House of Israel Cemetery

This cemetery is located off Mason Road, a dead-end street off Oneida Street in Utica.
The cemetery is very well maintained although there are several stones that have been tipped over.
Two of the tipped stones could not be read and there were two other stones that were illegible.
The tombstones in this cemetery were transcribed on July 9, 2001.

Kathleen Last and Betty McCulloch
All rights reserved

 Abelson, H. M. July 23, 1878-Feb. 10, 1901
 Abelson, Louis 1860 1939
 Abelson, Miriam, wife (of Louis Abelson), 1862-1905

 Alexander, Annie Nov. 30, 1843-April 30, 1926
 Alexander, Esther Ruth 1918-1924
 Alexander, Hyman Joseph April 27, 1843-July 17, 1901
 Alexander, Issac Lazar Jan. 5, 1878-Oct. 13, 1892
 Alexander, Jessie 1863-1910
 Alexander, Matilda 1888-1975
 Alexander, Mortimer 1887-1942
 Alexander, mother (no dates/first name)

 Altman, Ruby died Sep. 29, 1902 age 8 yrs

 Arlen, Hanna 1892-1973

 Balter, Sylvia Krohn, (wife of William Balter), March 11, 1899-Aug. 30, 1998
 Balter, William, husband of Sylvia Krohn Balter), Nov. 10, 1890-Oct. 29, 1969

 Bernstein, George B. July 9, 1847-June 28, 1911
 Bernstein, Lewis 1838-1918
 Bernstein, Rebecca Cohen, wife (of George B. Bernstein), Jan. 5, 1863-July 9, 1925

 Black, Barney 1883-1959
 Black, Bessie, wife of Barney Black, 1889-1976

 Boff, Anna, mother of William Boff, (no dates)
 Boff, William 1859-1938

 Brenner, Sarah Wolfe 1879-1939

 Coapman, Fannie Krohn, wife of George B. Coapman, 1863-1942

 Cohen, Anna Leah 1852-1924
 Cohen, Gotzel died May 6, 1892 age 62 yrs
 Cohen, Hattie March 4, 1840-Jan. 17, 1930
 Cohen, Jacob 1887-1927
 Cohen, Julius Feb. 5, 1875-Feb. 13, 1912
 Cohen, Louis 1908-1930
 Cohen, Mary 1886-1944
 Cohen, Moses H. Oct. 2, 1886-Jan. 18, 1930
 Cohen, Nathan 1847-1919
 Cohen, Sarah died May 13, 1901 age 76 yrs
 Cohen, Zelda 1885-1926

 Copeland, Bessie Krohn, wife of Samuel C. Copeland, Feb. 3, 1908-Oct. 25, 1971
 Copeland, Samuel C. June 13, 1903-June 16, 1982

 Crunwald, Johanna Simon, wife of Moses Crunwald, 1831-1901

  Damsky, Hannah 1852-1914
 Damsky, Harris 1851-1929

 Dean, Ida 1872-1937
 Dean, Samuel 1896-1986

 Demsky, Mollie 1883-1912

 Denemark, Morris 1875-1927
 Denemark, Tillie 1879-1938

 Denovsky, Osher died March 5, 1900
 Dinovsky, Libbie 1855-1904
 Dinovsky, Rachel died 1907 age 13 yrs

 Edelson, David 1896-1936
 Edelson, Edward, husband of Cecelia Edelson, 1886-1922
 Edelson, George 1893-1931
 Edelson, Jacob 1890-1956
 Edelson, Mose 1884-1942
 Edelson, Nathan 1860-1934
 Edelson, Rachel Cohen 1863-1918

 Epstein, Samuel H., born in Sabloodeve 1866 died 1901

 Fink, Bertha 1861-1924
 Fink, Joseph died May 10, 1903 age 45 yrs

 Freedman, Jacob 1877-1929
 Freedman, Mary E. 1884-1960
 Freedman, Moses 1864-1911
 Freedman, Rachel, wife of A. Freedman, Nov. 25, 1858-Jan. 15, 1891

