
     I James Draper of the Town of Floyd, County of Oneida and State of New York of the age of sixty six years and being of sound mind and memory do make, publish and declare this my last will and testament in manner forecoming that is to say.  First, I give bequeath and desire to my son Asa C. Draper about sixty acres of land situated in the town of  Floyd and being a part of the premises now occupied by myself off the East side of my farm and the same bought of Daniel Draper and a full description of which will be found in deed of conveyance from said Draper,  to have and to hold the same to him and his heirs forever.  Second, I give and bequeath to my wife Betsey Draper after my just debts and funeral expenses are paid, all my personal property including farming utensils and implements, farm stock of every kind, also the balance of my real estate, it being about sixty five acres of land off the West side of the farm now owned by me and joining the piece of land before de-scribed to have and to hold the said personal property and real estate for her own use and benefit during the term of her natural life, the same to be accepted by her in lieu of dower.  After the decease of my wife as aforesaid, I give and bequeath to my son Asa C. Draper the personal property and real  estate aforesaid left for her use during the term of her natural life,  to be used and enjoyed by him during the term of his natural life, and after the decease of the said  Asa C. Draper then the last above named real estate to go in -to his heirs forever. Third. I give and bequeath to my daughter Sarah M. Roberts, wife of Robert Roberts the sum of one thousand Dollars to be paid her by my son Asa C. Draper, the same being a part con-sideration for the bequests before mentioned to the said Asa C. Draper, the same to be paid in six equal annual payments after my decease with interest annually. But should the said Sarah M. Roberts die and leave no heirs by direct issue, then the said bequest shall be void and the whole or any part thereof that may be left at the time of her decease shall be paid  to the said Asa C. Draper, his heirs or assigns. Fourth, I hereby nominate and appoint my wife Betsey Draper and my son Asa C. Draper to be the executors of this my last will and testament hereby revoking all former wills by me made. Given under my hand and seal this 10 day of May, 1873.
Dawna Holst

The last will and testament of Virgil Draper of town and village of Rome in the County of Oneida and state of New York
I Virgil Draper being of sound & disposing? mind and memory do make and declare this my last will and testament in manner and form following that is to say.  First, I direct that all my just debts and funeral and testamentary expenses be paid.  Second, I give to my wife Eliza if she shall survive me the use and enjoyment during her natural life of all the  property of which I may die possessed real or personal. Third, subject in favor ? of my said wife, I give and to my daughter Frances, the wife of Joseph A. Dudley ? of  the city of New York that certain store and lot  in the village of Rome known as numbered? and now occupied by  Griffith W. Jones, valued at forty-five hundred dollars and also those two? cottage houses built by me on Domminick Street in said Village and the lots therewith belonging, valued by me at twenty-two hundred dollars for the property?, this will being together of the assumed total? of thousand seven hundred dollars. Fourth, subject as aforesaid I give & devise to my daughter Mary the wife of Henry ? White of Rome aforesaid the homestead in the village of Rome where I now reside together with all furniture therein and the house and lot in the rear of the said homestead and property on Spring Street. I also give & devise to my said daughter, Mary the house and lot on Dominick Street in said village known as the Pinckney house and lot the whole of which is at bequest to my said daughter Mary, being valued of this will at 4? thousand six hundred dollars. Fifth, subject as aforesaid, I give & devise my daughter Julia that certain store and lot on Domminick Sixth, subject as aforesaid I give all the rest of the property of which I may die seized or possessed in equal shares to my said daughters, Frances1 Mary1 and Julia but my said daughters Mary and Julia shall be first paid out of the general fund such sums as will equalize the devises & bequests hereinbefore contained to them respectively with the devise? to their sister Frances, that is one hundred dollars to Mary and six? hundred dollars to Julia, the residue after which payment to be equally divided between my said three daughters. Seventh, it is my will that if either of my said daughters shall die before this will has fully taken effect leaving a child or children surviving her, that then such child or children shall take that interest and title under this will which the parent if living would have taken. Finally, I appoint my son-in-law Joseph A. Dudley of the city of New York sole executor of this my will, with  the power to sell and convey any real estate of which I may die seized, always however, subject to the provisions hereinbefore contained respecting the same.  In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this ?? day of January in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three.  Witnessed - M. L. Bowland of Rome  B. J. Beach of Rome
Dawna Holst

Betsey Draper of the town of Floyd, Oneida County, and being of sound mind and memory do make, ordain, publish and declare this to be my last Will and testament that is to say. First, after all my lawful debts are paid and discharged, I give and bequeath to my daughter Sophia Booth, wife of James Booth the sum of one hundred dollars to be paid within one year from the time of my decease. Also one half of my wearing apparell left at the time of my decease. Also three silver Tea Spoons, one flowered coverlet, and one old feather bed.  Second, I give and bequeath to my daughter Sarah Roberts wife of Robert Roberts the sum of five Dollars. Also one half of my wearing apparell. Also three silver Tea Spoons.  Third, I give and bequeath to my son Asa C. Draper two feather beds, three Kersey shirts and all other personal property of which I may die possessed after the above be-quests are paid except as hereinafter  expressed.  Fourth, I give and bequeath to my grand daughter Anna E. Roberts one Silver Tea Spoon and to my grandson,  ?hilander Draper one short Kersey Shirt and whatever of bedding is left after the amount bequeathed as aforesaid to be equally divided between my two daughters aforesaid, Sophia Booth and Sarah Roberts share and share alike.
