1 yr 9 mos.
Seaton, Francis L., (twin brother of Frank C.), son of George & Mary Ann Maw Seaton, died Jan. 2, 1862 age 12 dys
Seaton, Frank C., (twin brother of Francis L.), son of George & Mary Ann Maw Seaton, (rest of stone broken)

No Name:
  his wife, died June 2, 1852 in 71st year of her age
(this is all that was found of the stone.  It appears that it is husband and wife with only the bottom of the stone still there)