Rome Cemetery

Last Name First Name Interment Lot No. Section
Raab Thomas 12/26/1891 370 L
Race Ada M 2/11/1947 57 Q
Race Charles T 5/10/1982 269 MM
Race Edward A 9/25/1981 116 W
Race Frederick Albert 1/28/1935 57 Q
Race Fred G 10/6/1915 57 Q
Race Hazel  10/30/1908 497 L
Race Margery H 5/13/1971 57 Q
Racino Augustine V 2/22/2001 63 S
Racino Josephine H 4/13/1999 63 S
Racino Michael Ezidor 6/10/1950 63 S
Racino Yadwiga 6/26/1939 63 S
Radley Mary 12/23/1886 264 L
Rafferty Charles 4/24/1917 770 L
Ragan Alice O 9/19/1958 41 P
Ragan Blanche M 4/2/1976 32 T
Ragan Genevieve M 11/14/1998 49 P
Ragan Gertrude B 5/23/1979 41 P
Ragan LeRoy E 11/22/1966 41 P
Ragan Louis E 10/31/1968 32 T
Ragan Martha Jeannette 1/15/2001 32 T
Ragan Ward K 8/29/1968 41 P
Rahn Carl F Sr 10/28/1961 351 S
Rahn Pauline Loftus 9/28/1961 351 S
Rambo Harry E 5/23/1988 363 MM
Ramer Peter 7/2/1935 1004 L
Rana Leo H 12/3/1991 65 S
Rana Ramona Marie 5/17/1938 65 S
Randall Adeline 6/13/1950 63 P
Randall Charles Henry 8/5/1874 198 A
Randall Eunice J 11/9/1976 200 A
Randall Fred Richard 11/8/1876 200 A
Randall John 9/1/1972 134 O
Randall Lizzie 10/1/1876 198 A
Randall LE 4/14/1880 200 L
Randall Thomas 11/5/1909 165 I
Randall Thomas 12/21/1929 6 Q
Randall William 12/17/1930 7 Q
Randle Barbara S 3/31/1947 28 K
Randle George J 8/8/1988 134 Y
Randle George I 9/15/1937 6 Q
Randle Grace J 10/18/1954 6 Q
Randle Lela M 5/31/1946 165 I
Rapka Charles Sr. 6/20/1916 24 J
Rapke Blanche Mae 2/23/1934 24 J
Rapke Edward A 7/5/1961 16 O
Rapke Edward Walter 11/9/1923 16 O
Rapke Mary M 10/30/1944 24 J
Rapke Minnie S 3/17/1899 308 A
Rapke William H 12/22/1954 24 J
Rasha Amos J 11/27/1934 18 N
Rasha John E 10/11/1958 18 N
Rasha Lucy V 2/25/1928 18 N
Rasha Mae S 1/11/1958 18 N
Rasz Flora Isabella 11/16/1863 A
Rasz Flora McKay 11/1863 A
Rathbon Russell A 9/5/1900 275 A
Rathbon Child of Ralph 4/26/1922 833 L
Ratliff Chloe 1/1/1899 310 A
Rauscher Bryan 9/6/2003 109 Y
Ray Adelaide K 4/15/1968 74 Q
Ray John H 8/27/1940 74 Q
Ray Mary Amelia 5/18/1925 74 Q
Rayburn Ameil C 5/4/1959 86 U
Raynsford  Fitch 1/16/1933 45 R
Raynsford  Georgina C 11/27/1923 45 R
Razillard Michael P 9/22/1978 64 Q
Read Ezekiel 3/3/1883 240 L
Read RW 3/1/1871 179 A
Reader Nancy H 4/24/1879 46 G
Readinger Charles A 2/22/1954 946 M
Reames Edwin W 8/12/1970 327 U
Reamore Ella Mae 4/2/1930 1A P
Reamore George W 8/6/1936 19 N
Reamore Mary P 1/14/1916 19 N
Reamore Stanley T 11/3/1958 1A O
Reams Emma 4/1/1919 37 R
Reams Frederick 3/18/1893 141 I
Reams Howard & Harold 4/18/1894 46 J
Reams John J 7/16/1924 37 R
Reams Lena 7/7/1898 139 I
Reams Levi 10/27/1889 139 I
Reams Lewis C 11/10/1933 56 J
Reams Sarah E 3/18/1894 56 J
Rebe Gustave 10/20/1943 196 S
Rebe Wilhelmine 11/23/1963 196 S
Reber George T 7/13/1983 225 O
Rechentine Henry 2/7/1958 73 S
Rechentine Loretta  11/6/1900 16 J
Rechentine Louis D 1/4/1890 107 H
Rechentine Louisa 10/12/1872 107 H
Rechentine Mary 6/15/1905 107 H
Reckentine Ana Mary 5/21/1949 73 S
Reckentine Earl H 8/21/1991 73 S
Reckentine Emerett E 2/20/1986 107 H
Reckentine Emma J 2/18/1914 107 H
Reckentine George 1/4/1957 107 H
Reckentine Henry 2/6/1958 73 S
Recknall John A 1/25/1945 804 M
Recknall Magdalena 4/21/1952 805 M
Record Chester A 10/24/1901 104 H
Record Helen Tulloh 5/5/1945 104 H
