Stone Family Cemetery
The cemetery has not been maintained but is
fenced off and most of the stones
are in good condition and all but one were
still upright. The stones in this
cemetery were copied by Kathleen Last and
Virginia Ackerman on December 3,
Kathleen Last & Virginia Ackerman
All rights reserved
Stone, Samuel died Nov. 8, 1820
in 61st year of his age (this stone is laying down)
Stone, Nathan May 27,
1806-Apr. 3, 1893
Stone, Sarah, wife (of Nathan
Stone), March 9, 1815-Aug. 9, 1888
Stone, Izett, dau of Nathan
& Sarah Stone, died July 4, 1852 age 4 yrs 10 mos 20 dys
Stone, Ida J., dau of Nathan
& Sarah Stone, died Mar. 26, 1862 age 2 yrs 2 mos
Stone, Ophelia M., dau of Nathan
& Sarah Stone, died Dec. 20, 1870 age 13 yrs 8 mos 25 dys
Stone, S-----n, died Mar.
(?) 1832 age 25 yrs (the upper part of this stone was broken making
the name & date illegible. Our first impression was that the
name was Stephen but we could not make out enough to be positive.)
Crandall, Rose E., wife of Byron
Crandall, died Dec. 21, 1871 age 32 yrs 24 dys
Hews, Mary H., wife of Dr. Robert
Hews, died