Submitted by Karen Wise.
Karen Wise
All Rights Reserved
Autograph book for Jennie Louise Mullany The
earliest entry dated 1877.
All entries are transcribed as they are in
the book. Areas that are illegible or letters that have no apparent
meaning are in [].
() Indicate my own comments. Each entry
is spaced to indicate a page.
Jennie was born 1854, she married Moses Edward
JORDAN in 1880. Jennie died in 19
A New Year Gift from Jim,
Jennie L. Mullany
Jan. 1st 1878
Though hills and vales devide us,
And parted by our lot
May cultivate those little flowers
They call forget me not
Maggie E. Burns
Dorn Ailkins
Onida NY
Jenry 30 1880
For thine own sake be light of heart
‘Tis nature and requires no art
But……………..”be not light
For a light wife makes a heavy husband”
[] (looks to be Greek symbols)
Jas. Loftus
When you are [sectling] a and
Think of the past re[]
You have a friend that will
forever last
Mary A. Connelly
Yours truly
Rose Loftus
July 16, 1880
Nov. 23 1908
God’s Album
“There is another album,
Filled with leaves of spotless white.
Where no name is ever tarnished,
But forever pure and bright.
In the book of life- God’s album,
May your name be penned with care,
and may all who here have written,
Write their names forever there.”
Your loving daughter Mary Jordan
Remember me when death shall close
My eyelids into sweet repose
And evening breezes gently move
The grass upon your true friends grave
Mary A. [___]eeney
[] (?June) 15, 1879
When the golden sun is setting
and from care your mind is free
and of your friends you thinking
Will you sometimes think of me
Mary E Nolan
April 10th 1878
Passing through lifes field of action
Lest we part before its end
Take within you modest volume this memento
from a friend
Ella Bonfoy
Clayville N.Y.
Jan. 11th 1880
( fixed on the page is a rose sticker still
in good color.)
Remember me when this you see
But yet you see me not
Let others say what [] they may
but don’t let me be forgot
Mrs. P Kinney
March 19th 1879
Give to friendship
friendship due
Remember me
And I will you
Respectfull yours Frank Doyle
West Winfield NY
Miss Mary P Baulf
March 13, 1904
When I am far away from thee
over time ocean sailing you may
often think of me tears and sighs
prevailing Then farewell my native shore
clinging to thy heart once more
Hope will vanish sorrow
Hope will vanish sorrow
your friend
Thos. Wm. Norman
age 7
March 11 1914
a rose sticker is on this page, in good color
with the following verse;
A word
a line how short
so e’er
Is sweet from whom
we care!
Mary C. Jordan
(Jennies daughter, my grandmother, Mary Katherine
May trubel never trubel
Trubel untill trubel
Trubels you.
Your friend A.B.
Your friend
Leander Birdsall
Confirments (?Compliments) of
M.E. Jordan
West Winfield
Remember thy Creator
in the days of thy youth
Nell E Murphy
[](?April) 8 1880
Remember me when
This you see and
Bear it well in mind
That I will be a friend
To you when others
are unkind
and wont give you
bread and milk
your friend
A Reilly
June the 15th 1877
There are flowers
That never wither, blossoms that shall
never die, they are found beyond this
planet in the relms of endless day
Your sister Anna E Mullany
I only ask for one little spot
In which to plant “Forget me not”
Minne Bonfoy
( a sticker of blue forget me not is fixed
to the side of this page, in good color)
To Jennie
May your life be ever happy
May your friends be every true
May your path be ever cloudless
Is my fondest wish for you
Ellen D Jordan
Jan. 8 1883
Our lives are alboms writen through
With good or ill, with false
Or true, & as the blessed angel
Turns the pages of our lives;
God grant they read the the
Good with smiles
and blot out the bad with tears
So be a Good girl dear Jennie
Your Sister
(No name given, fixed on the page is a sticker
of a robin on a holly
branch, color good. Jennie had three
sisters, Anna, Ellen and Mary.)
Oh who could bear lifes stormey doom
Did not thy wing of love
Come sweetly wafting through the gloom
Our [] branch from above
Mrs. L Bucknau
Clayville, N.Y.
