This active cemetery is located off the Old
Poland Road just outside of the village of Barneveld in
the town of Trenton. It is very well
maintained. The back of the cemetery is surrounded by hills
and there are many burials on these hills.
Stone steps have been built into the side of the largest
hill which goes up 42 steps to a level area
with several burials. From this site there are another 15
steps up to the tallest hill where more burials
are located. According to the caretaker the land for
this cemetery was donated by Andrew Billings
whom, along with his wife, are buried on this hill.
Their tombstone is surrounded by an iron
fence. At the bottom of this hill is a beautiful stone vault
built into the hillside. It is no longer
used but is scheduled to be renovated soon.
The tombstones in this cemetery were transcribed
by Kathleen Last and Virginia Ackerman on
June 9, 2004.
Kathy Last & Virginia Ackerman
All Rights Reserved
Abrams, Hugh died April 1, 1865 age 38 yrs
Adams, Daniel N. III Dec. 13, 1965-March
8, 2003
Adams, Diana M. Dec. 12, 1918-May 12,
Adams, Geneive Hart 1908-1994
Adams, Rev. Thomas Conley 1906-1956
Alger, Adella Plaisted 1834-1922
Alger, Elizabeth D. 1906-2000
Alger, Julia Wood 1857-1896
Alger, Kennedy 1829-1912
Alger, Lawrence J. 1904-1984
Alger, Margaret Jones 1864-1957
Alger, W. D. 1856-1951
Alwood, Charles 1866-(no date)
Alwood, Frances L. Berner 1876-1912
Alwood, Margaret 1871-1927
Andrew, John, Rev. 1848-1908
Andrew, Julia E. Tanner, wife (of Rev.
John Andrew), 1850-(no date)
Arend, Peter William, son of William
& Elizabeth Arend, Oct. 21, 1966-Oct. 25, 1966
Arend, Ralph W. Jan. 9, 1902-Nov. 20,
Bacon, Anna G., wife (of Samuel Bacon),
died Nov. 5, 1844 age 76 yrs
Bacon, Harriet died June 12, 1850 age
56 yrs
Bacon, Laura C. Jan. 11, 1801-Dec.
13, 1874
Bacon, Samuel died May 1, 1840 age
77 yrs
Bagg, Florence A. McNett, wife (of Frank
P. Bagg), 1851-1921
Bagg, Frank P. 1852-1940
Bagg, Harriette Goodman, wife of Roy
F. Bagg, 1873-1925
Bagg, Roy F. 1884-1922
Baker, Amanda Jones 1917-1955
Baker, Francis Corles Thrasher 1852-1922
Baker, George H. Sep. 28, 1842-July
18, 1893
Baker, George, son of G. H. & F.
C. Baker, April 26, 1877-Sep. 17, 1877
Baker, Grace A., dau of A. & J.
Baker, died Sep. 27, 1886 age 4 yrs 4 mos
Baker, William E. 1943-1970
Bannd, Charles Francis 1826-1914
Bannd, Julia Ann Dutcher, wife (of
Charles Francis Bannd), 1836-1915
Barker, Alta M. 1887-1934
Barker, Anna L. Alger, wife (of Will
E. Barker), 1862-1939
Barker, Carrie Norton, wife (of Paul
W. Barker), married June 17, 1915, 1889-1960
Barker, Neal W. 1896-1897
Barker, Paul W. 1889-1994
Barker, Will E. 1858-1954
Bauer, Douglas J. 1938-1984
Beachley, Austin 1904-1971
Beachley, Francis 1935-1975
Beachley, Zelda M., wife (of Austin
Beachley), married Sep. 1, 1927, 1905-1965
Belknap, Nina G. Blanchard 1891-1990
Belknap, Vernon 1888-1940
Bergough, John A. 1928-1990
Berry, George T. Jr. 1953-1992
Billings, Abby Sheldon, wife of Andrew
Billings Esq., died Sep. 20, 1852 age 59 yrs 23 dys
Billings, Andrew died June 8, 1880
age 87 yrs
Blanchard, Ida Griffin 1874-1959
Boorman, John 1831-1923
Bottcher, Henry 1827-1906
Bottcher, Sophia, wife (of Henry Bottcher),
Bowen, Nettie Oct. 16, 1877-Sep. 13,
Bowen, Rachel Smith, wife (of Thomas
Bowen), Feb. 13, 1849-Apr. 17, 1931
Bowen, Thomas May 14, 1843-Oct. 18,
Boyle, Harold W. 1899-1966
Boyle, Harry J. 1893-1956
Bramhall, Sarah E. Heat, wife (of Walter
E. Bramhall), 1870-(no date)
Bramhall, Walter E. 1860-1923
Brennan, ELizabeth Knower 1916-1995
Brennan, Francis Russell 1910-1986
Britt, Robert H. 1908-1964
Britt, Ruth Lewis 1968-1999
Brown, Mary M. 1856-1938
Brucker, Howard C. 1926-1980
Brucker, Muriel C. 1925-(no date)
Bunmer, Esther Mains, wife of Jeremiah Bunmer, died March 6, 1863 age 80 yrs
Busacker, John W. 1890-1973
Busacker, Martha Jones 1889-1978
Butler, Blanche, wife (of Stanard D.
