Rome Cemetery

Last Name First Name Interment Lot No. Section
Taber Fred J 3/18/1940 5 B
Taber Fred R 12/6/1932 5 B
Taber Henry 5/16/1888 163 I
Taber Lizzie 3/8/1876 163 I
Tabor Edwin C 8/7/1947 316 S
Tabor Emma Randall 2/15/1918 163 I
Tabor Helen T 10/9/1947 316 S
Tabor Sophie 2/11/1948 5 B
Taft Cornilia 7/24/1851 10 F
Taft Cornelia A 1/6/1914 50 Q
Taft Delos 2/8/1916 50 Q
Taft George W 7/7/1878 10 F
Taft Joseph 12/9/1911 50 I
Taft Matilda 9/5/1907 10 F
Talbot Leonard Burt 1/29/1923 95 M
Talbot  Elizabeth Ann 3/22/1932 33 O
Talbott Anna G 7/5/1930 33 O
Talcott Johnathan 8/17/1919 90 K
Talcott Mary 4/18/1890 32 H
Talcott Mary L 1/12/1911 90 K
Talcott Sarah E 1/14/1946 90 K
Talcott White 5/10/1898 32 H
Talcott William K 3/10/1901 90 K
Tallarino Natale A 4/13/1989 172 T
Tallman Carol JH 7/15/1983 8 MM
Tallman Oliver G 4/12/1961 8 MM
Tallon Harold J 6/26/1982 224 MM
Tallon Minnie C 4/18/1983 225 MM
Talmage Ernest F 10/31/1945 783 M
Tanner Aden Wilson 10/24/1966 268 U
Tanner Edgar 6/14/1914 12 M
Tanner Emma (Amann) 5/11/1971 113 K
Tanner Isodore 3/4/1930 13 M
Tanner Louise L 12/4/1939 639 M
Tanner Marjorie W 10/30/1974 268 U
Tanner Timothy 10/20/1917 583 A
Tanner William 3/28/1939 640 M
Tardugno Josephine J 4/23/2005 344 MM
Taubert Patricia 31-Aug 470 MM
Taveres James 8/21/1984 31 J
Taylor Ann  7/8/1994 474 MM
Taylor Anna E 5/16/1907 482 A
Taylor Augusta 8/27/1941 6 HH
Taylor Barbara 5/23/1957 187 S
Taylor Bessie 1/20/1905 115 K
Taylor Bryon J 2/29/1936 397 M
Taylor Charles P 4/6/1928 483 A
Taylor Clarence W 6/29/1964 177 O
Taylor Delos N 1/19/1949 187 S
Taylor Delos W 1/6/1950 342 S
Taylor Dorothy 9/28/1918 115 K
Taylor Ellen 2/4/1927 258 M
Taylor Ellis 12/13/1930 6 H
Taylor Eugene S 2/18/1860 605 L
Taylor George 1/15/1884 63 GAR
Taylor Gordon K 4/1/1989 161 W
Taylor Harry Gough 6/23/1892 3 A
Taylor Henry 11/17/1914 115 K
Taylor Jeanette 4/28/1959 177 O
Taylor Joseph 8/21/1891 38 A
Taylor Louisa A 2/9/1902 7 I
Taylor Margaret 3/9/1929 396 M
Taylor Marion 5/22/1935 542 M
Taylor Martha 7/20/1907 64 GAR
Taylor Newell F 8/23/1901 115 K
Taylor Raymond M 9/27/1917 115 K
Taylor Robert 2/6/1885 271 L
Taylor Rose Mary Ellen 2/12/1930 177 O
Taylor Sylvestor I 3/4/1903 7 I
Taylor William 12/21/1926 357 M
Taylor William Henry 7/27/1912 115 K
Taylor William Henry 12/1/1918 798 L
Taynor Hazel W 1/10/1990 262 U
Tayntor Fred L 4/21/1971 262 U
Teachout Erastus 5/14/1910 39 K
Teale Warren Wheelock 5/12/1917 78 Q
