St. Mary's Cemetery
West Libery Street,  Town of Rome

Transcriptions for Sections A, B & D

Connie Meyers

Albrecht Sarah Frances 1844-1929

Antmann George died Mar 16, 1882 aged 22 years
Antmann Henry J died Jan 5, 1884 20 years
Antmann John born Jan 20, 1834 died Sept 4, 1896
Antmann John J born Mar 3, 1874 died Jan 30, 1900
Antmann Mary A died Apri 11, 1883 25 years
Antmann Mary L died May 13, 1884 8 mo
Antmann Philemena (wife of John) 1839-1916
Antmann William 1866-1930

Armstrong Anna M 1893-1962 (wife of Jesse F)
Armstrong J 1867-1937
Armstrong Jesse F 1930-1956
Armstrong Jesse F 1895-1960
Armstrong Kattie 1870-1948 (wife of J)

Bael Adam 1845-1922
Bael Adam J 1891-1918
Bael Alfred A 1907-1915
Bael Anna (wife of Adam) 1852-1911
Bael Mary A (wife of Sylvester Sr) 1874-1911

Bahler Arthur J 1876-1923
Bahler Susan M 1876-1951 (wife of Arthur)

Bankowski Mary Patala 1895-1995 (wife of Peter)
Bankowski Peter J 1890-1953

Bauer Francis C 1899-1963
Bauer Margaret Schrefer 1872-1954

Baulig Frances 1903-1918

Beasock Blanche Seifert 1912-1935

Becker George P 1870-1933
Becker Margaret A 1874-1946

Belius Adeline (wife of John) 1849-1933
Belius John 1844-1933

Belmonte Grace 1882-1951

Benner Edward G 1868-1938
Benner Frances E 1877-1938

Bernhard Anton Frank (NY S2 US Navy WWI) Nov 7, 1899-Apr 20, 1970
Bernhard Anton J 1867-1920
Bernhard Barbara M Herbst 1871-1931
Bernhard Catherine B 1908-1987
Bernhard Joseph E 1901-1950
Bernhard Ruth M 1898-1949

Besenfelder Albert F 1890-1975
Besenfelder John G 1867-1951
Besenfelder Joseph P 1876-1957
Besenfelder Katherine Lorenz 1869-1938
Besenfelder Mae C 1891-1973
Besenfelder Mary Weilhamer 1886-1977

Bielicki Patty Lu 1939-1946

Boehrer Alfred J 1888-1890
Boehrer John J 1862-1891
Boehrer Lena E (wife of John) 1864-1892

Bott Charles 1833-1906
Bott Frank 1880-1913
Bott Wilhelmina (wife of Charles) 1840-1913

Brennan Anna (wife of William) 1871-1929
Brennan William 1870-1929

Briggs  Caroline 1881-1902

Brockway Albert L 1916
Brockway Geraldine A 1914-1962

Broker Barbara 1855-1927
Broker Frank 1849-1897
Broker Karl B 1888-1956
Broker Pauline 1876-1905

Bronislaw 1901-1929

Brosnan Margaret A 1904-1993
Brosnan Theresa Bungert 1884-1965
Brosnan Thomas 1877-1926

Burck Bertha 1871-1953 (wife of Joseph)
Burck Joseph 1852-1933

Burns Alvin N 1898-1917
Burns Katherine Nold 1869-1941 (wife of William)
Burns Harold P 1899-1941

Butler John H 1893-1923

Cadrette Flora 1920-1938

Carman Conrad 1849-1922
Carman Max 1810-1879
Carman Rose 1847-1867
Carman Theresa Hitler 1810-1874 (wife of Max)

Carpenter Cyrus 1841-1901
Carpenter Catherine 1851-1910 (wife of Cyrus)

Caryk Michael died June 28, 1926

Cascanett Edward 1885-1925

Casserly Peter J 1898-1964

Chase Merelda D 1914-1986
Chase William R 1912-1972

Chmielewski Anna Barbara July 27, 1915-Sept 25, 1989 (wife of Wieslaw)
Chmielewski Anna Mary 1879-1936
Chmielewski Helen d/o Alex & Mary 1933-1934
Chmielewski Stanislaw 1878-1932
Chmielewski Wieslaw Tadeusz Apr 1, 1910-Jan 10, 1996

Clark Charles M (US Army WWII) 1917-1981
Clark Barbara E Parks 1926-1984 (wife of Charles)

