
The town of Verona was erected on February 17, 1802 from the town of
Westmoreland.  It was first settled by George A. Smith on January 1, 1792.
Asahel Jackson arrived in May of 1796 from Berkshire County, Massachutsetts
and became the second settler.  Some of the others settlers included Eli Whelan,
Oliver Pomeroy, John Tilden, Levi Skinner, Soloman Bishop, Moses Brown,
Elias Cagwin, Nahum Joslin and Joseph Eames.

Current Historian:
Mrs. Dorothy M. Cmaylo
R.D. 1 Box 8
Durhamville, NY

1850 Sketch of Verona in Rome Citizen

Sylvan Beach Postcards

First Presbyterian Church of Verona 1903 Rome Sentinel Article