Tedd Albert Eustae 1/14/1912 17 Q
Tedd Ann Taylor 12/20/1928 13 Q
Tedd Earl Cleyon 1/29/1951 17 Q
Tedd John W 4/25/1911 17 Q
Tedd Mary E 3/28/1951 17 Q
Tedd William 2/12/1920 13 Q
Tedd William R 8/20/1922 13 Q
Teebo Hattie 12/7/1884 269 L
Tefft Ida G 4/27/1976 134 O
Teft Ruth 8/2/1849 59 I
Teft William 11/26/1869 59 I
Tefft George E 6/26/1888 59 I
Tegan Carie 1/19/1891 15 I
Teits Mary E 10/4/1886 296 L
Teller Anna Prince 6/14/1935 45 N
Teller Ellen 2/9/1999 45 N
Teller Howard J (Dr) 2/1/1937 45 N
Teller Howard P 5/1/1967 45 N
TenEyck Bessie N 10/30/1918 156 M
TenEyck Walter 10/25/1918 157 M
Tennant George 4/26/1910 547 L
Terrel Stillborn Male Twins 1/30/1948 842 M
Terrier Abram 5/1/1930 420 M
Terrier Mary 10/19/1929 420 M
Terrillion  Virginia F 5/11/1983 951 M
Terzini James E 6/10/1954 831 M
Thacher Benjamin W 9/20/1897 79 H
Thacher Martha S 2/11/1903 79 H
Thacher Robert  1/16/1890 75 H
Thallman Charles 6/21/1883 244 L
Thallman Julia 7/15/1893 3 F
Thalman Adeline 9/23/1877 3 F
Thalman Edwin Monroe 12/15/1894 3 F
Thalman Elizabeth 8/22/1921 3 F
Thalman Etta 11/15/1882 233 L
Thalman Frederick A 8/14/1980 71 D
Thalman Louis T 5/24/1896 279 A
Thalman Lucy M 6/3/1915 3 F
Thalman Martin 8/10/1896 3 F
Thalman Martin 10/1/1928 3 F
Thalman Nellie 7/12/1926 3 F
Thalman Samuel 11/3/1890 3 F
Thalman Samuel 2/3/1899 3 F
Thayer Anna B 7/18/2001 61 R
Thayer A L 6/3/1841 593 L
Thayer Charles 12/15/1930 458 M
Thayer Jerry A 9/21/1928 78 P
Thayer Martha Riley 5/31/1940 78 P
Thayer Nancy M 9/20/1838 576 L
Theal Frances 2/26/1917 29 O
Theall Betty L 9/10/1986 29 O
Theall Cora Elizabeth 12/2/1924 29 O
Theall Carrie I 2/21/1934 103 Q
Theall Frank A 1/20/1944 103 Q
Theall Helen E 1/4/1990 190 Y
Theall Wallace E 4/19/1978 29 O
Theall William Henry 11/28/1924 29 O
Theobold Child of Roy 8/26/1941 42 O
Theobold Margaret A 8/21/1946 42 O
Thickens John 5/7/1887 137 I
Thielke Raymond H 5/5/1989 92 GAR
Thierfelder Anna A 4/10/1909 21 K
Thierfelder Charlotte 7/17/1936 21 K
Thierfelder Emil 5/3/1941 21 K
Thierry Peral Ann 1/18/1943 700 M
Tholdens Minnie 10/8/1947 109 J
Thom Ellen R 8/7/1917 2 K
Thom Fredrika  7/13/1875 82 L
Thom William 7/15/1929 2 K
Thomas Roger M 5/28/2002 10 W-2
Thomas Adelbert Crego 7/20/1945 78 K
Thomas Adelbert Child 5/10/1922 78 K
Thomas Addie E 2/27/1944 84 O
Thomas Albion W 3/19/1922 249 M
Thomas Alice V 7/31/1957 250 M
Thomas Anna May 5/28/1938 53 Q
Thomas Anna W 12/6/1943 78 K
Thomas Annie 10/13/1877 22 I