Cleveland Katherine 1904-1922

Colangelo age 31yrs died June 4
Colangelo Angelo 1914-1977
Colangelo August 1919-1980
Colangelo Elizabeth Bova 1915-2002
Colangelo James V 1886-1927
Colangelo Jean Caliguire 1911-1997
Colangelo Jenny 1923 (wife of Vito)
Colangelo Katherine 1894-1925
Colangelo Linda Bartolomeo 1913-
Colangelo Mary 1889-1935
Colangelo Paul 1883-1964
Colangelo Salvatore 1913-1983
Colangelo Theresa 1925
Colangelo Vito D 1908-1980
Colangelo Vito J 1912
Colangelo William V 1910-1974

Connick James 1871-1952
Connick Meta 1901-1911
Connick Mildred 1897-1899
Connick Minnie Baulig 1874-1953 (wife of James)

Conover Katherine Cronizer 1859-1935

Copia Mary E 1916-1918

Cringe William Co H 176 NY Vol died Dec 18, 1923 aged 78 years

Cutler Clara M 1875-1912

Cwiok Anna 1895-1960
Cwiok Peter 1895-1929

D’Angelo Mary Page 1902-1979
D’Angelo Patsy 1893-1975

Dalton Margaret E 1894-1917

Daniels Catherine E 1878-1949
Daniels Charles S Sr 1875-1950

DeForest Bertha E 1880-1921

Deruba Stanley J 1916-1965

DeRuby John S (YN2 US Navy WWII) Jun 24, 1927-Jan 5, 2003

Dion Agnes S 1897-1949

Doftort Joseph 1877-1943

Dolan Rose Gecosky 1904-1938

Dombrowski Thomas 1892-1930

Domenico Anna (NY Pvt 339 MG BN 88 Div WWI) Jun 28, 1894-Apr 2, 1949
Domenico Bertha 1905-1984
Domenico Grace Colangelo 1910-2003
Domenico Louis 1908-1993
Domenico Marion 1902-1992
Domenico Mary Rego 1886-1972
Domenico Nicholas 1875-1954

Doty Agnes 1891-1923
Doty William 1891-1956

Doyle Katherine T 1894-1938
Doyle Myles N 1890-1940

Dunn Anna M 1879-1933
Dunn John F 1876-1954

Durr Jacob 1851-1910
Durr Johnnie (s/o Jacob & Margaret) Born Apr 5, 1877 Died Aug 16, 1880
Durr Margaret Webber 1851-1948

Dyminski Julia Aug 15, 1884-Apr 13, 1964

Dziuba John 1884-1926

Ebner Joseph Co E Reg NYV died May 28, 1915 75 years

Egan Anna E 1879-1930 (wife of Martin)
Egan Martin M 1869-1952
Egan May Irene 1902-1926 d/o Martin & Anna
Egan Thomas E 1929-1994  g/o Martin & Anna

Eisinger Albert J 1896-1976
Eisinger Magdalena 1852-1920
Eisinger Margaret K Schneible 1896-1985 (wife of Albert)

Ellinger George A 1868-1931
Ellinger Helen 1905-1977
Ellinger Irene 1901-1917
Ellinger Paul 1936-1951
Ellinger Paul L 1906-1950
Ellinger Pauline S 1871-1957

Ellsworth Christina 1870-1941

Evanciew Anna 1935
Evanciew Mary 1912-1921
Evanciew Michael 1914-1921

Fahey Bessie A 1882-1955
Fahey John P 1879-1946
Fahey Milo P 1902-1972
Fahey Milo Patrick (PFC US Army WWII) 1928-1980

Fahy Anthony 1917-1921
Fahy Evelyn M 1910-1974
Fahy William M 1905-1979

Fallat Francis Gorkowski 1906-1964
Fallat John 1905-1985

Farrell Clara F 1884-1984
Farrell Richard A 1877-1935

Fasani Louis 1897-1978
Fasani Mildred Colangelo 1904-1981

Fierling Anna 1839-1923
Fierling John 1875-1931
Fierling Mary 1872-1957
Fierling Peter 1847-1925
Fierling Peter 1880-1941

Fichthaler Louis died Feb 12, 1899 aged 66 yrs
Fichthaler Mary A 1837-1921 (wife of Louis)

