1814 - Town of Paris R-Y

Thanks to Lois Morrill for sending this in!

Name Name Name
Royce, Samuel 
Rude, Oliver 
Rundel, Daniel 
Rundel, Willam
Russell, Samuel S.
Sage, A.
Sage, James 
Sanger, Sweting, Avery & Co.
Savage, Stephen
Saxton, Ichaial 
Saxton, Isaac
Scofield, Ira 
Scofield, Israel 
Scofield, Peter S. 
Scovil, Isaac 
Schuyler, Phillip L. 
Sealey, Lemuel 
Selleck, Peter 
Selleck, Rufus 
Seymour, M. 
Seymour, Salmon 
Shapley, John 
Shelden, Ezekiel 
Shepherd, Asa 
Shepherd, Lemuel 
Shepherd, Lucy 
Sherman, Levi 
Sherman, Lucia 
Sherman, Maria 
Sherryl, Jacob 
Sherwood, Mary 
Simmons, Aaron
Simmons, Abel
Simmons, Adam
Simmons, Caleb 
Simmons, Caleb 2nd 
Simmons, George 
Simmons, Ichabod 
Simmons, William
Simons, Josiah 
Smith, Benjamin 
Smith, China 
Smith, Ebenezer 
Smith, James 
Smith, John 
Smith, John N. 
Smith, Seth 
Smith, Solomon
Southworth, Richmond
Spafford, Isaac 
Stanton, George 
Stanton, Joseph 
Stebbins, Joseph 
Stebbins, Judah 
Stebbins, William 
Stedman, Isaac 
Steel, Eliphalet Edward
Steel, Theophilus 
Stils, David 
Stimpson, Jonathan 
Stockwell, Solomon 
Stones, Joseph 
Strong, Ezra 
Strong, John 
Strong, Nathan 
Sturge, Augustus 
Sweet, James 
Sweeting, Eliphalet 
Sweetser, John 
Taylor, Philip 
Tefts, Enoch 
Thompson, Ebenezer 
Thompson, James 
Thompson, Jesse 
Thompson, Nathaniel 
Tiffts, Nathan 
Titus, P. 
Todd, Jared 
Tompkins, Eleazer 
Tompkins, Gilbert 
Tompkins, John 
Tomkins, Nathaniel 
Tooley, Jeremiah 
Tower, Jeduthon 
Town, Amos 
Tracy, Lois 
Tracy, Sanford 
Trask, John 
Trobridge, Eunice
Trowbridge, Ezra 
Truman, Joseph 
Tuttle, Elam 
Tyler, Ozias Eliphas
Tyler, Silas 
Underwood, Parker 
Wakefield, Thomas
Waldron, Thomas 
Walker, Ebenezer 
Walker, Ephraim 
Warner, Andrew 
Warner, Eleazer 
Webber, Peter 
Wells, Dolly 
Wentworth, William 
Wetmore, Ambrose 
Wetmore, Elisha 
Wheelock, Lewis 
White & Goodsell 
White, Jediah 
White, Joshua 
White, Roderick 
Whitman, Abiathin 
Whitney, Samuel 
Wicks, Edward 
Wicks, John 
Wilcox, Alfred 
Wilcox, Ethan 
Wilcox, Jonathan 
Wildman, David 
Wilkinson, Jabez 
Willard, John 
Willard, Lewis 
Willard, Rufus 
Williams, Andrew 
Williams, Isaac 
Willams, John 
Williams, Joseph 
Williams, Lucy 
Williams, Warren 
Wilmont, Tracy 
Wilson, Jacob 
Winslow, Thomas G. 
Wright, Asa 
Wood, Clark 
Wood, David 
Wood, Solomon 
Woodford, Daniel 
Woodruff, Ava 
Woodruff, Theon 
Young, Israel

Lois Morrill