Lorena Road, Rome, New York
This cemetery, also known as Lee Line Cemetery,
was acquired by the City of
Rome for back taxes in 1988. An article
in the Rome Daily Sentinel on Nov. 25,
1988 gives little information about the cemetery
but it was thought to be an old
family cemetery. This cemetery was
neglected for many years and in the 1970's
you could not see any gravestones even though
it is just a few feet off the road.
The grounds have been cleaned up and
is now kept in good condition. The
tombstones in this cemetery were copied by
Kathleen L. Last on August 15,
1998. At this time there were 25 names
found. The oldest date is 1833, most
current is 1878. One stone not found,
(indicated with " * "), was copied from a
list made by Mrs. Carl Tietze in October,
Kathleen Last & Virginia Ackerman
All rights reserved
Clark, James, son of J & M Clark, died
Sep. 21, 1849, ae 3 yrs 9 mos 18 dys
Clark, Catharine, dau of John & Mary
C. Clark, died Mar. 28, 1860, aged 2 yrs 26 dys
Dicks, George W., son of George & Janet
Dicks, died March 5, 1843, age 2 yrs 5 mos 10 dys
Dicks, John Washington, son of George &
Janette Dicks, died Jul. 7, 1863, aged 19 yrs 8 mos
Dicks, George W., son of George & Janette
Dicks, died Oct. 5, 1863, aged 2 yrs 4 mos
Farr, Adeline, dau of Nicholas & Margaret Damuth & wife of Edward Farr, died July 13, 1873, ae 30 yrs 4 mos 20 dys
Herick, Mary A., wife of Daniel Herick & dau of J. & C. Mucky, died Aug. 6, 1851 in the 36th year of her age
Holmes, Isaac died Dec. 17, 1852 in the 72nd year of his age.
Lince, Henry died Feb. 7, 1859,, age 77 yrs
Lince, Lany, wife of Henry Lince, died Nov.
30, 1834, ae 18 yrs 3 mos.
Moores, Richard H., son of Andrew & Mary Ann Moores, died Aug. 15, 1865, ae 1 yr 9 mos 15 dys
Mucky, John, a Veteran Soldier of the War
of 1812, departed life Nov. 4, 1878,aged 84 yrs 1 mo.
Mucky, Catharine, wife of John Mucky, died
Oct. 7, 1872, aged 77 yrs 1 mo, 23 dys
* Mucky, Catherine Eliza, dau of John &
Catharine Mucky, died Dec. 25, 1833, aged 20 yrs 2 mos 25 dys
Smith, David died Apr. 3, 1846, aged 36 yrs
2 mos 18 dys
Smith, John, son of David & Susan Smith,
died June 19, 1838, aged 8 mos 28 dys
Smith, Henry, died Dec. 18, 1837, aged 59
yrs 8 mos 19 dys
Smith, Joseph, son of Henry & Catharine
Smith, died Apr. 14, 1835, aged 22 yrs 7 mos 27 dys
Smith, John H., son of Henry & Catharine
Smith, died Oct. 4, 1836, aged 36 yrs 2 mos 15 dys
Smith, Margaret E., dau of Henry & Catharine
Smith, died Dec. 1, 1839, aged 18 yrs 11 mos.
Smith, Eliza A., dau of H. & C. Smith,
died Dec. 27, 1846, aged 29 yrs 1 mo 4 dys
Tyler, Irving J., son of (stone broken) Tyler, died Apr. 8, 1853, aged 5 yrs 1 mo
Wright, Eunice, wife of Moses Wright, died
May 28, 1859, ae 70 yrs 1 mo 8 dys
Wright, Catharine, dau of Moses Wright, died
Dec. 27, 1842
Wright, Henry died Nov. 5, 1851 in the 28th
year of his age