Marriages listed in the 1865 Augusta Census

Marriages Listed in the 1865 Census
Marriages in the Town of Augusta in the County of Oneida, N.Y., during the year ending June 1, 1865.

Cynthia Richardson
All Rights Reserved
Given Name Surname Age * Given Name Surname Age * Month Day Marriage Place Clergyman
Baxter Rice? 43 W Fidelin Barker 26 S Jany 15 Augusta Meth Epis
Cyrus B. Hoyt 35 W Flora Chaffer 21 S May 1 Madison Meth Epis
E. Jay Willard 25 S Frank Ballard 20 S August 13 Madison Presbt
Corden Brown 24 S Josephene Howard 17 S Feby 15 Augusta Presbt
Chas? Holcomb? 36 W Mary Goff 22 W August 16 Rome Meth Epis
Gilbert S. Gifford 22 S Ada Fairchilds 18 S June 1 Knoxboro Universalist?
Herman Morgan 24 S Newey Bentley 18 S Sept 5 Madison Meth Epis
Willard P. Sims 46 W Mary A. Morgan 41 W Feby 16 Augusta Illegible
A. Jay Hatheway 25 S Dora Jewett 20 S Feby 1st Sangerfield Presbt
James Mosher 19 S Mary Reynold 19 S July 12 Tompkins? Bapt
Wm H. Williams 21 S Eliza J. Doyle? 18 S August 28 Madison Meth
Joseph Lanton 22 S Matilda Chism 21 S March 23 Boonville Oneida Bapt
Wm W. Smith 22 S Henryetta Chism 19 S Jany 14 West Camden Presbt
John Egger 36 S Artilissa Carter 17 S Nov 28 Cortland Meth ___
James H. Kingsley 27 S Alona? Gilman 16 S May 14 Manlins? Bapt ___

*Previous Civil Condition