Town of Verona
This cemetery is located on private property.
This cemetery has not been maintained in many
years. Many of the stones are on the
ground and some are broken. Several were completely
illegible This cemetery is the final
resting place of Thomas Cagwin, a Revolutionary War
Minuteman. His stone is completely
out of the ground and leaning against a wrought iron fence.
The inscription is very badly worn.
The tombstones in this cemetery were copied by Kathleen Last
and Virginia Ackerman on August 9, 2000.
Virginia Ackerman
All Rights Reserved
Cook, S. 1808
Dunner, Eunice, wife of Elisha Dunner, (stone badly worn rest illegible)
Fitch, Andrew died Feb. 27, 1826 age 46 yrs
Nice, George, son of Michael & Cornelia Nice, died Nov. 15, 1847 age 10 mos 12 dys
Raynsford, Maria, wife of David Raynsford, died Mar. 14, 1825 age 32 yrs
Rhodes, John G. died Oct. 22, 1807 age 15 yrs
Sidney, Harriet E., wife of William Sidney, died Oct. 5, 1831 (stone very badly worn)
Wentworth, Eliphalet died Dec. 15, 1829
age 46 yrs
Wentworth, Nelson C., son of Eliphalet
Anna Wentworth, died Mar. 18, (stone broken)