 Friedlander, Betsy, wife of Abraham Friedlander, May 25, 1860-Nov. 11, 1895

 Galinksy, Mary Alexander 1869-1923
 Galinsky, Jacob 1854-1940

 Glick, Flora Greenwald, wife of Joseph Glick, 1863-1936
 Glick, Flora S., wife of Moses N. Glick, 1900-1984
 Glick, Harry Max 1894-1965
 Glick, Joseph 1858-1897
 Glick, Moses N. 1895-1969
 Glick, Richard 1833-1910

 Goldstein, Amelia A. Simon, wife of Hyman Goldstein, 1860-1916
 Goldstein, Hyman 1861-1923
 Goldstein, Rose 1898-1960
 Goldstein, Sarah 1837-1915

 Goodman, Julius died Aug. 29, 1898 age 45 yrs

 Gordon, Benjamin 1901-1978
 Gordon, Jacob, US Army WW I, 1893-1966
 Gordon, Jennie, wife of Meyer Gordon, 1867-1954
 Gordon, Meyer G., son of A. Louis Gordon, 1870-1935

 Greenberg, Esther, dau of A. D. & C. Greenberg, June 20, 1897-Feb. 19, 1901
 Greenberg, Jessie, dau of A. D. & C. Greenberg, Dec. 24, 1899-Sep 9, 1900

 Grunewald, Moses, born Simmern, Deutschland 1823, died Utica 1895

 Harris, baby 1907
 Harris, baby 1908

 Jacobs, Alfred C. 1887-1952
 Jacobs, Augusta Aug. 19, 1853-Aug. 9, 1893
 Jacobs, Elizabeth Libby 1894-1988

 Kalelzky, Anna, wife (of Julius Kalelzky), died April 9, 1937
 Kalelzky, Julius died Aug. 5, 1927

 Kay, Anna 1829-1926

 Kooll, Benjamin 1883-1920

 Kowalsky, Anna 1846-1940
 Kowalsky, Freda 1864-1921
 Kowalsky, Harris 1864-1935
 Kowalsky, Harry S. 1889-1937
 Kowalsky, Jacob Nov. 18, 1896-June 2, 1898
 Kowalsky, Josephine, dau of Ed & Ella Kowalsky, 1915-1923
 Kowalsky, Max 1830-1912
 Kowalsky, Max 1927-1930
 Kowalsky, Rachel 1885-1866
 Kowalsky, Sarah, dau (of Rachel Kowalsky), 1903-1969

 Krohn, Abraham 1856-1914
 Krohn, Anna, wife of Abraham Krohn, 1863-1942
 Krohn, Barney 1869-1928
 Krohn, Dora 1840-1919
 Krohn, Esther 1866-1943
 Krohn, Harry 1899-1966
 Krohn, Hattie, wife of Miles Krohn, 1865-1934
 Krohn, Henry 1834-1920
 Krohn, Jacob 1885-1889
 Krohn, Lois M., dau of Louis E. & Mildred Krohn, 1919-1920
 Krohn, Louis 1878-1961
 Krohn, Miles 1857-1916
 Krohn, Minnie Marwill, wife of Barney Krohn, 1872-1973
 Krohn, Raymond 1894-1958

 Krohngold, Bertha G. 1889-1923
 Krohngold, Jacob 1879-1945
 Krohngold, Rose Glick 1896-1993

 Landsycner, Vella 1816-1911

 Lazarus, Isaac 1852-1888

 Leve, Blanche 1868-1954
 Leve, Hyman 1866-1914

 Levitt, Charles 1855-Aug. 27, 1913
 Levitt, Harriet Aug. 29, 1907-April 14, 1920
 Levitt, William Oct. 14, 1895-Feb. 3, 1920

 Levy, Anna Targer, wife of Robert Levy, 1893-1937

 Lewis, Etta, sister of Alice Targer, 1862-1917

 Liberman, Abraham 1881-1926
 Liberman, Esther B. 1886-1926
 Liberman, Julius 1855-1915

 Lindey, Fannie 1853-1920

 Lowry, Charles J. 1864-1908
 Lowry, Sophie 1865-1935

 Lyons, Fannie, wife of Max Lyons, died Jan. 14, 1893 age 35 yrs
 Lyons, Rose, dau of Mr. & Mrs. Max Lyons, Feb. 22, 1891-Dec. 17, 1912

