Old Sauquoit Cemetery, Sauquoit, Town of Paris,
Oneida County, New York.
Also called Presbyterian Cem. Named
Union Cem. on 1873 county map.
Burials were made here at a very early date,
but when the Sauquoit Valley Cemetery
(see forward) was opened, prior to 1853,
many bodies were removed and re-interred
in the new cemetery. The following stones
are all that remained in 1930 when this
census was made. The cemetery lies
where Paris Hill Rd. crosses the DL&W Railroad
tracks, on the East side, about 100 yards
South, on the first hill.
In November, 2000, only five stones remain
standing in the overgrown cemetery.
Submitted by Pete
All Rights Reserved
Pete Pierce
Barrett, Mrs. Lydia, d Dec 18 1820 ae 40 yrs
Bartlett, Welcom Sidney, d Dec 10 1813 ae 4 yrs 9 months 8 days, son of Abner & Cynthia Bartlett
Burnett, De-ette, dau of Henry & Nancy
(Stone sunken)
Burnett, George W. (A broken stone lies against
it, covering the inscription)
Burnett, Miriam, d Nov 3 1823 ae 30 yrs
Burnett, William, d Apr 8 1838 ae 1 yr 5
mos ?? days
Butler, Eunice, d Sept 14 1834 ae 26 yrs,
wife of Joseph Butler
Butler, Sylvester, d July 20 1815 ae 38 (or
58 ?) years
Chatfield, Ebenezer J, d June 7 1818 in 9th
yr of his age, son of Cyrus & Olive Chatfield
Chatfield, Lucretia, d Jan 16 1821 ae 58
yrs 9 mos 6 days, wife of Oliver Chatfield
Collins, George C, d Mar 4 1829 ae 18 yrs, son of Chloe Collins
Cooledge, Daniel, d Feb 25 1822 ae 80 yrs 3 mos 29 days
Curtis, Esther, d May 18 1828 ae 25 yrs &
6 mos, wife of Ransom Curtis
Curtis, Hannah, d May 5 1821 ae 36 yrs 11
mos 22 days, wife of Charles O Curtis
Curtis, Harriet, d June 2 1823 ae 18 yrs
10 mos 2 days, wife of Charles O Curtis
Gilbert, B, Grandmother (Small stones,
no dates)
Gilbert, Gaylord, d Sept 8 1822 ae 10 mos,
son of Theodore & Betsey Gilbert
Gilbert, Lyman, d July 29 1835 ae 19 yrs
Gilbert, T, Grandfather (Small stone,
no dates)
Gray, Henrietta, d Apr 7 1811 ae 5 yrs & 10 days, dau of FA & LK Gray
Huggins, Samuel, d May 3 1842 ae 68 yrs
Jones, Richard, d May 12? 1819 ae 5 yrs (Ch
of Richard & Mary Jones, natives of Wales)
Jones, Sarah Jane, d May 23 1817 ae 8 mos
& 11 days (Ch of Richard & Mary Jones, natives of Wales)
Lewis, Priscilla, d Sept 17 1813 in the 33rd
yr of her age, wife of Joel C Lewis
Lewis, Ruth, d July 6 1814 ae 60 yrs 8 mos
9 days, wife of Ebenezer Lewis
Pierce, Abba M, d Sept 3 1824 ae 1 yr 10 mos
3 days (Ch of Spaulding & Nabby Pierce)
Pierce, Dr Spaulding, d Feb 11 1827 ae 60
Pierce, Harriet, d Feb 14 1815 ae 3 yrs 8
mos (Same stone as Hellen)
Pierce, Hellen, d Feb 15 1845 ae 6?? yrs
(Same stone as Harriet)
Pierce, Lewis B, d Feb 18 1808 ae 2 yrs 7
mos (Ch of Spaulding & Nabby Pierce)
Pierce, Phineas, d July 21 1814 ae 2 yrs
2 mos (Ch of Spaulding & Nabby Pierce)
Smith, Mr Jonathan, d Mar 10 1814 ae 65 yrs
Sweet, Eliphalet, May 18 1821 in the 72nd yr of his age
Tafford, Abbey P, d Sept 15 1837 ae 26 yrs 6 mos, wife of Thomas M Tafford
Tupper, H Gates, d Mar 4 1863 ae 47 yrs
Tupper, Horatio, d May 1 1851
Wells, Stillman P, d Aug 22 1845 ae 36 yrs 3 mos
Winship, Susanna, d Aug 7 1833 ae 67 yrs
Woodin, Sarah, d Nov 20 1844 ae 52 yrs, wife of Ephraim Woodin
Compiled by Grace E Brown, Bridgewater, N
Y, member of General Winfield Scott Chapter D A R, West Winfield, N Y.
Transcribed for readability by Peter C. Pierce, 3rd Gt Grandson of Dr.
Spaulding Pierce, on November 12, 2000.