Butler), 1865-1933
Butler, Stanard Dow, DD, Founder of
United Liberal Church at Petersburg, Fla, 1870-1945
Butts, Edwin T. 1900-1985
Butts, Ida L. 1917-1992
Cackett, Diane Ring Dec. 28, 1954-Dec. 12, 2002
Calverley, Charity died July 4, 1881
age 80 yrs 8 mos 8 dys
Calverley, Stephen died Sep. 27, 1879
age 77 yrs 7 mos 17 dys
Calverley, William died June 6, 1902
Cameron, Joyce Holy 1929-(no date)
Cameron, Penelope A. 1955-2001
Cameron, Robert D. 1928-(no date)
Carmen, Andrew A. 1863-1916
Carmen, Anna Garlock, wife (of Andrew
A. Carmen), 1872-1944
Carmen, Dorothy L. 1912-1912
Carmen, Margaret Owens 1895-1971
Carmen, Mearl W. 1893-1968
Carpenter, John G. died March 14, 1912 age 31 yrs
Carr, Anna Jones 1872-1951
Carroll, Albert 1838-1919
Carroll, Margaret, wife (of Albert
Carroll), 1858-1949
Chamberlin, Clinton C. Jr., US Army Vietnam, 1944-1970
Church, Dorothy E. 1931-2003
Clapp, Dr. Carlos Dwelle born Adrian,
Mich. Oct. 18, 1875 died Utica, NY Dec. 21, 1950
Clapp, Gertrude Clarie Moran, wife
of Dr. Carlos Dwelle, born Hudson, Mich. May 17, 1876 died May 5, 1953
Clark, Catharine Ruth, wife (of Charles
D. Clark), 1864-(no date)
Clark, Charles D. 1868-(no date)
Coats, Dorothy Flindt, June 19, 1932-March 4, 2000
Cobb, Lucy McCrea, MD 1895-1985
Coffin, Almon D., MD, only son of Elisher
& Harriet Coffin, died May 4, 1888 age 30 yrs 8 mos
Coffin, Cora, only dau of Elisher &
Harriet H. Coffin, died May 25, 1883 age 18 yrs 5 mos
Coffin, Elisher 1829-1903
Coffin, Harriet H. 1831-1907
Coleman, Adiline A. 1909-1955
Coleman, Donald W., PFC US Army WW
II, March 19, 1910-August 15, 2000
Coleman, Frank M. 1871-1950
Coleman, Helen B. 1917-1998
Coleman, Lillian A. 1883-1971
Coleman, Raymond A. 1905-1990
Collins, Douglas J. 1954-1981
Collins, Edison M. 1895-1981
Collins, Elizabeth 1923-1998
Collins, Gertrude S. 1896-1979
Collins, Iry S. 1972-1993
Collins, John M., Tec 5 US Army WW
II, Sep. 19, 1922-Jan. 15, 2004
Collins, Robert S., PFC US Army, Nov.
17, 1930-Jan. 2, 2002
Comstock, David B. 1869-1938
Comstock, Frances E. Thro, wife (of
David B. Comstock), 1867-1954
Comstock, Grant march 20, 1866-Sep.
4, 1875
Comstock, Mary Reeve, wife (of William
H. Comstock), May 12, 1836-Sep. 29, 1921
Comstock, Paris R. Nov. 2, 1860-June
16, 1877
Comstock, Parris W. Sep. 3, 1796-April
25 1858
Comstock, Roscoe W., eldest son of
William H. & Mary R. Comstock, born Feb. 4, 1859 died April 23, 1864
Comstock, William H. July 23, 1833-Oct.
8, 1907
Conklin, Catherin 1916-1983
Conklin, Otto 1887-1957
Countryman, Charles E. 1861-1946
Countryman, Ida L. 1905-1996
Countryman, Irving 1899-1900
Countryman, John H. 1891-1956
Countryman, Louisa 1907-1908
Countryman, Mary Ann 1882-1967
Countryman, Nellie D. 1897-1977
Countryman, Paul 1904-1970
Countryman, Perle D. 1903-1992
Countryman, Rose E. 1906-1966
Crandall, C. Tyler 1896-1951
Crandall, Irene A. 1889-1975
Cross, Ella F. 1905-1972
Cummins, Arthur Gordon 1881-1947
Cummins, Julia Wright 1877-1972
Dailey, Charles 1856-1924
Dailey, George Jan. 16, 1891-Feb. 8,
Dailey, Mary B. 1855-1936
Daily, Ida, wife (of William Daily),
Daily, William 1878-1952
Darvoe, Christie 1891-1973
Darvoe, Ernest T. Dec. 28, 1900-April
29, 1989
Darvoe, Frederick W. 1914-1992
Darvoe, Laura Nov. 10, 1905-May 2,
Darvoe, Simeon A. 1879-1937
Darvoe, Ted Sep. 5, 1925-July 18, 1975
Davies, Robert P. 1830-1899
Davies, Sarah A., wife (of Robert P.
Davies), 1837-1905
Dawson, George W. May 1, 1822-Sep. 19,
Dawson, Jane, wife (of George W. Dawson),
Dec. 28, 1823-June 18, 1913
Day, William E. 1896-1968
Dibble, Barbara, wife of George Dibble, died Sep. 29, 1905 age 64 yrs
Dorow, Alice Gilbert July 17, 1910-March
17, 1979
Dorow, james Boone March 30, 1908-Nov.
4, 1995
Douglas, Catharine B. died Feb. 19,
1858 age 20 yrs
Douglas, Francis A., wife (of T. Jas.
Douglas), died Jan. 28, 1872 age 64 yrs
Douglas, Maria Billings, wife of R.
L. Douglas, died Dec. 26, 1866 age 32 yrs
Douglas, Robert S., son of R. L. &
Maria Douglas, died Jan. 18, 1867 age 22 mos
Douglas, T. Jas. died March 9, 1868
age 63 yrs
Down, Anie Hutchinson, wife (of Henry
Down), 1855-1934
Down, Elmer J. 1887-1964
Down, Henry 1843-1916
Down, James E. 1835-1896
Down, James E., Co. C 16th H Art.,
died Jan. 26, 1896 age 57 yrs
Down, John A. 1874-1906
Down, Lillian A. Gibson, wife (of Elmer
J. Down)
Down, Rhoda Fraser, wife (of James
E. Down), 1841-1905
Downer, Arthur H., son of A. B. &
Delila Downer, died Sep. 4, 1869 age 12 yrs 6 mos
Downer, Asa B. 1825-1911
Downer, Delila 1822-1895
Downer, Helen A. Ward, wife of Joseph
G. Downer, 1837-1905
Drake, Catharine Howard, wife (of William
H. Drake), 1841-1922
Drake, George 1870-1952
Drake, William H. 1831-1917
Drysdale, John born & died April 7, 1950
Dunn, Harriet 1821-1900
Dunn, Thomas 1859-19(no date)
Eames, May L. Terell 1868-1914
Eckert, Adam James 1921-1965
Eckert, Elizabeth Hannigan 1915-1971
Egert, George D. died Feb. 19, 1889
age 59 yrs
Egert, John S. died Aug. 29, 1877 age
11 yrs
Ellis, Kenneth Sep. 10, 1907-Feb. 20,
English, Elizabeth Roberts 1926-(no
Evans, Henry died Dec. 30, 1863 age
81 yrs
Evans, Mary, wife (of Henry Evans),
died Feb. 12, 1867 age 74 yrs
Fanton, Walter B., son of Rev. B. S. & M. L. Fanton, Sep. 16, 1843-Feb. 8, 1860
Fenner, Bruce A., RN, Jan. 30, 1943-Mar.
14, 1983
Fenner, Haskell R. Sep. 27, 1918-Jan.