Likewise I make, constitute and appoint my son Asa C. Draper to be sole executor of this my last will and testament hereby revoking all former wills by me made. In witness whereof I have ____________ subscribed my name and affixed my seal this fifteenth day of January in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred
and Seventy Five. (15 January, 1875)
Dawna Holst

Oneida Co., NY Wills Vol. 10 page 106

William Dunbar of Lee
Probated 2 September, 1851
I William Dunbar of Lee, Oneida County, New York do hereby make publish and declare this my Last Will and Testament.
I bequeath to my wife absolutely the Household Furniture and provisions together with two cows and five sheep.
All the rest and remainder of my Real and personal Estate I give bequeath and devise to my wife and children to de???? to them according to the provisions of the Laws of New York (ie my wife to have her dower right and the remainder to be divided equally among my children.
I nominate constitute and appoint Wm. N Stuben of Rome, NY sole executor of this my Last Will and Testament with full power to dispose and sell both my personal and Real Estate and with power to invest my wife’s third so long as she may live or to pay her a sum in ???? upon the principles of law applicable to annuities as she may elect in satisfaction of her claim of Dower. I also nominate him Guardian for my son Doras until he arrives at the age of twenty-one.
In witness where of I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 27th day of March 1851.
William Dunbar SS
T. Jones Jr of Rome, Oneida County, NY
Richard Wood of Lee, Oneida County, NY
William Wood of Lysander, Onondaga County, NY
The foregoing written instrument on the day of the date thereof was subscribed by William Dunbar the Testator therein named in the presence of the undersigned the same William Dunbar at the time he so subscribed the said instrument declared the same to be his last Will and Testament and requested us to sign our names as such witnesses in his presence and in the presence of each other.
T. Jones Jr of Rome, NY
Richard Wood, Lee, NY
William Wood, Lysander NY
State of New York
Oneida County
I, Othinel S. Williams, Surrogate of the county aforesaid do hereby certify the foregoing to be the Record of the Last Will and Testament of William Dunbar deceased and of the proofs and examinations taken thereon.
Othinel S Williams
At a Surrogate Court held at the Surrogate’s Office in Rome in the County of Oneida on the second day of September A.D. 1851 before O.S. Williams Esq. Surrogate of the said county for the purpose of proving and recording the last Will and Testament of William Dunbar late of the town of Lee in the county of Oneida, deceased, in pursuance of chapter sixth, title first, article first, part second, of the Revised Statutes of the State of New York and of an Act entitled “An Act concerning the Proofs of Wills, Executors and Administrators, Guardians and Wards, and Surrogate’s Courts,” passed May 16, 1837, and other Acts concerning the same, on the application of T. Jones Jr. for William N. Stuben in said will named Executor.
