Orrin Lucas Letter
Robert Adams rpadams357@hotmail.com
Letter from Orrin Lucas in reply to Albert
W. Lucas:
Headquarters 117th Regt. N. Y. V.
Fort Alexandria Sept. 16, 1862
Dear Father: I received your letter
last night. I as glad to hear from you. I heard you had enlisted.
We are now stationed at Fort Alexandria. Our Regt. has to chop.
We have cut down the woods for miles around. There are lots of Grey
Squirrels and Possums and snakes in the woods. There are some half
a dozen detailed from our company to drill on the Artilery. The Col
and Maj and other officers say that our company is the best drilled Company
in the Regt. We chop days and drill by moonlight. Our rations
are not first rate. Today we had a cup of soup and 1 cracker and
a small piece of meat. That is not a very hearty dinner to chop on.
The rations went very hard for me at first, but now I can make a good meal
on a courple of crackers and a cup of coffee.
I wish you would write soon and let me know
when you leave Rome and where you expect to go. I wish you would
send me 2 or 3 - 1 cent stamps for I would like to send a paper home once
in a while. I wish you would send me a paper a Herald or Telegraph
for I would like to hear from our Regt. What did you do with the
horse? I would not sell him for you can not get what he is worth.
I would let some one take him to keep this winter. You ought to buy
some hay for the cow. You can get hay better than Ma can. Who
have you left to take care of the garden and hog, rabbits etc? Try
and leave things in good shape at home. You now am an old Soldier
ha!ha!. There has been a great Battle at Hagerstown. We were
not there but we heard the Battle. The dead bodies of Soldiers some
of ours and the Rebels are floating down the river. The Rebels are
rather cornered. We expect they will make a pass down this way.
They are making a Battery here. We expect to see a battle every day.
Leave things in good shape at home. Give my respects to all the boys
that inquire about me. I hear that Benj. Pratt deserted, but they
caught him again.
I suppose that you heard that The 117th Regt.
had a row(?) in Jersey City, but that is false. Nothing of the kind
happened. Some of our Company are in the Hospital sick. I was
in there a few days. Have you got your Uniform yet? I wish
You would get that 50 cents of Coleman and my traps home. Jerome
Seaman has got 2 of my traps. Do not let any one take the gun or
my traps. Orrin
Orrin died May 11, 1863 of small pox
at St. Elizabeth Hospital in Washington D.C.
Letter from Albert W. Lucas (age 50 years)
to his son Orrin:
Headquarters. Camp Huntington
Sept. 11th, 1862
Dear Son: I have enlisted in Capt.
Powells Co. in Clinton with a town bounty of about 65 dollars. Messers
Crumb Akins, Doc. Cox and Archibal Cox, Jerome Seaman, Ed Richardson, Benjamen
Pratt, Isaac Chapman, John Jackson, Stocktrigge(?) Campbell and several
others have enlisted at Clarks Mill. We have received 3 letters from
you the 2 last I received in Camp this day. We have been kept pretty
close in Camp since I entered it, but I went home last Monday noon and
returned last evening. Mr. Akins brought me the two last letters,
Your mother and girls are at Sangers field picking hops. I have bought
a good cow for Nineteen dollars. Our folks left home hop picking
Wednesday 3 of Sept the same day that I went to Rome to Muster in.
We have a good time of it here. I do
not know when we leave Rome, but probably in some time next week.
I received as bounty 50 dollars from State, 50 dollars do County,
sixty from town and one hundred at the end of the war. Making 265
dollars bounty plus years of service 156 dollars for a total of 421.
I have not received only the 50 dollars of county, but shall receive the
town and state bounty before we leave Rome.
You write that 3 cent postage stamps are
scarce. I can send you any amount for I have got some forty or more
in my pocket, but lest they miss you, I think it woudl be better not to
send but 3 or 4 at this time, and send again. We have about 600 soliers
now in Camp and more arriving daily. I think our Regt. will be filled
very soon. Our Regt. is No. 146 of this state Militia. Take
good care of yourself and we may see each other when we come into service.
Please give my respects to all the boys and all inquiring friends.
You had better direct to Clarks Mills as usual for I shall go there one
more time before we leave for good.
From your Father
A. W. Lucas