30, 1996
Fenner, Rachel Griffith July 14, 1920-May
28, 1988
Ferguson, Claude A. 1903-1991
Ferguson, Ethel E. 1896-1974
Ferguson, Gordon C. 1929-1992
Ferguson, Patricia Sloan 1932-2000
Findlay, Leland S. 1920-2003
Findlay, Margaret R. 1926-(no date)
Finney, Edna Raefle 1888-1928
Flindt, Frederick C. born Utica Sept. 26, 1927 died Decatur, Al May 23, 1990
Foster, Adelaide 1891-1989
Francis, Eleanor B., wife (of Evan Francis),
Francis, Eleanor F, wife (of Richard
B. Francis), 1868-1945
Francis, Evan 1835-1872
Francis, Howard B. 1909-1973
Francis, Richard B. 1861-1950
Francis, Ruth Keesler, wife of Howard
B. Francis, 1913-(no date)
Frank, Anna Jones 1859-18(no date)
Frank, Elizabeth 1835-1930
Frank, John C. 1822-1888
French, Chloe B. Storrs, wife (of George
S. French), Feb. 28, 1838-Aug. 19, 1906
French, Clara Tanner 1870-1949
French, Daniel April 9, 1841-Aug. 22,
French, George Green Aug. 28, 1872-Jan.
16, 1889
French, George S. Dec. 1, 1838-March
25, 1890
French, George S. Jr. 1864-1866
French, Henry D. 1868-1953
French, Ida Owens, wife of Charles
A. French, April 27, 1864-Aug. 23, 1837
French, Sherwood D. Sep. 14, 1862-Nov.
30, 1914
French, Sophia Green, wife (of Daniel
French), Aug. 20, 1838-Dec. 12, 1929
Fuller, Anna Miller 1871-1918
Gates, Frederick J. 1845-1890
Gates, William P. 1883-1910
Gates, Zeona M. Collins, wife (of William
P. Gates), 1886-1946
George, Elizabeth, wife of Philip George,
died Feb. 26, 1889 age 36 yrs 2 mos 2 dys
George, m. Raymond, son of P. H. &
M. George, born July 2, 1895 died June 23, 1897
George, Margaret J. Evans, wife (of
Philip H. George), died April 14, 1908 age 47 yrs
George, Philip H. died April 19, 1902
age 56 yrs
Gibson, John Eliot 1929-1970
Gibson, Robert N., US Army April 10,
1916-Nov. 16, 1984
Gilbert, Carl John, MM3 US Navy WW II,
April 28, 1918-Sep. 28, 1998
Gilbert, Edward H. 1906-1917
Gilbert, Emma L. Nov. 4, 1878-June
22, 1975
Gilbert, George H. 1884-1962
Gilbert, Howard A. 1915-1994
Gilbert, Jean G. 1930-1933
Gilbert, John M. 1907-2003
Gilbert, Mabel Stewart, wife (of Howard
A. Gilbert), married Aug. 22, 1941
Gilbert, Mary A. 1912-1977
Gioshes, Katherine Singlery 1920-2003
Gleason, Jean A. 1934-1993
Godden, Edward 1835-1907
Godden, Jane A., wife (of Edward Godden),
Goodman, Frank A. 1865-1940
Goodman, Fred D. 1867-1940
Goodman, Hasina E. Hackeman, wife of
Frank A. Goodman, 1888-1989
Goodman, Myra Slocum, wife of Fred
D. Goodman, 1871-1931
Gossage, Jennifer 1984-2002
Gouger, Aaron M., son of Gary & Terralyn Gouger, 1981-1984
Graney, J. Philip 1923-1976
Graney, Mary M. 1922-1973
Green, Ezra Oct. 21, 1797-Sep. 18, 1873
Green, Melissa, wife of Ezra Green,
March 30, 1800-Feb. 5, 1892
Griffith, Adam G. 1830-1912
Griffith, Anna, wife (of Ellis W. Griffith),
Griffith, Catharine Green 1832-1931
Griffith, Cornell H. 1893-1964
Griffith, Ellis W. 1855-1923
Griffith, Ester, dau (of Ellis &
Anna Griffith), 1897-1897
Griffith, Herbert 1861-1944
Griffith, Laura, dau of Owen D. &
Margaret Griffith, 1869-1933
Griffith, Margaret A. 1865-1945
Griffith, Margaret Vaughn, wife (of
Owen D. Griffith), 1842-1919
Griffith, Marion L. 1896-1969
Griffith, Mary 1817-1877
Griffith, Owen D. 1844-1923
Griffith, Stuart M. 1886-1891
Griffith, Willie, dau of Owen D. &
Margaret Griffith, 1872-1910
Griffiths, Amelia, dau of G. E. &
Susan Griffiths, May 23, 1861-Aug. 1, 1887
Griffiths, Anna L., wife (of John A.
Griffiths) 1866-1938
Griffiths, Griffith E. July 4, 1832-April
9, 1913
Griffiths, John A. 1868-1924
Griffiths, Susan Jones, wife (of Griffith
E. Griffiths), May 3, 1836-Nov. 4, 1912
Grolevant, Dorothy P., RN, 1919-1981
Guiteau, Erasmus Darwin died 1806 age
1 yr 8 mos
Guiteau, Frederick W. Sep. 12, 1811-Oct.
5, 1903
Guiteau, George died Feb. 22, 1833
age 21 yrs
Guiteau, John B. Sep. 12, 1857 age
49 yrs
Guiteau, Luther died Feb. 12, 1850
age 71 yrs
Guiteau, Luther, MD, May 3, 1805-June
13, 1885
Guiteau, Nancy Billings died 1806 age
4 yrs
Guiteau, Nancy Billings, wife of Dr.
L. Guiteau, died Nov. 2, 1860 age 81 yrs
Guiteau, Sarah P. Beecher, wife of
Dr. Luther Guiteau, Dec. 2, 1814-March 5, 1895
Harbeck, Ann, wife (of John Harbeck),
Harbeck, John H. 1837-1906
Hardie, Elliott Murray Oct. 8, 1827-Dec. 28, 1932
Hart, Daniel W. 1899-1978
Hart, Vila 1926-1985
Haskell, Ann died 1957
Haskell, Elizabeth H. April 1, 1926-June
22, 1991
Haskell, Glen Nov. 23, 1919-Dec. 4,
Haskell, Leo died 1957
Haskins, Nettie L. Andrew, wife of
Charles M. Haskin, 1859-1923
Hays, Martha R.. 1911-1997
Hays, Robert N. 1905-1956
Hess, Alvin 1843-1909
Hess, Margaret P. 1908-1959
Hess, Mary Martin, wife (of Alvin Hess),
Hess, Maude H., wife (of Robert Hess),
Hess, Robert 1875-1939
Hickland, C. Lester 1875-1960
Hickland, infants died 1906
Hickland, Lena A. Bowen, wife (of C.
