
The town of Florence lies in the northwest corner of Oneida County.
It was created by an Act of Legislature on February 16, 1805 from the
town of Camden.  The first settlement was in the fall of 1801 when
Amos Woodworth, John Spinning and a Mr. Turner settled on fifty acres
each.  Very shortly afterward other settlers arrived including Azariah Orton,
Clark Crawford, Norman Waugh, Benoni Barlow, Ebenezer Barlow,
Ambrose Curtiss, Ephraim Wright, Joseph Olcutt and Benjamin Young.
The first town meeting was held in the home of John Spinningon
March 5, 1805.

Current Historian
Sharron McNamara
11899 Florence Rd
Camden, NY 13316
(315) 245-0487

1850 Sketch of Florence in Rome Citizen

Florence Business Directory 1858

Class Picture School District No. 7 1900-01

Florence Residents 1907