Thomas Arby 10/28/1927 84 O
Thomas Arthur E 4/19/1930 78 K
Thomas Bessie H 11/8/1948 72 P
Thomas Burt E 3/1/1945 53 Q
Thomas Charles 10/12/1901 22 I
Thomas Charle S 6/25/1936 1014 L
Thomas Child of Charles 5/28/1930 934 L
Thomas Child of Charles 8/23/1931 946 L
Thomas Clara H 1/9/1871 5 F
Thomas Clifford (Whitey) 4/30/1982 97 W
Thomas Cornelia 8/11/1886 81 H
Thomas Davis R 8/23/1938 273 S
Thomas David R 5/23/1931 125 J
Thomas David O 1/6/1964 133 U
Thomas Dora M 12/5/1932 72 P
Thomas Elizabeth 1/20/1921 39 J
Thomas Eleanora H 6/22/1993 273 S
Thomas Elizabeth E 6/6/1964 273 S
Thomas Eugene A 6/18/1927 887 L
Thomas Evan 5/14/1912 51 Q
Thomas Evan G 4/26/1971 50 T
Thomas Everett R 7/15/1999 78 K
Thomas Frances E 11/10/1915 78 K
Thomas Frances J 2/27/1905 5 F
Thomas Frances L 2/4/1921 22 I
Thomas Francis H 2/7/1888 5 F
Thomas Forrest J 10/21/1959 86 O
Thomas Franklin T 11/24/1986 13 G
Thomas George S 9/6/1967 272 U
Thomas Gertrude Harriet 6/12/1896 125 J
Thomas Grace H 5/5/1976 36 MM
Thomas Harry E 10/8/1966 35 MM
Thomas Helen Sanford 11/28/1936 FF
Thomas Hugh 6/3/1923 277 M
Thomas Baby of Hugh 11/26/1940 668 M
Thomas Ida Jane 7/24/1948 51 Q
Thomas Irene E 7/8/1913 78 K
Thomas James 1/2/1876 124 I
Thomas James 10/16/1904 56 H
Thomas James A 4/21/1953 180A S
Thomas James A 2/5/1956 61 U
Thomas James G 4/2/1948 72 P
Thomas James R 9/12/1897 47 J
Thomas James S 1/29/1891 48 I
Thomas Jane 5/25/1904 66 J
Thomas Jane Kernen Patten 5/6/1970 9 FF
Thomas Jefferson 1/27/1944 84 O
Thomas Jenie D 7/14/1877 48 I
Thomas Jennie Williams 3/14/1962 50 T
Thomas John 8/3/1893 56 H
Thomas Norma 5/16/1998 219A S
Thomas John M 7/23/1966 219A S
Thomas John W 11/22/1939 169 I
Thomas John R 1/23/1939 293 M
Thomas Josephine E 11/22/1922 125 J
Thomas Julia Ruth 12/14/1945 169 I
Thomas Katheryn A 5/1/1995 272 U
Thomas Louise 11/11/1949 6 FF
Thomas Lydia Adams 4/28/1966 39 J
Thomas Mabel Louise 4/11/1951 13 G
Thomas Margaret J 6/5/1929 64 O
Thomas Mary 4/5/1924 292 M
Thomas Mary 3/9/1885 124 I
Thomas Mary M Hoxsey 7/7/1942 9 FF
Thomas Newell F 12/20/1887 6 FF
Thomas Newell S 4/27/1931 6 FF
Thomas Olive M 6/3/1890 169 I
Thomas Owen 3/30/1948 133 U
Thomas Owen 5/22/1959 25 S
Thomas Owen O 5/20/1933 497 M
Thomas Child of Owen 4/20/1928 895 L
Thomas Patrick 5/18/1910 553 L
Thomas Percy Champion 12/28/1951 9 FF
Thomas Randall 10/7/1994 53 Q
Thomas Richard W 12/6/1893 39 J
Thomas Robert A 9/18/1884 266 L
Thomas Robert O 10/19/1948 71 K
