Lauther Road, City of Rome
This is a small cemetery on Lauther Road.
It is on the east side of the road one
mile south of the Oswego Road, and is not
visible from the road in the summer.
The stones in this cemetery were copied by
Kathleen L. Last and Virginia
Ackerman on November 18, 1998. There
were also several field stones with no
markings on them. The stones in this
cemetery date from 1834 to 1864.
Copyright© 1998
Kathleen Last & Virginia Ackerman
All rights reserved
Cleavland, Jemima, wife of Ezekiel Cleavland, died Feb. 5, 1842, aged 41 yrs 3 mos 27 dys
Ferguson, Allen died Oct. 26, 1846, age 83
yrs 26 dys
Ferguson, Charles A. died May 9, 1852, aged
2 yrs 10 mos
Ford, Chloe, wife of Elum Ford, died Apr.
29, 1858, aged 69 yrs 9 mos
Ford, Ebenezer M., son of Elam & Chloe
Ford, died Jan. 5, 1844, aged 18 yrs 2 mos 8 dys
Ford, Cynthia Eliza, wife of Elana P. Ford,
died Nov. 23, 1839 in 27th year of her age
Ford, infant son of E. & C. E. Ford,
died Aug. 9, 1834
Ford, Harriet Amanda, wife of George V. Ford,
died Nov. 30, 1843, age 20 yrs
Ford, Harriet E., dau of George V. &
Harriet A. Ford, died May 28, 1844, age 11 mos
Graves, Francis B., Co. I 81st NY SV, died Sep. 10, 1864, aged 21 yrs
Mooney, Almon died Oct. 29, 1849, age 43 yrs
Mooney, William Henry, son of Cuyler &
Martha Mooney, died Jan. 23, 1851,
aged 2 yrs 4 mos 20 dys