William King's Pension Record

Submitted by: Joe King

Transcripion of the Revolutionary War Pension Application of

William King of Coventry, Kent Co., Rhode Island

State of Rhode Island & Providence Plantation

Kent Pc.
  William King of Coventry in the County of Kent and State of Rhode Island    formerly a soldier in the United States Army in the Revolutionary War on Solemn Oath declares and says, that in the month of April in the year 1775 he enlisted as a private soldier in Capt. Jeremiah Olney's Company in the Regiment commanded by Col. Hitchcock in the Rhode Island Line for the term of Eight Months, that he continued to serve in said Company, and Regimant until the month of December in the same year, when the time of his enlistment having expired, he again enlisted in the same Company and Regiment for one year, - that he served in said Company and Regiment until the month of December in the year of 1776 when the term of the last mentioned enlistment having expired, he left the Army ??? ???  - kin in the State of New York - That he never had any discharge in writing but on account of sickness it was thought best by the officers that he should be left behind the Army which was then marching toward Philadelphia. And he further declares, that on account of sickness and of his reduced in circumstances and situation in life, he is in need of assistance from his Government for support - And this declaration he makes to entitle him to the provisions of the Act of the Congress of the United States, entitled "An Act to provide for certain persons engaged in the Land and Naval Service of the United States in the Revolutionary War"

Sworn to the 20th of April      William King
AD 1818
before C. Brayton, J. S. J. Court

Kent Pc. State f Rhode Island and Providence Plantations
I, Henry Remington one of the Associate Justices of the Supreme Juducial Court of the State of Rhode Island do hereby certify that on the fourth day of November 1818 the within named William King who is to me personally known and from my knowledge of the said King and from the testimony by him adduced I am satisfied that the said King is in reduced and indigent circumstances and that from his situation and circumstances he is in need of assistance from his country for support according to the intent and meaning of an Act of Congress entitled "An Act toprovide for certain persons engaged in the land an naval service of the United States in the Revolutionary War" and further state that Charles Brayton, Esq. above named was at the time above mentioned a Justice of the Supreme Judicial Court of this State and that at the Court Election of Judges of said Court the said Brayton was not elected.
In testimony where of I have given to it my hand and caused the seal of said court to be hereto affixed
November 4, 1818     Harry Remington J S J Court

A Pay Slip is attached - From New York to William King , Coventry in the State of Rhode Island who was a private in the regiment commanded by Colonel Hitchcock of the R. Island Line for the term of one year. Inscribed on the roll of Rhode Island at the rate of 8 Dollars per month, to commence on the 20 of April 1818. Certificate of Pension issued the 9 of Sep 1818 and sent to Henry Remington esq Warwick, Rhode Island. Arreaes to 4th of Sep 1819    132.00
Semi-anl all'ce ending Mar 1820        48.00
  16 Mo 15/30       180.00
Revolutionary claim Act 18th March, 1818  (Cert & Signature unreadable)

Transcription of Court Certification on the Application for Pension

William King of Coventry, Kent Co., Rhode Island

United States of America.
Rhode Island District

County of Kent Supreme Judicial Court October Term A.D. 1821

 On this second day of October 1821, personally appeared in open court, being a Court of Record within and for said county, William King age 66 years residing in the town of Coventry in said County who being first duly sworn according to law doth on his oath declare, that he served in the Revolutionary War as follows, that he served one year and eight months in Colone Hitchcocks Regiment, that he made a previous declaration on the 20th day April 1818, and that he has received a certificate for a pension, being No. 14614.
 And I do solemly swear that I was resident citizen of the United States on the eighteenth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and eighteen; and that I have not since that time, by gift, sale, or in any manner whatever, disposed of my property or any part there of with intent thereby so to diminish it, as to bring myself within the provisions of an Act of Congress, entitled "An Act to provide for certain persons engaged in the land and naval service of the Unitd States, in the revolutionary war" passed on the eighteenth day of March one thousand eight hundred and eighteen . That I have not, nor has any person in trust for me, any property or security contracts or debts, due to me nor have I any income other than what is contained in the Schedule hereto, and by me subscribed.
        William King

A Schedule of Property and Income (necessary clothing and bedding excepted) of William King, vis.
A life estate in a small lot of land containing 10 acres, 1 cow seven years old, 1 old chest, 8 old chairs, 1 old wheel, 1 old desk, 2 old tables, 1 case bottles, 1 light stand, 1 pair andirons, 1 pair shovel & tongs, 1 bellows, 2 candle sticks, sundry articles of crockery ware, sundry articles of old tin, 7 old iron spoons, 7 knives and forks, 1 small looking glass, 1 milk tray, 1 wash lav, 1 note of hand against William King for eighteen Dollars twenty eight cents. And this declarent saith that he is a blacksmith & works when he is able but is so afflicted with asthma that he can do but little, that he has a wife aged 69 who is in a feeble state of health, and a grand-daughter, aged 4 years who is dependent on him for support - under these circumstances he feels entitled to continuance of a pension.
         William King
Sworn to and declared in open court on the 2nd day of October 1821
      Arnold Weaver, Clerk

A response to request for military history form is attached with the following pertinent information - Enlisted Apr 1775, Served until Dec 1776, as a Pvt., Capt. Jeremiah Olney, Col Daniel Hitchcock of RI - No battles, Applied for pension Apr 20, 1818 - His claim was allowed. - residing at Coventry, Kent Co., RI at time of application. and was age 63. In 1821 his wife was 69 and a granddaughter was 4 years, no names are stated. In 1824 soldier resided in Oneida Co., NY.