Thomas Robert W 11/20/1901 81 H
Thomas Sarah J 5/2/1990 133 U
Thomas Sarah J 4/2/1891 56 H
Thomas Sarah A 10/29/1884 81 H
Thomas Sarah Jane 9/29/1941 51 Q
Thomas Stanley 10/5/1927 371 M
Thomas Stephen 9/17/1875 89 L
Thomas Stephen 30 L
Thomas Susanna 6/3/1946 496 M
Thomas Thomas 5/8/1917 39 J
Thomas Thomas 6/20/1907 78 K
Thomas Thomas or Norman 6/14/1919 39 J
Thomas Thomas J 3/4/1995 101 Y
Thomas Thomas R 5/20/1880 124 I
Thomas Wilbur J 1/12/1962 13 G
Thomas William C 2/9/1945 13 G
Thomas William G 7/11/1987 86 Y
Thomas Willie E 10/18/1891 369 L
Thomas William J 5/28/1894 240 A
Thomas Child of WJ 12/24/1918 13 G
Thomas Child of Wiliam 4/8/1910 39 J
Thomas Winifred M 12/23/1935 25 S
Thomas Wyatt Travers 11/8/1971 106 Q
Thompson Anna May 5/14/1968 74 K
Thompson Charles 2/22/1936 1015 L
Thompson Charles F 6/7/1979 91 T
Thompson Clarence 7/28/1978 74 K
Thompson Delma 7/28/2004 311 U
Thompson Ernest 3/3/1925 313 M
Thompson Eva Olcott 12/13/1986 91 T
Thompson Francis H 3/7/1961 99 U
Thompson Gemina 12/14/1940 94 O
Thompson Hiram L 5/25/1902 74 K
Thompson Howard 7/28/1896 74 K
Thompson Irene Olcut 5/10/1971 91 T
Thompson John S 3/25/1896 273 A
Thompson Joshua M 9/4/2004 155 U-2
Thompson Mabel M 12/20/1889 84 K
Thompson Mae Etta 12/29/1931 480 M
Thompson Margaret M 12/12/1911 701 L
Thompson Marie 5/29/1970 267 U
Thompson Martha 5/20/1927 74 K
Thompson Martha H 11/4/1902 99 I
Thompson Milton J 4/13/1988 311 U
Thompson Sarah A 9/11/1889 77 A
Thompson Thomas  5/1/1941 94 O
Thomson Anna R 10/1/1955 48 D
Thron Anna 12/16/1952 67 H
Thron Anna Sophia 6/18/1901 118 K
Thron Carl Frederick 7/29/1890 346 L
Thron Catharine 3/24/1895 179 I
Thron Charlotte L 10/20/1961 63 P
Thron Christine F 4/10/1902 67 H
Thron Edna (Fitzerald) 9/20/1999 39 T
Thron Elizabeth M 1/21/1941 118 K
Thron George 11/27/1890 67 H
Thron Hartman Alfred 12/28/1928 67 H
Thron Hartman M 1/8/1903 67 H
Thron Henry 4/8/1938 63 P
Thron Henry Jr 5/13/1930 63 P
Thron Jacob 10/28/1918 9 I
Thron John G 2/8/1946 118 K
Thron John H 8/6/1919 118 K
Thron Julia Ruth 11/29/1927 9 I
Thron Martin P 9/5/1888 320 L
Thron Marvin H 3/26/1960 39 T
Thron Nettie M 12/22/1960 63 P
Thron Nina 6/30/1901 67 H
Thron Peter 7/18/1879 190 L
Thron Philip 2/9/1965 67 H
Thron Phillip H 12/27/1980 63 P
Thron Richard W 11/5/1970 63 P
Thron Sophia K 7/20/1879 191 L
Throop George H 5/16/1855 16 D
Throop Mildred E 12/14/1989 255 S
Throop Stillborn of Vincent 3/3/1947 255 S