Redden Ruth E 10/29/1996 258 U
Redden James S 6/24/1981 258 U
Redding Bethea R 4/24/1972 281 U
Redford  Lillie 8/17/1874 174 A
Redin William 8/4/1907 449 A
Redman Hugh 10/15/1853 641 L
Redmond Gladys M 5/18/1983 90A H
Ree Almeda 6/22/1974 178 MM
Reeber Ernestine V 5/1/1970 196 O
Reed Anna M 2/2/1927 11 K
Reed Burton 8/10/1979 78 W
Reed Elizabeth J 3/12/2003 78 W
Reed Elizabeth M 6/17/1998 26 U-2
Reed Everetts C 6/8/1948 326 S
Reed Harry C Jr 3/23/1996 26 U-2
Reed Joseph 5/4/1834 569 L
Reed Leafy 2/12/1997 326 S
Reed Mable A 1/7/1981 48 Q
Reeder John 12/5/1945 795 M
Reeder Mary 7/16/1949 796 M
Reems Sally M 7/30/1873 142 I
Reeve Barbara Ann Yousey 10/17/2003 46 W-2
Reeve Elizabeth J 3/12/2003 78 W
Regan Henry James 4/26/1967 164 MM
Regan John H 1/25/1929 43 P
Regan Leonard H 1/27/1937 41 P
Regan Martha E 12/24/1937 41 P
Regan Thomas G 6/24/2000 532 MM
Regetz David 5/3/1893 149 A
Regetz Frederick Jr 1/5/1959 31 Q
Regetz Frederick 10/9/1942 31 Q
Regetz Godrey 4/11/1983 196 U
Regetz Jacob 4/28/1913 31 Q
Regetz Magdalena 5/25/1885 150 A
Regetz Magdalena 5/8/1884 254 L
Regetz Mary G 11/25/1932 31 Q
Regetz Willhnia M 2/20/1984 196 U
Reibel Philip J 5/6/1919 43 O
Reichwein Thomas G 6/24/2000 532 MM
Reichwein Kathryn M 4/16/2003 18 R
Reick Margaret E 12/9/2000 130 Y
Reid Christopher C 10/3/1911 12 N
Reid Edward 5/31/1913 12 N
Reid Frederick K 12/20/1991 12 N
Reid Ida K 10/20/161 12 N
Reid Katherine MC 6/26/1911 12 N
Reid Kathleen Smiley 6/19/1993 12 N
Reid Mary J 12/26/1922 12 N
Reid Infant of JS 1/16/1888 6 E
Reid Wiliam B (Dr) 11/13/1939 12 N
Reider Anna E 4/12/1888 95 H
Reider Casper G 6/6/1896 41 J
Reider Elizabeth  8/13/1902 41 J
Reifer Almina 10/25/1930 7 F
Reifer Antonin LC 5/9/1898 7 F
Reifer Catherine 11/15/1881 7 F
Reifer Charles LE 9/1/1896 7 F
Reifer Eliza A 7/9/1859 7 F
Reifer John 4/25/1900 7 F
Reifer John F 7 F
Reifer John H 10/29/1969 7 F
Reifer Philip 9/18/1915 7 F
Reifer Philip 7/23/1887 7 F
Reigler Charles 11/4/1933 48 R
Reigler Ida 10/24/1949 48 R
Reigler Sophia Bowman 11/20/1919 48 R
Reil Bessie D 11/17/1959 38 R
Reil Frederick H 11/12/1969 38 R
Reil Frederick 6/3/1913 325 A
Reil Julius J 6/14/1899 327 A
Reil Louise C 2/18/1936 326 A
Reil William F 5/20/1967 38 R
Reilly Nellie M 1/31/1941 147 K
Reilly Reba Clifton 8/17/1944 147 K
Relyea Catherine A 1/11/1918 81 Q
Relyea Edythe Drummond 1/5/1944 81 Q
Relyea Frederick H 1/19/1934 83 H
Relyea George M 11/17/1922 81 Q
Relyea Hubert Morrow 10/30/1995 83 H
Relyea Marion B 5/12/1906 83 H
Relyea Mary Bostwick 9/30/1957 83 H
Relyea Merritt G 9/23/1958 81 Q
Remaly  Ellen E 2/25/1921 230 M
Remington Alice G 10/23/1886 10 G
Remington Edwin W 4/4/1946 10 G
Remington Enid 6/3/1953 74 G
Remington George M 8/27/1900 10 G
Remington Winnie M 7/26/1950 10 G
Renier Ruby Mae 12/12/1930 456 M
Rentz Anna 123 I
Rentz Gotlieb 123 I
Rentz Jacob 123 I
Repecki Roman 11/28/1956 66 U
Repp Joseph 10/8/1912 711 L
Resdorf Charles 6/20/1904 455 A
Resdorf Mary 4/20/1913 454 A
Reveley Hattie C 1/22/1879 45 I
Reveley Nancy 10/11/1876 45 I
Reynolds Anna 6/1/1929 917 L
Reynolds George W 1/1/1876 62 I
Reynolds Jennie 5/23/1908 525 L
Reynolds Joseph 7/7/1928 69 R
Reynolds Issadore 1/16/1953 69 R
Reynolds Ory J 7/9/1964 69 R
Reynolds Pearle M 9/19/1958 69 R