Thomas Jones Jr. being duly sworn and examined in open court, testified that he was well acquainted with William Dunbar, deceased and had been for the last 10 years immediately preceding his death: that he died in the month of May last past at Lee in the county of Oneida, which was his last place of residence at the time of his death; that he saw the said testator sign the paper here offered to be proved, recorded, and admitted to probate as the last Will and Testament of the said deceased, on the day the same bears date (the seal having been previously affixed,) that this deponent signed the same, at the same time, as a subscribing witness, in the presence of the Testator, and at his request, and in the presence of Richard Wood and William Wood who also at the same time signed the same as subscribing witnesses in the presence of the Testator and at his request and in the presence of this deponent and in the presence of each other that the said Testator at the time he so signed the said will then and there in the presence of this deponent and in the presence of the other subscribing witness published and declared the same as and for his last will and testament and this deponent further says that the said Testator at the time he signed, published and declared the same as aforesaid was of sound and disposing mind and memory, of full age and not under restraint and capable of devising real and personal estate.
T Jones Jr
Richard Wood being duly sworn and examined in open court, testified that he was well acquainted with William Dunbar, deceased and had been for the last three months immediately preceding his death: that he died in the month of May last past at Lee in the county of Oneida, which was his last place of residence at the time of his death; that he heard the said testator acknowledge that he signed the paper here offered to be proved, recorded, and admitted to probate as the last Will and Testament of the said deceased, on the day the same bears date (the seal having been previously affixed,) that this deponent signed the same, at the same time, as a subscribing witness, in the presence of the Testator, and at his request, and in the presence of T Jones Jr and William Wood who also at the same time signed the same as subscribing witness in the presence of the Testator and at his request and in the presence of this deponent and in the presence of each other that the said Testator at the time he so signed the said will then and there in the presence of this deponent and in the presence of the other subscribing witnesses published and declared the same as and for his last will and testament and this deponent further says that the said Testator at the time he so signed, published and declared the same as aforesaid was of sound and disposing mind and memory, of full age and not under restraint and capable of devising real and personal estate.
Richard Wood
The forgoing proof and examinations taken before me, the Surrogate aforesaid, at the time and place first above mentioned and the depositions of the respective witnesses were by them respectively subscribed after having been carefully read over to them, and I, the said surrogate, being satisfied, upon the said proofs taken that the said will is genuine and valid, and was duly executed, that the said Testator at the time of executing the same, was in all respects competent to devise real and personal estate and not under restraint, do therefore allow the said will to be admitted to probate as a will of real and personal estate, and the said will, proofs and examinations to be recorded.
Witness, Othniel S Williams, Surrogate aforesaid the day and year first aforesaid.
Othniel S Williams
Copy obtained from Sampubco.com
Transcribed by Sharon Loomis

Transcribed by William R. Kuehnling - kuehnling@adelphia.net
Oneida County, NY, New Hartford 9-40
DODGE, Laban
At a Surrogates Court held at the Surrogate Office in Rome in the County of Oneida on the first day of January A.D. 1849 before Othniel S. Williams Esq. Surrogate of the said County for the purpose of proving and recording the Last Will and Testament of Laban Dodge late of the Town of New Hartford in the County of Oneida deceased in pursuance of Chapter Sixth, Title First, Article First, Part Second of the Revised Statutes of the State of New York and of an Act entitled ‘An Act concerning the Proof of Wills, Executors and Administrators and Guardians and Wards and Surrogates Courts’ passed May 16 1837, on the application of Russell Blackstone in said Will named Executor.
Jeremiah Manchester being duly sworn in open court testified that he was well acquainted with Laban Dodge deceased and had been for the last twenty years immediately preceding his death; that he died in the month of October last past as deponent believes, at New Hartford, in the County of Oneida which was his last place of residence at the time of his death; that he saw the said Testator sign the paper here offered to be proved, recorded and admitted to probate as the Last Will and Testament of the said deceased on the day the same bears date (the seal having been previously affixed) then this deponent signed the same at the same time as a subscribing witness, in the presence of the Testator and at his request and in the presence of David L. Jewett who also at the same time signed the same as a subscribing witness in the presence of the Testator and at his request and in the presence of this deponent; that the said Testator at the time he so signed the same then and there in the presence of this deponent, and in the presence of the other subscribing witness published and declared the same as and for his Last Will and Testament and this deponent further says that the said Testator at the time he so signed, published and declared the same as aforesaid was of sound and disposing mind and memory of full age and not under restraint and capable of devising real and personal Estate.