 Manning, Abraham 1819-1922
 Manning, Charles, son of Julius & Bessie Manning, Jan. 3, 1903-Feb. 21, 1930
 Manning, Gordon, son of Julius & Besie Manning, Oct. 25, 1908-Apr. 24, 1936
 Manning, Rachel 1844-1922

 Marwill, Etta Jacobson, wife of Hyman Marwill, 1872-1963
 Marwill, Hyman 1867-1965

 Marwilsky, Bessie Hannah, wife (of Elias Marwilsky), died Feb. 7, 1904 age 76 yrs
 Marwilsky, Elias died March 21, 1904 age 86 yrs

 Mishkin, Minnie G. 1851-1928

 Mitchell, Irene, wife of Samuel Albert Mitchell, 1894-1922
 Mitchell, Jacob, son of Isreal & Mae Mitchell, 1897-1950
 Mitchell, Mae, wife of israel Mitchell, 1876-1933
 Mitchell, Sarah Halstein, wife of Solomon Mitchell, Jan. 20, 1843-March 2, 1924
 Mitchell, Solomon Jan. 15, 1843-Feb. 15, 1902

 Nathan, Abraham 1864-Jan. 19, 1918
 Nathan, Ethel, wife (of Abraham Nathan), died April 27, 1944

 Neuman, Martha, dau of Mr. & Mrs. Neuman, March 15, 1883-Sep. 10, 1905

 Perlman, Jacob 1825-1907

 Raphael, Bessie 1829-1892
 Raphael, Fanny F., wife of Myer Raphael, 1872-1953
 Raphael, Leon H. 1910-1938
 Raphael, Myer 1868-1958
 Raphael, Solomon 1832-1897

 Rockovitz, Clara Glick, (wife of Harry Rockovitz) 1892-1962
 Rockovitz, Harry 1887-1974

 Rosenberg, Charles 1831-1921
 Rosenberg, Sarah Z. 1838-1915
 Samuels, Miles, son of Nathan & Flora Samuels, Feb. 24, 1870-March 10, 1895

 Schwartz, (no first name) 1833-1893
 Schwartz, Malvina June 23, 1895-July 30, 1900

 Schwartzberg, Hattie P. died Oct. 4, 1894 age 29 yrs

 Sherman, David 1866-1924
 Sherman, Esther 1874-1964

 Slaker, Jacob 1860-1896

 Slegman, (rest of stone written in Hebrew)
 Slegman, (rest of stone written in Hebrew)

 Soloman, Eva 1846-1918
 Soloman, H. died June 17, 1903 age 56 yrs
 Solomon, Moses 1887-1936

 Stone, Max 1886-1940
 Stone, Sarah 1887-1947

 Swartzburg, (no first name) 18---1912 (yr of birth incomplete on stone)

 Targer, Alice 1867-1926
 Targer, Nathan 1889-1933
 Targer, Philip 1863-1908

 Weiner, Anna 1883-1939
 Weiner, Harry 1879-1946
 Weiner, Ida Rose Aug. 17, 1906-Nov. 22, 1912
 Weiner, Sam 1873-March 6, 1905

 Weiss, Anthony T. 1873-1920
 Weiss, Samuel 1881-1910

 Wilcove, Leah 1898-1907

 Wineburgh, Flora 1865-1932
 Wineburgh, Lewis 1866-1914

 Winnick, A. Rachel 1830-1924
 Winnick, Esther Aug. 25, 1891-Sep. 8, 1891
 Winnick, Jacob Dec. 7, 1856-Sep. 24, 1903
 Winnick, Mary Wolfe 1874-1929
 Winnick, William Oct. 3, 1892-Oct. 24, 1892

 Woldenberg, Bella, dau of H. & R. Woldenberg, died Dec. 26, 1896 age 19 yrs

 Wolfe, Lewis 1857-1904
 Wolfe, Rachel 1848-1908

 Zandick, Jacob 1904-1946
 Zandick, Lena 1867-1927

 Zelliff, Hazel 1905-1972

No last Name/no dates:
