Quaker Hill Cemetery
(Old Welch Church Cemetery)

Krzewinski Rd., Near Quaker Hill Rd., Town of Western

This cemetery is located on Quaker Hill Road in the Town of Western.  At one
time there was a Welch Church next to the cemetery.  The church is no longer
there and the cemetery has long been abandoned.  The tombstones in this
cemetery were copied by Kathleen Last and Virginia Ackerman on April 20, 1999

Kathleen Last and Virginia Ackerman
All rights reserved

Cole, Ellen, dau of Joseph & Margaret Cole, died Apr. 27, 1864, age 7 mos 4 dys

Davis, Robert died Sep. 30, 1856 age 74 yrs
Davis, Ann, wife of Robert Davis, died Aug. 16, 1862, aged 72 yrs
Davis, Mary, relict of Hugh Davis, died Apr. 11, 1858 age 70 yrs
Davis, Sarah G., dau of Edward & Catherine Davis, died Oct. 7, 1866 age 1 yr 8 mos 8 dys

Evans, infant son of Evan G. & Ellen Evans, died Oct. 7, 1877

Humphreys, Hannah, dau of Ellis & Elizabeth Humphreys, died Apr. 19, 1861,
aged 1 yr 11 mos 5 dys

James, David, son of John & Elizabeth James, died 1862, aged 4 yrs 1 mo. 15 dys

Jones, son of John E. Jones, (no dates/no first name)
Jones, Edward  L. died Dec. 10, 1880 aged 15 yrs 11 mos 20 dys
Jones, Elizabeth J. 1842-1902
Jones, John E. 1822-1899
Jones, William, son of Jacob & Ellen Jones, died Jun. 1, 1854, aged 11 mos 15 dys
Jones, Margaret Ann, dau of Samuel & Margaret Jones, died Oct. 13, 1861,
aged 3 yrs 8 mos 22 dys

Lewis, Edward born Jul. 3, 1811 died Jan. 7, 1899
Lewis, Jane, wife of Edward Lewis, died Dec. 1, 1865, aged 51 yrs
Lewis, Sarah, dau of Edward and Jane Lewis, died Aug. 20, 1852, aged 1 yr 27 dys
Lewis, Mary,  dau of Edward and Jane Lewis, died Nov. 1, 1856, aged 2 yrs 10 mos

Rowland, Moses, son of Richard & Elinor Rowland, died May 11, 1861 aged 7 yrs 4 mos