Kingsbury Wills

Thank you for these wills which were sent anonymously

SURROGATE'S RECORDS, UTICA, NY - Kingsbury records researched in 1986

Liher 42:366 Will of Israel Kingsbury of Boonville
Pr. Utica 27 March 1889
Exec'r William C. Kingsbury
Wit.: Edward Snow, deposition stated he was acquainted 30 yrs.; that Israel died at Boonville January last past.
Wit.: Charles F. Barlett--dep. stated acquainted 10 yrs.
Debts to be wife Mary Kingsbury use of all personal and
real property during natural life...after death of wife my son William C. $500...
To Parent Missionary Society of Methodist Episcopal Church $200...To Woman's Foreign Missionary Society of M. E. Church $200...To Wm. Taylor Mission of M. E. Church "down in the Congo River in Africa" $200...To Church Extension Society of M. E. Church $200...To Syracuse University $200 to be applied toward the endowment fund...Residue... equal shares...among my 8 children--Ephraim Kingsbury, Martin Kingsbury, John Kingsbury, Seymour Kingsbury, Charles Kingsbury, William C. Kingsbury, Emily E. Lyon, Margaret Ann be paid after death of myself and my wife...written 25 Dec. 1886 and signed ISRAEL KINGSBURY (LS)...Wits.: Edward Snow and Charles R. Barlett, both of Boonville

Liber 22:373 Will of Ira M. Kingsbury late of Boonville
Present at probate 31 Oct. 1871 Theo Avery, Special Guardian
Ira M. Kingsbury died July last past at Boonville.
Wits: James Boss and George C. Tubbs
$1.00 I.R. Stamp Cancelled and affixed to original will
Debts to be paid...To Almira C. Kingsbury my wife 1/3 of all my
property being personal property as her dower in my estate having no
real estate...Son Dwight Kingsbury my only child about 9 mos. old $560.66...same amt. secured in a mortgage lately given by Tracy Kingsbury to Ira Kingsbury upon Real Estate...To Almira Kingsbury, wife, use of all property. so long as she remains my widow...Mark or Marcus Freeman husband of Sarah Freeman of Boonville to be executor.. Signed IRA M. KINGSBURY (LS) 24 June 1871

Liber 42:628  Will of Jerry Kingsbury of Boonville
He died July last past
Pro. at Utica 4 Sept. 1889
Wits.: James Boss and L. W. Fiske, both of Boonville
I Jerry Kingsbury of Boonville aged 60 years...debts to be beloved wife Jerusha Kingsbury all property real and personal...She to be executor...6 March 1889 and signed JERRY KINGSBURY (LS)

Liber 50:339  Will of Jerusha Kingsbury of Boonville
Debts to be paid...To my executor in trust $100 for my funeral expenses and to place upon the family monument in Boonville Cemetery an inscription stating date of my birth and death and that I was the daughter of Leonard and Anna Kingsbury and wife of Jerry Kingsbury...To niece Mrs. Anna Cavanagh of Lee $100 payable in 6 months...also 1 doz. solid silver spoons, 1/2 doz. large solid silver spoons and 1 pair of white flannel sheets with red mark in corner...All household goods, furniture & wearing apparel except that above given to Anna Cavanagh to my 3 sisters...sister Emily Hall, sister Trifena Chandler of Ackron, Iowa, sister Nancy Stannard of Western...Exec'r John R
Stannard of Boonville...written 2 Nov. 1891...Signed MRS. JERUSHA KINGSBURY (LS)...Pr. at Utica 22 Dec. 1897.

File No. 2343  Estate of George H. Kingsbury (Outside folder says "Cedar Falls, Iowa")
Petition and Bond of Rhoda C. Kingsbury for appointment as Admr. of est. of her son George H. Kingsbury who died in service of the U.S...Her legal rep. apparently was Arthur R. Johnson...She filed 27 Apr.1865...Rhoda C. Kingsbury is mother of George H. Kingsbury who died on board the steamer Liberty No. 2 near Helena, Arkansas 8 Sept. 1864 while in service of she is will...died leaving assets in  Oneida Co. about $ children, no father surviving and no bros. or sisters except Andrew B Kingsbury of Rome, Solomon B. Kingsbury of NYC, John T. Kingsbury of Utica now In U.S. service, Lewis Kingsbury of Utica now In U.S. service, Celestia Crego w. of Hiram Crego of Milford, Delaware Co., N.Y., Alma Kingsbury a minor residing with petitioner and Mary Kingsbury and Delos D. Kingsbury minors residing with petitioner in Rome, and Hezekiah D. Kingsbury of Little Falls, N.Y.   (Signed "X")

File No. 2349  Est. of Leonard Kingsbury
Est. does not exceed $200     Pr. 3 May 1865
Anna Kingsbury of Boonville, petitioner, widow
He d. 12 Jan. last past.
Children: Emily Hall, Maria Chandler, Tracy Kingsbury, Ira M. Kingsbury,
Jerusha Kingsbury, Nancy Kingsbury, Wayne Kingsbury, Johnathan Kingsbury,
and Nelson Kingsbury...Pet'r filed 20 Apr. 1865...Signed ANNA KINGSBURY (LS)...
Calvin H. Chandler apptd. Adm'r...Bond posted by Calvin H. Chandler
(a son-in-law), James H. Diefendorf and Job W. Fiske...$400...21 Apr. 1865...
Petition  requesting that Calvin H. Chandler be appointed is signed at
Boonville 16 Apr. 1865 by Anna Kingsbury, Jerusha Kingsbury, Ira N. Kingsbury,
Tracy Kingsbury, Anna M. Chandler and Nancy Kingsbury.

File No. 2352   Nicholas Kingsbury         (who had posted bond with Petition
of Israel Kingsbury of Boonville/and Ruel Drake} 12 June 1872...States that 6 May 1856
Letters on personal est. of Nicholas Kingsbury dec'd were granted to Orville V. Kingsbury and Betsey Kingsbury and said Betsey has since died...Petitioners are sureties who signed the bond...Orville V Kingsbury has not rendered an account.. Petitioners want new sureties issued...File includes petition of Betsey Kingsbury (by 0. V. Kingsbury of Boonville, widow of Nicholas Kingsbury late of Boonville...He died Boonville 4 March last will...est. not over $2500...dated 27 Apr. 1858... Signed by both 0. V. KINGSBURY & BETSEY KINGSBURY...File also contains bond of Orville V. Kingsbury, Betsey Kingsbury., Israel Kingsbury and Ruel Drake posted 27 Apr. 1858 for $5000...Adm'r of Orville V. Kingsbury revoked by Surrogate 25 June settlement not in file.


Indexes indicate that there are papers for the following in Boxes--no time
to get these out (All of Boonville)
Ira M. Kingsbury  July 21, 1871 Will Box 131
Betsey Kingsbury June 27, 1870 Adm. Box 132
Erastus T. Kingsbury Feb. 13, 1844 Adm. Box 137
Jerry Kingsbury July 1889 Will Box 140
Nicholas Kingsbury Mar. 14, 1858 Box 132


(In this office, "boxes" are metal containers with open backs--so dusty that one could "plant potatoes" in them---no numbers on papers except the box no. and sometimes 10 or 12 estates in one box, all mixed up with each other--At some time, various est. papers were tied with ribbons but many of these have been disassembled, making it very hard to find the specific papers one is seeking and then to be sure you have found them all.)