Jackson Hill Road, Town of Boonville
Take Jackson Hill Rd until left turn onto
Arab Hill Road. Follow to end of paved road.
Walk forward on seasonal road and look on
right side.
Small cemetery sits on knoll among trees
between roadway and field.
Chester Hall, died 30 Dec 1862, aged 21 yrs.
9 mo. 17 days
Esther Hall, died 22 Dec 1863, aged 22 yrs.
9 mo. 8 days
(small footstone: children of Elisha
& Lois Hall) below Chester & Ester
Hannah Hall, dau. of Elisha & Lois Hall,
died 7 April 1857, 25 yrs. 7 days
Lois Hall, wife of Elisha Hall, died 24 June
1847, aged 44 yrs.
There is no marker but relatives say Elisha Hall, 1804-1879, is buried there without a stone next to Lois
Barbara Remp, died 28 Feb 1871 (7 is questionable),
aged 34 yrs. 11 mo. (on opposite side of cem)
Darlene Utter darlene@aiusa.com
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