Rte. 69, Rome, New York
The tombstone inscriptions in this cemetery
were copied by Mrs. Roy E. Long on
Oct. 18, 1957. On August 15, 1998,
the remaining tombstones were copied by
Kathleen L. Last. Several on Mrs. Long's
list could not be found so these were
transcribed directly from her list and indicated
with an " * ". I have also included
the notes she made on the Long family as
some of this information was not on
the tombstones. Information I have
added is in brackets ( ) and does not appear
on the tombstone. The oldest tombstone
dates to 1840 and the most current is
Kathleen Last & Virginia Ackerman
All rights reserved
Baker, Martin born March 21, 1779 died April
21, 1875
Baker, Margaret, wife (of Martin Baker),
born. Sept 21, 1776, died Oct. 27, 1840
Bartholoma, George 1823-1907
Bartholoma, Catherine, wife of George Bartholoma,
died Mar. 21, 1881, ae 49 yrs
Bartholoma, Tresa Vollick, wife of John Bartholoma,
died Dec. 6, 1882, ae 23 yrs10 mo 12 dys
Bauer, John F., (son of Frederick & Anna
Bauer/Bower), 1831- (Sep. 4), 1891
Bauer, Katherine (File) Herrmann, (2nd) wife
(of John F. Bauer), (Mar. 1,) 1831-(Feb. 3,)1915
Bauer, Maggie (no dates) (probably
Margaret, dau of John & Abigail Thompson
Bauer born 1871 died age 20 yrs)
Bauer, Anna, 1st geboran Am 29 Januar 1801
und gestorben Am 12 Juni 1875.
Mutter ruhe sanft vom erdenlerden los in
des ewgen vaters schoos. Schlaf wohlbis in des himmelshohn wir alle
einst digh wieder sehn.
(Translation: Anna Bauer was
born on January 29, 1801 and died June 12, 1875. Mother rests in
peace in the father's lap eternally. Sleep in heavenly peace, we
will all see you again.)
Bork, Adeline, (dau of David & Adeline Adams Grossman & wife of Francis Bork), born Oct. 16, 1857 died Feb. 11, 1890.
Bower, Abigail J. (Thompson), (1st)
wife of John Bower, died May 30, 1872, ae 34 yrs.
*Bower, Anna, wife of Frederick Bower, died
June 12, 1875, ae 74 yrs. (I believe this is the same as Anna Bauer
listed above. I did not find a stone with thisinscription.)
Cowells, Helen B. 1909-1916
Deuchler, Martin died Apr. 4, 1892, ae 83
Deuchler, Susanna, wife (of Martin Deuchler),
died July 21, 1871, ae 63 yrs
Earnst, J. Jacob born Nov. 18, 1790 died Oct.
30, 1865
Earnst, Christena, wife (of J. Jacob Earnst),
born July 6, 1790 died June 7, 1865
Fluke, George, (son of Michael & Caroline
Pfluke) 1850- (Dec. 6), 1925
Fluke, Mary (Volleck) 1851- (Jan. 16),
Fluke, G. Norman born Jan. 12, 1882 died
Nov. 19, 1906
Fluke, Frankie O., son of George W. &
Minnie M. Fluke, born May 17, 1879 died July 28, 1886
Grossman, David born July 9, 1814 died May
16, 1898
Grossman, Adeline (Adams), (wife of David
Grossman), born Jan. 11, 1824 died Sept. 10, 1900
Grossman, Frankie, (son of David & Adeline
Adams Grossman), born May 8, 1862 died Aug. 8, 1883
Hyde, Louesa M. died Aug. 17, 1864, ae 12
yr 1 mo 3 dys
Hyde, Jacob born Jan. 24, 1802 died Nov.
26, 1879
Hyde, Elizabeth, wife (of Jacob Hyde), died
Sept. 1, 1883, ae 70 yrs
*Jacobs, John 1814-1897
*Jacobs, Julia (White), his wife, 1817-1888
Jacobs, John, son of John & Juliann Jacobs,
died Jun. 27, 1856 ae 3 yrs 6 mos 13 dys
*Kast, John, son of John & Barbara Kast, died Oct. 24, 1854, ae 9 mo 14 dys
Kochersperger, William, son of Martin &
Margaret Kochersperger, died Jan. 24,1872, ae 24 yrs
Kochersperger, Frances M., dau of J. &
Elizabeth Hyde, wife of William
Kochersperger, died Jan. 17, 1872, ae 20
yrs 9 mo 18 dys
(note: Martin & Margaret
Kochersperger are buried in the Link Road Cemetery)
*Kochersperger, Michael died Nov. 20, 1856,
ae 12 yrs 16 dys
*Kochersperger, Frankie born May 8, 1862
died Aug. 8, 1883
Long, Henry 1807-1881 (*September 19)
Long, Margaret, (wife of Henry Long), 1815-1892
(*March 10)
Long, Elizabeth, (dau of Henry & Margaret
Long), 1839-1855
Long, Julia, (dau of Henry & Margaret
Long), 1860-1866
Long, Sarah (no dates)
*Long, John born Feb. 18, 1854 died May 13,
1925, son of Henry
*Long, Magdalena (Yackey), wife of John,
born Aug. 1864, died Sept. 6, 1938
*Long, George, son of John & Magdelena
(Yackey) Long, born 1887 died 1913
(note made by Mrs.
Roy E. Long: There are no stones for John, Magdalena and George.
Their names should be on the large stone. The dates of births and
deaths are taken from records of Longs)
Miller, Mary Warner 1860-1888
O'Donnell, Maria Hyde, wife of Owen O'Donnell, died Jan. 1, 1858, ae 28 yrs
*Pflugh, Karoline - no dates
*Pflugh, Henry - no dates
*Pflugh, Frank - no dates
Salisbury, Charles E. 1856-(no date)
Salisbury, Anna, wife (of Charles E. Salisbury),
Senn, Fred M. 1844-1919
Senn, Margaret, wife of F. M. Senn, died
June 19, 1887, ae 43 yrs 6 mo 24 dys
Senn, Sarah M. died Dec. 7, 1889, ae 15 yrs
Senn, Laura C. died July 30, 1897, ae 8 yrs
2 mos
Tyler, Jacob 1840-1920
Tyler, Harriet (Grossman), (dau of David
& Adeline Adams Grossman), wife (of Jacob Tyler), 1853-1915
Tyler, George 1844-1929
Tyler, Emma (Grossman), (dau of David &
Adeline Adams Grossman), wife (of George Tyler), 1854-1924
Tyler, Caroline, wife of George Tyler, born
Feb. 2, 1851 died Dec. 28, 1889
Tyler, Caroline 1895-1895
Tyler, Emma died Mar. 15, 1874, ae 2 mos
Tyler, Infant Alfred - (no dates) (obit:
son of Frank & Louise Nash Tyler died Jun. 26, 1904 age 1 yr 4 mos
18 dys)
Tyler, Louise Nash, (wife of Frank M. Tyler)
died (Jun. 20), 1904
Vollick, Elizabeth born Dec. 18, 1819 died Aug. 22, 1897
Warner, Andrew 1835-1885
Warner, Elizabeth Wahl, wife (of Andrew Warner),
White, Hannah, wife of George White, died
Mar. 17, 1876 ae 34 yrs 10 mos
White, Robert, son of George & Hannah
White, born Mar. 13, 1876 died Feb. 9, 1893
White, Margaret died July 24, 1906, aged
75 yrs
*White, Sarah, dau of Michael & Margaret
White, died March 5, 1855 ae 12 yrs 7 mo 21 dys
*White, James, son of Michael & Margaret
White, (no dates)