File John 1857-1949
File Julia Kniley 1863-1925

Finster Anna V October 19, 1896-July 25, 1930
Finster Barbara (wife of Valentine) died June 10, 1883 49 yrs 7 mo
Finster Casper 1860-1928
Finster Clarence 1896-1939
Finster Edward 1870-1914
Finster Frank J 1898-1983
Finster Fred J 1892-1914
Finster Jennie L 1902-1988
Finster Lawrence 1859-1932
Finster Leonard E 15th Co 152nd Depot Brig World War died May 8 1841
aged 48
Finster Margaret (wife of Casper) 1865-
Finster Mary A 1860-1924
Finster Ruth 1895-1920
Finster Valenine 1825-1927
Finster William 1886-1928

Fisher Barbara 1847-1918
Fisher Cora 1884-1890
Fisher Elizabeth 1876-1930
Fisher Henrietta 1888-1964
Fisher Sarah 1872-1956
Fisher William 1878-1901

Fitchthaler Francis 1855-1865

Flanagan Margaret 1899-1925
Flanagan Michael A (Pvt US Army) Sep 3, 1920-Dec 1, 2000
Flanagan William (US Army WW1) 1897-1961

Forte Anne Novak 1909-1934

Fortunato Frank 1881-1929
Fortunato Jennie Rego 1892-1949

Frank Albert J Oct 28, 1872-Nov 3, 1927
Frank Benjamin L 1876-1957
Frank Lewis J 1872-1930
Frank Matilda Schneible Feb 2, 1871-May 31, 1921

Fraver George 1857-1913
Fraver Kate (wife of George) 1860-1899
Fraver Mary 1882-1890

Frison Catherine 1832-1909

Galasso Angelo L 1886-1965
Galasso August 1852-1934
Galasso Donna M 1890-1959 (wife of Angelo)
Galasso M Gioanna 1853-1925
Galasso Nellie 1914-1926
Galasso Orsini Rosemary 1910-1984
Galasso Rosemary Nov 21, 1907- Nov 13, 1936
Galasso Salvatore Nicholas 1925-1999

Gamela Anna 1871-1936
Gamela Feliks (WW Vet Co 6 H FA US Mar) died Feb 24, 1932 age 38yrs
Gamela John Apr 20, 1885-Mar 25, 1926

Garofalo Carmino Giardino 1851-1930
Garofalo Rosaria 1861-1921

Gavin Arthur 1873-1925
Gavin Mary 1882-1974

Gawlik Mary Warchal 1842-1929

Geary Florentine T 1894-1939 (wife of Michael)
Geary Michael E 1887-1941

Gecosky Mary 1879-1948
Gecosky Peter 1900-1925
Gecosky Stanley 1869-1955

Gentzberger Katie died June 3, 1881 11yr 8 mo
Genzberger Mary 1837-1898
Gentzberger Mathew died june 4, 1893 55 yrs

Giehl Jennie A 1875-1935
Giehl John 1841-1922
Giehl Louise 1839-1932

Gigliotti Anthony F (SSgt US Army WWII) Nov 15,1915-Mar 28,1985
Gigliotti Bernard 1884-1977
Gigliotti Grace Pace 1892-1973

Giles Lena Stedman 1891-1980

Gisondi Ralph 1912-1982
Gisondi Rose 1916-1985

Goetti Lawrence 1827-1897
Goetti Margaret 1831-1899

Goetz Caroline E 1875-1927 (wife of Edward)
Goetz Edward O 1870-1920
Goetz Shirley Elizabeth 1919-1922

Gorbach Adam M 1892-1971
Gorbach Anthony 1919-1923
Gorbach Mary C 1895-1974 (wife of Adam)

Gorkowski Anna 1876-1937
Gorkowski John 1880-1923

Gorman Alberta Carrier 1910-1995
Gorman Audrey C 1879-1971
Gorman Kenneth T 1912-1988
Gorman Mary K 1888-1955
Gorman Robert W 1946-1992
Gorman Thomas H 1882-1950
Gorman Thomas K 1939-1998
Gorman William H 1854-1925

Gossman Andrew 1841-1902
Gossman Andrew Sr died Dec 4, 1890 aged 80
Gossman Catherine (d/o Andrew & Margaret) died Feb 1848 aged 6 mo
Gossman Catherine M (wife of Andrew Jr) died Dec 4, 1878
Gossman Margaret (wife of Andrew Sr) died Apr 25, 1874 71 yrs 9 mo
Gossman Sarah (wife of Andrew) died Nov 10, 1900 AE 48 yr 2 mo

