Oneida County Census 1814 Owners of Land
Towns of Trenton, Boonville, & Steuben

Thanks to Lois Morrill for sending this in!

Name Name
Adgatus, Treat
Ash, William
Barrows, Calvin
Billinger, Frederick
Billinger, George J.
Boon, Garret
Bronk, Jonas
Bronk, Peter
Byinton, Martin S.
Cadwell, Barny
Christian, Klock
Christman, John J.
Churchill, Henry
Churchill, Isaac
Demming, William
Dewit, Simeon
Douglass, Samuel
Farquahar, James
Finkle, P.
Gad, Thomas
Guy & Hall
Halsted, Roswell
Hammond, Abijah
Hollister, William
Howe, John
Hughes, John
Hunter, Andrew
Johnson, William
Jones, Evan
Latchwell, Josiah
Machin, Thomas
Murry, John B.
North, William
Owen, John
Pease, John
Post, Josiah
Roe, James
Souyland, John
Secor, Jacob
Sherwood, Mathew
Sherwood, Samuel
Smith, Paschal N.
Spencer, Ambrose
Stannard, Aslow
Stewart, James
Tyler, Gerard R.
Van Slych, Cornelius
Wagner, Henry
Walrath, Peter H.
Warren, Henry
Whipple, David
Wylie, Moses
Yarwood, James

Lois Morrill