Lester Hickland), 1880-1946
Hicks, George died April 2, 1920 age
74 yrs
Hicks, Helen A., wife (of John M. Hicks),
Feb. 19, 1804-Sep. 3, 1886
Hicks, John M. Jr. June 17, 1830-Dec.
27, 1893
Hicks, John M. Oct. 31, 1803-Sep. 8,
Hicks, Mary, wife (of George Hicks),
died May 17, 1929 age 83 yrs
Hill, Elizabeth 1891-1984
Hill, Gardner C. 1908-1987
Hill, George 1878-1961
Hoffman, Augusta Trapp, wife (of Frederick
J. Gates & Charles Hoffman), 1847-1932
Hoffman, Charles 1840-1929
Hollenbeck, Evelyn M. 1920-(no dates)
Hollenbeck, Frank H. 1918-1975
Holmes, James L., US Army Vietnam, Aug.
25, 1946-Feb. 3, 2001
Holmes, Luther R. 1882-1955
Holmes, Marie S. 1916-1993
Holmes, Nellie V. 1882-1948
Howe, George Guiteau Aug. 30, 1853-Feb.
27, 1863
Howe, Jonah Feb. 26, 1811-Nov. 3, 1873
Howe, Nancy B. Guiteau, wife of Jonah
Howe, April 17, 1816-Sep. 27, 1906
Howe, Sarah A. Billings, wife of Jonah
Howe, April 29, 1824-June 28, 1847
Howlett, Harry W. 1888-1964
Howlett, Jenny D. 1900-1980
Hubbart, Burt L. 1861-1899
Hubbart, M. Roxena, wife (of Thomas
C. Hubbart), 1843-1926
Hubbart, Thomas C. 1834-1909
Hudon, Daniel R. 1927-(no date)
Hudon, Wilma V., wife (of Daniel R.
Hudon), married Aug. 8, 1947, 1928-(no date)
Hughes, Charles 1872-1944
Hughes, Frank 1866-1959
Hughes, John 1834-1919
Hughes, Lucy 1871-1942
Hughes, Susan Jones, wife (of John
Hughes), 1840-1917
Humphrey, Robert H. 1929-2001
Humphrey, William A. 1966-1988
Hunter, Andrew Sharpe III, 1911-1970
Hunter, Andrew Sharpe Jr. 1884-1961
Hunter, John Coulston 1920-1966
Hunter, Vena Batty 1883-1958
Hutchinson, Frances Moore 1900-1992
Ingersoll, Gary Robert 1941-1987
Jepson, Elsea T., wife (of Robert E.
Jepson), 1896-(no date)
Jepson, George 1878-1954
Jepson, Grace M. 1886-1973
Jepson, Robert E. 1892-1963
Jones, Alma M., dau of John J. &
Ruth Jones, died Oct. 30, 1880 age 17 yrs 2 mos 5 dys
Jones, Amelia, dau of J. G. & E.
J. Jones, died Jan. 11, 1879 age 36 yrs 1 mo
Jones, Ann E., wife (of John W. Jones),
Jones, Bertha Gates, wife (of Elias
P. Jones), 1878-1947
Jones, Bertha L. Gates, wife (of Elias
P. Jones), 1878-1947
Jones, Carl Henry, son of Gomer &
Edith B. Jones, May 1, 1900-Sep. 13, 1900
Jones, Charlie S., son of John J. &
Ruth Jones, died April 28, 1884 age 12 yrs 25 dys
Jones, Clara Lancaster, wife (of David
T. Jones), 1863-1951
Jones, Clarence G. 1899-1952
Jones, Clinton S., son (of John S.
& Dora A. Jones), 1893-1913
Jones, Curtis 1875-1912
Jones, Cynthia Williams 1929-(no date)
Jones, David J. 1868-1916
Jones, David T. 1861-1941
Jones, Dinnis L. 1960-1978
Jones, Dora A. Thomas, wife (of John
S. Jones), 1866-1928
Jones, Edith Baker, wife (of Goemr
Jones), 1880-1916
Jones, Elias P. 1878-1952
Jones, Elias P. 1878-1952
Jones, Elizabeth, wife (of J. G. Jones),
died March 2, 1896 age 82 yrs
Jones, Elizabeth, wife (of Rowland
Jones), died June 20, 1879 age 81 yrs
Jones, Enid 1906-1936
Jones, Evan H. died Feb. 28, 1897 age
64 yrs
Jones, Gomer G. 1878-1929
Jones, Griffith G. died Oct. 20, 1862
age 86 yrs
Jones, Harold T. 1902-1965
Jones, Hugh W. 1824-1905
Jones, J. G. died May 9, 1891 age 78
yrs 4 mos 26 dys
Jones, Jane 1826-1903
Jones, Jane E., wife (of William N.
Jones), 1865-1939
Jones, Jennie, dau of J. G. & E.
J. Jones, died July 12, 1879 age 30 yrs 8 mos
Jones, Jesse 1865-1925
Jones, John H., son (of John W. &
Ann E. Jones), 1855-1912
Jones, John J. 1832-1925
Jones, John M. 1870-1941
Jones, John S. 1859-1921
Jones, John W. 1827-1919
Jones, Joseph B. born 1823 Wales Died
July 27, 1905 at age 82 years, 3 mos and 27 days
Jones, Josephine C., wife (of Clarence
L. Jones), 1915-1963
Jones, Laurence G. 1898-1983
Jones, Lydia, dau of John & Ann
Jones, died July 11, 1864 age 2 yrs 6 mos 8 dys
Jones, M. Jennie 1861-1934
Jones, Martha, wife (of Joseph B. Jones),
Jones, Mary A., wife (of John H. Jones),
Jones, Mary Ellen, dau of John J. &
Ruth Jones, died Oct. 15, 1853 age 1 mo 4 dys
Jones, Mary, wife (of Griffith Jones),
died Feb. 6, 1860 age 86 yrs
Jones, Melvina A, dau of John J. &
Ruth Jones, died Oct. 31, 1880 age 26 yrs 16 dys
Jones, Merrill B., son (of Gomer &
Edith Jones), 1902-1918
Jones, Myrtle J. 1897-1988
Jones, Quentin L. died 1951
Jones, Rena C., wife (of Clarence L.
Jones), 1891-1979
Jones, Richard W. died June 10, 1873
age 30 yrs 4 mos 23 dys
Jones, Rowland died Jan. 6, 1878 age
84 yrs 9 mos
Jones, Ruth Smith, wife (of John J.