Jeremiah Manchester
David L. Jewett being duly sworn and examined in the open court testified that he was well acquainted with Laban Dodge deceased and had been for the last sixteen years immediately preceding his death; that he died in the month of October last past of New Hartford in the County of Oneida which was the last place of his residence at the time of his death; that he saw the said Testator sign the paper here offered to be proved, recorded and admitted to probate as the Last Will and Testament of the said deceased on the day the same bears date (the seal having been previously affixed) that this deponent signed the same at the same time as a subscribing witness in the presence of the Testator and at his request and in the presence of Jeremiah Manchester who also at the same time signed the same as subscribing witness in the presence of the Testator at his request in the presence of this deponent; that the said Testator at the time he so signed the same, then and there in the presence of this deponent and in the presence of the other prescribing witness published and declared the same as and for his Last Will and Testament  and this deponent further says that the said Testator at the time he so signed, published and declared the same as aforesaid was of sound and disposing mind  and memory of full age and not under restraint and capable of devising real and personal Estate.
David L. Jewett
The foregoing proofs and examinations and the depositions of the respective place first mentioned and the depositions of the respective witnesses were by them respectively subscribed after having been carefully read over to them and I the said Surrogate, being satisfied upon the said proof taken that the said Will is genuine and valid and was duly executed; that the said Testator at the time of executing the same was in all respects competent to devise real and personal estate and not under restraint do therefore allow the said Will to be admitted to probate as a Will of Real and Personal Estate and the said Will, Proofs and Examination to be recorded.
Witness Othniel S. Williams Surrogate aforesaid, the day and year first aforesaid.
In grateful acknowledgement of the goodness of my divine benefactors and in humble reliance upon this guidance and protection, I Laban Dodge of New Hartford in the County of Oneida and State of New York, do make and ordain publish and declare this my Last Will and Testament hereby revoking all others heretofore by me made.
To my son Frederick Dodge and to his wife Ann I give and bequeath the use and benefit of that part of the Hemmingway Farm so called which lies on the south side of the road running through the same, and now in possession of the said Frederick during their joint natural lives and during the life of the survivors and after the decease of the survivors I give and bequeath the same to their joint lawful heirs for ever.
To my son Warren Dodge, his heirs and assigns forever, I give and bequeath the lot of land I bought of Samuel Fillorton the Executor of the Estate of Nathaniel Montague deceased and called the “Montague Lot” including a triangular piece of ground adjoining the same on the South Easterly corner and described as follows.  Beginning in the centre of the road at the South East corner of said “Montague Lot” and runs thence Easterly along the centre of the road one chain and seven links to a point opposite to a square cedar path in a new board fence on the Northerly side of the road (marked) thence Northerly on said fence five chains and sixty seven links to a maple tree, marked, thence Southerly on the line of the Easterly line of the “Montague Lot” passing through to the Dwelling House, to the place of beginning, Excepting and reserving therefrom so much of the Burying Grounds that is now fenced out as lies within said Montague Lot and is hereinafter more particularly mentioned and he and his heirs and assigns are to have the free and uninterrupted possession of the same immediately after my decease.
To my wife Mary Dodge I give and bequeath the sole use and benefit of all my Real Estate of which I may die possessed (not otherwise herein disposed of) during her natural life, in such way that the proceeds or profits of the same may be at her disposal in any way she may think proper and after her decease my will is that said Real Estate shall be sold by my Executors and after paying all her debts and funeral charges (together with a pair of white marble tombstones to be erected at her grave within three months of her decease) the proceeds of such Real Estate shall be added to the money or securities hereinafter mentioned to be disposed of as the residue of my Estate.
After the payment of all my debts and funeral charges together with the expense of a pair of white marble tombstones to be erected at my grave within three months of my decease, I direct that all Mortgages, Notes or money I may have on hand shall be kept as interest by my Executors and the income of the same to be paid to my said wife during her natural life.  I also give and bequeath to her the use and benefit of all my other personal property of which I may die possessed and after her decease all the household furniture together with her wearing apparel and Side Saddle of which she may die possessed shall be equally divided among Amy Pearce the wife of William Pearce, the three daughters of Eunice Hurd the deceased wife of Jairus Hurd, and Sarah Blackstone the wife of Russell Blackstone.
And I hereby appoint Jairus Hurd as Guardian or attorney for his three daughters to attend with the division of said furniture and direct that there shall be no inventory or appraisal taken of the same, but the three parties shall all attend and divide the same among themselves without any interference of my Executors, and I direct that in the case of my daughter Eunice’s daughters that their share shall be equally divided among them and be delivered to them as they shall respectively arrive at the age of twentyone years or shall become married.