Throop Vincent W 7/31/2001 255 S
Thornton Thomas 2/14/1917 767 L
Thorp James H 7/10/1887 151 A
Thorp James H 10/27/1916 61 K
Thorp Sina L 4/24/1906 61 K
Thrasher Barbara H 5/25/1912 59 Q
Thrasher Charles 6/6/1912 59 Q
Thrasher Freida P 10/27/1926 69 R
Thrasher George 12/26/1928 59 Q
Thrasher Gordon Charles 8/30/1975 59 Q
Thrasher Jessie 3/10/1955 59 Q
Thrasher Verne 5/21/1930 59 Q
Thuringer George S 9/13/1934 33 H
Thuringer Marguerite A 7/5/1985 33 H
Thuringer Minnie (Mary Jane) 2/12/1949 33 H
Tibbits Alfred E 1843 40 E
Tibbits Abby A 11/15/1903 44 E
Tibbits Shirley 11/26/2001 98 O
Tibbits Betsy  4/11/1894 40 E
Tibbits Edna C 6/23/1833 611 L
Tibbits Edward S 1/15/1941 44 E
Tibbits Ella 9/17/1880 40 E
Tibbits Elizabeth S 11/1862 41 E
Tibbits George O 5/19/1913 584 A
Tibbits Henry 2/10/1862 41 E
Tibbits Henry Jason 4/12/1950 96 O
Tibbits Henry S 4/23/1899 41 E
Tibbits Henry William 7/28/1877 44 E
Tibbits Joh C 11/27/1877 40 E
Tibbits Jonathan 11/30/1815 41 E
Tibbits Kate Evelyn 12/24/1940 585 A
Tibbits Martha 9/24/1856 40 E
Tibbits Marietta 11/26/1948 41 E
Tibbits Marietta E 11/9/1898 41 E
Tibbits Maryetta 10/1856 41 E
Tibbits Mildred M 4/23/1929 98 O
Tibbits Nora B 2/15/1932 96 O
Tibbits Nora Irene 4/22/1920 96 O
Tibbits Rhoda 3/1/1873 44 E
Tibbits Seth B 11/22/1895 41 E
Tice Charles A 10/25/1919 95 K
Tice Maria 7/2/1931 95 K
Tice William H 3/15/1875 36 G
Ticknor Elizabeth S 5/22/1987 339 U
Ticknor John M 11/8/1974 339 U
Teitz Child of 3/5/1918 777 L
Teitze Carolina Scholz 5/8/1953 67 R
Tierney William 6/6/1903 418 A
Tierney Child of William 7/29/1903 418 A
Tietz Ernestine 5/27/1919 117 I
Tietz Florence 7/21/1910 46 E
Tietz Herman 10/11/1914 117 I
Tietz Johanna 1/10/1933 117 I
Tietz Lina 10/19/1888 117 I
Tietz Mary 11/8/1889 117 I
Tietz Ernerst 12/6/1926 67 R
Tietze Agnes K 11/6/1989 67 R
Tietze Annie 11/11/1888 117 I
Tietze Carl W 11/14/1972 112 S
Tietze Edward F 11/23/1938 1032 L
Tietze Ruth Allen 12/28/1989 112 S
Tietze William E (Dr) 6/13/1977 67 R
Tiffany Arthur S 9/1/1906 80 K
Tiffany Charles L 7/28/1926 68 Q
Tiffany Erastus 2/6/1893 13 I
Tiffany Eva L 11/27/1879 13 I
Tiffany Frank P 4/22/1925 311 M
Tiffany Mary E 3/23/1929 68 Q
Tiffany Sally 7/24/1912 13 I
Tillapaugh Eva R 2/11/1959 56 J
Tillinghast Gidion 10/10/1860 7 D
Timmerman William 8/15/1914 46 Q
Toepp Katherine 3/27/1926 97 H
Toliver Taizon N 7/1/1999 506 MM
Tomeo Ann M 10/5/1989 112 Y
Tomlinson Frances W 8/5/1924 69 D
Tomlison William L 5/5/1913 69 D