Grande Filomena Gulla 1907-1964
Grande Leon 1896-1968
Grande Leon M (Tec 4 US Army WWII) Dec 7, 1926-Apr 8, 1996

Grogan Mary S 1866-1942
Grogan Patrick H 1862-1927

Gubbins S Loretta 1888-1965

Gulla Mary 1889-1975
Gulla James 1876-1919
Gulla Patrick J 1909-1933
Gulla Rose 1902-1943

Haag Anna 1860-1951
Haag George 1851-1922

Haley Mary 1868-1889

Halpin Arthur L 1905-1918
Halpin Vincent J 1903-1971 (Vet of WWII)

Harlander Grace May 30, 1852-Jan 7, 1937 (wife of Joseph)
Harlander John 1893-1922
Harlander Joseph Feb 28, 1850-Dec 13, 1920

Harris Peter Joseph 1892-1952

Hauck Jacob died Oct 1, 1881 48 years
Hauck Kathrine 1840-1914

Hawkins Frances M 1852-1926

Hayes Jacob 1872-1929
Hayes John P (US Army) 1906-1967
Hayes Mary 1869-1916
Hayes Mary Ann  May 16, 1969

Heilig Catherine 1842-1927
Heilig Loretta 1902-1925

Henderson Mary 1887-1924

Hengge Crescentia M 1821-182
Hengge Frank J 1862-1894
Hengge Frank X 1826-1892
Hengge Mary L 1861-1946

Herbst Adam 1837-1887
Herbst Anna 1871-1874
Herbst Barbara Mersinger 1837-1915 (wife of Adam)

Herzing John J Nov 30, 1857-Nov 17, 1927
Herzing Joseph J May 10, 1892-Mr 9, 1959
Herzing Katherine Hollfelder (wife of John J) Mr 18, 1862-Feb 1, 1938

Hoehn Anna M 1875-1957
Hoehn Edward S 1877-1925
Hoehn John L 1874-1945
Hoehn Joseph C 1900-1946
Hoehn Joseph L 1871-1921
Hoehn Theodore J (Medical Corps USA WWII) 1905-1954

Hoffman Anthony T 1862-1912
Hoffman Hazel 1912-1982
Hoffman Mary 1864-1936 (wife of Anthony)

Hohl Magdalene 1844-1932

Hoysak Felix 1905-1960

Hubbard Charles E 1875-1951
Hubbard Everett M 1905-1922
Hubbard Lillie Bott 1877-1959

Hughes Agnes M 1902-1984
Hughes James H 1900-1975
Hughes Mary M 1865-1950

Hujsak Josephine Z 1902-1902

Humes Chester E 1892-1952
Humes Mae R 1890-1976

Iesenmanger Eva 1833-1913
Iesenmanger Jacob 1836-1916
Iesenmanger Jacob 1805-1891
Iesenmanger Simon 1863-1893

Iseneker Anna E 1869-1899
Iseneker John 1830-1901
Iseneker Mary (wife of John) 1837-1917
Iseneker Theresa M 1875-1932

Janas Jacob W 1892-1950
Janas Josephine M 1892-1964

Johnson Margaret M 1877-1957

Kaemyerer Jacob 1853-1920
Kaemyerer Sophia 1875-1925 (wife of Jacob)

Kaiser Carrie 1875-1915
Kaiser Michael 1865-1958

Kapfer Anna M 1836-1914 (wife of Joseph)
Kapfer Frank G 1862-1909
Kapfer Joseph 1832-1894
Kapfer Joseph died Nov 11, 1891 aged 62 yrs
Kapfer Mary K 1867-1940
Kapfer Nicholas 1866-1937

Karczewski 1888-1922
Karczewski Joseph 1889-1956
Karczewski Macie J 1888-1922
Karczewski Michalena 1912-1971
Karczewski Wincenta B 1891-1990

Kaufman Clarence J 1904-1965
Kaufman Dorothy M 1907-1974

Kazynowek Anthony F (SSgt US Army WWII) Jun 19, 1918-May 16, 1995


Keiser Joseph 1862-1939
Keiser Josephine 1869-1944

Kenealy John (no dates)

Kenney Mary Baulig (wife of Christ) 1870-1898

Kern Frank J (112 Mach G Bt) died Nov 9, 1925 age 27yrs

Kieffer Frances (wife of J M ) 1866-1901
Kieffer Joseph M 1862-1935
Kieffer Leon 1890-1891