Jones), 1834-1924
Jones, William Darwin, S/Sgt US Army
Air Corp, Sep. 9, 1921-Sep. 2, 1996
Jones, William N. 1863-1935
Kassing, Lena Skinner 1871-1945
Kent, Eunice L. Grob 1899-1975
Kent, Joseph S. 1900-1982
Kingsley, Carry Kilian March 1, 1910-Sep. 11, 1968
Kinney, George R. 1906-1955
Kinney, George, Cpl US Marine Corp
WW II, July 21, 1926-Nov. 22, 1992
Kirkland, Harold Francis 1923-1924
Knepper, William A. 1925-1992
Knight, Hettie E. Downer, wife of Fredrick Knight, 1859-1904
Kocyba, Amanda L. 1972-1988
LaLonde, Bernard 1904-1988
LaLonde, Vella 1913-2001
Larabee, Charlotte M. Aldrich, wife
(of Lorenzo D. Larabee), Dec. 28, 1829-May 24, 1905
Larabee, Lorenzo Dow July 25, 1824-Feb.
22, 1882
Legiecki, Esther R. 1907-1990
Legiecki, John B., Sgt. US Army WW
II, Mar. 14, 1914-July 18, 1985
Lewis, Elizabeth W. Tichenor, wife (of
Frank B. Lewis), 1868-1924
Lewis, Frances L. Tyler, wife (of John
J. Lewis), 1855-1935
Lewis, Frank B. 1866-1929
Lewis, john J. 1853-1930
Lewis, Morris, son (of Thomas J. &
Rose Ann Lewis), April 18, 1875-Nov. 29, 1875
Lewis, Rose Ann Worden, wife of Thomas
J. Lewis, Sep. 17, 1840-Oct. 8, 1888
Lichtenberger, Bertha V. 1896-1983
Lichtenberger, George R. 1894-1959
Lichtenberger, Harry T. 1925-(no date)
Lichtenberger, Ruth 1927-1997
Loomis, Adelia, wife (of George m. Loomis),
May 8, 1859-Sep. 30, 1928
Loomis, George M. Nov. 23, 1855-Feb.
17, 1901
Loomis, Martin May 30, 1820-Dec. 1,
Loomis, Sarah L., wife (of Martin Loomis),
Aug. 29, 1829-Nov. 5, 1905
Lucas, Mrs. Jenie born May 10, 1847 died (no date)
Lynch, Adeline M. 1902-1976
Lynch, Howard C. 1896-1941
Mains, Charlotte, wife of James Mains,
died May 29, 1863 age 32 yrs
Mains, Hannah, dau of Joseph &
Margaret Mains, died Jan. 24, 1854 age 35 yrs
Mains, James died Sep. 3, 1878
Mains, John died March 8, 1842 age
74 yrs
Mallary, John S. US Army Vietnam 1939-1968
Mallory, Aleda Yerden 1909-1976
Mallory, F. Stark 1909-2000
Manley, Ellaline M. 1906-1960
Manley, Franics J. 1900-1956
Marfone, Frank A. 1963-2000
Martin, Lee G. 1883-1950
Martin, Lucy L. 1885-1981
Maurice, Caric, Co. B 563rd Signal Bn,
WW II, Jan. 29, 1924-Dec. 20, 1953
Maurice, Caroline M., wife (of Thomas
G. Maurice), 1871-1941
Maurice, Catherine, dau (of Thomas
G. & Caroline Maurice), 1898-1941
Maurice, Cecilia M., wife of Henry
Maurice, died Jan. 15, 1899 age 59 yrs
Maurice, Clifford M. Sep. 29, 1895-Oct.
2, 1964
Maurice, George H. died Jan. 21, 1903
age 37 yrs 11 mos
Maurice, Henry died Sep. 18, 1901 age
75 yrs 3 mos
Maurice, Jennie Wheeler Feb. 20, 1898-Jan.
5, 1965
Maurice, Lena M. 1877-1957
Maurice, Mabel, dau of George &
Lena Maurice, 1906-1981
Maurice, Mary Owens, wife (of Thomas
Maurice), 1844-1910
Maurice, Robert L. 1867-1941
Maurice, Stewart H., son of George
& Lea Maurice, 1900-1901
Maurice, Thomas 1835-1915
Maurice, Thomas G. 1868-1949
McCartney, Jeffery Singerly Nov. 11,
1961-Aug. 3, 1977
McCartney, Margaret Ruth Jan. 22, 1928-Dec.
14, 2001
McCartney, Ruth Wicks Oct. 5, 1884-March
29, 1962
McCartney, Singerly Clyde, Cpl US Army
Air Corps, WW II, Nov. 23, 1921-July 22, 1989
McCartney, William Singerly Jan. 25,
1883-June 22, 1939
McClusky, Alice M. 1884-1965
McClusky, Edward J. 1882-1964
McClusky, Henry T. 1906-1963
McIntosh, Austin 1829-1907
McIntosh, Bertha Bagg 1878-1951
McIntosh, Bradley S. 1895-1917
McIntosh, Frank A. 1884-1967
McIntosh, Hezekiah E. 1866-1911
McIntosh, Jennie H. 1874-1948
McIntosh, Mabel R. 1904-1983
McIntosh, Myron A. 1906-1995
McIntosh, Savilla, wife (of Austin
McIntosh), 1847-1933
Merola, Susie Kirkland 1914-2000
Miazga, Dr. Robert J., Dentist, Sgt. US Marine Corp, Korea, Sep. 13, 1935-July 26, 2003
Miller, Albert Peter 1894-1979
Miller, Charles Addison 1867-1944
Miller, Donald 1885-1943
Miller, Donald E. Nov. 24, 1929-May
8, 1935
Miller, Emily J. Elliott 1865-1937
Miller, Lola Mykel 1892-1983
Miller, Mary E. Nov. 25, 1905-Oct.
6, 1998 (plaque only)
Moore, Archibald D. 1891-1974
Moore, Archibald D. Aug. 7, 1834-Aug.
