Weeks Cemetery

Town of Steuben

This cemetery is located on the Starr Hill Road, not too far from Sixty Corners Road.  There is a
large sign by the road that reads:  “Ebenezer Weeks settled here in 1791 and is buried in adjoining
meadow.  Built Bake Oven and did coopering for Baron Steuben”.  The cemetery contains one
stone with the following inscriptions and is surrounded by a fence.  The area between the
tombstone and the road is kept mowed and is in excellent condition.  The inscriptons were copied
on July 11, 2000 by Kathleen Last and Virginia Ackerman.

Kathleen Last and Virginia Ackerman
All rights reserved

Park, Asahel died Oct. 29, 1805 age 48 yrs

Weeks, Eunice Griswold, wife of Ebenezer Weeks, Feb. 1, 1742-Oct. 6, 1792
Weeks, Ebenezer, Rev. War, Aug. 16, 1741-Jul. 6, 1813
Weeks, Ebenezer Jr. Sep. 25, 1772-Aug. 6, 1791