Kirk Florence Roser 1896-1980
Kirk Francis A May 22, 1907-July 12, 1925
Kirk Frank 1847-1911
Kirk Lena 1855-1934
Kirk Louis 1873-1938
Kirk Martina A May 12, 1922-July 20, 1939

Kittel Anton 1827-1912
Kittel Elizabeth 1824-1880

Klara Mary 1894-1968
Klara Phillip S 1947
Klara Stanley 1891-1952

Kler Barbara 1855-1903
Kler John P 1849-1900

Knittle Caroline 1871-1875
Knittke Frank 1879-1880
Knittle Joseph 1838-1922
Knittle Margaret 1795-1883
Knittle Mary 1846-1909

Koenig Anna 1898-1904
Koenig Celia B 1896-1929
Koenig Grace 1894-1904
Koenig Max 1859-1915

Koons Madeline F 1912-1997

Kotary Irene M 1906-1907
Kotary John N 1871-1941
Kotary Mary R (wife of John) 1871-1924

Kozick Antoinette S 1920-1993

Krzynowek (father) 1876-1960
Krzynowek (mother) 1883-1943
Krzynowek Mary 1894-1934
Krzynowek Stanley 1888-1961
Krzynowek  Wanda 1916-1934

Kubasik Josephine S

Lappin James 1862-1935

Lenio Dorothy Oct 14, 1894-Nov 12, 1925

Leonard Charles 1883-1926
Leonard Rosetta 1911-1950

Leppert William 1882-1948

Lindsey Emily Hoehn 1917-1980

Link Charles M 1885-1947
Link Fred 1881-1918
Link Janice Austin 1901-1935 (wife of Louis)
Link Louis W 1891-1956
Link Mary A 1852-1912 (wife of Michael)
Link Michael 1844-1924

Loeffler Barbara 1840-1912

Loesing Mary Josephine 1888-1968

Lunn Anna (wife of John) 1883-1914
Lunn John 1883-1949

Lutwin Catherine Yager 1921-   (wife of Nicholas)

Lyman Alice E 1868-1942
Lyman George H 1872-1949

Magra Christopher 1848-1918
Magra Margaret 1854-1914 (wife of Christopher)

Mallek John A 1912-1929

Manchester Marie D 1926
Manchester William 1927-1990

Margner Joseph M 1874-1929

Marmelito Gertrude K 1908-1968
Marmelito Joseph R 1900-1965

Marshall John 1899-1959
Marshall Peter 1872-1934
Marshall Sofia 1877-1983 (wife of Peter)

Martura Philip A (Pvt US Army WWII) 1898-1977

Mathis Joseph 1847-1935
Mathis Rosa 1847-1921

Matt Alysius M 1915-1930
Matt Anna C 1911-1912
Matt Anthony 1912-1912
Matt Emil M 1875-1941
Matt George F 1913-1974
Matt Mary B 1882-1969

Mautner Frank X Sr 1869-1936
Mautner Robert 1925-1933 s/o John & Jennie Mautner

May Eva 1888-1963
May George J 1884-1964
May Henrietta M 1894-1968
May John 1852-1912
May Margaret (wife of John) 1857-1927
May Rosa C 1885-1969

McGuire infrant 1929

McPhee Carroll P 1907-1991
McPhee Margaret Becker 1912-1968
McPhee Robert J 1948-1991

Meyer Alexander 1828-1919
Meyer Mary – his wife 1838-1907

Meier Clarence W 1909-1988
Meier Frank X 1829-1904
Meier George 1878-1915
Meier Kunigunda – 1935-1908 (wife of Frank X)
Meier Winifred Kempf (wife of Clarence) 1907-1961

Mercurio Salvatore Gerace 1926-1928

Mertz Frank M 1875-1942
Mertz Katherine 1873-1954

Metzger Frank J 1877-1952
Metzger Mary B 1877-1966

Meyer Charles 1849-1899
Meyer Elizabeth 1850-1945
Meyer Fred G 1878-1955
Meyer Josephine (wife of Peter) 1854-1884
Meyer Katherine 1883-1908 (1st wife of Frederick)
Meyer Leopold (Col First Reg) 1844-1919
Meyer Lula M 1891-1965 (2nd wife of Frederick)
Meyer Olive (wife of Charles) 1854-1891
Meyer Peter 1843-1913
Meyer Peter H 1872-1956

