Prospect Hill Cemetery

Skyline Drive, Town of Kirkland


Record of interments in the Prospect Hill Cemetery located on Skyline Drive,
Clinton, in the town of Kirkland.  Information provided by Riley Ann McFadden.

Copyright© 2001
Riley Ann McFadden
All Rights Reserved

 Armstrong, Betsey, wife of Sylvester Armstrong, 1782-1858
 Armstrong, Chester died April 14, 1875 age 34 yrs 2 mos
 Armstrong, Eliza White, wife of Alkanah Armstrong, May 6, 1815-Jan. 14, 1900
 Armstrong, Elkanah Danforth 1807-1889
 Armstrong, Elmer D. died July 5, 1860 age 23 yrs 29 dys
 Armstrong, Henry died Nov. 26, 1846    1817-1846
 Armstrong, Sylvester died July 14, 1851

 Bartholemew, Austin 1805-1869
 Bartholemew, Charles died March 16, 1849 age 55 yrs
 Bartholemew, Eleazar Cushman, son of James & Ruth Bartholemew, died Sep. 1, 1826
 Bartholemew, James died Sep. 14, 1877 age 84 yrs 5 mos 24 dys
 Bartholemew, Lynda died 1864
 Bartholemew, Lynda, wife of Austin Bartholemew, 1799-1886
 Bartholemew, Ruth, wife of James Bartholemew, died Jan. 24, 1851 age 62 yrs 6 mos

 Bell, Adaline, dau of Betsy & Andrew Bell, 1823-1888
 Bell, Betsy, wife of Andrew Bell, 1797-1838
 Bell, Col. Andrew died Aug. 9, 1883 age 89 yrs 4 mos(flag)

 Bingham, Harry  born 1783 died Feb. 1, 1874
 Bingham, Marcia E., dau of Harry & Zepporah Bingham, born 1809 died Jan. 17, 1887
 Bingham, Marina E., dau of Harry & Zepporah Bingham, born 1815 died Oct. 29, 1818
 Bingham, Zepporah Tracy, wife of Harry Bingham, born 1780 died May 17, 1887

 Blair, Esther, wife of Seth Blair, born 1744 died June 20, 1825 age 56 yrs
 Blair, Marenda Mitchel, wife of Zina Blair, 1806-1887
 Blair, Seth born 1764 died Nov. 20, 1800
 Blair, Zina 1799-1864

 Brookes, John R. 1913-1985

 Buck, Sally (illegible)

 Butler, Annie Merrell, wife of James Butler, 1852-1919
 Butler, James 1850-1920

 Cackett, Adelia F. Kimball, wife of George Cackett, 1845-1913
 Cackett, George E. 1843-1899

 Chaney, George born 1862 died Nov. 7, 1879
 Chaney, Harriet, wife of William Chaney, born Dec. 1, 1827 died Nov. 22, 1894
 Chaney, William born Aug. 1827 died May 1, 1884

 Childes, Mable 1792-1826

 Day, Daisy (no dates)
 Day, George, son of George & Ann Day, born 1837 died Oct. 25, 1851
 Day, William, son of George & Ann Day, 1852-1852

 Deane, Charles W. 1845-1889
 Deane, Charlotte E. Parkhurst, wife of Charles E. Deane, 1847-1922
 Deane, Clara J. Marshall 1874-1946
 Deane, F. D. C. 1868-1908
 Deane, Frederick H., son of Charles & Charlotte Deane, 1872-1888
 Deane, Horrace H., son of Charles & Charlotte Deane, 1888-1889
 Deane, Thomas J. (no dates)

 Deland, Hannah, dau of John & Hannah Deland, born 1812 died Jan. 3, 1815
 Deland, John born 1800 died Dec. 1845
 Deland, John, son of John & Mary McMillan Deland, 1837-1853 (vet flag)
 Deland, Levi 1780-1839
 Deland, Mary, dau of Levi & Polly Deland, 1821-1826
 Deland, Morgan E. 1784-1810 (vet flag)
 Deland, Polly, wife of Levi Deland, 1790-1850
 Deland, Robert 1924-1925