Rhemick Michael 11/12/1945 797 M
Rhemick Pauline 12/16/1966 798 M
Rhemick Louis 7/8/1920 811 L
Rhemick John 5/29/1975 251 MM
Rhodes Gerald 5/22/1916 94 K
Rhys John HL 4/19/2005 87 Q
Ricard Frances E 12/3/1903 247 A
Rice Anna J 3/13/1916 58 Q
Rice Brayton F 5/19/1976 75 T
Rice Carl F 8/22/1917 120 M
Rice Hilda 4/26/1995 346 U
Rice Ellewellen 12/22/1987 75 T
Rice George B 12/19/1944 58 Q
Rice Harry F Sr 4/20/1984 346 U
Rice Josephine A 7/23/1915 79 J
Rice Lawrence B 11/13/1975 235 MM
Rice Margaret Baker 6/22/1923 25 K
Rice Parthena 8/27/1879 61 D
Rice Victoria J 11/23/1973 196 MM
Rich Claude E 9/3/1876 79 J
Rich Hebert  6/20/1919 17 K
Rich Leila 11/4/1968 60 K
Rich Lillian 5/14/1936 79 J
Rich Mary 6/22/1907 231 A
Rich Maude L 8/1/1886 113 H
Rich Rensselaer W 11/21/1893 230 A
Rich Wesley M 8/11/1902 79 J
Rich William 11/12/1905 397 A
Richard Charles 8/6/1909 147 J
Richard Ernestine Wolf 5/24/1985 23 R
Richard James E 11/2/1921 834 L
Richards Amelia M 11/19/1951 17 P
Richards Charlotte M 10/5/1891 147 J
Richards David 12/22/1950 308 S
Richards David E 7/25/1913 39 Q
Richards Elizabeth J 6/2/1976 308 S
Richards Emma F 10/28/1995 135 U
Richards Evelyn A 5/4/1974 145 T
Richards Francis P 12/18/1989 134 U
Richards Frank Adelbert 4/15/1897 301 A
Richards Harold 8/1/1889 60 G
Richards Hattie 12/2/1941 147 J
Richards Infant of Carrie 2/27/1892 373 L
Richards Jane 3/20/1937 39 Q
Richards John D 4/7/1983 145 T
Richards Robert 12/9/1929 64 O
Richards Robert E 1/25/1993 134 U
Richards Robert E 3rd 12/9/1954 39 Q
Richards Robert E Sr 4/15/1963 135 U
Richards Sarah 12/10/1925 3 R
Richards Sylvester 6/11/1915 35 M
Richardson Anna Lowie 1/21/1946 234 S
Richardson Belle B 9/23/1980 3 R
Richardson Benj. C 5/12/1906 50 K
Richardson Benjamin F 1/2/1917 11 Q
Richardson Charles J 3/31/1989 250 MM
Richardson Dacy 5/25/1979 254 MM
Richardson Darwin L 1/3/1926 50 K
Richardson Child of DL 8/2/190/8 50 K
Richardson David H 1/19/1960 101 U
Richardson Ernestine 5/7/1935 15 R
Richardson Fannie  8/8/1955 50 K
Richardson Floyd 5/12/1908 50 K
Richardson Harold B 7/30/1968 234 S
Richardson Harry W 4/18/1944 3 R
Richardson Hattie Carey 1/14/1957 11 Q
Richardson Herman B 2/18/1961 11 Q
Richardson Irving J 8/3/1921 50 K
Richardson Lester 5/14/1901 482 L
Richardson Lyman E 2/19/1941 3 R
Richardson Raymond (Bradley) 10/6/1969 234 S
Richardson Violet 4/25/1966 104 MM
Richmond Everett 11/22/1939 50 S
Richmond Forrest E 9/18/1968 50 S
Richmond Lucy K 4/1/1964 50 S
Richter Ellen 6/18/1925 33 K
Rick Amelia 2/9/1892 372 L
Rick Dora Sophia 5/23/1893 391 L
Rickard Alice H 1/7/1960 82 U
Rickard Charles H 6/14/1966 82 U
Rickard Charles A 5/5/1978 21 S
Rickard Charles L 11/3/1990 195 T
Rickard Charles P 2/3/1968 250 U
Rickard Doreen L 5/17/1993 195 T
Rickard Evelyn O 6/10/1974 250 U
Rickard William M 10/9/1986 170 S
Richtmeyer Belle 11/27/1885 14 H
Rickmyer Cyril 7/24/1901 14 H
Rickmeyer Daniel 11/4/1892 14 H
Rickmyer Edna (Mary) 12/19/1981 82 Q
Rickmyer Edna L 10/19/1928 82 Q
Rickmyer Frank L 10/27/1930 82 Q
Rickmyer Fred W 9/30/1940 82 Q
Rickmyer Glenn Morris 1/11/1919 14 H
Rickmyer Harriett 2/17/1919 14 H
Rickmyer James A 4/14/1926 14 H
Rickmyer Jennie E 9/30/1932 14 H
Rickmyer Margaret 9/20/1886 14 H
Rickmyer Marion 8/17/1902 178 I
Rider Ann L 10/3/1992 441 MM