My own wearing apparel I direct shall be equally divided between my sons Frederick Dodge and Warren Dodge.
With the exception of the furniture and apparel above mentioned I direct my Executors after the decease of my widow to dispose of all the personal property she may die possessed of in such a way as they as they may think proper and the avails after deducting expenses to be applied to the residue of my Estate and after her decease and the sale of any Real Estate which I direct shall be done by my Executors as soon after her decease as may be without damage to those concerned.  All the proceeds of such Real and Personal Estate together with the monies or securities in the hands of my Executors (forming the residue) shall be equally divided among my children Amy Pearce the wife of William Pearce, William Pitt Dodge, Frederick Dodge, Sarah Blackstone the wife of Russell Blackstone, Warren Dodge, Philomela Almira Dodge, the daughters of my deceased son Eben Dodge and to the several children of Eunice Hurd the deceased wife of Jairus Hurd.
In the event of the decease of any of the Legatees above mentioned (excepting William P. Dodge and Philomena A. Dodge) before the distribution of the residue of my Estate by my Executors I direct that the share of the one or more so dying shall be paid to his or her lawful heirs respectively.
In the event of the death of William P. Dodge before such distribution I direct that his share of such residue shall be paid to the children of himself and his wife Marcia Dodge.
The share of Philomela A. Dodge in such residue I direct shall be placed at interest on landed security by my Executors and the income thereof shall be paid by them to her mother or Guardian for the time being to be applied towards her support and education and in case she dies before she arrives at the age of twentyone years leaving us lawful heir of her body I direct that her said share shall be divided among the legatees above mentioned in the same proportion as it would have been had she not received any part of said residue, and if she arrive at the age of twentyone years her share shall be paid to her at that time without reserve, and in case of her death before she arrive at the age of twentyone years leaving lawful heir or heirs of her body I direct such shall be paid to such heir or heirs.
In the event of the sale of my Real Estate by my Executors I direct that the piece of ground now fenced in as a burying ground shall be reserved for a place of burying the dead for any heirs forever with free access to the same for my heirs at any time for the purpose of interring the dead by such way as will do the least damage to crops of grain or grass that may be growing on the Land now owned or hereby devised by me through which it may be necessary  to pass for such purpose, and I direct that in the sale of my Real Estate the purchasers of Land adjoining such burying ground shall be required to keep and maintain the fence around the same at all times in good order and repair.
Lastly I constitute and appoint Russell Blackstone and Dan C. Mills both of the Town of New Hartford the Executors of this my Will and Testament and desire of them that they will settle and adjust my affairs according to the spirit and intention of this my Will as speedily as the interest of those concerned will justify.
In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand this twelfth day of December in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Forty Two, the seal having been affixed before signing my name.
Laban Dodge L. S.
Signed, sealed, published and declared in presence of the subscribers who in the presence of the testator and in the presence of each other and at the testators request, subscribed our names as witnesses
Jeremiah Manchester of the Town of New Hartford
David L. Jewett of the Town of New Hartford
State of New York Oneida County.  I Othniel S. Williams Surrogate of the said County do hereby certify the foregoing to be the Record of the Last Will and Testament of Laban Dodge and of the Proofs and Examinations taken thereon.
Othniel S. Williams

Transcribed  by William R. Kuehnling - kuehnling@adelphia.net
Surnames: DODGE, BARNS
Oneida County, NY, New Hartford 10-119
DODGE, Frederick
At a Surrogates Court held at the Surrogates Office in Clinton in the County of Oneida on the 11th day of November A.D. 1850 before Othniel S. Williams Esq. Surrogate of the said County for the purpose of proving and recording the last Will and Testament of Frederick Dodge late of the Town of New Hartford in the County of Oneida deceased in pursuance of Chapter Sixth, Title First, Article First, Part Second of the Revised Statutes of the State of New York and of an Act entitled ‘An Act concerning the Proof of Wills, Executors and Administrators and Guardians and Wards and Surrogates Courts’ passed May 16 1837 and other acts concerning the same on the application of Jeremiah Manchester in said will named Executor.