15, 1900
Moore, Blanche S. 1894-1907
Moore, Cornelia R., wife (of Archibald
D. Moore), May 27, 1839-July 23, 1902
Moore, Doris Squires 1899-1995
Moore, Frederick A. 1862-1912
Moore, G. Sherman 1861-1942
Moore, Genieve 1889-1974
Moore, George G. died Oct. 17, 1971
Moore, Ida Storrs 1860-1916
Moore, J. Pentland 1901-(no date)
Moore, Luther Guiteau 1873-1945
Moore, Mable Griffith 1876-1961
Moore, Marjorie 1867-1903
Moore, Mary Hodgins 1909-1979
Moore, Michael 1854-(no date)
Moore, Robert Sherman, HM3 US Navy
Vietnam, 1945-1980
Moore, Sarah French died June 25, 1947
Moore, Sophie H. 1862-1941
Morris, Ardith Down, wife (of James
R. Morris), 1911-1975
Morris, James R. 1907-1971
Mykel, Agnes Dickinson 1866-1949
Mykel, Charles D. 1898-1952
Mykel, Florence Ball 1899-(no date)
Mykel, Jessie Milks 1907-2000
Mykel, John J. 1864-1945
Mykel, W. Scott 1905-1989
Nevens, Charles French, son of Charles
7 Marjorie Nevens, 1930-1987
Nevens, Charles L. 1889-1971
Nevens, Marjorie France, wife of Charles
L. Nevens, 1891-1991
Newman, Barry L. died 1950
Newman, Helen E. 1902-1983
Newman, Otto W. 1898-1984
Newman, Robert E. 1935-1941
Nicholson, Anna Symonds Horton, wife
of Lowell Nicholson, 1905-1998
Nicholson, Charles A. 1843-1927
Nicholson, Charles A. II, RADM US Navy
WW I, WW II, Korea, 1894-1991
Nicholson, Edna DuBois, wife of Walter
W. Nicholson, March 7, 1902-June 15, 1984
Nicholson, Harriet 1874-1915
Nicholson, Ione M. Wicks, wife of Charles
Nicholson, 1844-1928
Nicholson, Irene Peckham, wife of Walter
W. Nicholson, 1869-1962
Nicholson, Lowell Starbuck Nov. 3,
1899-June 28, 1992
Nicholson, M. Frances 1869-1953
Nicholson, Ruth Johnson, wife of Charles
A. Nicholson II, Sep. 28, 1897-July 31, 1969
Nicholson, Sidney 1871-1908
Nicholson, Walter W. Cdr, US Navy,
WW II, July 28, 1901-Dec. 6, 1975
Nicholson, Walter Wicks 1867-1954
Norridge, Albert 1864-1953
Norton, David P. 1854-1923
Norton, Lee D. 1883-1953
Norton, Nettie R. Parkins, wife (of
David P. Norton), 1860-1930
Norton, Nina Barker 1885-1970
Ogden, Anne Dingley, wife (of F. Clark
Ogden), Dec. 17, 1917-Nov. 21, 2000
Ogden, Deborah M. died June 30, 1929
Ogden, F. Clark, 1st. Lt. US Army Air
Corps WW II, April 16, 1918-Dec. 3, 1995
Ogden, George Babcock Sep. 17, 1891-Sep.
8, 1952
Ogden, Mary Bryant, wife (of George
B. Ogden), Nov. 28, 1893-Mar. 20, 1991
Owen, Elizabeth, wife of Hugh Owen,
Owen, Evan J. Jan. 7, 1814-Aug. 19,
Owen, Jane, wife (of Evan J. Owen),
July 5, 1810-Aug. 5, 1887
Owens, Ada B., dau of Owen & Eleanor
Owens), 1874-1875
Owens, Anna May, dau (of Evan &
Elizabeth Owens), 1886-1958
Owens, Charles 1832-1901
Owens, Edward 1859-1915
Owens, Eleanor Roberts, wife of Owen
E. Owens, 1845-1878
Owens, Elizabeth M. Davis, wife (of
Evan Owens), 1855-1901
Owens, Evan 1831-1906
Owens, Frank 1862-1924
Owens, Fred W. 1866-1952
Owens, Hugh died June 8, 1882 age 61
Owens, L. May, wife (of Fred W. Owens),
Paquette, Alice, wife (of William A.
Paquette), 1885-1953
Paquette, Cidulie Clement, wife (of
William A. Paquette), buried at Katevale, Canada, 1861-1918
Paquette, Edward A. 1885-1936
Paquette, William A. 1863-1921
Parker, James H. 1836-1906
Parker, Sarah W. Williams, wife (of
James H. Parker), 1848-1886
Parry, Elizabeth M. 1873-1958
Parry, Ida M. 1885-1966
Parry, John P. 1843-1912
Parry, Margaret M. 1876-1968
Parry, Mary Ann, wife of John P. Parry,
Parry, Nellie M. Jones, wife (of Thomas
J. Parry), 1872-1943
Parry, Thomas J. 1868-1960
Peacock, Elizabeth died April 5, 1897 age 50 yrs
Pender, Elizabeth Ritson 1911-1981
Pender, Patrick Francis, MD, 1906-1987
Pender, Robert Beebee, MD, July 16,
1920-June 16, 1972
Petersen, Alice F. 1902-1991
Petersen, Earl T. 1903-1984
Plantz, Emma Jones, wife (of G. N. Plantz),
Plantz, G. N. July 17, 1841-Jan. 5,
Plumb, Christopher G. 1976-1998 (plaque only)
Poff, Lenetia Wade Kirkland 1889-1975
Prichard, Ann, wife of Griffith Prichard,
March 3, 1822-May 7, 1882
Prichard, Emmeline, wife (of Robert
Prichard), 1848-1924
Prichard, Griffith June 17, 1820-Feb.
6, 1889
Prichard, John S. 1850-1914
Prichard, Laura Ann, dau of Griffith
& Ann Prichard, died June 14, 1863 age 15 yrs 3 mos 14 dys
Prichard, Robert 1846-1926
Rackett, Marjorie Nevens, 1926-1983
Racquet, Duance John died Oct. 4, 1959
Racquet, Hazel H. 1896-1933
Racquet, John C. 1895-1977
Racquet, Leonard Thomas Jr. Feb. 25-Feb.
26, 1976
Racquet, Wayne David died Oct. 4, 1959
Raefle, Charles S. 1877-1920
Reddington, James Lester 1900-1975
Reddington, Peter J. March 11, 1934-Aug.