Rider Morris E 1/14/1959 71 U
Rider Sarah E 4/1/1958 71 U
Ridley David P (Infant) 1/31/1975 151 MM
Rieck Agnes L 7/10/1999 154 S
Rieck Amelia 2/9/1892 372 L
Rieck Anna K 6/8/1974 152 S
Rieck Cora B 10/26/1960 154 S
Rieck Eleanor H 1/21/1980 152 S
Rieck Henrietta M 4/29/1968 52 R
Rieck Herman 11/12/1996 130 Y
Rieck Herman W 8/26/1960 44 U
Rieck Child of Herman 8/19/1932 372 L
Rieck Irene F 2/4/1957 44 U
Rieck Jack F 10/2/1967 285 U
Rieck Gaylord W 10/26/1994 154 S
Rieck Louise 8/25/1925 52 R
Rieck Margaret E 12/9/2000 130 Y
Rieck Martin W 11/10/2003 159 U-2
Rieck Otto E 12/20/1918 52 R
Rieck Paul E O  1/27/1958 152 S
Rieck Milton 12/11/1996 130 Y
Rieck Virginia 9/7/1989 130 Y
Rieck William A 6/20/1962 154 S
Rieck William F 9/20/1933 52 R
Riedl John W 5/14/1993 87 Y
Riedl Margaret M 11/19/1986 87 Y
Riel John Fred 9/15/1874 54 L
Riggleman Radford J 3/1/1999 120 U-2
Riggleman Eugene D 6/3/1970 120 MM
Riker Harold J 4/22/1982 43 R
Riker Marion  3/27/1991 43 R
Riley Alice T 2/2/1988 53 R
Riley Arletta Jennie 6/22/1925 104 K
Riley Charles Orlando 3/2/1934 53 R
Riley Clarence S 7/14/1971 104 K
Riley Dorothy C 12/11/1985 104 K
Riley Elizabeth JMS 10/21/1860 651 L
Riley Frances 4/16/1834 654 L
Riley Harriett 3/12/1938 53 R
Riley John 4/26/1864 652 L
Riley John 4/22/1835 653 L
Riley John 2/18/1883 58 D
Riley John F 9/25/1893 138 J
Riley Karl Henry 10/25/1952 2 R
Riley Mary 9/14/1892 138 J
Riley Mrs. William 4/18/1905 138 J
Riley Orson G 7/27/1968 53 R
Riley Stephen M 7/28/1904 104 K
Riley Susan 5/5/1874 560 L
Riley William S 4/29/1874 650 L
Riley William S 4/24/1874 48 L
Rima Bert M 3/18/1948 846 M
Rima Marion E 9/4/1961 845 M
Rimiller Carlto L 4/6/1974 132 MM
Ringdahl Eskil Berg Spring 04 197 T
Ringrose Stillborn 12/24/1942 730 M
Ringrose William R 10/29/1949 136 S
Rinmiller Catherine 6/9/1901 465 L
Ripka Thersia Schneible 3/2/1922 50 Q
Ripley Dorothy M 9/19/1996 7 Q
Ripley Franklin A 9/28/1922 2 R
Ripley Infant of Karl  9/10/1934 2 R
Ripley Lawrence 6/18/2004 63 W-2
Ripley Susie Statton 2/14/1955 2 R
Risedorf Annette 7/22/1926 342 M
Risley William E 11/17/1970 109 S
Ritter William H 11/17/1898 126 J
Rivers Isac 5/28/1931 321 M
Rivers Gene E 6/25/1999 GAR
Rivers Margaret 4/28/1925 320 M
Rizzuti Carmela 5/23/1920 203 M
Rizzuto Alfred 3/8/1993 318 U
Rizzuto Carlo 9/25/1912 524 A
Rizzuto Rosario 8/11/1909 524 A
Rizzuto Joseph 11/17/1943 208 S
Rizzutto Carmen 1/19/1943 728 M
Rizzutto Catherine 8/27/1960 208 S
Roach James 1/14/1923 47 D
Roach Mary 2/16/1892 47 J
Robbins Sidney 9/8/1898 32 GAR
Robbins William E 8/7/1947 203 S
Robert Rich
Roberts Abby A 8/27/1820 13 F
Roberts Acic T 1/17/1903 44 E
Roberts Anna 4/22/1874 13 F
Roberts Ann aH 3/3/1906 13 F
Roberts Ann E 4/29/1899 7 H
Roberts Arthur S 1/29/1915 13 F
Roberts Ashely (Stillborn) 6/20/1981 215 MM
Roberts Bradley M 5/14/1970 63A GAR
Roberts Catherine Jane 3/12/1946 71 Q
Roberts Charles W 2/4/1930 47 N
Roberts Daniel G 4/21/1965 71 Q
Roberts Earl E 11/1/1895 415 L
Roberts Edward J 10/12/1953 32 MN
Roberts Edwin M (Dr) 4/23/1988 103 J
Roberts Edwin W 11/5/1943 103 H
Roberts Elizabeth  11/24/1967 52 K
Roberts Elizabeth R 4/14/1930 47 N
Roberts Ethel 6/9/1964 36A GAR
Roberts George A 1/25/1944 758 M
Roberts Gertrude E 9/16/1948 32 N
Roberts Gweneth 5/28/1929 71 Q