Meyers Agnes Urtz  1903-1978 (wife of Enoch F)
Meyers Albert F 1886-1960
Meyers Anna L 1870-1943
Meyers Edward W 1872-1927
Meyers Enoch F 1897-1975
Meyers George 1914-1987
Meyers Irene Sexton 1924-  (wife of George)
Meyers Isabelle M 1901-1935
Meyers Jerome I 1909-1916
Meyers Mae Phillips 1888-1973 (wife of Albert)
Meyers Michael A 1897-1923

Meyers-Taylor Mary Aug 15, 1960-Dec 21, 2000

Miller Anna M 1854-1941
Miller Henry 1844-1929
Miller John 1851-1912
Miller Lena Burkhard 1856-1925 (wife of John)

Moore Helen Carman 1833-1916

Morse May File 1883-1955

Mostizer Clara E 1874-1954 (wife of J William)
Mostizer G Arch 1874-1923
Mostizer J Lewis died Dec 8, 1891 aged 24 yrs 3 ds
Mostizer J William 1871-1936
Mostizer John A died Dec 6, 1894 aged 64 yrs 10 mo 4 ds

Mumbach Henry W 1872-1956
Mumbach Mary 1873-1959 (wife of Henry)

Murphy Agnes Schneible 1884-1933
Murphy James 1867-1915
Murphy Joseph W NY Pvt US Army WWI Nov 22, 1892-Aug 28, 1972

Murray John F 1913-1934

Myers Amelia L 1898-1958
Myers Ella (daughter of G & A Myers) died Oct 3, 1890
Myers Frank J 1899-1955
Myers Frank L 1873-
Myers George 1839-1881
Myers Irene Brosnan 1907-1987
Myers Jacot 1857-1878
Myers James L 1904-1996
Myers Lilla White 1880-1948
Myers Louis C 1874-1936
Myers Mary 1868-1952
Myers Mary I 1878-1927 (wife of Peter)
Myers Mary Leckner 1878-1936
Myers Peter J 1876-1943

Nellenbach Joseph 1872-1956
Nellenbach Mary 1878-1953

Nero Elizabeth 1865-1940
Nero Frank 1860-1937

Nold Frnak 1845-1905
Nold Harold F 1916-1990
Nold Johnie born Mar 23, 1881 died Mar 2, 1883
Nold Mary I 1913-1993
Nold Mary (wife of Frank) 1843-1924

Noonan Louise G 1877-1969

O’Brien Joseph A 1909-1974
O’Brien Joseph F 1885-1965
O’Brien Pauline Bernhard 1894-1962
O’Brien Pauline D 1912-1971

Oswald Elizabeth 1849-1892

Oxner Anthony 1825-1904
Oxner Frank H died at Pasadena, CA May 17, 1887 aged 22 years
Oxner Mary A 1835-1902

Pace Angela M 1899-1965 (wife of Nicholas)
Pace Anthony F 1922-1997
Pace F Antonio 1863-1926
Pace Jane T 1909
Pace Jane E 1929-1998 (wife of Anthony)
Pace Joseph L 1929
Pace Leonard G 1889-1972
Pace M Lucy 1904-1983
Pace M Vincenza Sabia 1868-1938
Pace Nicholas A 1900-1990

Paczkowski John
Paczkowski Josephine
Paczkowski Sophia 1889-1940

Paduck Lucille Pace 1925 (wife of Edward)
Paduck Edward W 1923

Page Anthony 1870-1906
Page Daniel V Sr 1899-1957
Page Dominick 1897-1925
Page Grace 1873-1956 (wife of Anthony)
Page Lena Lumbrazo 1901-1994
Page Paul 1904-1969 s/o Anthony & Grace
Page Ruth 1923-1926

Patala Anthony G 1852-1924
Patala Peter 1861-1923
Patala Peter A 1908-1973
Patala William A 1892-1976

Paterson Margaret Pace 1934

Patterson Bertha Affolter 1903-1975

Pearce Mary T 1887-1961
Pearce Pearcy 1877-1957

Peck Edward 1923-1932

Percy Gertrude 1906-1933

Perkins Josephine 1918-1996

Pfeiffer Emma 1888-1893
Pfeiffer George 1893-1924
Pfeiffer John 1861-1917
Pfeiffer Mary (wife of John) 1862-1935