9, 1984
Redmond, Albert C., MD, 1910-1992
Redmond, Louise Wingert, wife of Albert
C. Redmond, 1912-1952
Reeve, Abigail Wright, wife of James
Reeve, born Westford, NY died Newport NY Feb. 15, 1849
Reeve, Esther J., wife of James Reeve,
born Newport, NY Aug. 12, 1826 died Turin Jan. 2, 1912
Reeve, Horace A. born Newport, NY May
29, 1853 died Trenton May 2, 1902
Reeve, James born Newport NY Nov. 11,
1823 died Trenton Jan. 21, 1894
Rich, Mariette 1829-1919
Rich, Rosetta 1851-1937
Richards, Kurt F., Pfc US Army WW II, July 8, 1923-March 29, 1999
Ring, Donald D. 1924-1963
Roberts, David H. ii 1918-1998
Roberts, David H. III 1956-1992
Roberts, F. Marie Tate 1888-1978
Roberts, Isabel 1895-1974
Roberts, John died Oct. 1, 1862 age
57 yrs
Roberts, John Taft 1922-1994
Roberts, Laurence W. 1887-1968
Roberts, Margit B. 1911-1987
Roberts, Sophia, dau of John &
Catharine J. Roberts, died Sep. 6, 1861 age 9 yrs 7 mos 15 dys
Robertson, Edward S. 1866-1938
Robertson, Ella Carmen 1858-1938
Robertson, Mary J. 1851-1929
Rogers, Abby Stringer Rilson 1883-1972
Rowles, Donald Stuart 1908-1997
Rowles, Margaret Batty Hunter, wife
(of Donald S. Rowles), married Feb. 16, 1952, 1912-1999
Ruttan, George W. 1891-1966
Ruttan, Grace E. 1898-1988
Salisbury, Elizabeth Jones 1895-1965
Schafer, Arthur W., WW II, Korea, Distinguished Flying Cross, Jan. 2, 1919-Aug. 22, 2001
Schwallach, Arthur J., US Army WW II
Schwallach, Myrtle Yerman 1926-1980
Sharp, Agnes H. 1889-1970
Sharp, Walter 1887-1970
Shaw, patrick died 1957
Sherwood, Mella E. 1855-1918
Silliman, Florence (no dates)
Silliman, Frona 1864-1946
Silliman, Horace S., NY T/Sgt US Army
WW II, March 12, 1914-June 18, 1962
Sillman, Betty Bone 1916-1994
Sillman, Daniel Burr 1876-1962
Sillman, Gould S. 1834-1915
Sillman, Harriet Randall 1874-1945
Sillman, Milla A. Hull, wife (of Gould
S. Sillman), 1838-1912
Sillman, Randall Burr 1902-1996
Simons, Earl 1892-1969
Simons, Frank R. 1866-1950
Simons, Ida M. Drake, wife (of Frank
R. Simons), 1868-1950
Simons, Julia E., dau (of Frank &
Ida Drake), 1894-1903
Simons, Marion 1931-1931
Simons, Mary F. 1897-1966
Sisti, Anthony V. Jr. died Oct. 21,
Sisti, Leona Moore died Feb. 18, 1978
Skinner, Edith R. 1876-1963
Skinner, Edward Nov. 22, 1841-Oct.
29, 1891
Skinner, Flora 1866-1936
Skinner, Josephine Green, wife (of
Robert S. Skinner), Jan. 12, 1842-Nov. 6, 1918
Skinner, Josephine M. 1873-1960
Skinner, Robert S. Aug. 16, 1828-Jan.
8, 1899
Skinner, Roxsina Hiscox Comstock Oct.
9, 1802-Jan. 22, 1884
Slocum, Dorothy Sarah 1896-1934
Slocum, Harriet C. Schemerhorn 1872-1921
Slocum, M. Elsie Karst 1885-1960
Slocum, Millard Moon 1871-1959
Smith, Catherine V. 1834-1912
Smith, Ethel V. 1873-1956
Smith, Frederick 1834-1912
Smith, Ida May Reeve, wife of Rev.
Charles Smith, 1856-1934
Smith, k. Maud 1868-1954
Smith, Rev. Charles M. 1855-1948
Spencer, Fannie McIntosh, wife (of Dr.
R. L. Spencer), 1858-1916
Spencer, R. L., MD 1850-1919
Squillace, Salvatore A. Jr. 1939-1983
Standish, Bret m. May 24, 1921-Dec.
27, 1990
Standish, Judith C. Jan. 14, 1928-(no
Stanton, Henry 1818-1893
Stanton, Mary F. 1823-1901
Staves, Leroy Joseph, EM3 US Navy WW II, Jan. 10, 1910-Nov. 23, 1985
Stickney, Bernice 1942-1945
Stickney, Chesley M. 1903-1981
Stockhauser, Charles H. 1906-1977
Stockhauser, Dorcas Haskell, wife (of
Harry N. Stockhauser), 1906-1978
Stockhauser, Dorothy Newman 1928-1997
Stockhauser, Francis William 1905-1993
Stockhauser, Harry N. 1900-1985
Stockhauser, Helen G. 1915-1982
Stockhauser, Helen J., dau of Charles
& Emily Stockhauser, 1928-1934
Stockhauser, John Francis 1928-(no
Stockhauser, John J. 1897-1932
Stockhauser, Julia 1873-1950
Stockhauser, Louis C. 1898-1971
Stockhauser, Nellie Coleman 1907-1977
Stockhauser, Nicholas J. 1864-1945
Stockhauser, Nicholas J. Jr. 1902-1968
Stockhauser, William H. died Nov. 14,
2001 (plaque only)
Storrs, baby (no dates)
Storrs, Laura 1826-1882
Storrs, Laura A. 1855-1886
Storrs, Nettie Smith 1858-1932
Storrs, William Gardner 1850-1910
Storrs, William H. 1817-1886
Studley, Julia S. Downer, wife of George H. Studley, 1857-1922
Tanner, Anna R., wife (of William Tanner
Sr.), 1880-1942
Tanner, Gardon L., son (of William
& Anna Tanner), died 1912
Tanner, Gladys L. 1902-1980
Tanner, William N. Jr., NY Pfc Co.
C 736 Tank Bn, WW II, Nov. 5, 1909-Nov. 8, 1957
Tanner, William Sr. 1874-1944
Tapley, Charles A. 1878-1902
Tapley, Ellen C. (no dates)
Tapley, Ellen, wife of Henry Tapley,
died May 8, 1886 age 48 yrs
Tapley, Georgia 1892-1980
Tapley, Henry, NY Cpl 460 Co. MTC WW
I, April 28, 1888-April 12, 1970
Tapley, Henry, son of H. & E. Tapley,
died Dec. 9, 1894 age 26 yrs 15 dys
Tapley, Joseph, son of H. & E.