Roberts Hanah J 9/8/1890 31 A
Roberts Helen May 8/1/1947 103 H
Roberts Henry G 3/24/1907 52 K
Roberts Inez J 4/30/1974 6 K
Roberts Jane Jones 10/7/1943 52 K
Roberts James Bullock 7/27/1827 13 F
Roberts James Sidney Bullock 3/19/1832 13 C
Roberts Jennie 4/25/1946 52 K
Roberts Jesie R 10/25/1966 9 S
Roberts John J 7/25/1923 57 O
Roberts John Wesley (Rev) 11/24/1923 47 N
Roberts Josiah 11/30/1883 7 H
Roberts Kate 1/9/1915 13 F
Roberts Louisa A 11/24/1923 47 N
Roberts Lydia Wiliams 8/29/1913 39 Q
Roberts Mae V 9/24/1976 72 P
Roberts Margaret Ann 3/10/1908 72 P
Roberts Mary 1/30/1923 71 Q
Roberts Mary H 8/6/1914 16 M
Roberts Mildred Marie 10/9/1973 103 H
Roberts Murray 6/24/1918 103 H
Roberts Owen J 5/26/1923 71 Q
Roberts Pearl 7/24/1896 415 L
Roberts Robert 6/18/1922 39 Q
Roberts Robert T (Rev) 1/13/1927 72 P
Roberts Seth B 10/4/1870 13 F
Roberts Thelma Jean 8/25/1927 36 G
Roberts Walter L 11/3/1953 36A G
Roberts Walter W 2/8/1891 6 G
Roberts Willa 8/4/1866 13 F
Roberts Willard O 5/13/1904 457 A
Roberts William Avery 3/29/1832 13 F
Roberts William J 4/9/1980 401 U
Roberts William L 7/9/1955 6 K
Roberts Wiliam L Jr 3/16/1924 6 K
Roberts William Sidney 7/30/1825 13 F
Robertson Bertha May 6/21/1943 31 I
Robertson Emma 11/21/1885 145 A
Robertson Frank L 11/13/1889 101 I
Robertson Lydia E 7/27/1905 25 G
Robertson George J 11/27/1892 101 I
Robinson Catherine Jane 7/31/1942 129 S
Robinson Clara B 8/28/1901 18 H
Robinson Alexander 7/6/1948 129 S
Robinson Dorothy E 11/26/1986 129 S
Robinson Fay Delos 8/6/1952 919 M
Robinson Francis 2/11/1874 36 I
Robinson Freddie J 3/15/1888 18 H
Robinson George E 4/30/1907 484 A
Robinson George W 10/29/1969 18 H
Robinson George W 3/26/1931 18 H
Robinson Geraldine 10/19/1995 34 P
Robinson Hannah C 4/13/1925 485 A
Robinson John A 3/4/1993 129 S
Robinson John Gilbert 6/20/1922 17 R
Robinson Louise 7/12/1969 266 S
Robinson Margaret V 5/10/1961 918 M
Robinson Peter (Baby) 5/9/1952 886 M
Robinson Rose N 10/3/1915 38 M
Robinson Sally L 11/4/1885 36 I
Robinson Sarah S 4/3/1908 18 H
Robinson Susan H 4/20/1959 40 H
Robinson Therese C 6/19/1996 18 H
Robinson W Woodrow 4/21/1977 225 U
Robinson Wiliam 1/12/1917 766 L
Robinson William H 7/3/1950 917 M
Roblin Aaron (Infant) 6/21/1980 53 T
Roblin Lori 8/28/1981 53 T
Rocker  Kenneth A 3/9/1946 188 S
Rockwell Eunice L 9/7/1846 627 L
Rockwood Margaret M 1/3/2003 412 MM
Rockwood Lillian C 11/20/1942 108 S
Rockwood Harry 9/6/1991 411 MM
Rodgers Child of Arthur 10/17/1932 969 L
Roe Avery George 1/10/1927 201 M
Roe Clarence 2/4/1920 200 M
Roe Harrietta 11/13/1898 439 L
Roe Julia 9/7/1917 128 M
Roe Marion Doris 11/16/1935 26 S
Roe Maude Beckwith 2/14/1953 26 S
Roe Stillborn 2/10/1920 840 L
Roe Richard 9/8/1908 531 L
Roe William W 4/9/1973 26 S
Rogers Bert M 7/20/1963 71 O
Rogers Charles L 10/18/1890 183 I
Rogers Charlotta 5/16/1905 138 I
Rogers Edward J 6/22/1908 527 L
Rogers George  12/21/1923 846 L
Rogers Harriett B 4/3/1946 789 M
Rogers Ida May 4/7/1924 L
Rogers Irene May Jewel 11/19/1957 80 Q
Rogers Leah May 6/12/1920 840 L
Rogers Lena Irene 5/23/1924 L
Rogers Emma Huth 1/2/1963 133 I
Rogers Edward H 1/5/1927 369 M
Rogers May Bedell 11/2/1949 10 B
Rogers Ruth A 5/21/1931 946 L
Rogers Smedley B 9/6/1928 133 I
Rogers Thomson S 1/14/1957 10 B