 Diehl, Caroline Perl, second wife of Ernest Diehl, 1856-1929
 Diehl, Ernest, son of Fred Diehl, 1840-1919
 Diehl, Frederich 1808-1873
 Diehl, Mrs. Ernest, wife of Ernest Diehl, 1839-1876
 Diehl, Mrs. Frederich, wif eof Frederich, 1805-1881

 Eaton, Sattie Maud, dau of John & Clara Eaton, 1881-(illegible)

 Edwards, Ella, wife of John Edwards, 1877-1904
 Edwards, James 1819-1880
 Edwards, John, son of Samuel & Sarah Edwards, 1872-1900
 Edwards, Mary Ann Hall, wife of Jame Edwards, 1824-1909
 Edwards, Rena 1898-1918
 Edwards, Samuel died March 16, 1913
 Edwards, Samuel Jr. 1872-1891
 Edwards, Sarah born 1836 died March 11, 1901
 Edwards, Walter M., son of James & Mary Thompson Edwards, 1880-1880

 Elphick, Betty Ingersoll, wife of James Elphick, born Nov. 2, 1806 died April 18, 1882
 Elphick, Edwin, son of Charles & Ann Elphick, 1846-1848
 Elphick, Eunice born Oct. 25, 1847 died Nov. 5, 1847
 Elphick, Grace B., dau of James & Betty Elphick, 1849-1925
 Elphick, James born June 5, 1808 died Nov. 2, 1889

 Engelbecht, Christine C. Diehl died Sep. 18, 1912
 Engelbecht, Katherine Jean died Dec. 1947
 Engelbecht, Theodore Henry died June 25, 1904

 Enos, Charles died Dec. 12, 1889
 Enos, Elizabeth Signourney Seely, wife of Charles Enos, 1836-1889

 Evenden, Elizabeth Day (no dates)

 Gardner, Minerva A. born 1817 died Sep. 3, 1840

 Hamilton, Addie Alice 1908-1985
 Hamilton, Ernest L. died 1998

 Haney, Eugene LeRoy, Sgt., US Army Korea, Jan. 11, 1931-Aug. 14, 1991

 Hills, Abigail, wife of Issac Hills, 1743-1825
 Hills, Adeline A., dau of May & Calvin Hills, born 1852 died Aug. 28, 1854
 Hills, Ashley P., son of Dan & Martha Hills, 1784-1812
 Hills, Calvin 1812-March 5, 1887
 Hills, Cornelia A. Coke, dau of Dan & Martha Hills, 1784-1811
 Hills, Dan 1780-1864
 Hills, Isaac 1740-1814
 Hills, Mary J. 1817-June 30, 1884

 Ingersoll, Betsy, wife of Luther Ingersoll, 1780-May 10, 1813
 Ingersoll, Luther 1778-1841

 Jenks, Benjamin M. 1808-May 4, 1856

 Kitchen, Emma J., wife of George H. Kitchen, 1865-1937
 Kitchen, George H., son of George & Sarah Kitchen, 1860-1932
 Kitchen, George Jan. 18, 1823-Dec. 6, 1902
 Kitchen, Sarah A. Hall, wife of George Kitchen, 1834-1920

 Lindsley, Oscar H. born 1818 died Nov. ??, 1863

 Marshall, Clar J. 1874-1946

 Mason, Derwin D., Batt. B, 470 CA NB, Vet of WW II, 1922-1943

 Mathews, G. W., Co. I 142nd. Penn. Inf., Civil War Vet (no dates)

 McMillan, Mary Maria 1805-1840
 McMillan, William E., son of John & Mary McMillan, born 1823 died Feb. 8, 1840

 Merrit, Levi 1770-1826  (in Blair plot)

 Moore, Chancey I., son of Shuabel & Salinda N. Moore, born 1850 died Feb. 1, 1851

 Pankhurst, Elizabeth, dau of John Pankhurst, 1864-1879
 Pankhurst, John 1864-1879
 Pankhurst, Mary Ann, wife of Richard Pankhurst, 1831-1872
 Pankhurst, Richard 1826-1879

