Letter was from Teressa (Denison) Martin,
(mother of George Andrew Martin who married Polly Mary Carpenter both buried
at Floyd) to son, in Ohio. Originals of the letters are in the Ohio State
Museum Library in Cincinnati, Ohio
Typed as is. Anything in ( ) are my notes.
Western March 8, 69 (1869)
Ever Dear Children
I will now try to write you We are all in usual health
hoping these few lines will find you all enjoying the same blessing.
I think your little Cary is a sweet little child & I hope he
will make a better man than one Allen Martin that I once knew Eleanor
has sent me her little Edwin Lincoln picture he is a smart
Uncle Alonzo has sold his farm in Floyd & bought a village
house & lot near the ridge mill. He talks of going west next
to see his children
We milked 8 cows last summer sold nearly 400 dollars worth of
butter & cheese besides pork & calf We carry the milk to
the milk
night & morning in the hot weather in the morning in cool weather
they weigh the milk it takes about 10 lbs of milk to make 1 lb of
cured cheese & we give them $1 a 100 for making the cheese & we
furnish bandage salt rennet & motto
It has been a pretty hard long winter here the snow is very
deep we had a very hot summer the fall was quite
fruit was quite good hay & grain was good but potatoes
tight write often my love to all the children &
a kiss for Cary
Theodore is all the child I have left in York state
March 9 (1869)
Aunt Pedy Cole died last Oct William Dopp was buried yesterday
Mrs David Carpenter buried to day
March 29
I wil add a little more to this there is another boy here
2 week old & both Mother & child is smart
George Fuller was buried last Sundy
David Capron died last Dec
excuse all mistak this from your old Mother