Rogers Violet Orvis (MaryLouise) 9/28/1976 788 M
Rogers  Mary M 12/21/1922 71 O
Rognon Frederick 7/6/1884 35 H
Rognon Emma 4/29/1896 35 H
Rogoff Abraham N 3/1/1999 157 T
Rogoff Helen G 8/23/1980 157 T
Rolston  Glenn E 10/19/1988 147 T
Rolston  Leta C 3/22/1985 147 T
Romanowicz Paul 4/20/1940 212 O
Romanowicz Nicholas 3/2/2001 212 O
Roof Harry A 1/19/1962 31 U
Roof Anna May 9/28/1956 31 U
Rooney Violet G 5/1/1992 116 Y
Root Anita E 11/20/2002 16 W
Root Anna Belle 2/24/1942 87 S
Root Charles M 2/3/1939 87 S
Root Geraldine W 5/1/2000 106 U-2
Root Infant child of Henry W 7/1893 25 L
Root Mary C 3/29/1919 103 K
Root  Nancy C 9/11/1915 42 M
Root Oris B 5/27/1994 16 W
Root  Richard E 4/12/1904 488 L
Roscoe Edward 9/8/1913 721 L
Rose Herman S 4/1872 22 E
Rose  Judson B 10/31/1914 67 K
Rose Sarah A 12/24/1888 22 E
Rosbrook Anna G 11/15/1935 41 R
Rosbrook Charles Henry 3/25/1916 41 R
Rosebrook Kittie B 5/22/1923 41 R
Rosebrook Phoebe Dixon 4/9/1923 41 R
Rosenburgh Arch 11/5/1958 6 FF
Rosenburgh Catherine B 12/23/1939 6 FF
Rosenburgh Chester E (Sr) 5/29/1950 88 S
Rosenburgh Clarence L 2/5/1949 140 S
Rosenburgh Ernest 5/21/1951 6 FF
Rosenburgh Louis 3/15/1935 6 FF
Rosenburgh Margaret Avery 11/17/1967 88 S
Rosenburgh Margaret Ellen 7/25/1939 88 S
Rosenburgh Susan H 8/5/1929 6 FF
Rosenberg Pearl L 10/15/1981 140 S
Rosenthal Milton W 4/28/1970 1 T
Rosenthal Ruth B 4/22/1982 1 T
Roser Amelia J 4/26/1920 54 R
Roser Alton 5/23/1985 54 R
Roser Emerson Charles 5/6/1955
Roser Elizabeth 3/5/1934 54 R
Roser Ethel C 10/14/1978 1 V
Roser Fred 1/15/1929 54 R
Roser Henry 4/15/1930 54 R
Roser Ruth A 4/11/1969 54 R
Roser Vera B 1/28/1986 54 R
Rossi Alfonso 4/28/1987 37 Y
Rossi Edith E 9/21/1984 37 Y
Rossi Julia 10/21/1918 796 L
Rossi Louis J Sr 8/28/1979 252 MM
Rossi Mary Stormio 11/19/1931 475 M
Rossi Nicholas 5/10/1919 796 L
Rossi Victoria 10/22/1916 745 L
Rossi William E 11/12/1980 302 MM
Ross  Abigail J 5/23/1874 136 H
Ross  Blanche 3/9/1962 80 R
Ross  Bruce A 12/17/1931 80 R
Ross  Alexander 6/15/1906 136 I
Ross  Ann 5/16/1891 96 I
Ross  Antonia 5/9/1912 706 L
Ross  David 12/22/1897 96 I
Ross  Elizabeth a 2/21/1916 96 I
Ross  Emma D 12/27/1934 109 K
Ross  George 4/24/1913 714 L
Ross  Georgiana F 5/9/1872 187 A
Ross  Grace Evelyn 7/28/1923 92 S
Ross  Hugh 9/9/1907 516 A
Ross  Lydia E 9/2/1946 80 R
Ross  Jane Ellen 6/20/1903 90 H
Ross  James 4/28/1934 988 L
Ross  Jessie 7/2/1912 515 A
Ross  John MC 5/8/1886 96 I
Ross  Child of RM 7/1/1916 L
Ross  John R 3/30/1976 90 H
Ross  Laura 2/24/1934 90 H
Ross  Rachel 12/24/1874 96 I
Ross  Wallace B 10/10/1977 80 R
Ross  William 11/16/1948 90 H
Ross  William Elmer 7/13/1898 438 L
Ross  William Watkins 2/18/1933 90 H
Rosso August Holtz 8/24/1934 151 I
Rosso Frederica 11/21/1884 151 I
Rosso John 9/4/1933 151 I
Rosso Infant of Joseph 41 L
Rosso Josephine 8/28/1905 151 I
Rosso Louis J Sr 9/1/1964 151 I
Rosso William 8/1/1887 151 I
Rostiser Carrie 1/2/1957 91 I
Rostiser Elizabeth 2/27/1903 91 I
Rostiser Fred 12/26/1931 108 O
Rostiser John 11/2/1927 91 I
Rostiser Marion B 6/9/1949 108 O
Rostiser Mary 7/20/1931 108 O
Rostiser Sarah 4/5/1861 133 A
Rostizer Edward F 11/16/1898 91 I
Rostizer Elizabeth A 12/29/1891 921 I
Rostizer Frederick 10/31/1879 91 I
Rostizer Valentine 2/17/1890 59 A