 Percival, Arba 1797-April 25, 1868
 Percival, Clarissa, wife of Arba Percival, 1802-Dec. 6, 1856
 Percival, Irinda M. Hills, wife of Josiah N. Percival, 1823-June 27, 1843

 Roberts, Helen Bartholemew, wife of Henry Roberts, 1830-1873
 Roberts, Henry 1823-1907

 Roundy, Bell S., wife of Charles Roundy, 1880-1909
 Roundy, Charles (no dates)
 Roundy, Leon G., son of Charles & Bell Roundy, 1900-1900
 Roundy, Lizzie K., son of Charles & Bell Roundy, 1902-1902

 Ruth, Adam 1828-1909

 Seely, Daniel P. June 9, 1804-Dec. 1, 1881
 Seely, E. Jane Cary, wife of Daniel P. Seely, 1808-July 13, 1883
 Seely, Huldah, wife of Harvey Seely, 1807-Sep. 20, 1852

 Silverman, Albert G. (Rabbi), born Sep. 6, 1917 died March 8, 1990

 Simonds, Caroline, wife of Josiah Simonds, 1774-Jan. 13, 1840
 Simonds, Josiah 1774-1814

 Southfield, Louis C. 1891-1921  (removed June 1999)

 Taft, Abagail A., dau of Proctor & Azubah Taft, 1838-1901
 Taft, Abigail, dau of Timothy & Sarh Taft, 1835-1885
 Taft, Azubah W., wife of Proctor Taft, 1811-1903
 Taft, Emma A., dau of Proctor & Azubah Taft, 1854-1922
 Taft, Francis A., son of Proctor & Azubah Taft, 1844-1900
 Taft, Myron T., son of Proctor & Azubah Taft, 1853-1910
 Taft, Niles W., son of Proctor & Azubah Taft, 1841-1863 (Civil War Vet)
 Taft, Proctor T. 1811-1879
 Taft, Sarah, wife of Timothy Taft, 1793-1875
 Taft, Timothy 1781-1870

 Taylor, Charlotte E. Scripture, wife of John Taylor, 1858-1924
 Taylor, Eleanor Hall, wife of Robert Taylor, 1827-1909
 Taylor, John H. 1852-1922
 Taylor, Robert Dec. 24, 1824-March 13, 1888

 Trost, Bertha, dau of Emma & Jospeh Trost, 1883-1916
 Trost, Emma, dau of William & Harriet Chaney & wife of Joseph Trost, 1854-1897
 Trost, Joseph 1852-1921

 Tuttle, Anson D. 1845-1890
 Tuttle, Louisa, wife of Anson D. Tuttle, 1842-Dec. 21, 1881

 Union, Emma  (no dates)
 Union, Thomas 1815-May 14, 1897

 Utley, Jonathan died Feb. 19, 1838
 Utley, Rebecca Petty, wife of Jonathan Utley, 1771-Dec. 28, 1859

 Ward, Alice Andrews, wife of Charles Ward, 1852-1927
 Ward, Charles R. 1852-1935
 Ward, Minnie L., dau of Alice & Charles Ward, 1877-1889

 Warner, Andrew 1762-1841
 Warner, Eleazar 1764-Nov. 2, 1851
 Warner, Huldah L., wife of Jonathan Warner, 1828-1855
 Warner, Irinda, wife of Eleazar Warner, 1770-Nov. 22, 1853
 Warner, Rebecca, wife of Andrew Warner, 1756-Aug. 1, 1833

 Waters, George 1857-1939
 Waters, Maude V., dau of George & Susanna Waters, 1882-1883
 Waters, Susanna, wife of George Waters, 1862-1944

 Wells, Tryphena C. Simmonds, wife of Asa Wells, 1813-Jan. 12, 1834

 Wooster, Huldah, wife of Isaac Wooster, 1766-March 12, 1840
 Wooster, Isaac 1768-Dec. 12, 1840