Nisbet Cemetery

Town of Western

After several attempts at locating the Nisbet Family Cemetery we were finally
successful.  Several of the stones were lying on the ground but with the
exception of one stone all were intact and in very good condition.
There are four additions to the DAR listing done in January 1935 and
one of the stones on that listing was not found.
This cemetery was copied by Kathleen Last and Virginia Ackerman on
December 7, 1999.

Kathleen Last and Virginia Ackerman
All rights reserved

Fraser, Truman C., son of Milton & Laura Fraser, died August 20, 1857, age 2 yrs 5 mos  (this stone was not found)
Fraser, Laura A., wife of Milton B. Fraser, died June 7, 1861, age 37 yrs 4 mos 29 dys

Mason, Esther, dau of Samson & Mercy Mason, died July 31, 1852 age 56 yrs 8 mos
Mason, Matilda, dau of I. & S. Mason, died April 1821 age 3 yrs 7 mos
Mason, Isaiah died Aug. 11, 1867 age 84 yrs
Mason, Sarah, wife of Isaiah Mason, died Jan. 25, 1822 age 38 yrs
Mason, Lucy, wife of Isaiah Mason, died Sep. 4, 1872 age 79 yrs

Nisbet, Robert born in Adams, Mass.  Feb. 10, 1795 died in Western, NY Sep. 10, 1876
Nisbet, Ruth, wife of Robert Nisbet, died April 4, 1848, age 57 yrs 10 mos 7 dys
Nisbet, Julia, wife of Robert Nisbet, died Sep. 18, 1874 age 69 yrs (this stone is broken & bottom half of stone not located)
Nisbet, Robert, son of Robert & Ruth Nisbet,  died May 2, 1839 age 18 yrs 5 mos 14 dys
Nisbet, S. Mason 1823-1899
Nisbet, Willie, son of M. & M. Nisbet, died Dec. 20, 1865 age 8 yrs 8 mos
Nisbet, Robert 1853-1930
Nisbet, Fanny 1857-1928
Nisbet, Mary S. 1828-1922  (this stone is next to Willie & is probably his mother)

Sawyer, Curance, wife of William Sawyer, died Aug. 20, 1862 age 88 yrs