Roth Albert W 10/31/1916 90 M
Roth Caroline 7/27/1913 117 I
Roth David Allen 11/31/1934 48 P
Roth George J 4/7/1930 168 I
Roth Gertrude 3/5/1897 72 J
Roth Harold G 2/11/1953 137 S
Roth Jean Jacob 1/13/1941 203 O
Roth Julia D 5/6/1950 48 P
Roth Col Louis 9/18/1900 75 J
Roth F Louis 12/13/1927 75 J
Roth Marie 4/25/1975 137 S
Roth Sonia 12/18/1936 203 O
Rothman Ralph 10/9/1979 230 MM
Rouleau Albert A 6/17/2000 293 MM
Rouillier James H 6/17/1980 273 MM
Rouillier Jesse N 4/19/1983 402 U
Rouleau Ethel A 9/6/1980 294 MM
Rounds Herbert L 9/4/1935 413 M
Rouse Christina 10/13/1905 103 K
Rouse John 10/13/1905 103 K
Rousseau Cornelia Flack 10/8/1896 72 I
Rousseau Jessica Phelps 3/21/1953 515 M
Rousseau John Bulkely 8/6/1934 516 M
Rousseau Marcel G 7/23/1983 167 W
Rousseau Michael D 11/21/1981 124 O
Routhledge Arthur 1/2/1923 15 A
Roux Alexander 8/16/1972 201 U
Roux Adria P 12/15/1965 109 U
Roux Albertine J 9/7/1965 109 U
Roux Margurite D 1/19/1998 201 U
Rovkach Harry 5/20/1922 214 L
Rowell Asa 2/11/1880 48 G
Rowell Belle M 6/30/1943 10 FF
Rowell Carrie H 1/10/1879 48 G
Rowell Cora L 1/24/1959 80 O
Rowell Horace 4/7/1881 48 G
Rowell John J 5/9/1895 10 FF
Rowell Lloyd H 6/11/1934 80 O
Rowell Mary A 2/16/1921 10 FF
Rowell Minnie L 2/14/1881 10 FF
Rowell Wadham J 4/14/1930 10 FF
Rowell William A 9/5/18960 48 G
Rowland Anna Ely 3/29/1924 3 N
Rowland Clifford 9/20/1916 88 M
Rowland Dudley E 12/9/1963 3 N
Rowland Elizabeth 4/25/1846 7 C
Rowland Eugene 6/22/1911 3 N
Rowland Haidee W 10/20/1961 3 N
Rowland Howard J 11/17/1926 3 N
Rowland Hugh Griffith 8/8/1956 11 K
Rowland Jeanie Maria Barton 8/13/1937 2 N
Rowland Kate 7/14/1939 11 K
Rowland Merwin Eugene 3/14/1913 3 N
Rowland Ruth T 12/28/1960 13 T
Rowland Sarah Packer 3/28/1961 3 N
Rowland Susan Enogen 7/6/1934 88 J
Rowlands Arthur T 12/9/1989 8 R
Rowlands Catherine E 4/29/1986 8 R
Rowlands Thomas A 2/27/1950 8 R
Rowlands Infant of Thomas 4/3/1941 8 R
Rowlands Wiliam Lee 1/10/1921 224 M
Rowlands Roberta L 6/7/2002 8 R
Rowley DeWitt C 12/8/1873 8 D
Rowley Eunice L 5/3/1886 108 H
Rowley Frances A 3/6/1878 107 I
Rowley Hannah C 12/26/1869 8 D
Rowley Harriette L 8/10/1921 8 D
Rowley Helen 10/19/1832 98 H
Rowley Helen L 4/30/1895 98 H
Rowley Hobert 1846 98 H
Rowley Child of JH 5/2/1910 548 L
Rowley Jeremiah 2/18/1892 108 H
Rowley Johnathan B 4/30/1910 108 H
Rowley Marrriella 1/26/1924 8 D
Rowley Martin 8/1841 98 H
Rowley Mary A 10/5/1903 8 D
Rowley Napoleon B 6/12/1862 23 C
Rowley Nellie Maria 3/22/1876 8 D
Rowley Sarah Northrup 5/12/1898 8 D
Rownd Charlotte Pierce 3/8/1941 6 FF
Royle Leonard B 7/16/1952 GAR
Rozentals Alvine 8/13/1982 50 W
Ruane Diana 6/10/1985 46 Y
Ruby Hattie P 6/8/1921 21 J
Ruby Helen D 12/21/1983 313 U
Ruby Martha 6/30/1966 79 MM
Ruby William C 12/13/1972 313 U
Ruch Harvey L 11/21/1988 374 MM
Ruch Helen G 4/16/1982 126 W
Rudd Abigail S 5/27/1875 11 F
Rudd Betsey P 11/18/1911 2 F
Rudd C Oliver 10/19/1984 202 S
Rudd Charles 3/26/1931 2 F
Rudd Clarence R 5/4/1972 34 P
Rudd Edna M 4/8/1937 2 F
Rudd Ellen Elizabeth  9/7/1892 2 F
Rudd Ernest 10/9/1925 14 P
Rudd Franklyn N 2/26/1999 118 U-2
Rudd George T 11/18/1911 2 F
Rudd Jennie A 2/1/1993 202 S
Rudd Louis R 10/25/2003 118 U-2
Rudd Mary E 2/7/1899 2 F
Rudd Myrtle 2/20/1958 34 P
Rudd Nathan P 2/14/1923 2 F