Jan 6th 1880
Peter M. Jordan
Ceadarville N.Y.
Regard of
M.F. Jordan
Respectfully Yours
Garrett Nolan
Clayville N.Y.
April 10 1878
Remember your friend
Julia Robinson
the 17 1899
Monday March 13 1904
Twinkle twinkle little star
How I wonder what you are
Up above the bright blue sky
Like a Diamond in the sky.
Thos. Wm. Norman
O Give me the fair one in country of city
Whose home and its duties are lean to her
Who cheerfully warbles some musical ditty
While playing the needle with equisite art
July the 29, 1878 A.D. Evans
Farewell Farewell there is no tie
When we are far apart
To be in every changing scene
A spell upon thy heart
It is not that the glorious []
Nor that thy voice has lost the soul
of silvery music now
Maggie Evans July 29th 1878
When on some far and distant plain
You turn your eyes and see my name
Think of a friend sincere and true
Who may never more meet with you.
Your cousin, Anna E Kehoe
March 11, 1904
That heaven on you may smile
And showers of blessing send
That you may sorrow never know
Are the wishes of your friend
Fannie S. Weisnburg
April 28, 1878
May you learn the Lord to love
And with salvations plans comply
And when we meet in heaven above
We’ll never say the words “Good by”
Your friend and well wisher
Mrs. Bonfoy
Jan 11th 1880
Winter may change for summer
Flowers may fade and die
But I shall ever love
thee while I can heave a sigh
your loving daughter
Nellie M Jordan
Mar. 11, 1904
“H.M.S Pinafore”
Jan 1880 Clayville N.Y.
(This is written in large script and along
side the S is the word ‘church’.
It is a mystery to me.)
“Compliments of”
T.A Kennedy
Binghamton N.Y.
Jany 3/80
Respectfully yours
Francis Jordan April 10 1904
(Francis was Jennie’s son)
These few lines to you I give
Keep them Jennie while I live
And if the grave be my first bed
Keep them Jennie when I am dead
Eva A. Bonfoy
Clayville, N.Y.
Jan 11th 1879
In memories golden casket
Let there remain a g[] for me
Realy and Truly yours
Annie W. Storei
Richfield Springs
[] 20th 1880
When you are blind
and cant not see look
at this and remember me
November the 3, 1878
Annie Kinney
When this you see remember me
And bare me in your mind
Be not like the waves at sea changing
with the wind for I am like
the Nightengale that sits on yonder
tree thinking of his Own true love
as I will think of the(e)
M.E. Jordan
(Moses Edward Jordan was Jennies husband.
No date is given on this page.)
Friendship may weave a garland
Gold may link a chain
But love alone can forma a clasp
Un broken to remain
Lucy Peet
Clayville N.Y.
Nove 12th 1880
To the dearest grandmother in all the world
Your everloving granddaughter
Alice Marie
March 24 1944
Anna L. Baulf
South New Berlin N.Y.
Jan. the 7 1880
Father of love Divine
Thy blessing I emplore,
That every name this book
May on thy book be found
Your sister Nellie L. Mullany
August 14th 1879
Many years have flown,
and in her old arm chair,
Jennie sitting older grown
With silver in her hair.
And there she muses as she
wipes her glasses o’er and o’er
I wonder if my Album
keeps the memory of you.
She turns the pages through
and through, with many
a tear and a kiss.
When suddenly she stops and
says, Who could have written
this. Remember it is
Your friend
Minnie Einsford
Clayville, N.Y.
Jan 13th 1880
Eyelids were made to droop
Cheeks were made to blush
Hair was made to curl and friz
Lips were made to_ A wish
Your friend
Addie E. Bowen
Clayville Nov. 6 1880
As the ivy round the tree
Doth twine I have picked
You out as a friend of mine
I have picked you out
From all the rest and I hope
You will prove the best
Mary A Dobson
Clayville, N.Y.
May 5th 1880
Don’t for get the plumbs (written on the
Let me at thy foot stool kneeling
Lay my head upon thy knee
Feeling that the Earths last Emosion
Is the joy of loving thee
Your friend (and husband)
M.E. Jordan