Phillips Agnes Durr 1901-1964

Pichler Frank died  June 11, 1872 age 62 years
Pichler Mary died Nov 30, 1892 age 77 years
Pichler Peter died Apr 1865 age 26 years
Pichler Peter Co E 14th NY Vols died Apr 1865 aged 35 years

Polzin Bernard J 1892-1951
Polzin Cora B 1893-1968
Polzin E Lawrence 1894-1973
Polzin Helen Affolter 1900-1990

Preisendorfer John C 1859-1886

Price Ernest B 1868-1932

Prossner Frederick J 1870-1921
Prossner John 1867-1939
Prossner Katherine 1870-
Prossner Mary M Meyers 1869-1945

Pupa Baby
Pupa John M 1915-1919
Pupa Rose 1911-1923

Raffauf Antoinette R 1862-1921
Raffauf Anton J Feb 5, 1868-Feb 8, 1910
Raffauf  Leon F 1888-1974
Raffauf Marcellius J 1862-1941
Raffauf Mary G 1887-1981
Raffauf Mary G Bael Sept 6, 1866-Feb 14, 1920 (wife of Anton)

Reckentine Clara Broderick (wife of William) 1863-1953
Reckentine Etta G 1901-1977
Reckentine George D 1901-1970
Reckentine Mary E Irene 1916-1918
Reckentine William 1857-1915

Rees Charles 1921-1922
Rees Emma E 1913-
Rees Emma L 1877-1925
Rees Joseph A 1878-1951
Rees Joseph G 1910-1988

Regetz Helen S 1905-1987

Rego Josephine 1900-1923
Rego Louis 1853-1941
Rego Rose (wife of Louis) 1855-1918

Remick Patronella 1903-1940

Risley Carrie 1846-1916

Ritzel George J 1885-1953
Ritzel Josephine Pfeiffer 1891-1985

Rogers Minnie  1868-1896
Rogers Sydney W February 1,1895-Mar 15, 1950

Rudel Sanford born July 9, 1849 died June 5 1920
Rudel Julia (wife of Sanford) born Aug 17, 1856 died Apr 8, 1924

Sandusky Martha 1885-1953

Santasiero Catherine 1913-1947
Santasiero Maria Rosario 1892-1928
Santasiero Salvatore 1888-1945

Sauter Frank died March 13, 1880 aged 22yrs

Schaller Catherine M 1846-1928 (wife of Michael)
Schaller Mary Carman 1852-1933
Schaller Michael D 1849-1927
Schaller Stanley M 1890-1928

Schibel Cornelius 1853-1907
Schibel Frank 1840-1907
Schibel Henry 1856-1906
Schibel Mary 1854-1938
Schibel Sarah June 8, 1828-Mar 3, 1901

Schilling Albert 2 weeks
Schilling Edward 2 years
Schilling Elizabeth Ritzel (wife of Jacob) 1858-1932
Schilling Frances 1890 age 5 mo
Schilling George O born Oct 17, 1888 died July 20, 1959
Schilling Matilda E Rudel born Oct 31, 1886 died Nov 24 1951
Schilling Philip J 1876-1942
Schilling Rosetta aged 2 years

Schluifelder Robert F 1927-1935

Schneible Anna M 1876-1951
Schneible Catherine M 1857-1953
Schneible Charles 1854-1935
Schneible Charles H (US Army WWI) 1887-1962
Schneible Elizabeth A 1868-1937 (wife of Joseph P)
Schneible Elizabeth 1855-1897 (wife of Michael)
Schneible Eustina died June 10, 1894 76 years
Schneible Frank W 1875-1959
Schneible Francis 1906-1924
Schneible Frank X 1850-1910
Schneible Ida J 1896-1966
Schneible Joseph P 1864-1929
Schneible Martha K 1891-1982
Schneible Matthias died Mar 3, 1888 75 years
Schneible Michael 1848-1925
Schneible Paul 1856-1933
Schneible Philomena 1867-1904 age 37 years
Schneible Robert G 1880-1927
Schneible Valentine 1845-1930
Schneible Victoria 1859-1940
Schneible Viola 1886-1918
Schneible Walter W 1890-1928
Schneible Winifred M 1888-1974