Rudd Thomas A 2/7/2001 34 P
Rudd Thomas W 11/25/1970 34 P
Rudd Willis S 2 F
Rudd Willis W 10/2/1890 2 F
Rudd Wyllys N 11/25/1930 34 P
Ruebel Charles N 7/19/1948 322 S
Ruggerio Aliyhonnia M 7/13/2004 213 Y
Rumrill William Frederick 2/15/1918 769 L
Rumrill Louise S 7/23/1971 62 O
Rumrill William H 5/13/1952 62 O
Rumryon  Fanny 1/9/1879 19 I
Rundle Violet A 5/21/1998 143 O
Rundle Charles E 5/25/1955 143 O
Rung Barbara 4/17/1905 87 I
Rung Elizabeth 10/26/1898 64 I
Rung Frederick 10/21/1877 87 I
Rung Fred W Jr 5/12/1975 19 T
Rung George 5/3/1935 64 I
Rung George 1/13/1920 180 I
Rung Infant of George 6/21/1875 87 I
Rung John 11/10/1883 103 I
Rung Lois 5/28/1909 180 I
Rung Louisa 2/23/1895 103 I
Rung Mamie E 6/10/1964 180 I
Rung Pernal F 9/8/1982 19 T
Rung Walter E 5/7/1928 180 I
Rung Infant of William  2/28/1898 180 I
Ruscher Earl H 7/10/1986 350 U
Ruscher Pauline K 8/10/1974 350 U
Rusezlak Harrslo 4/5/1917 773 L
Rushlow Emma 4/16/1928 24 R
Russ Albert J 8/2/1870 38 G
Russ Bertha A 9/1/1891 38 G
Russ Charles Perren 2/13/1899 38 G
Russ Cornelia F 6/26/1918 38 G
Russ Edith C 12/14/1924 38 G
Russ Emily Westwood 5/24/1962 3 T
Russ Frederick S 9/17/1917 129 MM
Russ George P 12/8/1900 38 G
Russ Jules E 8/17/1934 38 G
Russ Susie Francis 38 G
Russ William Arthur  4/9/1953 3 T
Russell Alfred 5/9/1914 47 D
Russell Alvah E (Dave) 8/28/1961 215 S
Russell Andrew 8/29/1884 37 G
Russell Anna 3/10/1932 16 P
Russell Ana E 4/23/1919 47 D
Russell Anna Eliza 11/3/1896 37 G
Russell Child of Asa P 7/7/1880 203 L
Russell Azer 7/17/1948 58 K
Russell Augustus 1909 37 G
Russell Augustus D 8/20/1899 37 G
Russell Azer P 4/30/1927 58 K
Russell Charolotte 7/6/1908 58 K
Russell Dr Edwin P 4/13/1987 59 S
Russell Fred D 8/12/1955 16 P
Russell Frederick Wiliam 6/22/1915 741 L
Russell Freeda Ritchie 1/22/1966 16 P
Russell George E 12/3/1908 37 G
Russell George W 12/9/1905 58 K
Russell Harry 6/21/1935 22 P
Russell Helen 4/10/1873 37 G
Russell Isabelle M 4/26/1982 215 S
Russell Louise 7/19/1941 37 G
Russell Maisie S 11/4/1992 59 S
Russell Mary E 2/25/1875 67 L
Russell Orpha 12/1/1904 65 J
Russell Simon E 7/6/1872 37 G
Russell Wilbert H 9/18/1980 296 MM
Russi Katie 4/29/1900 103 I
Rute Lizzie 10/27/1891 370 L
Rutherford Adam 9/4/1881 161 A
Rutherford Alexander 7/24/1955 60 N
Rutherford James 6/12/1910 59 I
Rutherford Minnie A 3/12/1902 59 I
Rutherford Lucy S 12/29/1961 60 N
Rutz Adam 7/21/1876 25 J
Rutz Adam 10/6/1909 25 J
Rutz Adam 10/12/1956 25 J
Rutz Anna Mary 8/6/1956 25 J
Rutz Anna H 11/13/1961 25 J
Rutz Arthur V 7/3/1987 51 U
Rutz Catherine  12/7/1876 25 J
Rutz Elizabeth 6/2/1886 25 J
Rutz Elizabeth 6/2/1886 25 J
Rutz Fred J 4/20/1954 25 J
Rutz Harold A 9/1/1977 78 S
Rutz Henry  8/10/1985 78 S
Rutz Henry  2/17/1939 78 S
Rutz Henry  7/3/1914 25 J
Rutz Katherine 10/6/1909 25 J
Rutz Katherine 12/12/1932 25 J
Rutz Louisa 1/28/1966 78 S
Rutz Mary Bena 7/16/1941 25 J
Rutz Valentine 9/9/1913 25 J
Rutz Wiliam A 7/15/1969 25 J
Rutz William Arthur  7/22/1996 52 U-2
Ryan James Leslie 10/16/1911 697 L
Ryan Faith L 7/28/1983 160 W
Ryder Edna 11/23/198 492 MM
Rynick John 12/10/1922 185 L
Ryon James Leslie 12/24/1912 29 Q
Ryon Mary M 4/10/1944 29 Q
Ryon Maude J 7/13/1956 29 Q
Ryon  William J 8/19/1958 29 Q
Rypezuka Frank 12/26/1907 338 L