Tompkins Bradford 1/26/1929 92 H
Tompkins Florence B 7/27/1877 146 L
Tompkins Grace E 6/30/1885 92 H
Tompkins Inez G 10/16/1925 330 M
Tompkins Josephine 12/23/1933 92 H
Tompkins William D 3/18/1888 92 H
Tong Louisa 5/29/1920 204 L
Tooke Frieda 6/16/2001 131 S
Tooke Florence B 5/23/1908 13 J
Tooke Julia C Pritchard 4/24/1943 131 S
Tooke Marietta H 7/23/1889 13 J
Tooke William H 4/6/1881 13 J
Tooke E Wylie 11/19/1994 131 S
Tooker Cornelia 12/31/1930 93 J
Tooker Harry M 4/10/1958 343 S
Tooker Harry O 11/29/1899 93 J
Tooker Child of H 4/13/1904 488 L
Tooker Elizabeth M 9/23/1952 343 S
Toraro Filomena 3/20/1928 898 L
Totaro James 10/24/1931 951 L
Totaro Julie Y 4/28/1977 96 U
Tourje Mary Edna 3/18/1968 31 G
Tournier Millie Isabells 11/14/1889 68 A
Tournier Florence Amelia 2/2/1940 38 N
Tousley Harold L 1/1/1901 149 I
Townsend Anna Pugh 5/4/1960 7 G
Townsend Eva 3/10/1891 366 L
Townsend Ezra R 7/10/1902 286 A
Townsend Frank  3/6/1930 23 G
Townsend George H 1/2/1987 42 J
Townsend Helen C 6/20/1994 46 D
Townsend Helen H 6/18/1991 130 T
Townsend Henrietta E 3/3/1913 27 E
Townsend John 7/22/1918 7 G
Townsend John A 4/21/1978 130 T
Townsend John Elton 1/15/1918 7 G
Townsend Lillian 4/29/1915 23 G
Townsend Louise H 11/6/1948 42 J
Townsend Maria 8/1/1888 210 L
Townsend Mary 12/31/1937 27 E
Townsend Marguerite 3/27/1995 101 S
Townsend Mary L 4/13/1928 7 G
Townsend Meredith P 7/1/1968 101 S
Townsend Minnie L 8/29/1889 334 L
Townsend Robert Miller 6/5/1961 7 G
Townsend Stuart E Jr 1/26/1953 7 G
Townsend Stewart Sr 1/13/1942 7 G
Townsend William 8/27/1927 42 J
Townsend William 6/14/1882 27 E
Towsley Clista C 5/12/1904 37 I
Towsley Henry C 4/10/1856 605 L
Towsley Mildred E 8/18/1899 149 I
Trabant Anna M 12/2/1976 45 P
Trabant Carl H 10/13/1972 45 P
Trabant Charles Frederick William 1/22/1942 45 P
Trachsel Mable F 12/7/1953 153 I
Trachsel Sandra Ann 5/23/1944 784 M
Trachsel Ulrich 1/24/1944 754 M
Tracy Amy 4/28/1864 54 E
Tracy Effie B 4/24/1944 49 R
Tracy Elmer 11/7/1916 761 L
Tracy Eva M 11/11/1974 54 E
Tracy Frederick 3/1865 54 E
Tracy Gerald Frances 1/21/1918 27 O
Tracy Gertrude M 5/31/1956 244 S
Tracy Marron Emma 5/18/1916 95 Q
Tracy Henry 11/8/1912 712 L
Tracy Jeremiah F 4/4/1969 54 E
Tracy May A 5/2/1936 27 O
Traficante Margaret C 6/27/2001 95 T
Traficante Alexander (Dr) 8/26/1998 95 T
Traschel Herman 1/3/1940 660 M
Travis  James F 1/5/1910 49 GAR
Treadwell Agur 9/7/1870 182 A
Treadwell Anna M 10/20/1889 74 A