Schonbacher Mary E 1863-1921

Schrefer Carl 1890-1927

Schue Howard F 1874-1958
Schue Lucy N 1876-1938
Schue Virgil J 1915-1921

Schuller Blanche R 1885-1958
Schuller Francis A 1877-1938

Sears Courtney Beth June 6, 1990-May 3, 1999

Seelman Amelia 1860-1909
Seelman Edward 1879-1930
Seelman Elizabeth (wife of Edward) 1889-1982
Seelman Matilda Domser 1877-1975
Seelman Otto F 1879-1958
Seelman Stanley S Sept 4, 1918

Sees Clara M Isenmenger 1886-1958
Sees Eugene A 1883-1956

Seifert Lillian Finster 1891-1932

Shalala Bertha M Rees 1906-1950

Shaler Michael died Feb 29, 1872  57 yrs 7 mo 10 days

Siegel Andrew 1854-1933
Siegel Michael 1872-1970

Simon Mary died Nov 24, 1900 aged 63 years

Singleton Anna M (wife of John) 1866-1911
Singleton John 1865-1911

Slawinski Virginia 1896-1922

Smith Ann E 1899-1976
Smith Emma Fisher 1886-1970
Smith George B 1900-1987
Smith George B 1925-1927
Smith Howard 1881-1959

Soboleski Andrew 1878-1926

Soboleski Helen 1906-1921 s/o Sophie & Andrew

Soboleski Pauline 1915-
Soboleski Sophie 1882-1957 (wife of Andrew)

Stahlberger Clayton J 1896-1965
Stahlberger Frank 1883-1954
Stahlberger Ruth E 1902-1979

Stedman Julia 1859-1931
Stedman Rosetta 1883-1921

Stirling Edith 1893-1980
Stirling Frank 1880-1933

Street Mary A 1869-1958
Street Thomas 1868-1940

Sulewski Romana K 1895-1969
Sulewski Teofil 1891-1933

Surgut Pawel 1884-1958

Sweet Blaine G 1891-1958
Sweet Christina M 1898-1924
Sweet Julia C 1899-1980

Szarek Helen Zak 1890-1968

Szczepanski Jozef
Szczepanski Urodzil 19 MR 1884
Szczepanski Zmal 16 Lis 1918

Thaler Christina 1827-1910

Thoeny Julius 1841-1901

Torio Kathryn M 1907-1995

Tradecki Victor 1891-1920

Uhl David John Nov 19, 1953-Dec 25, 1972

Ullman Robert L 1889-1964

Uhlrich Grace (wife of Simon) 1845-1924
Ulrich Simon Jr 1837-1918

Upright Floyd Jr 1926-1935

Urtz Barbara 1882-1958 (wife of Paul)
Urtz Paul T 1873-1933

Usselmann Alice 1861-1941
Usselmann Barbara Alice 1884-1973
Usselmann Emile J 1898-1988
Usselmann Emile 1859-1926
Usselmann George 1886-1951
Usselmann Mary C 1894-1979

Vinneau Evelyn Cote 1889-1980
Vinneau Frank X 1889-1952

Waller James A (US Navy) 1895-1991
Waller John 1925 age 4 days
Waller John E 1892-1963
Waller John R 1864-1933
Waller Magdalene Finster 1867-1951

Walters Suzanne Patala 1908-1949

Weinkauf Fred 1885-1937
Weinkauf Kathryn 1876-1963

Weiser Eliza (wife of Louis) died Mar 5, 1885 ae 42 yrs 7 mos
Weiser Joseph died Oct 23, 1891  ae 21 yrs 6 mos
Weiser Lewis died Jul 14, 1891 ae 19 yrs 9 mos

Werschler Anna C 1898-1981
Werschler Benjamin E 1899-1981

Windhager Augusta 1861-1912
Windhager Augusta (wife of Michael) 1822-1873
Windhager Margaret 1837-1897
Windhager Michael 1827-1906

Wintermeier Joseph 1802-1885
Wintermeier Theresa (wife of Joseph) 1806-1880

Wright George E 1863-1926
Wright Mary E 1869-1935

Wunsch Alice Fleming 1892-1968
Wunsch Louis J 1888-1954
Wunsch Nora Casey 1852-1923
Wunsch Louis 1857-1930

Yakobiszyn Joseph 1892-1949
Yakobiszyn Pauline 1895-1960 (wife of Joseph)

Young Aileen Armstrong 1922-1991 (wife of Leonard)
Young Leonard E 1920-1956

Zak John 1885-1931

Zawislak Frances 1903-1977 d/o John & Katherine
Zawislak John 1877-1926
Zawislak Katherine 1878-1926