There are no tombstones in this cemetery and
as it was a family cemetery there
are no record of the actual burials.
On December 2, 1999 all that could be found
were five field stones indicating possible
burials. In 1978 there was one
tombstone located in this cemetery and copied.
At that time it was estimated
that there were probably 20 graves in the
cemetery. By 1979 the one remaining
stone had disappeared.
The William Graves family lived on this property in the
1800’s. An obituary found for Joseph
Graves, son of William, stated “he was
laid to rest beside his father in the family
burial ground”. There were no dates on
the clipping but it is estimated between
1870 & 1880, and Joseph’s age was
given as “about 40 years old”. At the
time of Joseph’s death his mother was still
Kathleen L. Last & Virginia Ackerman
All rights reserved
Willie E., son of Abram & Elizabeh A.
Harrison, died Aug. 21, 1866 age 1 yr 10