Treadwell Elizabeth 11/29/1916 70 A
Treadwell James 1/6/1906 381 A
Treadwell John 5/5/1847 579 L
Treen Anna Kraft 11/15/1961 923 M
Treen Beulah 9/28/1894 408 L
Treen Frederick 12/20/1952 924 M
Treible Ruth H 12/7/1991 200 Y
Trela Philip A 2/8/1993 166 T
Tremain Ambrose Barnes 12/24/1936 30 E
Tremain Julia B 7/31/1907 30 E
Tremain Sylvester 3/18/1909 30 E
Tremaine Ellen R 11/28/1863 30 E
Tremaine Grace W 4/6/1871 30 E
Tremaine Horace (Rev) 3/25/1877 30 E
Tremaine Julia E 4/18/1888 30 E
Tremaine Sylvester Frank 7/8/1884 30 E
Tremaine William F (Dr) 1/15/1952 30 E
Trembeth Bertha R 4/10/1995 213 MM
Trembeth Bertha A 12/18/1986 91 O
Trembeth Fred S 9/24/1956 91 O
Trembeth E Jennie 2/12/1940 91 O
Trembeth Rodney WB 7/8/1975 214 MM
Trembeth William T 10/31/1921 91 O
Tretch Andrew 1/14/1917 83 J
Tretch Margaret 1/22/1910 83 J
Tretch Margaret 6/28/1916 83 J
Tretch Mark Lucius 2/3/1917 138 I
Tretch George 8/27/1909 83 J
Tretch James G 8/4/1909 138 I
Tretsch Andrew J 4/23/1895 83 J
Trio Salvatore 6/1/1949 292 S
Tripe Agustus 6/12/1917 774 L
Tripp Elizabeth H 11/1/1945 6 F
Trippi Anthony A 6/2/1971 962 M
Trippi Mary Piucci 961 M
Triti Child of Caroline 8/31/1914 738 L
Tritsch Ada Doty 4/11/1968 141 O
Tritsch Albert John Thomas 10/18/1948 141 O
Tritsch Catherine  6/14/1956 48 O
Tritsch Child of Fred 12/30/1919 138 I
Tritsch Child of Fred 9/7/1921 138 I
Tritsch Elizabeth 11/6/1939 48 O
Tritsch Fred A 9/15/1948 194 S
Tritsch Fred P 11/26/1947 194 S
Tritsch George H 9/2/1941 48 O
Tritsch George J 10/23/1926 48 O
Tritsch Margaret 5/14/1992 140 K
Tritsch Pearl 7/5/1963 194 S
Tritten Gottfried 4/21/1893 386 L
Troilo Filomena 8/14/1968 182A S
Troilo Frank 4/12/1953 182A S
Troli Arturo L 4/6/1988 428 MM
Tromber Fred J 3/30/1940 139 I
Trombly Albias O 11/30/1996 188 U
Trombly Mary H 11/25/1992 188 U
Tromer Jacob 5/12/1908 83 H
Tromer Lewis C 10/21/1895 139 I
Tromer Lydia 1/15/1931 139 I
Tromer Sarah 4/12/1911 83 H
Troop Margaret 3/21/1898 16 D
Troup Infant of WD 11/7/1887 307 L
Tryon Ernest C 11/21/2003 20
Tryon Caroline 11/12/1856 22 I
Tryon Caroline Rutz 9/2/1989 220 U
Tryon Francis 6/1857 46 D
Tyron Gail E 3/1/1993 446 MM
Tryon Harriett 7/3/1922 46 D
Tryon John T 5/25/1925 49 R
Tyron Mary A 6/12/1860 46 D
Tryon Norman 1/10/1878 46 D
Tryell Sanford 4/4/1916 756 L
Tryon Ralph H 5/26/1969 173 MM
Tryon Robert C 2/6/1993 220 U
Tuff Christina 8/27/2003 570 MM
Tulchin Anne Whyte 8/26/2000 123 H
Tuthill Judith A 10/2/2004 58 W-2