Tapley, died Aug. 15, 1867 age 4 yrs
Tapley, Lucy Terpening, wife of Henry
Tapley, April 6, 1906-June 2, 1973
Tapley, Mary, wife (of William Tapley),
Tapley, William 1860-1927
Tapley, William 1890-1950
Taverna, Maria Moore died Jan. 25, 1950
Taylor, Atanley R., PFC US Army WW II,
June 23, 1908-Feb. 8, 2003
Taylor, Ethel H. 1908-1977
Taylor, Gertrude A. 1916-2001
Taylor, Herbert M. 1915-2002
Taylor, Jessie A. 1885-1950
Taylor, Lawrence S. 1945-1969
Taylor, Noreen Yerden 1925-1990
Taylor, William D. 1912-1972
Taylor, William H. 1883-1951
Terrell, Alice, wife (of Wiliam Terrell),
Terrell, Richard E. 1838-1930
Terrell, Susan E. 1841-1929
Terrell, W. J. 1871-1900
Terrell, William 1811-1897
Thomas, Ann, wife of Rev. T. Thomas,
born Great Bowden, England Sep. 18, 1810 died Sep. 12, 1880
Thomas, Bezaleel 1843-1919
Thomas, Mary Jones, wife (of Bezaleel
Thomas), 1843-1928
Thomas, Minnie D. Lewis, wife (of William
L. Thomas), 1870-1912
Thomas, Raymond L., son (of Wiliam
& Minnie Thomas), 1897-1899
Thomas, Rev. Thomas died Aug. 4, 1890
age 70 yrs
Thomas, William L. 1863-1933
Tower, Herman, son of Albert & Malina
Tower, died June 13, 1864 age 8 yrs 10 mos 17 dys
Tower, Ida, dau of Albert & Malina
Tower, died June 16, 1864 age 4 yrs 8 mos 14 dys
Turner, Arthur L. 1883-1963
Turner, Clara C. 1884-1981
VanDyke, Beverly Adams, dau of Rev. Thomas & Geneive Adams, 1937-1999
VanHatten, Herbert J. March 7, 1921-March 15, 1989
Vincent, B. V. (no dates)
Vincent, C. W. V. (no dates)
Vincent, David A. 1938-2001
Vincent, David E. 1902-1987
Vincent, Emma S. Hornung 1903-1951
Vincent, S. H. V. (no dates)
Vincent, W. V. (no dates)
Wadsworth, Glenn 1892-1976
Wadsworth, Mabel Mykle 1895-1930
Wadsworth, Regina Deck 1893-1982
Walker, Romola G. 1898-1993
Walker, S. Foster 1899-1974
Wangerin, Herman C. 1873-1942
Wangerin, Herman C. 1873-1967
Wangerin, M. Augusta Gates 1877-1967
Wangerin, M. Augusta Gates, wife (of
Herman C. Wangerin), 1877-1967
Wangerin, S. Ethel 1899-1982
Wardell, Hattie Dailey 1886-1906
Watkins, Charles B. 1852-1948
Watkins, Ella S. 1856-1944
Watkins, H. Genette Oct. 15, 1832-Dec.
7, 1893
Watkins, Horace W. Aug. 26, 1825-Feb.
27, 1890
Waugh, C. Maud Wood, with (of Daniel
D. Waugh), 1874-1924
Waugh, Daniel D. 1869-1924
Waugh, Mildred M., dau (of Daniel &
Maud Waugh), 1902-1903
Waugh, Norma M., dau (of Daniel &
Maud Waugh), 1896-1900
Weise, Eleanor Jackson, wife of George
R. Weise, 1911-2001
Weise, George R. 1912-1973
Wells, Carrie Goodman, wife of Frank
H. Wells, 1875-1973
Wells, Charles H. 1892-1958
Wells, Eleanor A. 1921-1945
Wells, Elsie Lewis, wife (of Charles
H. Wells, 1892-1938
Wells, Frank H. 1875-1952
Wells, Mildred French 1864-1940
Weston, Rebecca 1853-1935
White, Beatrice P. Sep. 6, 1895-Feb.
7, 1985
White, William C. Dec. 19, 1894-May
16, 1986
Wicks, Emma Egert Sep. 4, 1861-March
25, 1915
Wicks, Jacob June 22, 1822-Oct. 30,
Wicks, Mary Frances Oct. 21, 1828-Jan.
7, 1904
Wicks, William Sidney July 27, 1854-May
30, 1919
Williams, David Lincoln 1860-1934
Williams, Edward died Nov. 24, 1877
age 81 yrs 9 mos
Williams, Ella Harbeck, wife (of David
L. Williams), 1864-1951
Williams, Glendora Haskell, wife (of
Lyman T. Williams), married Oct. 14, 1927 1908-1977
Williams, Joseph, son of Edward &
Mary Williams, died May 20, 1864 age 32 yrs
Williams, Lyman T. 1902-1981
Williams, Mary, wife of Edward Williams,
died Nov. 17, 1889 age 86 yrs 7 mos 17 dys
Williams, Truman E., Sfc, US Army Korea,
Sep. 27, 1930-Jan. 16, 2002
Wittman, Ralph E. 1936-2002
Wood, Clara C. 1848-1950
Wood, Fernando D. 1842-1927
Wood, Fred D. 1871-1960
Wood, Gertrude Dynes 1887-1923
Wood, Gordon E. 1867-1944
Wood, Jennie D. 1869-1892
Wood, Jennie M. Davies, wife of Gordon
Wood, died Feb. 18, 1892 age 22 yrs 5 mos 18 dys
Wood, Lawrence D. 1892-1985
Wood, Luther G. 1890-1950
Wood, Mabel E. 1879-1910
Wood, Rodney, Co. M 2 NY HA, died Dec.
18, 1892 age 64 yrs
Wood, Ruth N. 1905-1997
Wood, Sara Davies 1873-1952
Worden, Claude S. 1890-1976
Worden, Dorothy H., wife (of Claude
S. Worden), 1900-1983
Worden, Frank L. 1863-1921
Worden, Harriet, wife (of Leonard B.
Worden), March 11, 1845-July 28, 1937
Worden, Leonard B. March 24, 1841-March
8, 1911
Worden, Lilian S. Skinner, wife (of
Frank L. Worden), 1869-1958
Wright, Julia Reeve, wife of Rev. Pomeroy
Wright, born Newport, NY April 23, 1826 died Trenton Jan. 29, 1893
Wright, Rev. Pomeroy, born Westford,
NY Feb. 15, 1825 died Trenton Nov. 24, 1889
Yerden, A. Donald 1911-1964
Yerman, Forrest E. 1882-1960
Yerman, Lucy M. 1882-1958
Young, Carol W. 1916-1984
Young, J. Kenneth 1912-1997
Zukowski, Pernal F. 1909-1996
Zukowski, Peter L., Sgt. US Army Air
Corps WW II, Dec. 19, 1912-June 12, 1997