Jeremiah Manchester being duly sworn and examined in open court testified that he was well acquainted with Frederick Dodge deceased and had been for the last 30 years immediately preceding his death that he died in the month of August last past at New Hartford, in the County of Oneida which was his last place of residence at the time of his death that he saw the said Testator sign the paper here offered to be proved recorded and admitted to probate as the last will and testament of the said deceased on the day the same bears date (the seal having been previously affixed) that this deponent signed the same at the same time as a subscribing witness, in the presence of the Testator and at his request and in the presence of Charles E. Palmer who also at the same time signed the same as subscribing witness in the presence of the Testator and at his request and in the presence of this deponent that the said Testator at the time he so signed the said will then and there in the presence of this deponent and in the presence of the other subscribing witness published and declared the same as and for his last will and testament and this deponent further says that the said Testator at the time he so signed published and declared the same as aforesaid was of sound and disposing mind and memory and of full age and not under restraint and capable of devising real and personal estate.
J Manchester
Charles E. Palmer being duly sworn and examined in open court testified that he was well acquainted with Frederick Dodge deceased and had been for the last 6 years immediately preceding his death that he died in the month of August last past at New Hartford in the County of Oneida which was his last place of residence at the time of his death that he saw the said Testator sign the paper here offered to be proved, recorded and admitted to probate as the last will and testament of the said deceased on the day the same bears date (the seal having been previously affixed) that this deponent signed the same at the same time as a subscribing witness in the presence of the Testator and at his request and in the presence of Jeremiah Manchester who also at the same time signed the same as subscribing witness in the presence of the Testator at his request and in the presence of this deponent that the said Testator at the time he so signed the said will then and there in the presence of this deponent and in the presence of the other substantiating witness published and declared the same as and for his Last Will and Testament and this deponent further says that the said Testator at the time he so signed published and declared the same as aforesaid was of sound and disposing mind and memory of full age and not under restraint and capable of devising real and personal estate.
Charles E. Palmer
The foregoing proofs and examinations taken before me the Surrogate aforesaid at the time and place first above mentioned and the depositions of the respective witnesses were by them respectively subscribed after having been read carefully over to them and I the said Surrogate so being satisfied upon the said proof taken that the said will is genuine and valid and was duly executed that the said Testator at the time of executing the same was in all respects competent to devise real and personal estate and not under restraint do therefore allow the said will to be admitted to probate as a will of real and personal estate and the said will proofs and examination to be recorded.
Witness Othniel S. Williams Surrogate aforesaid the day and year first aforesaid.
I Frederick Dodge of New Hartford in the county of Oneida and State of New York do make and ordain publish and declare this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following
Item  I direct that my Executor hereinafter named shall sell to the best advantage in his power the House + Lot which I bought of William Mathews lying on the north side of the Seneca Turnpike (now Plank Road) and after paying the incumbrance (sic) on the place which is now due to appropriate the balance to the payment of my just debts and funeral charges.
Item  To my wife Sarah Ann Dodge I give and devise the sole and uninterrupted use and benefit of the House and lot where I now reside to have and to hold the same to her only use and benefit for as long as she shall remain my widow and after her decease or ceasing to be my widow I give and devise the said house and lot to my sons James Dodge and Le Grande Dodge to be equally divided between them in any matter that they agree upon.
Item  I also give and devise to my said wife the use of all my furniture in my house on the same terms on which she is to hold and use the House and lot and after that time I give and devise the said furniture to my two daughters Juliett Barns and Sarah Dodge excepting only mo Book Case or Secretary which I give and devise to my son Le Grande Dodge.
Item  After the payment of all just charges and demands against my Estate should there be any surplus of funds from the sale of the Mathews place or other sources I note and direct that the same shall be applied to the repair and improvement of the House and lot where I now reside.
Lastly  I hereby constitute and appoint my friend Jeremiah Manchester Executor of this my will with full power to do and perform whatsoever may be herein enjoined upon him and whatsoever may to that office belong.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand this twenty first day of July in the year Eighteen hundred and fifty the seal having been previously affixed.
Frederick Dodge L. S.
Signed sealed published and declared by the said Frederick Dodge as his last will and testament in the presence of the subscribers who in the presence of each other and in the presence of the testator and at his request subscribed our names as witnesses
Jeremiah Manchester of the Town of New Hartford
Charles E. Palmer of the Town of New Hartford
State of New York Oneida County.  I Othniel S. Williams Surrogate of the county aforesaid do hereby certify the foregoing to be the Record of the last will and Testament of Frederick Dodge deceased and of the proofs and examinations taken thereon.
Othniel S. Williams