Tucker Alfred 5/1869 49 E
Tucker Maria 7/29/1922 263 M
Tucker Laura Huntington 1/22/1921 49 E
Tucker Rev Irah 4/24/1871 49 E
Tuescher David 8/20/1927 11 R
Tulley Henry 4/22/1903 43 GAR
Tulley  Jane 2/16/1899 30 J
Tulloh Daniel 11/22/1927 104 H
Tulloh David 8/10/1910 104 H
Tulloh Frances C 6/5/1917 104 H
Tulloh George Herbert 9/30/1957 879 M
Tulloh Helen S 3/29/1910 104 H
Tulloh Irilla Blair 10/21/1949 787 M
Tullah James H 5/26/1891 104 H
Tully Mary 11/15/1937 162 O
Tuosto Carmino 3/14/1927 530 A
Tupper Carrie R 7/22/1966 131 K
Tupper Edward Bronson 7/3/1933 51B H
Tupper Edward Lynn 4/28/1975 21 S
Tupper Irene E 11/26/1906 131 K
Tupper Jay Millard 11/16/1963 131 K
Tupper Margaret Louise Owens 2/19/1959 21 S
Tupper Marie 2/9/1887 29 I
Tupper Rhoda C 2/13/1937 51A H
Turk John 8/1/1935 1007 L
Turland Mrs. Thomas F 4/20/1973 1 R
Turland Thomas 2/20/1926 1 R
Turner Almond R 12/26/1967 244 S
Turner George Herbert 11/30/1924 855 L
Turner Samuel G 7/31/1887 304 L
Turner Vernon A 6/21/1960 244 S
Turland Jessie 2/3/1998 1 R
Turukwiski August 6/21/1915 25 M
Tusher Frederick 10/1/1919 180 M
Tuthill Child of Helen Margaret 7/22/1935 996 L
Tuthill Boyd 3/18/1996 43 U-2
Tuthill Louise S 12/7/1994 43 U-2
Tuttle Clarabelle Lawton 5/13/1966 20 H
Tuttle Cornelia W 5/24/1927 89 J
Tuttle Julia 9/11/1904 32 H
Tuttle Warren Wilbur 9/13/1896 89 J
Tuttle William Seward 3/21/1957 20 H
Tuttle Zopher J 6/3/1925 89 J
Tuttle Infant of ZJ 5/17/1899 89 J
Twichell Alonzo 4/5/1894 13 H
Tyczinski Stephen 5/8/1944 786 M
Tyler Bryson L 9/2981997 490 MM
Tyler Ada Sutter 7/31/1965 186 O
Tyler Archie H 8/17/1955 79 S
Tyler Asa P 1/28/1849 127 A
Tyler Barbara Pfluke 6/4/1916 15 Q
Tyler Bertha H 5/3/1979 79 S
Tyler Catherine 23 E
Tyler Clara Ward 9/14/1907 10 J
Tyler Cyrus Edwin 1/9/1939 23 E
Tyler Edward J 9/16/1988 335 U
Tyler Elizabeth 9/21/1886 23 E
Tyler Frances E 11/16/1925 15 Q
Tyler Child of Fred 6/15/1918 170 I
Tyler HH 9/16/1919 23 E
Tyler Jane McCutcheon 3/7/1955 17 J
Tyler Judson G 10/18/1946 15 Q
Tyler Louis Cornelia 11/7/1838 23 E
Tyler Lucy Quackenbush 4/18/1939 48 Q
Tyler John 23 E
Tyler Jonathan Waldo 1/1874 121 I
Tyler Marjorie M 8/11/1976 335 U
Tyler J Shelden 3/31/1932 23 E
Tyler Rena 1/25/1996 26 W
Tyler Sally 4/30/1853 127 A
Tyler Theodosia 12/13/1877 121 I
Tyler William Henry 5/17/1946 48 Q
Tyrer Mary 3/29/1926 82 J
Tyron Milton Brown 9/29/1906 46 D
Tytul Anna 1/10/1962 141 U
Tytul Jack 4/18/1977 141 U