Association for Detection of Horse Thieves

From "Town of Marcy Centennial History and Program 1832-1932"
Sincere thanks to Cathy VerSchneider for this submission!!

    The association was organized in the year 1860 for the purpose of protecting the farmers from the loss of horses from thieves.

    When a horse was stolen the different members would go out and hunt for it. They would not give up until they had the horse in their possession and it was said that they never failed to get the horse that was stolen.

    The first horse stolen after the organization was started was one of Hugh Davis.

    On one occasion C.C. Potter went on horseback into Pennsylvania after a horse which he led back.

    Their efforts were not only to secure stolen horses but also cows of which on one occasion Aaron Johnson had two cows stolen at night. When discovered in the morning his son Chester and George Simmons, Luther Simmon's son started out and they found them in a building in Utica where they were going to be killed. It was a cold and stormy day in January. Both of the boys froze their ears and noses but they brought the cows home with them.

    The association disbanded in the year 1904. The money in the treasury was divided between the Maynard and Carr Cemeteries.

    The following men were members of the association:
Charles Lawrence
C.C. Potter
H.J. Potter
John Potter
Luther Simmons
Aaron Johnson
Jonathan Sweet
Benjamin Sanders
John Wood
Raymer Powell
Erastus Raymer
George B. Robbins
Fredrick Ernst
Isaac Crane
George Crane
Anthony Wood
M.M. Mayhew
Thomas Marson
Robert H. Jones
Levi Tanner
David Wilcox
James A. Dickeman
James Ward
Thomas M. Jones
James Weaver
Fredrick Deck
E.V. Horne
Henry Edic
H. Richardson
Ebenezer Lewis
Jeremiah Sweet
George Barnard

    The officers were:
Charles Lawrence, Captain
John W. Hicks, Clerk
Aaron Johnson, Treasurer
The first two held their offices throughout the entire existence of the association but the treasurer changed.
The second treasurer was John Wood and the third treasurer was C.C. Potter