1814 - Town of Paris C-G

Thanks to Lois Morrill for sending this in!

Name Name Name
Clarke, John
Clarke, Nathan 
Cleveland, Nehemiah 
Cloyd, Daniel 
Cobb, Elijah 
Coe, David 
Coe, Simeon 
Comstock David 
Comstock, David 
Comstock, Levi 
Comstock, William 
Cone, Caleb 
Cone, Ozais 
Congdon, Charles 
Conklin, Dyer 
Cook, Elihu 
Cook, John 
Cook, Moses 
Cook, Wareham 
Cooledge, Charles 
Cooley, Baruch 
Cooley, Justin 
Cooley, Seth 
Copeland, Anne 
Copley, Lemon 
Cowen, James 
Coy, David 
Coy, Samuel 
Crane, Henry Jr. 
Crane, Labbens 
Crosy, James 
Curtis, Asahel 
Curtis, Jesse 
Curtis, Charles D. 
Curtis, David 
Curtis, Jesse 
Curtis, Jotham 
Curtis, Samuel 
Cushman, Joseph P. 
Cutler, Zadok 
Davis, Nathan 
Davis, Bell 
Davis, Elijah 
Davis, Ephraim 
Davis, John 
Davis, John 2nd 
Davis, Moses 
Dean, Thomas 
Devereau, John C.
Dexter, Daniel 
Dickinson, Elisha 
Dickinson, Moses 
Dickinson, Robert 
Dickinson, William 
Dodge, Amos 
Doolittle, Jared 
Doolittle, Rice 
Doolittle, Uri 
Dowd, Job 
Drake, William M. 
Dresser, Elijah 
Drury, Abel 
Dunbar, Dana 
Duneau, Samuel 
Dunham, David 
Earl, Cutting 
Eastman, Abraham D. 
Eastman, Harvey 
Eastman, Hezekial 
Eastman, Rev. John 
Eastman, Joseph 
Eastman, Peter 
Edwards, Phillip 
Eastman Ralph 
Edwards, Rodolphus 
Ellenwood, Reuben 
Ellingwood, Hannaniah
Ellingwood, Samuel 
Ellingwood, Tartius 
Ellis, Moses 
Ely, Thomas 
Estrabrook Samuel 
Farwell, Isaac M. 
Fellows, William S. 
Fenton, Amaziah 
Fitch, John 
Fitch, John Jr.
Foot, Brunson 
Foot, Jairus 
Foot, Moses Jr. 
Foot, Orange
Ford, Almon 
Ford, Ebenezer 
Ford, Nathaniel 
Fosket, James 
Fosket, John 
Fuller, Daniel 
Gallop, Daniel 
Gally, James 
Gardner, Israel 
Gates, Abel 
Gaylord, David 
Geer, Lebbins
Gilbert, Allen
Gilbert, Theodor
Gilbert, Theodor
Gilmore, Joseph
Glass, Philetus
Gleason, Solomon
Goodsil, Thomas
Graham, Calista
Gorham, Eli 
Graham, George 
Graham, Simeon 
Graham, Will 
Grant, William 
Graves, Chauncy 
Graves, Hobart 
Gray, Anne W. 
Gray, Moses,
Green, Eben 
Green, John 
Green, John 2nd
Green, Jonathan 
Green, Nathan 
Green, Tillinghast 
Green, William 
Greenleaf, John 
Greenslit, Joel R. 
Gregory, John 
Gridley, Asahel W. 
Gridley, Hezekiel 
Gridley, Noadiah 
Gridley, Orrin 
Gridley, Reuben 
Gridley, Samuel 
Gridley, Shubel 
Gridley, Sylvester 
Gridley, Theodore 
Gridley, Thomas 
Griffin, Ebenezer 
Griffin, Harvey 
Griffin, Joel 
Griffin, Kirkland 
Griffin, Robert
Griffin, Shubel
Griffin, William

Lois Morrill