Cemetery Associations

From "Town of Marcy Centennial History and Program 1832-1932"
Sincere thanks to Cathy VerSchneider for this submission!!

Carr Cemetery Association
    The Marcy Cemetery has been in use as a public cemetery for many years before being incorporated, not having any special care except gras being mowed once a year and the fence maintained by the Carr Estate, till 1880, then through the efforts of Carroll C. Potter and a few neighbors ti was incorporated August 14, 1880 under the name of Carr Cemetery Association, and thr following trustees were elected: Charles Lawrence, Richard Thomas, Carroll C. Potter, Charles Hutchinson, Evan D. Jone, and Benjamin Sanders, with Carroll C. Potter, President; Charles Hutchinson, Secretary and Richard Thomas, Treasurer.
    The old grounds were donated to the Association by Mr. Thomas J. Roberts, then owner, and the Association purchased from Mr. Roberts 80/100 of an acre in the rear of the grounds, which were then graded and laid out in lots, most of the work, drawing gravel and grading, being donated by the lot owners. At the same time they purchased of Germain Crave eighty-four feet front, which was surveyed and laid out in lots in 1894 at the same time the Cary lot was taken in the Association.
    These lot being nearly all sold, at the annual metting of the Association held August 17, 1926, it was voted to purchase one hundred fifty feet front of Robert Parsons, which has been surveyed and laid out in lots.
    The trustees are now planning on a new iron fense for the entire front, 351 1/2 feet of the cemetery, as soon as funds are available.
    The following were present Trustees: Thomas Parry, Charles H. Hamilton, William E. Thomas, Mrs. Clara Smith, Mrs. Jennie Jarvis and George E. Thomas, with George E. Thomas, President; Mrs. Clara Smith, Vice President; William E. Thomas, Secretary and Treasurer.

The Townsend Cemetery Association, Stittville
    This association was organized, November 25, 1889 by lot owners of the Townsend and Laird Cemetery, said families having used same as a family burying ground since 1818. The first officers elected were Pres. W.O. Laird, Treas. W.T. Atwood, Sec. F.E. Gaus, Trustees, Charles F. Raymer, W.O. Laird, W.T. Atwood, Olin B. Lawton, Porter E. Buell, Noble F. Martin. F.E. Gaus and Noble F. Martin are the only survivours of these officers.
    The present officers are: Pres. Fred R. Thomas, V. Pres. Chas. H. Smith, Sec and Treas W.F. Blust, Supt Forest H. Rupert.
This plot was once used as a burying ground by the Indians.